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1、Real English真品考点一 .问国籍:1. Where are you from? I am from China.2. Where do you come from? I come from China.3. What nationality are you?4. What is your nationality?二.问职业:1. What is your job? What is your mom s job?2. What do you do? What does your mom do?3. What are you? What is your mom?三.动词加ing的情况:

2、1 .动词在Be动词后要加ing.2 .介词后的动词加ing3 . 在 like, love, start, begin, enjoy, finish, prefe等词后的动词力口 ing。四.是时候做某事(该做某事):1. It's time for+动名词(即动词 +ing)2. It s time to+动词原形五.同音词总结:I -eye, two too/to, see sea, here- hear, there- their, writeright, pairpear, where wear, no know, son sun, who swhose, hair-hare

3、3. Can you tell me the way to the library?4. How can I get to the library?5. Do you know the way to the library?6. Do you know where the library is?九.too也(用在肯定旬末)either (用在否定旬末)also (用在句中)例:I like English, too.I don't like English, either.I also like English.十.动词用原形的情况有:1 .情态动词后跟动词原形(can, could,

4、 shall, should, will, would, may, might, must 等)2 .祈使句用动词原形3 . let/why not/why don't you/had better 等词后跟动词原形4 . to后面的动词用动词原形(大多数情况是,部分除外。)十一.表示建议的句型:1. Let's do sth.2. Shall we do sth.3. Why not do sth.4. Why don't you do sth.5. What about/How about doing sth.六.Play +the + 乐器 例:play the

5、pianoPlay+运动例:play football其它:play with sb/sth 和玩 例:play with me play with sand七.问发生什么事:1. What's the matter with you?2. What's wrong with you?3. What happen to you?八.问路的多种表达法:1. Where is the library?I am 10 yeas old.我十岁。I am a 10-year-old girl.我是一个十岁的女孩。10岁的(形容词)十三.班级,年级包括数字都必须大写(先班级,再年级)I

6、am in Class One, Grade Five.我在五年级一班。I am a studentof Class One, Grade Five.Buy sb sth=buy sthfor sbBuy him a book=buy a book for him我是五年级一班 的学生。My mother is a teacherof Tongji Primary School. 我的妈妈是同济小学 的老师。十四.1.许多,很多Many后跟可数名词复数Much后跟不可数名词A lot of=lots of后跟名词复数或不可数名词十七Hundred, thousand, million, bil

7、lion等词前有数词时,不能加 S变复数。 若有of在后面时,必须加S,意为成上.如:two hundred people两百人hundreds ofpeople成百上千的人2. 一些,少许Some/any后跟名词复数或不可数名词Some 一般用在肯定句Any 一般用在疑问句3. A few/few后跟可数名词复数A little/little后跟不可数名词A few/ A little解释为一些,少许Few/Little解释为极少量,少到几乎没有(含否定意思)十八.分数的表达法:分子用基数词,分母用序数词;若分子大于1,分母要加S.五分之一 : one-fifth五分之二:two-fifth

8、s十九.Both 两者者B we both=both of usall三者或以上都 they all=all of them例:Both Tim and Jim are students.Tim, Jim and I are all students.十五.经常出现的同义句转换:Cross the roacRgo/walk across the road 过马路动词介词By taxi - take a taxi 搭出租车By bike-ride a bike 骑自行车Have a look at唱词look at+名词 看看Look after-take care of 照顾,照看Sit do

9、wnfhave a seat 请坐。Be good aCdo well in 擅长To to school on fooSwalk to school 走路上学二十.想要某物:would like+名词一 want+名词例:I would like some water. f I want some water.想去做某事:would like to +动词原形一 want to+动词原形例:I would like to drink some water. f I want to drink some water.十六.Show sb sth=show sthto sbShow me you

10、r book=Show your book to me.同类词有: give. bring, take, sing, pass, send ,二H一. Right右边的,正确的All right.(好的,好吧。)表示赞同对方的意见,若用在 BE动词后,可表示健康状况Thats all right.(没关系;别客气。)Real English用于别人向你道歉时的答语,也用于别人表示感谢时的答语Thats right.(那是对的。)表示同意别人的观点或看法Thats all (这就是全部了。)表示结束二十二.帮某人做某事Help sb (to) do sthHelp sb with sth例:He

11、 helps me (to) clean the windowsHe helps me with my English.二十三Stop doing sth停止做某事(停止目前做的事)Stop to do sth停下来开始做某事(停止目前做的事去做另一件事)Stop sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事二十四Forget to do sth忘记去做某事Forget doing sth忘记做过某事Remember to do sth记得去做某事Remember doing sth记得曾做过某事二十五exciting令人兴奋的(一般修饰物)exdted感到兴奋的(一般修饰人)同类词有:i

12、nterestedinteresting, boredboring,真品考点tiredtiring, surprisedsurprising, scaredscaring, movedmoving(感动的),pleased-pleasing席兴的), amazed-zmazing (惊奇的),frightenedfrightening(受惊恐的) 二十六花费的四种用法:*Spend> pay的主语是人,常用于以下结构:(1) spendtime/money on sth.在上花费时间(金钱)。spend tim/money (in) doing sth.花费时间(金钱)做某事。pay money for sth.付钱(给某人)买。例:I spent 20yuan on this new book.I paid 20


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