掌握英语句子的类型 -- 简单句、并列句、复合句()_第1页
掌握英语句子的类型 -- 简单句、并列句、复合句()_第2页
掌握英语句子的类型 -- 简单句、并列句、复合句()_第3页
掌握英语句子的类型 -- 简单句、并列句、复合句()_第4页
掌握英语句子的类型 -- 简单句、并列句、复合句()_第5页
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1、句子的类型(Types)句子就是把词和词组按照一定的规则组织起来,使之能够表达一个完整的意思。一般从说话人的目的来看,句子可以分为四种种类:陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。本文主要从句子结构本身来讨论,句子可以分为三种类型,即简单句、并列句和复合句。其实句子的种类和句子的类型共存于任何一句句子中。一、 简单句(Simple Sentence) 简单句,即英语句子中含有一个主谓结构的句子,有6种类型:1、 主语+系动词+表语其中系动词有:be, become, turn, get, feel, smell, seem, look等。This book is mine. (考纲例句)The lea

2、ves turn green. 2、 主语+不及物动词+(状语)Mary can swim. (考纲例句)Great changes have taken place. 3、 主语+谓语+宾语The fireman rescued a boy. (考纲例句)My sister enjoys the song. 4、 主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语I gave Tom some suggestions. (考纲例句)The company offered her a good job. 5、 主语+及物动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语Doctors make sick people bette

3、r. (考纲例句)I heard someone singing. 名词、形容词、现在分词、过去分词、动词不定式等常可用作宾语补足语。 其他几点值得注意:1) make it safe结构英语中有些动词常用形容词作宾语补足语,这类动词结构有:get it open/ shut/ dirty, find it easy/ difficult, hold it still/ open, , 2) buy Tom a bike buy it for Tom 在“主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语”结构中,如果直接宾语是人称代词, 一般要放在及物动词之后,而把间接宾语变为介词短语,移到人称代词的后面。

4、 例如: 他们给汤姆一把小刀。 They gave Tom a knife. They gave it to Tom.3) send him a lettersend a letter to him 表示“给予,传送”等意义的词常用to引出间接宾语,用于这一类的动词有:give, hand, leave, sell, show, pass, post, read, sell, show等。例如:老师把练习本给了他们。The teacher handed them the exercise books. The teacher handed the exercise books to them.

5、 4)find her a jobfind a job for her 表示“买,做”等意义的词常用for 引出间接宾语,用于“主语+谓语+直宾+for + 间宾”结构中。这类动词有:buy, call, build, choose, do, fetch, find, get, keep, leave, make 等。例如:他为父亲省了许多钱。He saved his father a lot of money. He saved a lot of money for his father. 5)动词不定式在有些动词(let, make, see, hear等)后面作宾补时,则不带to,hel

6、p 后面的to可带可不带。例如: The teacher let the children play. I saw the train drive into the station. 二、并列句(Compound sentence)1、 并列句是由并列连词把两个以上的简单句连在一起构成的句子。常用的并列连词有and, but, or, so, (考纲要求)for, yet, nor, eitheror, neithernor, still, however, not onlybut also等。并列句的结构为:简单句+并列连词+简单句例如:These shoes are not cheap ,

7、but they are very good.并列连词的用法1) and, not onlybut also(as well), and then表示“连续”和“另加”。例如:Helen washed the clothes and then(she)listened to music. 2) but, yet, still, however, while表示对比或转折。例如:He wrote the letter, but (he) forgot to post it. She was tired, still she kept on working. She wants to go to

8、the party, however she has no ticket.Some are reading books while others are watching TV.以下几点值得注意:(1) eitheror, neithernor, or,表示选择例如:Either she is to blame or you are. Neither can he answer the question nor can you know the answer.Fish must stay in water, or they will die.鱼必须躲在水中,不然就会死去。or 既可表示二者之间

9、的选择,也可以表示三者之间的选择。例如:Which is the hardest, steel, rock or rubber? 2)For(因为), so(所以)引导的因果并列句 例如:He must be ill, for he his absent today. He was ill, so he didn't go to school. 注意so不能与because连用。例如:Because it is raining, so we can't go out for a walk.(×) 3)and和or可以表示条件。and和or可以连接两个分句,前一个分句表

10、示条件,常 为祈使句;and前面的分句相当于if引导的肯定性从句,or前面的分句相当于if 引导的否定性从句。例如:Work hard, and you will succeed.(=If you work hard, you will succeed.)Hurry up, (=If you don't hurry up, you will be late.)or you will be late. 4)So is(can, does, did)he. 和 neither is(can, does, did)he. So和neither可以用在并列句中的第二个分句前,代表第一个句中的某

11、个成分, 表示前面分句中所讲的情况,也适用于后面的分句,这时,后面的分句要用倒装 结构。 例如:He has passed the exam, so has she. (表示肯定)She doesn't like the picture, neither do they. (表示否定) 5)not onlybut also和as well as的区别 not onlybut also还常用来连接平行的词或词组,意义与用法同as well as相 似,但强调的重点有所不同。not onlybut also强调的是后者,as well as强调的是 前者,这两个连接词进行转换时,要注意被强

12、调对象的转移。 例如:他不但给她写了信,而且给她寄了钱。 He not only wrote to her but also sent her some money. He sent her some money as well as wrote to her. She has not only knowledge, but also experience. She has experience as well as knowledge. 注意(1) 因as well as所强调的是前者,所以as well as连接两个词作主语时,谓语动词的数要同as well as前面的主语一致。如: Sh

13、e as well as you is right.她和你都是对的。(2) 在“He works as well as a skilled worker.”一句中,as well as不是连词,well是副词,意为“好”。asas为表示平等比较的连词,意为“像一样”。三、复合句(Complex sentence)复合句包含有两个或更多的主谓结构,是由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成。主句是句子的主体,从句只用作句子的一个成分,不能独立。初中阶段只要掌握宾语从句和状语从句两类。1宾语从句(重点掌握语序、时态和连接词) 种类:1. that引导的宾语从句:2. if / whether引导的宾语

14、从句:( 句中有or not,只能用whether )3. 疑问词引导的宾语从句(what, who, whom, whose, which, when, where, why, how):语序:陈述句语序 ( 主语+谓语 )句子的标点: 从属于主句时态: 1.当主句为一般现在时或一般将来时:2. 当主句为一般过去时:(1) 一般:时态进一级:(2)特殊情况:1. 从句表达的是客观真理,用_. 2从句中有明确表示过去时间的词,则_. 3think, believe引导的宾语从句人称:一主二宾三不变2状语从句(The Adverbial Clause)状语从句在复合句中起状语的作用,修饰主句中的

15、谓语动词、形容词和副词。状语从句用从属连词,在句中不充当句子成份,只起连接作用。根据意义上的不同,状语从句可分为下列几种:时间状语从句、地点状语从句、原因状语从句、方式状语从句、条件状语从句、结果状语从句、让步状语从句和比较状语从句。下面依据考纲中罗列的连词逐一分析,考纲中不涉及的在此不作分析:A. 时间状语从句(The Adverbial Clause of Time)考纲中涉及的连词主要有when, while, as, since, until, before, after, as soon as1、 when引导时间状语时,表示主句谓语动词的动作和从句谓语动词的动作时同时 发生,或者从

16、句的动作发生在主句的动作之前,when从句可表示“一段”时间 或“一点”时间。例如: I was taking a walk when she called me. 她叫我时我正在散步. When he opened the door, he saw a boy sitting on the floor.他打开门时,看见一个小 男孩坐在地板上。 注意when也可以用作并列连词,意为“那时,这时”。例如: I was walking down the street when I came across an old friend.我正在街上走着,这时碰见一位老朋友。2、 while引导时间状语从

17、句强调主句的动作与从句的动作在某一段时间内同时发生,意为“在期间”,while引导的时间状语从句只能表示一段时间(同延续性动词连用)。例如:Father looked after the children while mother was away.母亲不在时,父亲照看孩子们。以下几点值得注意:(1) while也可用作并列连词,意为“而,另一方面”。例如:She likes music, while I prefer sports. (2) while可表示“只要”。例如:While there is life, there is hope. (3) while还可表示“虽然,尽管”。例如:

18、While she is respected, she is not liked. 3、 as引导的时间状语从句表示“当时,一边一边”,指主句的动作和从句 的动作同时发生。as引导的时间状语从句既可表示一段时间(与延续性动词连 用),也可表示一点时间(同非延续性动词连用)。例如: I saw her as she was getting on the bus. 她上车时我看见了她。As I walked along the street, I heard someone calling me.我正在街上走时,听见有人叫我。注 when: (1) 主、从句动作同时发生: (2)主、从句动作先后发

19、生: 注 发生在过去的动作紧接着发生,或有某种逻辑关系,则都用一般过去时while: 主、从句动作同时发生,while后只能跟延续性动词,一般用进行时。 as: 主、从句动作同时发生4、 before表示主句动作发生在从句动作之前。Do you brush your teeth before you go to bed?如从句是过去时,主句一般用过去完成时。He had lunch before he went out. 他吃好午饭才出去。 5、after表示主句动作发生在从句动作之后。如主句是过去时,从句一般用过去完成 时。例如: He went out after he had lunch

20、. 他吃好午饭才出去。 6、till(until)表示“直到”,但till只用于句尾。主句表示能持续的动作或状态,或 终止性动作的否定状态,一直延续到从句的动作为止。例如: I waited till(until)he arrived. 我一直等到他来。 You can't leave until I give you permission. 直到我允许,你才能离开。7、as soon as引导状语从句表示“一就”,强调两个动作相继发生,间隔时间很短。例如:She began to cry as soon as she heard the news.8、since意为“自以来”。sin

21、ce从句中的动作表示动作的起点,用一般过去时; 主句中的动词表示动作的延续情况,一般要用现在完成时。另外要注意:(1)若 主句中的动词表示状态,而不是动作,可用一般现在时。(2)在有特定时间的上 下文中,主句用过去完成时。例如: Three years have passed since he entered the university. 自从他进大学已经三年了。 It is ten years since he joined the army. 他参军已经十年了。B、条件状语从句(The Adverbial Clause of Condition)引导条件状语从句的连接词:if, unle

22、ss例如:If it is fine on Sunday, we shall have a spring outing.如果下星期日天气好,我们去春游。You will not pass the exam unless you study hard.如果你不努力学习,就会通不过考试。以下几点值得注意:1) 同时间状语从句一样,条件状语从句如果表示将来时间,要用一般现在时代替一 般将来时。例如: Unless the noise stops soon, I shall telephone the police and complain about it.I won't wait for

23、him unless he rings me tomorrow.(这里一定要用rings ,不能用will ring)2)“if +否定句”=“notunless +肯定句”。例如:You can't enter the hall if you have no ticket. = You can't enter the hall unless you have a ticket. 你要有门票才能进大厅。祈使句+ and (then) / or=if / unless引导的条件状语从句 eg1. Work hard, and /then you will get good mar

24、ks. = eg2. Hurry up, or youll be late for school. =C、原因状语从句(The Adverbial Clause of Reason/Cause)说明主句动作发生的原因。引导原因状语从句的连接词有: because , now that, since, as, for1、 because表示“因为”,语气最强,表示直接原因,在回答why引导的问句时,必须用。例如:I cant go to see the film because Im quite busy.Because he was ill, he was absent yesterday.因

25、为他病了,他昨天没来。Why do you study English? 你为什么学习英语?I study English because I want to be an English teacher.我学习英语是因为想做英语老师。2、 since“既然”,语气较弱,所引导的从句放在主句之前,表示已知悉的原因,重 点在主句。例如Since he is busy, I won't trouble him. 既然他很忙,我就不打扰他了。3、 as表示“由于”,语气比because, since弱,表示较明显的原因,多用于日常谈话。 例如: As it was reining hard,

26、they stayed home. 由于雨下得很大,他们呆在家里。4、 for连接两个并列句,中间有逗号,表示推断出来的附另原因,通常不放在句首。 例如:He must be still studying now, for the light in his room is still on.他想必仍在学习,因为他房间的灯还亮着。5、now that近似于since,是较正式的用法,常译为“既然”。例如: Now that everybody is here, let's begin the meeting.既然大家都到了,我们就开会。D、目的状语从句(The Adverbial Cla

27、use of Purpose)考纲中列出的引导词有: so that(为了),in order that(以便).目的状语从句中谓语常含有may, might, can, could, should, would等。例如:Speak loudly so that the whole class can hear you.He studied hard so that he might succeed. 他努力学习,以便成功。Betty got up early in order that she might catch the train.贝蒂起得早,以便能赶上火车。 “in order to

28、 + v.”和“so as to + v.”均可表示目的,意为“为了,以便”,但是,“so as to + v.”不可放在句首,只能放在被修饰动词之后。例如:他们努力学习,以便通过考试。 They study hard in order to pass the exam. They study hard so as to pass the exam. In order to pass the exam, they study hard.E、结果状语从句(The Adverbial Clause of Result) 引导词有:so(结果),so that(结果),so that(如此,以至于)

29、,suchthat(如此以至于)。例如:The suitcase is so heavy that we have to find a trolley.Nothing more was heard of him, so people thought that he was dead. 没有再听到他的消息,所以人们以为他死了。The train was so full that I could hardly turn around.火车上人多,我几乎转不过身。so that和such that的比较: so为副词,修饰动词、副词或形容词,不可修饰名词,such为形容词、修饰名词。例如:He is

30、 so honest a man that everybody trusts him. = He is such an honest man that everybody trusts him. 他非常诚实,大家都依赖他。F、比较状语从句(The Adverbial Clause of Comparison)引导比较状语的词有:than(比),the(+比较级)+the(+比较级)(越越),as(+原级+)as(像一样),not as(so)(+原级)as(和不一样)1、 asas和一样;not so(as)as不如My diet is as healthy as yours.He spend

31、s as much time in reading as I do. 他和我花同样的时间读书。The book is not so interesting as that one. 这本书不如那本书有趣。2、 morethan比更;lessthan比更不This problem is more important than that one. 这个问题比那问题重要。This problem is less important than that one. 这问题不如那问题重要。3、 比较级前可加程度副词much, still, even, far, a lot, a little, a gre

32、at deal, twice, 3 times, three years, rather, slightly等。例如: This book is a great deal better than that one. 这本书比那本书好多了。 He is much taller than his brother. 他比他哥哥高多了。 The room is 3 times larger than that one. 这房间是那个房间的四倍。This bridge is longer than any other bridge in the world. 这桥比世界上别的任何桥都长。G、让步状语从句

33、(The Adverbial Clause of Concession)引导让步状语从句的连接词:though(虽然),although(虽然).though和although可通用,但although一般位于句首,而though可在句尾或句首。而且用了although,though,后面不能用“but”。例如:Although they are old, they still work in the fields every day.Although he has failed many times, he doesn't give up trying.The article is

34、very important though it is short. He failed even though he had tried his best. 他虽然尽了最大努力,但仍失败了。3定语从句(Attributive Clauses)了解由关系代词(who, that, which)引导的定语从句。重点:关键在于理解,看得懂就行。只要注意修饰人的用who或 that 修饰物的用that 或which。This is the aunt who/that looks after Tom.He started to eat the apple which /that Ben had giv

35、en him. 中考真题 I. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案):状语从句 1.You will be able to get good marks _. (03)A. while you are doing your homework by yourselfB. if you do some revision every dayC. before you begin to study hardD. until you follow your teachers advice宾语从句1. He didnt remember _ his watch. (95)A.

36、where he had putB. where he has putC. where had he putD. where has he put2. I dont know _ last night. (96)A. why they didnt go to the moviesB. when they didnt go to the moviesC. why didnt they go to the moviesD. when didnt they go to the movies3. The old man wondered _. (97)A. whether the American p

37、ilot had seen UFOsB. whether had the American pilot seen UFOsC. how had the American pilot seen UFOsD. that the American pilot had seen UFOs4. He hasnt decided _. (98)A. if hell go on a trip to WuxiB. when will he go on a trip to WuxiC. if he goes on a trip to WuxiD. when does he go on a trip to Wux

38、i5. Miss Li wants to know _ next week. (99)A. when my uncle leavesB. when will my uncle leaveC. where my uncle will stayD. where does my uncle stay6. He asked me _ during the winter holidays. (00)A. where I had goneB. where I had beenC. where had I goneD. where had I been7. Will you please tell me _

39、? (01)A. where Pudong Airport isB. how far Pudong Airport wasC. how can we get to Pudong AirportD. when was Pudong Airport built8. Id like to know _. (02)A. when will he give back the tapeB. whether has he received higher educationC. that he has been busyD. whether she will join in our English Eveni

40、ng 9. Professor Nelson wanted to know _.(05) A. when would the conference begin B. when the conference would begin C. when will the conference begin D. when the conference will beginII. Rewrite the sentences as required (按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词): 1. The words on the notice board are very small. I cant see t

41、hem clearly. (两句并一句) (97)The words on the notice board are _ small _ I cant see them clearly.2. Put on your coat, or youll catch a cold. (保持原句意思) (01)_ you _ put on your coat, youll catch a cold.3. I wont go with you unless you help me do the washing. (用if改写句子) (03)I wont go with you _ you _ help me

42、 do the washing.I _ go with you _ you help me do the washing. 4. The boy asked his mother, “ Does water freeze at 0?” (保持原句意思 (03) The boy asked his mother _ water _ at 0. 5. The ice cream will melt, so youd better put it in the fridge at once. (保持原句意思)(04)The ice cream will melt _ you _ put it in t

43、he fridge at once. 6. Jacks mother asked him, “ Have you packed your things?” (改为宾语从句) (04) Jacks mother asked him _ he _ packed his things. 7. The poor child was so lucky that she received many books from Project Hope. (改为简单句) (05)The poor child was _ _ to receive many books from Project Hope. 同步精练

44、 I. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案):( ) 1.Do you know _?A. what time does the train arrive B. what time the train arriveC. the train arrives what time D. what time the train arrives( ) 2. I really didnt know _.A. what the matter was B. whats the matterC. what matter it was D. what matter was it( )

45、3. The teacher wanted to know _ finish their homework.A. when would the boys B. when will the boys C. when the boys would D. when the boys will( ) 4. I asked her _.A. which she liked best one B. which one did she like bestC. which one does she like best D. which one she liked best( ) 5. Mr. Li asked

46、 me in todays lesson _.A. why does the sun rise in the east B. why the sun rises in the eastC. why did the sun rise in the east D. why the sun rose in the east( ) 6. Can you tell me _?A. where he lives B. where he liveC. where does he live D. where is he living( ) 7. Could you tell me _?A. whats her

47、 address B. whose are those booksC. when the train left D. if he would go to Beijing( ) 8. Could you tell me _? Is it serious?A. when he has gone B. why did you look so worriedC. whats wrong with your arm D. whom are you looking for( ) 9. Mr. Black didnt tell me how long _?A. he had come to Shanghai

48、 B. he had gone to ShanghaiC. he had been to Shanghai D. he had been in Shanghai( ) 10. Which sentence of the following is not right?A. The doctor asked whats the matter.B. Betty wondered whether or not I would join the club.C. Dick told his youngest sister light travels much faster than sound.D. Jo

49、hn said a pair of glass was on the desk.II. Rewrite the sentences as required (按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词): 1. The boy was frightened. He began to cry. (合并为一句)The boy was _ frightened _ he began to cry.2. Jack was clever. He could work out the maths problems. (保持原句意思) Jack was clever _ _ work out the maths pro

50、blems.3. Factories must clean the water so that it wont pollute rivers or lakes. (保持原句意思) Factories must clean the water so _ not _ pollute rivers or lakes.4. The MP3 is so expensive that none of us can buy it. (保持原句意思) The MP3 is _ expensive for _ of us to buy.5. The government killed 14,000 chicke

51、ns to stop the bird flu from spreading.(保持原句意思) The government killed 14,000 chicken _ _ the bird flu can be stopped from spreading.6. Mr. Black said to the boy, “Dont talk in class.” (保持原句意思) Mr. Black told the boy _ _ talk in class.7. If you are careless, you wont finish the job well.(保持原句意思) _ _,

52、 or you wont finish the job well.8. Mr. Clerk went to bed when the TV programme was over. (保持原句意思) Mr. Clerk _ go to bed _ the TV programme was over.9. We didnt go to the park last Monday because it rained heavily. (保持原句意思) We didnt go to the park last Monday _ _ the heavy rain10. Nothing can live if there is no water or air. (改为简单句


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