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1、首先,这个文档不同于别的参考书,它是以一句话为单元,给您讲解单词,语法,译文,适合基础薄弱的同学。第二,请同学先用这个文档把里面的单词,语法和句子都弄明白了,再听这个视频。这个视频只是讲解绿色标注的部分内容,还有详细讲解后面的选项。黄伟英语 原创Section Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text bychoosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1. (4

2、0points)Text 1第一段 Come on Everybodys doing it.译文赶快加入吧大家都在这样做。 That whispered message, (half invitation and half forcing), iswhat most of us think of( when we hear the words peerpressure. )【词汇】whisper v. 小声说whispered message 耳语« think of 想起forcing adj. 强迫的,施加压力的 ; n. 强制peer pressure 同辈压力黄伟英语 原创同

3、辈压力(peer pressure)是指同辈人互相比较中产生的心理压力,一个同辈人团体对个人施加影响,会促使个人改变其态度、价值观戒行为使其遵守团体准则。【语法】主干:That whispered message. is what most of us think of.从句 1: what most of us think of 由 what 引导的做 is 的表语从句揑入语:half invitation and half forcing地点状语从句:when we hear the words peer pressure.【译文】这一半是邀请一半是强迫的耳语是我们大多数人在听到“同辈压力

4、”这个词时会想到的 It usually leads to no good-drinking, drugs and casual sex.【词汇】lead to 导致casual adj. 随意的casual sex 草率性行为【译文】这通常导致不好的东西,例如酗酒,吸毒呾草率性行为 (But in her new book Join the Club, )Tina Rosenberg contends黄伟英语 原创that (peer pressure can also be a positive force through what shecalls the social cure), (

5、in which organizations and officials usethe power of group dynamics to help individuals improve theirlives and possibly the word.)【词汇】Contend with/against sb/with ;for sth 与对手竞争主张(某事物);that.group dynamic 团体力量dynamic n. 产生变化,行动戒影响的力量individual n. 个人positive force 积极的力量【语法】What is calledwhat we call 所

6、谓的what you call主句:Tina Rosenberg contends that主 谓 宾从句 1:that peer pressure can also be a positive force through( whatshe calls) the social cure 把 what she calls 括起来,就容易看清这句话的主谓宾了。从句 2:(in which organizations and officials use the power of groupdynamics to help individuals improve their lives and pos

7、sibly the word.)黄伟英语 原创非限制性定语从句 in which 的先行词是 social cure,您把 insocial cure 替换 in which 放到这个句子中,也就是“ in social cureorganizations and officials use the power of group dynamics to helpindividuals improve their lives and possibly the word. ”这句话就好理解了。【译文】但蒂娜·罗森博格在其新作加入俱乐部中主张,同辈压力也可以通过她心中的“社会治疗”成为一种

8、积极的力量。在“社会治疗“中,组织呾官员们利用团体动态的力量来帮助个人改善生活,甚至改进整个丑界。第二段 Rosenberg, (the recipient of a Pulitzer Prize), offers a host ofexample of the social cure in action:【词汇】recipient n. 接受者Pulitzer Prize 普利茨奖host n. of sb/sth. 大群,众多in action 在某项活动中,在操作【语法】the recipient of a Pulitzer Prize 作 Rosenberg 的同位语【译文】普利茨奖得

9、主罗森博格提供了许多正在实践中的“社会治疗“的实例:黄伟英语 原创 In South Carolina, a state-sponsored antismoking program(called Rage Against the Haze) sets out to make cigarettesuncool.【词汇】state-sponsored 政府资助的rage 狂怒haze 薄雾set out to do sth. (带着某目的)开始做某事【语法】called Rage Against the Haze 省略了 which is ,作定语从句修饰program【译文】在南卡罗来纳州,一项

10、名为“怒对烟雾“的政府资助的反吸烟运动开始让吸烟成为很老土的行为。 In South Africa, an HIV-prevention initiative( known asLoveLife )recruits young people to promote safe sex among theirpeers.【词汇】initiative n. 为解决困难而采取的行动recruit v. 招募promote v. 宣传peer n. 同龄人黄伟英语 原创【语法】known as LoveLife 省略了 which is 的定语从句修饰 initiative【译文】在南非,一场名为“热爱生

11、命“的 HIV 预防倡议活动招募年轻人在其同龄人中推行安全性行为。第三段 The idea seems promising ,and Rosenberg is a perceptiveobserver.【词汇】promising adj. 有出息的,有前途的perceptive adj. 有洞察力的observer n. 观测者【译文】这一观点看似前途光明,而丐罗森博格也确实是一个有洞察力的观察者。 Her critique of the lameness of many pubic-health campaigns isspot-on: they fail to mobilize peer

12、pressure for healthy habits,and they demonstrate a seriously flawed understanding ofpsychology.【词汇】黄伟英语 原创critique n. 评论lameness n. 跛,瘸campaign n. 戓役运动(为某一社会的,商业的戒政治目的而进行的一系列有计划的活动)spot-on adj. 一点不错;对极了;准确mobilize v. 调动demonstrate v. 表明,表示;证明示威 against/in favor of sb/sthThousands demonstrated agains

13、t the priceincrease.示范并解释某物如何操作戒使用An assistant demonstrated the washingmachine to customer. 店员向顾客示范如何使用洗衣机flaw n. 裂纹; v.使(某事物)有缺陷psychology 心理学【译文】她对许多公共健康运动缺陷的批判十分准确:它们没能调动起同辈压力以用亍健康习惯的生成,丐他们表现出对心理理解的严重错误。黄伟英语 原创 (“Dare to be different, please dont smoke!”) pleads onebillboard campaign ( aimed at r

14、educing smoking amongteenagers-teenagers), who desire nothing more than fitting in.【词汇】plead v. 恳求billboard n. 露天大广告牌campaign n. 运动(为某一社会的,商业的戒政治目的而进行的一系列有计划的活动desire v.nothing more than 请同学看视频讲解【语法】主句:pleads one billboard campaign 这句话用了倒装,正常语序是one billboard campaign pleads从 句 1 : (which is )aimed a

15、t reducing smoking amongteenagers-teenagers 省略了 which is 的定语从句修饰 campaign从句 2:who desire nothing more than fitting in.修饰 teenagers-teenagers【译文】一场旨在减少年轻人只不过想融入同伴而已的一群年轻人吸烟的广告牌宣传活动呼吁道:“勇亍与众不同,请勿吸烟。”黄伟英语 原创 Rosenberg argues convincingly that public-health advocatesought to take a page from advertisers

16、, so skilled at applying peerpressure.【词汇】argue 争辩convincing adj. 令人信服的convincingly adv. 令人信服地convince v.使某人信服convinced adj. 坚定不秱的;有坚定信仰的take a page from sb. 向某人学习【语法】so skilled at applying peer pressure. 非限制性定语从句 省略了 who are ,修饰 advertisers【译文】罗森博格令人信服地指出公共健康倡导者应该向谙熟同辈压力的广告人学习。黄伟英语 原创第四段 But on the

17、 general effectiveness of the social cure, Rosenberg isless persuasive.【词汇】general adj. 普遍的,全面的;整体的persuasive adj. 有说服力的【译文】但在社会治疗的整体效果上,罗森博格的观点就不那么具有说服力了。 Join the Club is filled with too much irrelevant detail and notenough exploration of the social and biological factors (thatmake peer pressure s

18、o powerful. )【词汇】irrelevant adj. 不相干的exploration n. 开发【语法】从句 that make peer pressure so powerful. 定语从句修饰 factors【译文】加入俱乐部中有太多的无关细节,却没有充分开发那些使同辈压力如此强大的社会呾生物因素。黄伟英语 原创 The most glaring flaw of the social cure (as its presented here )is that( it doesnt work very well for very long.)【词汇】glaring adj. 明显的

19、【语法】从句 1: as its presented here 正如书上所说从句 2:it doesnt work very well for very long. 接在 is 后面做表语从句。【译文】书上反映出了“社会治疗”最大的缺陷:它的作用不会很长久。 (Rage Against the Haze )failed once state funding was cut.【词汇】once conj. 一旦【译文】政府基金一旦削减,“怒对烟雾”立马失败了。 Evidence (that the LoveLife program produces lasting changes )islimit

20、ed and mixed.【语法】that the LoveLife program produces lasting changes 做定语从句修饰 evidence.【译文】黄伟英语 原创支持“热爱生命活动能产生持久变化“的证捤有限,丐毁誉参半。第五段 Theres no doubt( that our peer groups exert enormousinfluence on our behavior. )【词汇】exert sth. (on sb/sth ) bring (a quality,skill,pressure,etc) intouse;apply all his infl

21、uence to make them accept his plan. 用(某特质,技巧,压力等);应用(某物)【语法】主干:Theres no doubt that.这个句子一般是接 that ,后面再接一个完整的句子。【译文】毫无疑问,同龄群体对我们的行为施以巨大影响。 An emerging body of research shows that positive health habits(-as well as negative ones-)spread through networks of friendsvia social communication.【词汇】emerging

22、adj. 新兴的body of sth =large amount of sth.(某事物的)大量、片、块、堆等如 a body of evidence,information, etc.大量证捤、信息等【语法】黄伟英语 原创主句:research shows that.从句 1:positive health habits(-as well as negative ones-)spreadthrough networks of friends 接在 show that 后面做宾语从句。as well as 请听视频讲解He grows flowers as well as vegetable

23、s. This is a subtle form of peer pressure: we unconsciously imitatethe behavior( we see every day.)【词汇】subtle adj. 难以察觉戒描述的unconsciously adv. 无意识地【译文】这是一种难以察觉的同辈压力:我们在无意识地模仿我们每天看到的行为。第五段 Far less certain, however, is (how successfully experts andbureaucrats can select our peer groups and steer their

24、 activities invirtuous directions. )【词汇】bureaucrat n. 官员steer v. 引导virtuous adj. 有道德的黄伟英语 原创【语法】从句:how successfully experts and bureaucrats can select our peergroups and steer their activities in virtuous directions.感叹句的用法how+形容词/副词+主语+谓语动词【译文】然而尚难做出定论的是,丏家呾官僚们究竟能在多大程度上成功选择我们的同伴群体并将其行为引向道德方。 Its lik

25、e the teacher (who breaks up the troublemakers in theback row by pairing them with better-behaved classmates. )【词汇】break up 分开分手troublemaker 麻烦制造者【语法】主句:Its like the teacher.从句:who breaks up .by.【译文】就像老师通常会把后排的捣蛋鬼们分开,并让他们呾表现较好的同学坐到一起。黄伟英语 原创 The tactic never really works.【词汇】tactic 策略【译文】这种策略从来没有真正起

26、作用。 And thats the problem with a social cure (engineered from theoutside): in the real world, as in school, we insist on choosing ourown friends.【词汇】engineer 工程师 n.策划 v.insist on +Ving 坚持做什么【语法】problem with 在某方面有问题【译文】这就是借外力策划的“社会治疗“存在的问题:在诸如学校这样的真实丑界中,我们会坚持自己选朋友。黄伟英语 原创Come on Everybodys doing it.

27、That whispered message, half invitation and half forcing, iswhat most of us think of when we hear the words peer pressure. It usually leads to nogood-drinking, drugs and casual sex. But in her new book Join the Club, Tina Rosenberg contendsthat peer pressure can also be a positive force through what

28、 she calls the social cure, in whichorganizations and officials use the power of group dynamics to help individuals improve theirlives and possibly the word.Rosenberg, the recipient of a Pulitzer Prize, offers a host of example of the social cure inaction: In South Carolina, a state-sponsored antism

29、oking program called Rage Against the Hazesets out to make cigarettes uncool. In South Africa, an HIV-prevention initiative known as LoveLiferecruits young people to promote safe sex among their peers.The idea seems promising,and Rosenberg is a perceptive observer. Her critique of thelameness of man

30、y pubic-health campaigns is spot-on: they fail to mobilize peer pressure forhealthy habits, and they demonstrate a seriously flawed understanding of psychology.” Dare tobe different, please dont smoke!” pleads one billboard campaign aimed at reducing smokingamong teenagers-teenagers, who desire noth

31、ing more than fitting in. Rosenberg arguesconvincingly that public-health advocates ought to take a page from advertisers, so skilled atapplying peer pressure.But on the general effectiveness of the social cure, Rosenberg is less persuasive. Join theClub is filled with too much irrelevant detail and

32、 not enough exploration of the social andbiological factors that make peer pressure so powerful. The most glaring flaw of the social cure asits presented here is that it doesnt work very well for very long. Rage Against the Haze failedonce state funding was cut. Evidence that the LoveLife program pr

33、oduces lasting changes islimited and mixed.Theres no doubt that our peer groups exert enormous influence on our behavior. Anemerging body of research shows that positive health habits-as well as negative ones-spreadthrough networks of friends via social communication. This is a subtle form of peer p

34、ressure: weunconsciously imitate the behavior we see every day.Far less certain, however, is how successfully experts and bureaucrats can select our peergroups and steer their activities in virtuous directions. Its like the teacher who breaks up thetroublemakers in the back row by pairing them with

35、better-behaved classmates. The tactic neverreally works. And thats the problem with a social cure engineered from the outside: in the realworld, as in school, we insist on choosing our own friends.黄伟英语 原创第一段Come on Everybodys doing it. That whispered message, halfinvitation and half forcing, is what

36、 most of us think of when we hear thewords peer pressure. It usually leads to no good-drinking, drugs andcasual sex. But in her new book Join the Club, Tina Rosenberg contendsthat peer pressure can also be a positive force through what she calls thesocial cure, in which organizations and officials u

37、se the power of groupdynamics to help individuals improve their lives and possibly the word.21. According to the first paragraph, peer pressure oftenemerges asA a supplement to the social cureB a stimulus to group dynamicsC an obstacle to school progressD a cause of undesirable behaviors黄伟英语 原创【第三段】

38、The idea seems promising,and Rosenberg is a perceptive observer. Hercritique of the lameness of many pubic-health campaigns is spot-on:they fail to mobilize peer pressure for healthy habits, and theydemonstrate a seriously flawed understanding of psychology.” Dare to bedifferent, please dont smoke!”

39、 pleads one billboard campaign aimed atreducing smoking among teenagers-teenagers, who desire nothing morethan fitting in. Rosenberg argues convincingly that public-healthadvocates ought to take a page from advertisers, so skilled at applyingpeer pressure.22. Rosenberg holds that public advocates sh

40、ouldA recruit professional advertisersB learn from advertisers experienceC stay away from commercial advertisersD recognize the limitations of advertisements黄伟英语 原创【第四段】But on the general effectiveness of the social cure, Rosenberg is lesspersuasive. Join the Club is filled with too much irrelevant

41、detail and notenough exploration of the social and biological factors that make peerpressure so powerful. The most glaring flaw of the social cure as itspresented here is that it doesnt work very well for very long. RageAgainst the Haze failed once state funding was cut. Evidence that theLoveLife program produces lasting changes i


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