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1、2019-2021北京高中英语模拟期中期末汇编:介词-.选择题(共15小题)1.with the development of economy, our income has increassed10% in less than a year-()2-3-4.a forb. byc. ond. at(2019-海淀区模拟)a. in particularc. in short(2019,海淀区模拟)a. for sale(2019海淀区模拟)he didn*t go into details on the subject- he just spokeb.don the exhibits wer

2、e written:b. on salec.in commonin generalnotto selld. being sold-i think he is taking an active part in social work.-i agree with you5.6-7.a. in a wayb. on the wayc by the wayd in the way(2019海淀区模拟)he arguedsmoking, and insisted that it wasargument that smoking washarmful to health.a. for; beyondb.

3、against; overc. for; overd> against; beyond(2019e朝阳区模拟)most people would agree that nuclear science should be developed to benefit the humanbeingsa more thanc other thanharm them.()b-d.rather thanbetter than(2019-朝阳区模拟)scientists are convincedthe positive effect of laughterphysical and mentalheal

4、th.()a- of; atb. by; inc. of; ond. on; at8.(2019-海淀区二模)one doesn't have to look far to realize the direct connectionsmoking and cancer-()a- ofb. withc. tod between9. (2019 春西城区校级期末)ni can work for the rest of today, n the boy answered. nril work all night, until dawn,and i'll clean every pie

5、ce of crystal in your shop. , i need money to get to egypt tomorrow. n ()a. in vainb. in advancec. in returnd. in accordance10. (2019 春西城区校级期末)you'd better take account your ability before attempting to do such abusiness.()a. ofb. intoc. ford. on11. (2019 春西城区校级期末)i walked slowlythe market, wher

6、e people were selling all kinds of fruits andvegetables.()a. beyondb. acrossc. overd. through12. (2020 春.延庆区期中)in boxing, players should wear gloves and mouth guardsanything dangeroushappens.()a. in vainb. in a wordc. in debtd. in case13. (2020 春延庆区期中)the train had stoppeda mechanical problem and ij

7、 ust called to the engineer to repairit.()a. thanks tob. due toc. according tod. as to14. (2019 春西城区校级期中)the doctor pushedthe crowd to get to the injured man.()a. acrossb. overc. aboved. through15. (2019 春西城区校级期中)let's buy some champagne (香槟)their victory in the football match.()a. in preparatio

8、n forb. in company withc. in celebration ofd. in the hope of2019-2021北京高中英语模拟期中期末汇编:介词参考答案与试题解析一.选择题(共15小题)1. with the development of economy, our income has increassed10% in less than a year.()a. forb. byc. ond. at【分析】随着经济的发展,我们的收入在不到一年里增加了 10%.【解答】答案:b考查介词辨析.increaseby意为”增长了;以的幅度增加”,是固定搭配,故选b.【点评】

9、考查介词,弄清楚各个介词的词义及特殊用法,准确的翻译句子,然后根据题意选择最符合题意的选项.2. (2019*海淀区模拟)he didn't go into details on the subject. he just spoke()a. in particularb. in commonc. in shortd. in general【分析】他没有详细地谈论那个话题,只是从总体上讲了讲.【解答】答案:d.考查介词短语in particular特别地;in common公共,共有;in short简而言之;in general大概,从总体上.句意为:他没有详细地谈论那个话题,只是从总

10、体上讲了讲.所以d选项符合句意.故选:d.【点评】英语中的固定短语,既不能添词,也不能少词,是固定的,要求同学们在平时记忆准确,然后根据句意找出记忆中的固定搭配,做出正确的答案.3. (2019海淀区模拟)on the exhibits were written: not.()a. for saleb. on salec. to selld. being sold【分析】展品上写着:不出售【解答】答案:a.考查介词短语.句意:展品上写着:不出售.for sale (个人所有物)出售(的),待售(的);on sale (物品)上市,出售;廉价销售的.to sell为了卖;being sold正在

11、售出.所以a选项符合句意. 故选:a.【点评】英语中的固定短语,既不能添词,也不能少词,是固定的,要求同学们在平时记忆准确,然后根据句意找出记忆中的固定搭配,做出正确的答案.4. (2019*海淀区模拟) t think he is taking an active part in social work.-i agree with you()a. in a wayb. on the wayc. by the way d. in the way【分析】在某种程度上 我同意你的观点.【解答】答案:a.考查介词短语.句意为:在某种程度上,我同意你的观点.in a way在某种程度±, i

12、n the way 挡/碍路;on the way在路上;by the way顺便问一下.所以a选项符合句意.故选:a.【点评】英语中的固定短语,既不能添词,也不能少词,是固定的,要求同学们在平时记忆准确,然后根据句意 找出记忆中的固定搭配,做出正确的答案.5. (2019海淀区模拟)he argued smoking, and insisted that it was argument that smoking washarmful to health.( )a. for; beyondb. against; overc. for; overd. against; beyond【分析】他坚持

13、反对吸烟,认为吸烟有害身体健康是无可争辩的.【解答】考查介词.句意:他坚持反对吸烟,认为吸烟有害身体健康是无可争辩的.argue against因反对争 辩;beyond argument无可争辩故选:d.【点评】介词的题目要认真掌握好常用介词的主要用法及动词与介词的搭配.这是考查的重点,也是做题的基 础.在具体的题目中,要首先判断考查方式,是考查介词辨析,介词短语,还是带介词的定语从句,判断后再做 分析.6. (2019*朝阳区模拟)most people would agree that nuclear science should be developed to benefit the

14、humanbeingsharm them.()a more thanb. rather thanc. other thand. better than【分析】大多数人都赞成核科学应当被发展用来造福人类而不是危害人类.【解答】答案:b.根据句意可知用rather than而不是;more than常用来做比较,表示”多于;不仅仅是”;other than表示”不同于;除了”; better than表示”比.好”.故选b.【点评】本题考查介词短语辨析.平时多记忆一些相似的介词短语的含义,做题时结合句意判断.7. (2019*朝阳区模拟)scientists are convincedthe po

15、sitive effect of laughterphysical and mentalhealth.()a. of; atb. by; inc. of; ond. on; at【分析】科学家确信笑会对人的身体和精神健康产生积极效果.【解答】考查介词辨析。句意:科学家确信笑会对人的身体和精神健康产生积极效果。第一空,be convinced of意为”对确信”;第二空,effect on表示”对产生影响”。故选:c。【点评】本题考查介词,考生需牢记带介词的固定短语搭配.8. (2019海淀区二模)one doesnft have to look far to realize the direc

16、t connection smoking and cancer.()a. ofb. withc. tod. between【分析】一个人不需要有什么远见就能明白吸烟和癌症之间的直接联系.【解答】答案:d题干中smoking and cancer表示两个事物;connection联系,通常与with/to连用,后接某个事物;句意表达的是两者之间的联系,故选:d.【点评】介词用法灵活,搭配较多.学习时要注意积累,对常考的搭配结构要注意掌握.9. (2019 春西城区校级期末),ri can work for the rest of today, n the boy answered. 'i

17、'll work all night, until dawn,and i'll clean every piece of crystal in your shop. , i need money to get to egypt tomorrow. n ()a. in vainb. in advancec in returnd. in accordance【分析】”今天剩下的时间我可以工作,”男孩回答说,”我会工作一整晚,直到天亮,我会把你店里的每一块水晶都打扫干净.作为回报,我需要钱明天才能到达埃及”【解答】a. in vain 徒劳无功;b. in advance提前;cin

18、 return作为回报;d. in accordance根据;按照;根据句意:”今天剩下的时间我可以工作,”男孩回答说,”我会工作一整晚,直到天亮,我会把你店里的每一块水晶都打扫干净.作为回报,我需要钱明天去埃及”故选:c.【点评】考查介词短语词义辨析.弄清楚各个介词短语的词义,准确地翻译句子及备选答案,然后选择最符合题意的选项.10. (2019 春西城区校级期末)you'd better take account your ability before attempting to do such abusiness.()a. ofb. intoc. ford. on【分析】句意:在

19、做这种生意之前,你最好先考虑一下你的能力.【解答】本题考查介词的用法.根据句意和结构可知这里使用短语take account of考虑.其它介词都不能和takeaccount 搭配.故选:a.【点评】本题考查介词搭配,考生在平时的学习中应注意积累相应的词汇和搭配,并牢记其意思.在做题时,将词义和题干相结合,从语法、句子结构尤其是句意上去判断,句意通顺,符合逻辑,即正确答案.11. (2019 春西城区校级期末)i walked slowlythe market, where people were selling all kinds of fruits andvegetables.()a. b

20、eyondb. acrossc. overd. through【分析】句意:我慢慢地走过市场,那里人们在卖各种水果和蔬菜.【解答】答案:d.本题考查介词的用法.beyond超出;across穿过;over在 面;through穿过.across有动词和介词的形式,指在表面上掠过、穿过.through只有介词形式,多指从中穿过、通过、透过.根据句意可 知d项符合.故选:d.【点评】本题只要弄清楚b和d区别,就可以得出答案.12. (2020 春.延庆区期中)in boxing, players should wear gloves and mouth guardsanything dangero

21、ushappens.()a. in vainb. in a wordc. in debtd. in case【分析】在拳击比赛中,运动员应该戴上手套和护齿,以防发生任何危险.【解答】a. in vain徒劳; b. in a word总而言之;cin debt欠债; d. in case以防,根据句意:在拳击比赛中,运动员应该戴上手套和护齿,以防发生任何危险.故选:d【点评】考查介词短语词义辨析.弄清楚各个介词短语的词义和用法,准确地翻译句子及备选答案,然后选择最 符合题意的选项.13. (2020 春.延庆区期中)the train had stoppeda mechanical problem and i just called to the engineer to repairit.()a thanks tob. due toc. according tod. as to【分析】火车因机械故障停了下来,我就叫工程师来修理.【解答】a. thanks to幸亏;归因于;b. due to由于; caccording to根据;d. as to至于,根据句意:火车因机械故


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