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1、施心远主编第二版第三册教程unit-3答案听力Unit 3Secti on One Tactics for liste ningPart 1 Spot Dictatio nWildlifeEvery ten minu tes, one kind of ani mal, pla nt or in sect (1) dies out for ever. If nothing is done about it, one million species that are alive today will have become (2) extinct twenty years from now.The

2、 seas are in dan ger. They are being filled with (3) pois on: in dustrial and nu clear waste, chemical fertilizers and (4) pesticides, sewage. If nothing is done about it, one day soon nothing will be able to (5) live in the seas.The tropical rain (6) forests which are the home of half the earth'

3、;s living things are (7) being destroyed . If nothing is done about it, they will have (8) nearly disappeared in twenty years. The effect on the world's (9) climate - and on our agriculture and food (10) supplies - will be disastrous.(11) Fortunately, somebody is trying to do something about it.

4、 In 1961, the (12) World Wildlife Fu nd was fou nded - a small group of people who wan ted to (13) raise money to save ani mals and pla nts (14) from ext in cti on . Today, the World Wildlife Fund is a large (15) intern ati ona l orga ni zati on .It has raised over (16)$5 millio n for (17) conservat

5、ion projects, and has created or given support to the National Parks in (18) five continents . It has helped 30 (19) mammals and birds - in clud ing the tiger - to (20) survive.Part 2 Liste ning for GistMrs. Bates: Hullo. Is that Reception?.Recepti on: Yes, madamMrs. Bates: This is Mrs. Bates. Room

6、504. I sent some clothes to the laundry this morning, two of my husband's shirts and three of my blouses. But they're not back yet. You see, we're leav ing early tomorrow morning.Recepti on: Just a mome nt, madam. I'll put you through to the housekeeper.Housekeeper: Hullo. Housekeepe

7、r.Mrs. Bates: Oh, hullo. This is . I'm pho ning from Room 504. It'sabout some clothes I sent to the laundry this morning.They're not back yet and you see .Housekeeper: They are, madam. You'll find them in your wardrobe.They're in the top drawer on the left.Mrs. Bates: Oh, I did n

8、't look in the wardrobe. Thank you verymuch. Sorry to trouble you.Housekeeper: That's quite all right. Goodbye.Mrs. Bates: Goodbye.ExerciseDirections: Listen to the dialogue and write down the gist and the key words that help you decide.1) This dialogue is about making an inquiry about the l

9、aundry2) The key words are recepti on. laun dry. shirts. blouses. wardrobe.Secti on Two Liste ning Comprehe nsionPart 1 DialogueA UN In terpreterIn terviewer: . so perhaps you could tell us how exactly you becameso proficie nt at Ian guage lear ning, Suza nne.Suzanne: Well, I think it all started wi

10、th a really fortunate accidentof birth. You know I was bor n in Lausa nn e*, Switzerla nd; my father was Swiss- Fre nch Swiss and my mother was America n, so, of course, we spoke both Ian guages at home and I grew up bili ngual. Then, of course, I lear ntGerma nat school - in Switzerla nd that's

11、 no rmal. And because I was already flue nt in En glish, my sec ond Ian guage at school was Italian . So I had a real head start (有利的开端)!In terviewer: So that's . one, two, three, four - you had lear nt fourIan guages by the time you left school? How flue nt were you?Suzanne: Urn, I was native s

12、peaker standard in French and English, but I'd become a bit rusty* in German and my Italian was only school standard . I decided the best option was to study in the UK, and I did Hispanic Studies at university, studying Spanish and Portuguese , with some Italian, and living in Manchester. Then I

13、 went to live in Brazil for two years, teaching English.Interviewer: So by this time you must have been fluent in six languages?Suzanne: Nearly. My Italian wasn't perfect, but I had a boyfriend from Uruguay* while I was there, so my Spanish also became pretty good!Interviewer: And then what did

14、you do?Suzanne: When I was 25 I came back to Switzerland, went to an interpreters' school and then got a job in the United Nations when I was 28.Interviewer: And you've been there ever since?Suzanne: Not quite. In the first few months I met Jan, a Czech interpreter, who became my husband. We

15、 went to live in Prague in 1987 and that was where I learnt Czech.Interviewer: And the eighth language?Suzanne: Well, unfortunately the marriage didn't last; I was veryupset and I decided to take a long break. I went to Japan on holiday, got a job and stayed for two years, which was when I learn

16、t Japanese.Interviewer: That's amazing! And now you're back at the United Nations?Suzanne: Yes. Well, I never really left. I carried on doing work for them when I was in Prague - some in Prague, some in Austria and Switzerland, and I took a "sabbatical*" to work in Japan. They need

17、 people who can understand Japanese. But, yes, I've been back with them full-time for two years now.Interviewer: And your plans for the future?Suzanne: I'm going to learn more Oriental languages . It was such a challenge learning Japanese - it's so different from all the others. So I'

18、;ll spend another two or three years here with the UN full-time, during which time I hope to get a substantial promotion, then I think I'll go back and learn Korean , or perhaps Chinese, and Thai - I'd love to learn Thai. And then, perhaps an Indian language. Whatever, I want to be fluent in

19、 another three or four languages beforeExerciseDirections: Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).l.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.T 8.T 9. T 10. FPart 2 PassageThe Clyde RiverRunning through one of Britain's biggest manufacturing centers, Glasgow,

20、the Clyde River* was poisoned for more than a century by the fetid* byproducts of industry.The waterway bore the brunt of ( 首 当 其 冲 )Glasgow's economic success during the Industrial Revolution and beyond, as pollution and chemicals destroyed its fish and wildlife populations and brewed smells wh

21、ose memory still makes residents wince*. Now, with heavy industry gone and Glasgow reconceived as a center for culture and tourism, the Clyde is coming back to life.For the first time since the late 1800s, its native salmon have returned in sizable numbers, reflecting the new cleanliness of a river

22、that was once one of Britain's filthiest.The Clyde River Foundation surveyed fish populations last autumn at 69 sites in the Clyde and its tributaries, and found salmon in seven of the nine major tributaries.The migratory fish, which vanished from the Clyde around 1880 after a long decline, firs

23、t reappeared in the 1980s, but last year's survey was the first to show they've come back in healthy numbers .Although commercial salmon fishing was never widespread on the Clyde, the fish's return is symbolically important for Glasgow, where salmon were once so important to the city'

24、;s identitythat twoare pictured on its official coat of arms.The salmon's comeback is also a sign of big improvements to water quality. Like sea trout, which have also reappeared in the Clyde system in recent years, salmon are very sensitive to environmental conditions and require cool, well-oxy

25、genated* water to thrive.The decline of Glasgow's main industries helped boost the fortunes of a river that was essentially fishless for decades during the worst periods of pollution.The closure of factories that had poured toxins* and other pollutants into the river boosted water quality signif

26、icantly. Environmental regulators also lightened dumping rules, and modern sewage processing plants helped eliminate some of the foul* smells that once tainted* the air.With worries rising about the environmental impact of enormous fish farms elsewhere in Scotland and severely depleted fish stocks i

27、n the North Sea and North Atlantic, the Clyde comeback is a rare bit of good n ews for Scotla nd's fish lovers.Si nee the area that is now Glasgow was first settled around the year 550, the Clyde has been central to its history.The river's depth and navigability helped make Glasgow an import

28、ant center for importing tobacco, sugar and cotton from the Americas starti ng in the 1600s. Later, duri ng the In dustrial Revolution that began in the late 1700s, Glasgow became a center of British shipbuilding and one of the country's great manufacturing cen ters.The mills and factories that

29、lined the Clyde made steel, textiles and chemicals, tanned leather and eve n produced candy and brewed alcohol.When the factories began to close in the second half of the 20th century, working-class Glasgow, Scotland's largest city, gained a reputati on for social deprivati on and rough streets.

30、 More rece ntly, its art museums and ni ghtlife have helped drive an econo mic comeback that has turned the city into a popular tourist destination.Exercise A Pre-liste ning Questi onRivers are importa nt to huma ns because they supply fresh drinking water, serve as home for importa nt fishes, and p

31、rovide transportation routes.Exercise B Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.1) Salmon are very sensitive to environmental conditions and require cool, well-oxygenated water to thrive.2) The closure of factories that had

32、poured toxins and other pollutants into the river boosted water quality significantly and modern sewage processing plan(st 污水处理厂) helped eliminate some of the foul smells.3) The river's depth and navigability helped make Glasgow an important center for importing tobacco, sugar and cotton from th

33、e Americas starting in the 1600s.4) The mills and factories that lined the Clyde made steel, textiles and chemicals, tanned leather and even produced candy and brewed alcohol.5) When the factories began to close in the second half of the 20th century, working-class Glasgow, Scotland's largest ci

34、ty, gained a reputation for social deprivation (社会剥夺) and rough streets.Exercise C Detailed Listening Directions: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.l.A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. AExercise D After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen

35、 to the passage again and discuss the following questions.1) The Clyde's depth and navigability helped make Glasgow an important center for importing tobacco, sugar and cotton from the Americas starting in the 1600s. And the city became a center of British shipbuilding and one of the country'

36、;s great manufacturing centers during the Industrial Revolution. More recently, its art museums and nightlife have helped drive an economic comeback that has turned the city into a popular tourist destination.2) (Open)Section Three :NewsNews Item 1Governments Ban Nine Of The World's Most Hazardo

37、us Chemicals UN Environment Program Executive Director Achim Steiner calls the agreement historic. He says the nine chemicals that have joined the list of Persiste nt Orga nic Polluta nts, or POPS, are extremely harmful to the en vir onment and to health.The n ewly targeted chemicals in clude produc

38、ts that are widely used in pesticides and flame-retardants, and in a number of other commercial uses, such as a treatme nt for head lice.These nine toxic chemicals will joi n the Stockholm Conven tio n's origi nal list of 12 Persiste nt Orga nic Polluta nts, referred to as the "dirty doze n

39、."The polluta nts are especially dan gerous because they cross boundaries and travel long distances, from the Equator to the Arctic. They persist in the atmosphere and take many years, ofte n decades, to degrade into less dan gerous forms.They pose great risks to the environment and human healt

40、h, especially to young people, farmers, preg nant wome n and the unborn. Exercise ADirections: Listen to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about a ban of nine of the wo rld smost hazardous chemicals.Exercise BDirections: Listen to the news again and complete the following pass

41、age.UN environment Program Executive welcomed the agreementto ban the production of nine of the world ' most hazardous chemicals that are extremely harmful to the environment and toa list of 12 other so-calledhealth. These substances will join persistent organic pollutants , or POPS, that are pr

42、ohibited under an international treaty known as the Stockholm Convention .The newly targeted chemicals include products that are widely used in pesticides and flame-retardants , and in a number of other commercial uses, such as a treatme nt for head lice.The pollutants are especially dangerous becau

43、se they cross boundaries and travel long distances, from the Equator to the Arctic . They persist in the atmosphere and take many years, often decades, to degrade into less dan gerous forms.They pose great risks to the environment and human health, especially to young people, farmers, pregnant women

44、 and the unborn .News Item2World Climate Conference to Focus on Adaptatio n to ClimateChangeScientists predict the world will get hotter over the coming decades. A major conference in Copenhagen at the end of the year will focus on ways to mitigate the worst affects of global warming.WMO Secretary-G

45、eneral Michel Jarraud ( 世界气象组织秘书长 贾侯)says coun tries must have the tools to adapt to a cha nging climate. They must be able to respond to a world that is likely to experience more extreme weather events, such as floods and hurricanes.Jarraud notes farmers in certain parts of the world will have to a

46、dapt to a dryer climate. He says they might have to modify irrigation systems or consider growing crops that do not require much rain.He says global warming is likely to increase the intensity and frequency of extreme weather events. Therefore, better and more timely information on these phenomena a

47、re essential to make decisions on climate variability and change. To do this, he says, weather observation networks must be strengthened.The WMO chief says climate change is a global problem. And, everyone needs everyone else to solve this problem. He says even the biggest, richest countries cannot

48、do it alone. He says the developed world needs reliable weather information from developing countries and vice-versa.Exercise A Directi ons: Liste n to the n ews item and complete the summary.This news item is about an appeal for global cooperation to deal with climate cha nge.Exercise BDirections:

49、Listen to the news again and answer the following questi ons.1) Scientists predict the world will get hotter over the coming decades.2) A major conference in Cope nhage n at the end of the year will focus on ways to mitigate the worst affects of global warmi ng.3) Countries must have the tools to ad

50、apt to a changing climate.4) Jarraud notes farmers in certain parts of the world will haveto adapt to a dryer climate. He says they might have to modify irrigati on systems or con sider grow ing crops that do not require much rai n.5) Global warm ing is likely to in crease the inten sity andfreque n

51、cy of extreme weather eve nts.6) Weather observation networks must be strengthened.7) Even the biggest, richest countries cannot do it alone. He says the developed world n eeds reliable weather in formati on fromdevelop ing coun tries and vice-versa.News Item3Scie ntists have warned that the Great B

52、arrier Reef - which stretches for more tha n 2,500 kilometers dow n Australia's n ortheast coast - is likely to bear the brunt of warmer ocean temperatures.A major concern has been the bleaching of coral, where the sen sitive marine orga ni sms wither un der en vir onmen tal stress caused by in

53、creased water temperature, polluti on or sedime ntatio n. An unexpected discovery at the southern end of the reef has provided some rare good n ews for researchers.Researchers found that coral in the Keppel Islands off Queensland, which was damaged by bleaching in 2006 and then smothered by seaweed

54、that overgrew the reef, has man aged to repair itself.Experts say to see reefs bounce back from mass coral bleach ing in less tha n a decade is highly unu sual.Like other coral systems, the Great Barrier Reef is facing a range of environmental threats. Scientists say their capacity to recovery from

55、damage in flicted by warmer waters, for example, will be critical to its future health.The Great Barrier Reef is one of Australia's premier tourist attractions. It covers an area bigger than Britain and is the largest living structure on earth and the only one visible from space.Exercise ADirect

56、i ons: Liste n to the n ews item and complete the summary.This news item is about the Great Barrier Reef. _Exercise BDirecti ons: Liste n to the n ews aga in and decide whether the follow ingstateme nts are true (T) or false (F).l. T2. F 3. T 4.F5. T 6. TSecti on Four Suppleme ntary ExercisesPart 1F

57、eature ReportSyd ney Ready for Big Switch Off as Earth Hour Goes GlobalScotland's Edinburgh Castle, the Bird's Nest stadium in Beijing and the pyramids in Egypt will join the Sydney Opera House in dim ming their lights as part of Earth Hour.The global eve nt has bee n en dorsed by the Secret

58、ary-Ge neral of the United Nations. Ban Ki-moon has said it was the biggest climate cha nge dem on stratio n ever attempted. Mr. Ban urged people everywhere to pressure their gover nments to take decisive acti on to cut carb on pollutio n.Organizers are hoping that up to a billion people from small

59、villages in Namibia to sprawling cities in Asia will participate in an international effort to cut greenhouse gas emissions, which many scientists blame for a warming climate.One of the architects of Earth Hour, Andy Ridley from the conservation group World Wildlife Fund (WWF), says the current financial meltdown should not be used as an excuse to delay environmental reforms."The global economic crisis has proved that we are a global community, so when America goes bad, we all go bad and cl


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