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1、Final Examination一一.Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D . 二二.Find the best answer to the following abbreviations. 三三.Find the best answer to the following translations.四四. Reading 1五五. Reading 2o I. Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. m o

2、D1. Which of the following suffixes does not mean “pertaining to”? A. -ic B. -al C. -ar D. -ouro B2. Which of the following combining forms means cell?o A. -cyte B. cyt/o C. cel/o D. both a and bo C3. Which of the following forms means tissue?o A. erythr/o B. immun/o C.hist/o D. vascul/oo D4. A- mea

3、ns _.o A. up B. down C. apart D. withouto B5. The suffix -itis means _ .o A. infammation B.inflammation o C.inflammazed D. instrumento B6. The combining form of radi/o means _.o A. radar B. X-ray o C. radio D. both B and Co B7. The instrument for viewing is scope whereas the instrument for cutting i

4、s_.o A. scopy B. tome C. meter D. grapho D8. Which of the following forms refers to “surgical incision of ?”o A. tomy B. -stomy C. tome D. ectomyo D9. A record of electric wave occurring in the brain is called _.o A. electroencephogram B. electromyogram o C. electrocardiogram D. electroencephalogram

5、d CA10. Stethalgia means the pain of chest, which can also be expressed in _.A. stethodynia B. thoracalgia C. thoracodynia D. all of the aboveC11. Which of the following forms means fungus?A. my/o B. myel/o C. myc/o D. none of the aboveD12. The combining form meaning “the skin” is _.A. dem/o B. derm

6、/o C. dermat/o D. both B ano D13. Which of the following combining forms means blood vessels ?o A. vascul/o B. angi/o C. chromat/o D. Both A and Bo A14. The term meaning “pertaining to secretion” is _ .o A. crinogenic B. endocrine C. crinologic D. endocardialo B15. The disease of having too many whi

7、te blood cells is referred to as _.o A. leukocyte B. leukemia C. leukogenesis D. erythrocyteo D16. Inflammation of liver is known in English as _.o A. bronchitis B. pneumonitis C. gastritis D. hepatitiso D17. -plasm means _.o A. treatment B. knowledge C. diagnosis D. growtho D18. Mammo/o refers to _

8、.o A. mother B. thymus gland C. thyroid gland D. breasto D19. Which of the following does not mean “within or in”?o A. en- B. endo- o C. intra- D. none of the aboveo C20. _ means surgical repair of an organ.o A. phag/o B. plasm o C. plasty D. pathyo C21. Spir/o is a combining form meaning _.o A. see

9、 B. sight C. breath D. sporto D22. Inflammation of lungs is known as _.o A. pneumonitis B. pneumonia C. pulmonitis D. All of the aboveo A23. Which of the following forms means “protection or safe” ?o A. immun/o B. lymph/o C. erythr/o D. None of the above o B24. Cardiopathy means _.o A. heart failure

10、 B. heart disease C. brain disease D. skeletal diseaseo C25.Which of the following combining forms does not refer to an organ?o A. hepat/o B. gastr/o C. psych/o D. nephr/oo D26. The color of something best expressed in medical terminology is _.o A. chrom/o B. chromomat/o C. chramat/o D. Both A and B

11、o C27. Which of the following means “instrument for measuring”?o A. -graph B. -tome C. meter D. -scopeo B28. Bi- means _.o A. life B. two C. across D. Both A and Bo B29. The form meaning arteries is _.o A. arter/o B. arteri/o C. arthr/o D.artheri/oo D30. The prefix with the meaning of bad is _.o A.

12、mal- B. dys- o C. polio- D. Both A and Bo D31. The flesh is expressed in the combining form of _.o A. top/o B. ten/o C.thym/o D. sarc/oo B32. The combining vowel for angitis is _.o A. a B. o C. e D.io D33. Hypo- means having _ of something.o A. too much or too high B. too little or too low C. over D

13、. belowo C34. Morph/o means _.o A. many B. maxillae C. shape D. heado D35. “Pertaining to nourishment or development” is expressed in _.o A. tropy B. trophy C.- tropic D.-trophico C36. The process of recording sth is expressed in _.o A. -graph B. -gram C. -graphy D.-scopeo 37. The formation of blood

14、 is also known as _.o A. hematopoiesis B. hemopoiesis C.homopoiesis D. both A and Bo D38. Because the strands are readily stained with dyes, they are called_.o A. chromosomes B. protoplasms C. cytoplasms D.chromatinso D39.The science that deals with cells on the smallest structural and functional le

15、vel is called _.o A. biology B. microbiology o C. homostasis D. molecular biology o C40. An instrument for measuring the cell counts of red blood cells is an _.o A. erythrocyte B. erythrogenesis o C. erythrocytometer D. erythrocytographo II. Find the best answer to the following abbreviations. (10 p

16、oints)o C41. SARSo A. Serious Acute Respiratary Syndrome o B. Severe Acute Respiration System o C. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome o D. Severe Acute Respiratary Syndromeo D42. T.Bo A. tuberclosis B. tubercluosis C. tubaclosis D. tuberculosiso B43. Igo A.immunoglobin B. immunogloblin C. immunoglobu

17、lin D. immunoglubino D44. RNAo A. ribonuclear acid B. ribanucleic acid o C. ribanucleic acid D. ribonucleic acido D45.USGo A. ultrosonograhy B. ultrasonograhy o C. ultrosonography D. ultrasonographyo A46.ECGo A. electrocardiogram B. electrocardiography o C. electroencephogram D. electroencephalogram

18、o B47. CTo A. computed tomograhy B. computed tomography C. computerized tomograhy D. computerized tomographyo D48. MRIo A. Magnetic resononce image B. Magnetic resonance image o C. Magnetic resononce imaging D. Magnetic resonance imagingoC49.VDoA. varied disease B. venareal diseaseC. venereal diseas

19、e D. vocal diseaseoC50. GIoA. gastrointral tract oB. gastrointervention tract oC. gastrointestinal tract oD. gastrointersectional tracto III. Find the best answer to the following translations. (10 points)o D51. 心血管疾病心血管疾病A. cardiavasclar disease B. cardiavascular disease C. cardiovasclar disease D.

20、 cardiovascular diseaseo A52.随意肌随意肌A. voluntary muscle B. involuntary muscle C. smooth muscle D. cardiac muscleo B53 脉冲信号脉冲信号A. pulse B. impulse C. impulsive D. pulsiveo B54. 转换转换o A. transformation B. transaction o C. transmute D. transmissiono A55.功能失调功能失调o A. malfunction B. dysfunction o C. malop

21、eration D. disoperationo B56. 局部化的感染局部化的感染o A. local infection B. localized infection o C. local inflammation D. localized inflammationo B57.乐观的预后乐观的预后o A. optimistic pregnosis B. optimistic prognosis C. pessimistic pregnosis D. pessimistic prognosiso C58. 光纤技术光纤技术o A. optic fiber technology B. fibe

22、r optic techonology o C. fiber optic technology D. optic fiber techonologyo D59. 肌肉收缩肌肉收缩o A. muscle contraction o B. muscular contraction o C.musclar contraction o D. Both A and Bo B60. 血供血供o A supply blood o B. blood supply o C. protein molecule o D. extensoro I. Choose the best answer from the fo

23、ur choices marked A, B, C and D (40points)o 1. Which of the following has the meaning of the joint?o A. athr/o B. arthr/o C. articul/o D. both B and Co 2. _ means to break.o A. fraction B. crani/o C. blast D. clasto 3. Which of the following forms does not mean pertaining to?o A.-ar B. our C.-ic D.

24、ealo 4. The combining form denoting rib is _.o A. chondr/o B. oste/o C. cost/o D. rib/oo 5. Radius means _ lower arm bone.o A. superior B. lateral C. medial D. handfulo 6. The combining form of radi/o means _.o A. radius B. x-ray C. radio D. both A and Bo 7. The instrument for viewing is scope where

25、as the instrument for cutting is_.o A. scopy B. tome C. meter D. grapho 8. Which of the following refers to surgical incision of or process of cutting open?o A. tomy B. -stomy C. tome D. ectomyo 9. A record of electric wave occurring in the brain is called _.o A. electroencephalogram B. electromyogr

26、am C. electrocardiogram D. radiogramo 10. Steth/o and thorac/o both means chest, thus the pain of chest can be expressed in _.o A. sthethalgia B. thoracalgia o C. thoracodynia D. all of the aboveo 11. Which of the following forms means fungus?o A. my/o B. myel/o o C. myc/o D. none of the aboveo 12.

27、The combining form meaning the skin is _.o A. dem/o B. derm/o o C. dermat/o D. both B and Co 13. Which of the following combining vowel means blood vessels ?o A. vascul/o B. angi/o o C. chromat/o D. Both A and Bo 14. The term meaning “pertaining to secretion” is _ .o A. crinogenic B. endocrine o C.

28、crinologic D. endocardialo 15. The disease of having too many white blood cells is referred to as _.o A. leukocyte B. leukemia o C. leukogenesis D. erythrocyteo 16. Inflammation of liver is known in English _.o A. bronchitis B. pneumonitis o C. gastritis D. hepatitiso 17. Gnos/o means _.o A. treatme

29、nt B. knowledge o C. diagnosis D. growtho 18. Mammo/o refers to _.o A. mother B. thymus gland o C. thyroid gland D. breasto 19. Which of the following does not mean “within or in”?o A. en- B. endo- o C. intra- D. none of the aboveo 20. _ means surgical repair of an organ.o A. phag/o B. plasm o C. pl

30、asty D. pathyo 21. Spir/o is a combining form meaning _.o A. see B. sight o C. breath D. sporto 22. Inflammation of lungs is known as _.o A. pulmonary B. pneumonia o C. pulmonitis D. Both B and Co 23. Epithelium means “上上 皮皮”in Chinese, therefore we can safely conclude that endothelium is the equiva

31、lent of _ in Chinese.o A.皮上皮上 B.皮内皮内 o C.内皮内皮 D. none of the aboveo 24. Cardiopathy means _.o A. heart failure B. heart disease C. brain disease D. skeletal diseaseo 25.Which of the following combining form does not refer to an organ?o A. hepat/o B. gastr/o C. psych/o D. nephr/oo 26. The color of st

32、h best expressed in medical terminology is _.o A. chrom/o B. chromomat/o o C. chramat/o D. Both A and Bo 27. Which of the following means cell?o A. cyt/o B. cyst/o o C. cyte D. Both A and Co 28. Bi- means _.o A. life B. two o C. across D. Both A and Bo 29. The form meaning arteries is _.o A. arter/o

33、 B. arteri/o o C. arthr/o D.arther/oo 30. The prefix with the meaning of bad is _.o A. mal- B. dys- o C. polio- D. Both A and Bo 31. The flesh is expressed in the combining form of _.o A. top/o B. ten/o o C.thym/o D. sarc/oo 32. The combining vowel for dentist is _.o A. a B. o C. e D.io 33. Hyper- m

34、eans having _ of something.o A. too much or too high B. too little or too low C. over D. belowo 34. Morph/o means _.o A. many B. producing o C. form D. heado 35. Nourishment or development is expressed in _.o A. tropy B. trophy o C.- tropic D.-trophico 36. _ means tissue.o A. hist/o B. bi/o o C. cri

35、n/o D. embry/oo 37. The formation of blood is also known as _.o A. hematopoiesis B. hemopoiesis C.hemogenesis D. all of the aboveo 38. Most of the cells constant work of keeping alive is performed in the _.o A. cell membrane B. protoplasm o C. cytoplasm D. nucleoluso 39. logy means _.o A. the study

36、of B. the wound of o C. the subject of D. the substance of o 40. An instrument for measuring the cell counts of red blood cells is an _.o A. erythrocyte B. erythrogenesis o C. erythrocytometer D. erythrocytographo I. Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( 40 points )o 1

37、. hist/oo a. history b. histology o c. tissue d. substanceo 2 Which of the following combining forms means “bone”?o a. ren/o b. myel/o o c. oste/o d. gastr/oo 3. Which of the following combining forms means “blood”?o a. hem/o b. angi/o o c.hemet/o d. All of the aboveo 4. Dem/o means _o a. skin b. de

38、mocracy o c.people d. none of the aboveo 5.Surgical incision is expressed in _ o a. tomy b. stomy o c. ectomy d. tomeo 6. Which of the following physicians specializes in treating patients with diseases of the liver?o a. hematologist b. hepatologist o c. nephrologist d. rheumatologist o 7. Which of

39、the following means “heart disease”?o a. cardia b. cardiosis o c. cardiopathy d. All of the aboveo 8. Endocrinology refers to inner secretion whereas the outer secretion is probably expressed in_.o a. exocrinology b. extrocrinology o c. crinology d. encrinologyo 9. Which of the following is a suffix

40、 meaning “cells”? o a. cyte b. -plasm c. cyt/o d. both a and Co 10. Which of the following refers to “breathing”?o a. penia b. pnea o c. respir d. both b and co 11. Which of the following means “the instrument for viewing or examining”?o a. meter b. -graph o c. -scope d. -tomeo 12. Which of the foll

41、owing refers to “kidney”?o a. nephr/o b. hepat/o o c.ren/o d. Both a and co 13. Instrument for recording is expressed in _.o a. -meter b. -graph c. -tome d. -scopeo 14. Which of the following means “breast” ?o a. mamm/o b. mast/o o c. steth/o d.both a and bo 15. Which of the following words is missp

42、elt?o a. electroencepalogram b. electromyogram o c. electrocardiogram d. mammogramo 16. Neopathy means _.o a. a new disease b. a disease of nervous system c. a vital disease d. a disease of lack of bloodo 17. Instrument for listening to the chest and heart is found in _.o a. microscope b. cystoscope

43、 c. endoscope d. stethoscopeo 18. Low blood pressure is expressed in _.o a. hypertension b. hypotension o c. hypoxemia d. hyperoxemiao 19. Which of the following spelling is correct? o a. mulicellular b. multicellar c. multicelluar d. multicellularo 20. Peridentitis means inflamed surrounded tissue

44、of _.o a. chest b. breast c. breath d. tootho 21. The process of building up complex materials from simple materials is called _.o a. catabolism b. metabolism o c. anabolism d. None of the aboveo 22. which of the following means the formation of red blood cells?o a. erythrocyte b. erythocyte o c. er

45、ythropoiesis d. erythopoiesiso 23. Pertaining to blood vessels is known as _. o a. vascluar b. vascualr c. vascular d. angilaro 24. X-ray photo of the blood vessel is called _.o a. vasculopathy b.vasculograph o c.angiogram d. angiopathyo 25. Abnormal condition of being hard is referred to as _.o a.

46、sclerosis b. sclirosis o c. barometer d. thermometero 26.Surgical repair is known as _.o a. -plasty b. -scope o c. -graph d. -gramo 27. Which of the following refers to artery?o a. ven/o b. bi/o o c. arteri/o d. artheri/oo 28. Bi/o means _o a. two b. life c. break d. both a and bo 29. bado a. dys- b

47、. dis- c. mali- d. all of the aboveo 29. eyeo a. cortic/o b. dermat/o o c. manual d. ocul/oo 30. nerveo a. erythr/o b. neu/o o c. neur/o d. leuk/oo 31. phag/oo a. surgical repair b. treatment o c.eat, swallow d.beforeo 32. bone marrowo a. myel/o b. my/o o c. myos/o d. muscl/oo 33. trans-o a. cross b

48、. above o c. fromto d. both a and co 34Shape or formo a. morph/o b. ocul/o o c. thym/o d. both a and co 35. below, undero a. hypo- b. hyper- o c. intra- d. both a and c o 36. tumoro a. oma b. ine o c. neoplasm d. both a and c o 37. poisono a. top/o b. ten/o c. -trophy d. tox/oo 38. Sarcoido a. like

49、a sesame b. like a bone o c. like a flesh d. like a muscleo 39. Manyo a. poli- b. muli- o c. multi- d. both a and co 40. Which of the following spellings is incorrect?o a. pathogensis b. inheritence o c. peripheral d. facioscapulohumeralo II. Choose the best answer to each of the following 10 points

50、o 41消化困难消化困难o a. dispnea b. dyspnea o c. dispepsia d. dyspepsiao 42. embryologyo a. 血液学血液学 b. 组织学组织学 o c. 胚胎学胚胎学 d. 免疫学免疫学o 43. 局部解剖学局部解剖学o a. histology b. topology o c. anatomy d. aneurysmo 44. 蓝图蓝图o a. bluemap b. bluescript o c. blueprint d. blueprintero 45. 小孔小孔o a. caveole b. caveolae o c. pore

51、d. lysosomeo 46.致病因子致病因子o a. pathogenic b. causative factors o c. microorganism d. all of the aboveo 47.光纤技术光纤技术o a. optic fiber techonology b.fiber optic techonology c. optic fiber technology d. fiber optic technologyo 48. 碳水化合物碳水化合物o a. carbonhydrate b. carbohydrate c. carbohydrogen d. carbonhydro

52、go 49. 横切面横切面o a.transverse insertion o b. transverse section o c. transverse insection o d. transverse sectioningo 50.先天性疾病先天性疾病o a. nephropathy b. neopathy o c. congenital disease d. cogenital diseaseo 医学术语单词缩写医学术语单词缩写o aa -of each各各Ab -antibody抗体抗体abd -abdomen腹部腹部ABG -arterial blood gas动脉血气动脉血气ab

53、n -abnormal异常异常ABp-arterial blood pressure动脉压动脉压o Abs -absent无无abstr -abstract摘要摘要ac-before meals饭前饭前Ach -actylcholine乙酰胆碱乙酰胆碱ACH -adrenal cortical hormone肾上腺皮质激肾上腺皮质激素素ACT -active coagulative time活化凝血时间活化凝血时间o ACTH -adrenocorticotripic促肾上腺皮质激素促肾上腺皮质激素ad(add) -adde加加ad effect -ad effectum 直到有效直到有效AD

54、H -antidiuretic hormone抗利尿激素抗利尿激素o adm(admin) -adminstration给药给药ad us est -for external use外用外用aF -atrial flutter房扑房扑A/G ratio -albumin-globulin ratio白白-球蛋白比球蛋白比o AIDS -acquired immune deficiency syndrome爱滋病爱滋病al -left ear左耳左耳alb -albumin白蛋白白蛋白AM -before noon上午上午amb -ambulance救护车救护车amp(ampul) -ampou

55、le安瓿安瓿o ASA -aspirin阿斯匹林阿斯匹林atm(atmos) -atomsphere大气压大气压ap -before dinner饭前饭前o av -average平均平均Ba -Barium钡钡BBT -basal body temperature基础体温基础体温biblio -biliography参考文献参考文献bid -twice a day每日二次每日二次o bm -basal metabolism基础代谢基础代谢Bp -blood pressure血压血压bpm -baets per minute次次/分分BS -blood sugar血糖血糖BW -body we

56、ight体重体重C - centigrade摄氏温度计摄氏温度计o CA -carcinoma癌癌CBC -complete blood count血常规血常规CC -chief complaint主诉主诉o CClist -critical condition list病危通知单病危通知单CCU - Coronary care unit冠心病监护室冠心病监护室CG -control group对照组对照组o Cl -centilitre毫开毫开cm -centimetre毫米毫米CNS -central nervous system中枢神经系统中枢神经系统Co -compound复方复方o

57、contra -contraindicated禁忌禁忌CT - computed tomography计算机断层扫描计算机断层扫描DBp -diastolic blood pressure舒张压舒张压dept -department科科o diag -diagonsis诊断诊断dl -deciliter分升分升DM -diabetic mellitus糖尿病糖尿病DOA-dead on arrival到达时已死亡到达时已死亡o DOB -date of birth出生日期出生日期Dr -doctor医生医生ECG(EKG) - electrocardiogram心电图心电图o ECHO -ec

58、hogram超声超声ENT ears, nose and throat五官科五官科EMG electromyogram肌电图肌电图ER emergency room急诊室急诊室o etc and so forth等等等等F(Fahr) -Fahrenheit 华氏华氏F - Female女性女性FBS - fasting blood sugar空腹血糖空腹血糖FX fracture 骨折骨折GH growth hormone生长素生长素GI - gastrointestinal消化消化GITS gastrointestinal therapy system胃肠治胃肠治疗系统疗系统o GU -

59、gastric ulcer胃溃疡胃溃疡Hb hemoglobin血红蛋白血红蛋白HBp -high blood pressure高血压高血压o HR -heart rate心率心率ht -height身高身高HTN -hypertension高血压高血压Hx -history 病历病历Hypo -hypodermic injection皮下注射皮下注射I/O -intake and output 进出量进出量o ICU intensive care unit重症监护病房重症监护病房ie that is 即即Ig immunoglobulin免疫球蛋白免疫球蛋白Im iutramuscular肌内的肌内的o Inj - injection注射


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