1、module 7 unit 2 fill out a form and come to learn english in la一、 教学内容 : unit2 fill out our form and come to learn english in los angeles.二、 课型: reading and writing三、 教学目标:1 、 能 够 正 确 使 用 下 列 单 词 和 词 组 : culture,last,depend,provide,test,progress,form,guest,friendship,stay,prefer,certain,fill,at the
2、same time,depend on,stay in touch with,fill out.四、 教学重难点:1、 能够读懂介绍洛杉矶英语学习活动的短文;2、 能够运用 and,but或 or ,表达个人观点;五、 教学预备:课堂整体运用任务型教学模式以及阅读课“四个阶段”教学模式;本课指导同学通过阅读猎取信息,培育同学阅读技能;在教学过程中,采纳多媒体手段帮助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程;因此,本节课需预备: ppt课件、挂图、录音机、课堂练习表格、奖品;六、 教学过程:教学老师活动同学活动设计意图步骤step one warming- up 3 1.lead inhav
3、e the students look atthepicturesand have a free talk with them:what are they doing.do you want to learn english in foreign countries. which country would you like togo.1.lookatthepicturesand answer the questions.通过让同学看 图谈论图片及 自由交谈快速 进入本课的话 题,训练了同学的反应,并在无形中培育同学 大胆说英语的 习惯;step two pre- reading5 1. sh
4、owstudentsthe picturesandleadthem to describethemand present new words insentencesand teach them as well.2. have students guess:lookatthetitleand pictures.whatthingswill1.watch and try to describe the picturesandlearnsomenew words .引导同学谈论 图片 , 训练同学描述图片的能 力;在描述的同时学习新单词 和句型,尽量做到词不离句, 为同学扫清阅读 障碍;通过推测,
5、激发step three while-youdoifyoutakethe course.1. skimmingaskstudentstoscanthe passageandfindoutthe2. guess what thingsthey will do if they take the course.1. skim the passage and choose the main idea.同学产生阅读 的愿望和心理;要求同学快速 阅读文章, 选出课文的主题大reading24 mainactivity2.ideaofitthe passage is a.a guid to los ange
6、les意,培育同学的快速阅读技巧b.informationaboutenglish和猎取文章整coursesc.a storyof lifein los angeles体信息的才能;2. scanning( 1 ) ask students to skim the passage and match theheadingswiththed.a newspaper story about language courses2. scan the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs in activity3.在同学抓住课 文主题大意后
7、,要求同学再次 对课文进行跳step three while- reading24 paragraphsactivity3.a.t:weknow thispassage is informationaboutenglish courses.whatinformation does it contain .readthepassagequickly againandmatchthe headingswiththe paragraphs in pairs.( 2) callback theanswers.3. careful reading. 1paragraph 1 readparagraph1
8、andcomplete the notes.paragraph 1paragraph 2paragraph 3paragraph 4paragraph 53.careful reading(1) paragraph 1a.teaching b.free time c.placesto stay d.more information e.study english with us读并匹配段落大意,使同学对篇章结构有更 深层次的懂得,为进一步学习 做好铺垫;让同学带着任 务(问题) 去阅读课文,去找答案,有助于同学更加精确地获t: now, we know they trainhardthisye
9、ar.whereand when do they train . read paragraph 1&2 in pairs and choose the best answers tothe two questions. let the students read paragraph 1 in groups of four and findout difficulties. solve the difficulties.t: when do the courses start. let s continue learning paragraph2.(2) paragraph 2: pre
10、sent somesentences to the students and ask them to write “t” or “f” and correct the wrong sentences read paragraph1carefully andcomplete the notes.they can offer you great englishcourses.youcanlearn about and your english at the same time. read paragraph 1 in groups of fourand findoutdifficulties.so
11、lvethedifficulties together.2 paragraph 2: readparagraph2 and choose the取细节信息, 提高阅读成效和 猎取细节信息 技能;同学通过分层次阅读文 章,猎取详细信息,把学问点和课文懂得在分 段学习得以突 破;而小组活动能通过同学间 的自主、合作学习,让同学充分地实践运用语 言,并激发同学制造性思维的 进展;aswellafterreading paragraph 3 .ask a student to be “ a little teacher ” to check the answers.letoneteamstudents
12、 readparagraph2andthe otherstudentslisten carefullytopointoutimportant points. solve the difficulties.t: where can you stay.what otherthingsyoucando afterclass.read paragraph 3&4andchoosetorfin groups of 4 students. 3paragraph 3&4: letthestudentsreadparagraph3&4andchoose tor f and correc
13、t the falseones as well. call back theanswers.askagroupofsix students to read paragraph 3&4.lettheotherstudents listencarefullyandfind out difficulties. solve difficulties.best answers:a. how long does the shortest course last. a.4 weeks b. 6 weeksc.8 weeks d.half a monthb. the courses start at
14、the endof and the well-trained teachers teach english classesfor hours a day. a.august;4 b.july;4 c.july;8d.june;6c. theycheckyourprogressby a. setting tests every day b.setting tests every week c.talking with you d.working in groups astudenttobealittleteacher to check the answers. others try their
15、best to answer the questions .oneteamstudentsreadparagraph2andtheother studentspointout difficulties points. to say the difficulties and solve together.3paragraph3&4: readparagraph3&4 and choose tor f and correctthefalseones as well in groups of 4.a. you can stay with an american family or i
16、n a hotel.b. you can have meals with the family but you cant take part in their daily life.c. youcanvisit hollywood,disneylandorsan francisco after class. agroupofsixstudentstoread paragraph 3&4. the other studentslistencarefullyand find out difficulties. saythedifficultiesandt: is it free to le
17、arnenglishinlos angeles.when should you pay forit .lets read the lastparagraph.4paragraph 5 have the students read paragraph5 and answer the two questions in pairs.call back the answers by checkingtwopairsof students. askastudenttoreadparagraph 5. let the other studentslistencarefully and find out d
18、ifficulties. solve difficulties.solve them.4paragraph 5 readparagraph5andanswer the two questions in pairs:a. when should you pay for the course.b. what things should you do ifyou want to learnenglishin los angeles. ask and answer the questionsin pairs. one student read paragraph 5 and the other stu
19、dents listen carefullyandfindout difficulties.step four post- reading 10 1.retell. let the students complete the passage with the correct form of the wordsand expressions in the boxinactivity5in groupsof 4. call back the answers from two students then read the short passage in the whole class .2.tal
20、kandmakenotesin groups. have thestudentswork ingroups of 4 and talk aboutachinesecoursefor foreignstudentsinhuizhou and then make notes. then ask two students totalk about it. saythedifficultiesand solve them1. complete the passage with the words and expressions in the box in activity5 in groups of
21、4.2. talkand makenotesingroups. work in groups of 4 and talk aboutachinesecourseforforeignstudentsinhuizhou and then make notes.复述课文能使 同学加深对课 文内容的懂得;适量的口头练习,让同学巩固本课时的语言重点并为后面的写作做好铺垫;step five1.get the students tosum up thelanguagepoints. t:whathavewelearned1. sum up the language points.引导同学对这节课的总结,
22、让同学做自由发summarytoday.言,培育同学自(2)ss:,2.let the students choose主学习,自主总结的良好学习thebestteaminthis2.to choose the best groups.习惯;lesson.简短的评判使同学的课堂表现得到确定并且可以鼓励学生的学习爱好,树立学习英语的信心;step sixwrite a passage about thewriteapassageaboutthe课后作业有助home-chinese course for foreignchinesecourseforforeign于同学巩固已workstudents in huizhou.students in huizhou .学的学问, 补充(1)其他方面的锻炼;写作是阅读的拓展,让同学最终完全把握语言,实践运用语言;七、板书设计:unit2 fill out our form and come to learn english in los angeles. at the same timedepend onstay in tou
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