Unit 5 词汇 短语 句型 阅读 练习 备战高考一轮基础复习人教版高中英语必修三_第1页
Unit 5 词汇 短语 句型 阅读 练习 备战高考一轮基础复习人教版高中英语必修三_第2页
Unit 5 词汇 短语 句型 阅读 练习 备战高考一轮基础复习人教版高中英语必修三_第3页
Unit 5 词汇 短语 句型 阅读 练习 备战高考一轮基础复习人教版高中英语必修三_第4页
Unit 5 词汇 短语 句型 阅读 练习 备战高考一轮基础复习人教版高中英语必修三_第5页
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1、备战高考英语一轮基础复习必修三units (人教版)(词汇+短语+句型+阅读)一:词汇过关1. wealthy富有的;富饶的一n.财富2. distancen.距离;远方v.拉开距离;与疏远一adj.远的;远方的3. measurevi. & vt.测量;衡量;判定n.措施;计量单位;计量制一n.测量;尺寸,长度4. impressvt.使印象深刻;使铭记一adj.给人深刻印象的;感人n.印象5. confirmvt.证实;证明;批准一n. 确认;证实一adj.成习惯的;根深蒂固的6. mixvt. & vi.混合;调配;相容一adj.混合的;混杂的一yi.混合(物);混合状态

2、7. surroundvt. & vi.包围;围绕;与紧密相关一n.周围的事物;环境一adj.周围的;附近的8. broadadj.宽阔的;广泛的adv.宽阔地;大体上一讹使变宽;扩展;增长(经验、知识等)9. terrify讨.使恐惧;恐吓一adj.恐惧的;受惊吓的一adj.可怕的;令人恐惧的n.恐惧;可怕的人或事10. pleasedadj.欣喜的;局兴的;愉快的>vt.使高兴;(使)满意;讨好一令人局兴的;令人满意的一adj.令人愉快的;友好的一n.愉快;玩乐;乐事二:短语复习1.与其;不愿2.设法做3.对有天赋4.一路上;自始至终5. 远到;直到6. 穿过;检查7. 看见

3、;瞥见8. 定居;平静下来;专心于9. 在远处10. 在黎明时11. 梦想12. 去商业中心区13. 查看;检查;从上面看14. 有面积三:句型复习1. 动词ing作状语, you'll pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests, as well as wide rivers and large cities.一路向东行,你会经过一座座山脉,上千个湖泊、森林,还有宽阔的河流和许多大城 市。2. 独立主格结构it is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall,over 90 m

4、etres.那儿湿度很大,所以树都长得特别高,一些树高达90多米。3. not. until 句式theyfor montreallater, so they went on a tour of the city.她们要晚些时候才动身去蒙特利尔,因此就在多伦多市内游览了一番。四:单句语法填空1. in industrialized nationsapproximate) one out of every 6, 000 people livesbeyond the age of 100.2. weightlifting is a popular sport in china, and is of

5、ten connected to (tradition) martial arts training.3. as the days passed and the cold winter drew near, the bird had to leave the tree for a (distance) place.4. his behavior today has made me change my first(impress) of him.5. born into a(wealth) family, addams was one of a small number of womenin h

6、er generation to graduate from college.6. a study found a(slight) higher number of american women online thanmen.7. i'm very(please) to have this opportunity to say a little about two excitingnew developments in the city.8. in 1982, i got called into a big case that made me start to see things m

7、ore(broad).9. i'm sure many (surround) countries will lend aid to help these peoplerecover from such a disaster.10. she was silent for a few moments, and a look of(terrify) came over her face.五:单句短文改错1. he has gift for communicating, so he can manage all kinds of people at work.2. surrounding by

8、 the sea on three sides, modern qingdao is considered one of the most livable cities in china.3. he looked very pleasing with himself, so i knew he passed his driving test.4. even so, she impressed the world on her courage and strong desire to succeed.5. without any doubt, related departments will t

9、ake measure to help the districts which have suffered flood.6. what i remembered most about my visit to new york was the fact that i could always hear a siren (警报)somewhere in the distant.7. he was busy writing a letter rather than read the newspaper.8. there is a large lake near my house, which ext

10、ends as far the foot of a hill.9. over 40 thousands patients a year will be treated at the medical center.10.1 have to say that this opening ceremony was the most impressed i have ever seen.六:阅读训练(a)2021 admission guide for international students of beijing foreign studies universityabout bfsu enrol

11、lmentbfsu enrolls international students into full-time degree programs. degree programs include bachelor's programs, master's programs and phd programs. bfsu grants bfsu diplomas to the students who meet the requirements for graduation by the designated deadline, and degree certificates to

12、those who meet the requirements of the degree programs. bfsu enrolls both liberal arts students and science students from all over the world.semesterat beijing foreign studies university, each academic year is divided into spring and autumn semesters. autumn semester often starts in september and en

13、ds in january next year, while spring semester usually lasts from february till july. exact starting and finishing dates of each semester are subject to bfsu academic calendar.degree programsbachelor's programsduration: 4 years. students will be awarded diplomas upon successful completion of req

14、uired courses, the thesis, and the oral defense of the thesis. those who fulfil the requirements for bachelor's degree will also be awarded a degree certificate.master's programsduration: 2 or 3 years, depending on the major. students will be awarded diplomas and certificates for master'

15、s degree after acquiring all credits, finishing the thesis as well as the oral defense of the thesis.phd programsduration: 3 years. students will be awarded diplomas and certificates for doctoral degree in the case of acquiring all credits, certain achievements in scientific research, and finishing

16、the phd dissertation as well as the oral defense of the thesis.1. how long does each academic year usually last?a. about 6 months.b. about 5 months.c. about 10 months.d. about 12 months.2. what do all degree programs have in common?a. all programs need students to study for the same period of time.b

17、. both chinese and foreigners can apply for the degree programs.c. all programs require students to fulfil an oral defense of the thesis.d. those who get diplomas must be awarded degree certificates.3. what's special about phd programs?a. full-time phd degree programs will be provided.b. student

18、s should study for three years to be qualified for the degree.c. phd programs enroll both liberal arts and science students.d. students should gain certain achievements in scientific research.(b)"the great good place” is a short story by american novelist henry james, first published in 1900. i

19、ts theme is that people need a place where they can escape the grind of daily life. this is an idea that howard schultz, who turned the starbucks coffee chain into an international giant, used in his business strategy.born in 1952, schultz grew up in brooklyn. after university, he worked for a firm

20、supplying coffee-making equipment. shortly after working there, schultz noticed that a company in seattle was buying a surprisingly large amount of the firm's equipment, and he decided to investigate. it turned out to be a simple coffee-bean store, but its owners were committed to teaching the p

21、ublic to appreciate good coffee.this store in seattle opened in 1971 and took its name from starbuck, a sailor in the classic novel moby dick. its logo was a two-tailed mermaid. fascinated by its owners1 commitment to coffee, schultz joined starbucks. later, on a trip to europe, he was impressed by

22、the way that street cafes in italy were both meeting points and places to drink espresso. this was something american didn*t have yet.in 1985, schultz started his own coffee-bar business, which soon became a success. two years later, he got together with some other investors and bought starbucks for

23、 us $ 3. 8 million. adopting the name and logo, schultz developed a marketing strategy that turned ordinary cafes into fashionable outlets for coffee. he used clever tricks, such as selling coffee in "short”,"tall" and "grande" size rather than the usual small, medium, and l

24、arge. customers learned to pronounce unfamiliar italian names like latte and macchiato. schultz actually created a market that hadn't existed before.within 20 years, schultz had taken coffee culture from the streets of europe to almost every city in developed countries. today, millions of people

25、 a week visit starbucks locations in countries globally. clearly, these customers are happy with the "great good place".4. what does the underlined word “grind" mean in paragraph 1?a. boredom b. flavorc. virtued. intervention5 why did schultz decide to join starbucks?a. he wanted to e

26、xpand his business of equipment.b. his trip europe instructed him and changed his initial mind.c. he was struck by the its owner's devotion to coffee.d. he was impressed by the relaxing atmosphere in starbucks.6. according to the passage, schultz's business strategies do not include.a. openi

27、ng stores all over the world.b. changing the name and logo of the store at some locations.c. selling coffee in "short”, "tall" and "grande” sizes.d. his wisdom and cooperation with other investors.7. what is the main idea of the passage?a. the starbucks coffee chain originated in

28、 seattle.b. street cafes in italy usually have far more customers than cafes in america.c. starbucks are what american novelist henry james described "great good places”。d. schultz successfully transformed starbucks into an international giant.参考答案一:1. wealth 2. distant 3 measurement 4. impress

29、ive; impression 5. confirmation; confirmed 6. mixed; mixture 7. surroundings; surrounding 8. broadly; broaden 9. terrified; terrifying; terror 10. please; pleasing; pleasant; pleasure二:1. rather than 2. manage to do 3. have a gift for 4. all the way 5. as far as 6. gothrough 7. catch sight of 8. set

30、tle down 9. in the distance 10. at dawn 11. dream of12. go downtown 13. look over 14. have an area of三:1. going eastward 2. some measuring 3. were not leaving; until四:1. approximately 2. traditional 3 distant 4. impression 5. wealthy 6. slightly 7. pleased 8. broadly 9. surrounding 10. terror五:1.在 g

31、ift 前加 a 2. surrounding 改为 surrounded 3. pleasing 改为 pleased 4. on 改 为 with 5. measure 改为 measures 6. distant 改为 distance 7. read 改为 reading 8.在 the 前加 as 9. thousands 改为 thousand 10. impressed 改为 impressive六:1. 根据 semester 部分中"at beijing foreign studies university, each academic year isdivided

32、 into spring and autumn semesters. autumn semester often starts in september and ends in january next year, while spring semester usually lasts from february till july.(在匕京外国语大学,每学年分为春季和秋季两个学期。秋季学期通常从9月开始到明年1月结 束,而春季学期通常从2月持续到7月。尸可知,每个学年从9月到7月,大约10个月。故选c项。2. 根据 bachelor's programs 部分中students wi

33、ll be awarded diplomas upon successful completion of required courses, the thesis, and the oral defense of the thesis.(学生完成必修 课程、毕业论文及论文答辩后,可获得毕业证书。产,master programs部分中“finishing the thesis as well as the oral defense of the thesis(完成论文和论文的口头答辩)”及 phd programs 部分中"and finishing the phd disserta

34、tion as well as the oral defense of the thesis(完成博士论文及论文口头答辩)”可知,所有学位课程的共同点是都要求学生完成论文 的口头答辩。故选c项。3. 根据 phd programs 部分中"students will be awarded diplomas and certificates fordoctoral degree in the case of acquiring all credits, certain achievements in scientific research, and finishing the phd

35、dissertation as well as the oral defense of the thesis.(学生要 取得全部学分,取得一定科研成果,完成博士学位论文及论文口头答辩,才会被授予博士 学位证书。尸可知,博士课程的特别之处是学生应该在科研方面取得一定的成绩。故选d 项。4e 根据画线词上文""the great good place95 is a short story by american novelisthenry james, first published in 1900. its theme is that people need a place

36、where they can escape the”(“伟大的好地方”是美国小说家henry james写的短篇故事,首次发表于1900年。它的主题是人们需要一个他们可以的地方)可知,划线处的这句话是解释上文的“伟 大的好地方”,这个地方可以逃离日常生活的什么,从这可以推测出这个词是形容日常生活 不好的方面,即日常生活中的乏味、无聊。故画线词意思是“乏味”。a. boredom乏味,厌倦;be flavor 风味;c. virtue 优点;d intervention 介入。故选 a。5. 根据第三段中fascinated by its owners* commitment to coffee, schultz joinedstarbucks-( schultz被老板对咖啡的投入所吸引,加入了星巴克)”可知,由于主人对咖啡的投入,schultz加入了星巴克。故选c。6. 根据第四段"in 1985, schultz started his own coffee-bar business, which soon becamea success. two years later, he got together with some other in


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