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1、写作训练请以记者的身份 , 根据案件登记卡所提供的情况,用英语写一篇新闻报导稿。字数:120 左右案件信息时间昨天下午四点五十分, 银行关门前地点公园路一家银行天气大雨 , 道路通畅事件 :目击者讲两个带面罩的年轻人用枪威胁银行职员, 携两百万美金逃跑 .没有人受伤或遇害. 警察正在搜查这两名抢劫犯.英语作文“六步法”教学Step1 仔细审题Step2.理清要点Step3.译写单句Step4.连句成篇Step5.检查润色每句话写好后,用适当的连词接起来,使之上下连贯,呼应,通顺,简洁。适当地用一些高级词汇短语和句式检查一下有没有时态,语态,拼写错误并逐一加以改正Step6.定稿誊写 卷面整洁干

2、净Step1: 仔细审题这是一篇新闻报道,主要是讲公园路发生的一起抢劫.注意有时间 , 人物 , 时间 , 地点 , 天气。涉及到的词汇有: robber,robbery,rob, littletraffic,eyewitness,threaten,clerk,injure, search for.字数 : 120左右Step2 :理清要点1.抢劫发生在昨天下午四点五十, 银行关门前。2. 银行位于公园路。3. 当时在下大雨 , 道路通畅。4.目击者陈述抢劫犯是2 名戴面罩的年轻人, 他们用枪威胁职员, 抢走了 2 百万美元。5. 抢劫中无人受伤或遇害。6. 警察正在搜寻他们。Step3 :译

3、写单句? A robbery happened at 4:50 p.m. yesterday before the bank was closed.? The bank was in the Park Street.? It was raining heavily and there was little traffic on the road.? The eyewitness said that two robbers were two young men with masks, and they threatened the clerks with guns. They robbed 2

4、million dollars.? No one was injured or killed in the robbery.? The police are searching for them.Step4 :连句成篇A robbery happened at 4:50 p.m. yesterday before the bank was closed. The bankwas in the Park Street. And it was raining heavily with little traffic on the road .The eyewitness said that sudd

5、enly two young men with masks rushed into the bank and threatened the clerks with guns. Then They robbed 2 milliondollars.Luckily , no one was injured or killed in the robbery. The police are searching for them.Step5 :检查润色Yesterday afternoon, a robbery happened in a bank in the Park Street.According

6、 tothe witnesses statements,it was at 4:50 pm, just before theclosing timeofthebank that the robberyhappened. And it was rainingheavily/cats and dogs ,withlittletrafficon theroadoutside. Suddenly, twoyoung menwith masks rushed in and threatened the clerks with guns. Then they rushed outand droved aw

7、ay with about 2,000,000 dollars. All the things lasted for onlya few minutes.Fortunately, there was nobody injured or killed in the robbery. Now the policeare searching for the robbers,hoping whoevergets the connected informationcalls them upas soon as possible.Step6:定稿誊写卷面整洁干净学生习作中的典型语言错误:一、张冠李戴A b

8、and was rubbed.At ten past five, .A seewitness/ eyelook said that.They took 2 billion dollars and ran away.The police are researching for the two robbers.二、画蛇添足At 4:50 p.m. in the afternoonThe bank which in the Park street was robbed.Two millions dollarsThey will be caught as soon as in possible.三、乱

9、点鸳鸯It was heavy raining.What was luckily,We should help the police with searching for the robbers.四、缺胳膊少腿Because the heavy rain and clear road, the two young men smoothly ran away.The police are searching the two robbers.五、瞻前不顾后The two robbers were two young man.The two young men with a mask broke i

10、nto the bank.The police is trying their best to searching for the two robber.英语写作主要错误:一、单复数、人称、时态、语态和拼写Well help the farmpick cottons.Mr. Li is my good friend. She is active.I m sorry to say I fail in the last exam.He found that something has stolen from his house.二、中式英语要减少汉式英语,必须做到: 尽量使自己养成用英语思维进行写

11、作的习惯,注意中西文化差异带来的不同表达方式。平时要归纳总结、纠正汉式英语。广泛阅读,多收听英语广播、收看电视中的英语新闻节目等。1) My home has a dog.2) Though he was ill, but he went on working.3) We find that to learn English well is difficult.4) I think she can not swim.5) Her age is very young.6) He was married with Anna last month.7) He has a lot of student

12、s go to college.8) Learn English well is not easy.9) There are many teachers taught me English.10) I very like English.答案1) My family has a dog./ We keep a dog at home.2) Though he was ill, he went on working./ He was ill, but he went on working.3) We find it difficult to learn English.4) I don t th

13、ink she can swim.5) She is very young.6) He was married to Anna last month./ He married Anna last month.7) A lot of his students have gone to college.8) To learn/ Learning English well is not easy./ It s not easy to learn Englishwell.9) Many teachers have taught me English.10) I like English very mu

14、ch.三、标点符号书写英文句子时,不少学生常常误用标点符号。标点符号是一种变相文字,是书面语不可缺少的重要手段,同学们平时要比较英汉标点的差异,切莫等闲视之。 误Li Ping isnt old enough, he can not join the army. 正 LiPing is ntold enough. He can not jointhe army./Li Ping isn told enough;he can not join the army. 析 此句犯了两个或数个独立的句子用逗号断开的通病。1)Mr Yu reads China Daily every day.2)Walk

15、 along this road, and take the second turning on the left。3) His parents ran to him and asked what had happened?4) I like Chinese、 maths 、history and English.答案1) 去掉书名号。汉语中有书名号,但英语中没有。书写报刊、书名等时,常用报刊、书名的每个单词首字母大写,且常在文中用斜体或在名称下划一横线的形式表示。2) 空心圆点改为实心圆点。3) 句末问号改为句号,因为此为陈述句。4) 把顿号改为逗号,英语中没有顿号。四、字母大小写He sa

16、id,“ my father has gone to Paris”.五、词形变化The car hitted the old man and drived away.六、选词或搭配不当Peter is a warm-hearted person, so everybody likes to have friends with him.Peter is a warm-hearted person, so everybody likes to make friends with him. 析 在理解英语词汇时,不能仅停留在了解其字面意义上,而应掌握内在涵义。同时要熟悉它们的 习惯搭配 。平时学习词

17、汇时,要仔细思考,勤查词典,尤其要多记英语解释,弄清它们的确切意思和用法,以免造成类似错误。 巩固练习 1) It only spends us 15 minutes to go to the park from the center of the city by bus.2) I hope you to become a lawyer.3) Mr Wang forgot his wallet in the classroom yesterday.4) She will remember firmly what her teacher said and did.5) Can you borro

18、w me your dictionary?6) I must keep your words in mind and work hard to raise my English.7) John caught a bad cold, so he had to live in hospital.8) I watched a film this afternoon.答案1)spends takes/ We spend 15 minutesgoing to the park from the centerof the cityby bus.2) I hope that you will become

19、a lawyer./ I wish you to become a lawyer.3)forgot left “遗忘某物在某处”不可用forget ,应用 leave4)firmlyclearly汉语中可以讲 “牢牢记住” ,但英语中firmly却不可与常和 remember 搭配的副词有clearly,perfectly, thoroughly等remember 搭配。5)borrowlend6) raiseimprove7)live stay live表示“在某处居住”,病人“住院”用8) 在英语中,看电影用see, 看电视用 watchstay七、句子缺乏连贯性连贯性是指句子无论长短,在

20、安排上要合乎逻辑, 衔接自然, 使句内语义关系明确,让人一目了然。学生习作中不连贯的句子主要包括垂悬修饰语、 指代不清、未用过渡性词语、 非平行结构和语义不完整的分割短句等方面的错误。 误 My best friend in high school was our English teacher. Her name was Gao Hui.She taught us English for three years. 正 My best friend in high school was our English teacher, Gao Hui, who taught us English fo

21、r three years. 析 原句把一个简单的思想内容各列成三个短句来表达,尽管这些句子语法正确,但不连贯,显得乏力。 巩固练习 1) Rose is in love with John, John is in love with Mary.2) Tom wrote a quick note. It was to Nancy. She was his friend.3) Speaking before a crowd of people for the first time, my knees shook.4) She likes to play tennis and watching basketball games.5 Every university has many rules and regulations and they must obey all of th


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