大学英语5E教程第一册 Unit 1 Modern University 摩登大学_第1页
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1、Unit 1 Modern University 摩登大摩登大学学Lesson 1 Live and Learn 活到老学到老活到老学到老Starter: What Is School Life Like?Reading: Whose Leg?Listening: My DormListening: In the LibrarySpeaking: Your ScheduleWriting: E-mailing ProfessorsMicro-Class: A Survey on Differences Between High School and CollegeWeChat: School

2、TermsNext1. Starter: What Is School Life Like? A. Guess how the mother dog answers the following two questions by filling the blanks. 1.Why dont dogs go to school?2.Whats school like?QuestionBackNextReference AnswerBackNextB. What is school life made up of? Use words to describe school life by filli

3、ng the bulbs. BackNextdreamsBackNext2. Reading: Whose Leg?Read the passage and do the exercises. Joe, a college student, was taking a course in the study of birds. The night before the biggest test of the semester, Joe spent all night studying. He had the textbook nearly memorized. He knew his class

4、 notes backward and forward. Joe was ready. The morning of the test, Joe sat in the front row. On a table was a row of ten stuffed birds. Each bird had a sack covering its body, and only the legs were shown. The professor announced that the students were to identify each bird by looking at its legs.

5、The legs all looked the same to Joe. He had stayed up all night studying for this test and now he had to identify birds by their LEGS? The more he thought about the situation, the angrier he got. Finally he reached his boiling point. He went up to the professors desk, crumpled up his exam paper, and

6、 threw it onto the desk. “What a ridiculous test!” He told the professor. “How could anyone tell the difference between these birds by looking at their legs? This exam is the biggest rip-off Ive ever seen!” Joe turned and stormed toward the exit. The professor was a bit shocked, and it took him a mo

7、ment to recover himself. Then, just as Joe was about to walk out the door, the professor shouted out, “Wait a minute, young man, whats your name?” Joe turned around, pulled up his pant legs and shouted, “You tell me, Professor! You tell me!”BackNextA. Match the verbs (18) in the text to their meanin

8、gs (ah). 1. memorize a. recognize 2. stuffb. indicate 3. announcec. keep in mind4. identify d. get to5. reache. become well again6. recover f. keep out of sight7. cover g. fill the inside of8. crumpleh. wrinkle ANSWER1. c 2. g 3. b 4. a 5. d 6. e 7. f 8. h BackNextB. Decide whether the following sta

9、tements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage. 1. Joe was taking a course in the study of insects. ( )2. Joe stayed up all night studying for the biggest test of the semester. ( )3. Joe thought he was well-prepared for the test. ( )4. The professor asked the students to identify the bir

10、ds by looking at their heads. ( )5. Joe was angry because he thought he was cheated by the professor. ( )6. Joe asked the professor to tell him his name by identifying his leg. ( )BackNextFTTFTTC. Rearrange the following sentences according to the sequence of the story. a. Joe pulled up his pant leg

11、s.b. The students were asked to identify each bird by looking at its legs.c. Joe stayed up all night studying for the test.d. Joe crumpled up his exam paper, and threw it onto the desk.e. The professor asked Joe his name. ANSWER1. c 2. b 3. d 4. e 5. a BackNext_ he worked, _ he got.D. Put the follow

12、ing sentences into Chinese, noticing the underlined parts. Then work out your own sentences, referring to the Chinese given below. 1. A row of children are standing in front of a row of chairs. 一排小孩站在一排椅子前。Your own sentence: 我站在一排椅子的后面。I stood _behind a row of chairs.2. She made the bed yesterday ev

13、ening, but she didnt go to bed; she stayed up all night. 昨晚,她铺了床却没睡觉,她熬了一夜。Your own sentence: 我为了看足球一夜没睡。I stayed up all night3. The higher the ground is, the thinner the air becomes. Your own sentence: 他越努力工作,得到的就越多。离地面越高,空气就越稀薄。The harder the moreBackNext_to watch the soccer.4. Can you tell the di

14、fference between an ape and a monkey? Your own sentence: 你能说说感情和理智的区别吗?5. He is about to embark on a new business venture. Your own sentence: 制造商们马上要生产一种新产品。你能区分猿和猴吗?Can you tell the difference between and他将要开始新的商业冒险活动。are about toBackNext_ emotional thinking _ intellectual thinking?The makers _ lau

15、nch a new product.Vocabulary New WordsNew WordsBackNextsemester /()/n. 学期memorize / vt. 记住,背熟row / n. 行stuff / vt. 塞满;填塞sack / n. 麻布袋announce / vt. 宣布identify / vt. 认出,识别crumple / vt. 弄皱ridiculous / a. 可笑的;荒谬的rip-off / / n. 诈骗Phra

16、ses and ExpressionsPhrases and ExpressionsBackNextbackward and forward来回stuffed bird鸟类标本stay up熬夜boiling point沸点recover oneself恢复镇定be about to即将;刚要;正打算pull up拉起Notes 1. He had the textbook nearly memorized. 他几乎背下了整本教科书。have sth. done主要有两种意义及用法:(1)表示“使

17、(让,要,叫)某事被做”,强调主语的意志,过去分词done所表示的动作由他人完成。e.g. I have my photograph taken. 我(让人)照了张相。I had my watch repaired yesterday. 我昨天(让人)把我的手表修了。(2)以主语为重点,意味着对主语不利的事,常有“遭受”的含意。此时,done所表示的动作执行者不明。在使用中,done由其他实义动作执行者代替。e.g. He had his arm broken. 他的胳膊折断了。He had his house burnt down in the fire. 他的房子在大火中被烧成了灰烬。me

18、morize vt. 记住,背熟e.g. The boy can memorize the data easily. 这男孩能轻松地记住这些数据。If you memorize a poem, you can recite it without looking at a book. 你如果背熟了一首诗,不看书就能脱口而出。2. He knew his class notes backward and forward. 他反复熟读课堂笔记。backward and forward 来回e.g. After I know it all backward and forward I finally

19、put aside the newspaper. 在熟悉了内容之后,我丢开了报纸。BackNext3. On a table was a row of ten stuffed birds. 桌子上摆放着一排鸟类标本,共十个。row n. 行e.g. There is a row of pretty little cottages. 这儿有一排漂亮的小村舍。Lets number them from 1 to 20 row by row. 让我们一行接一行地从1数到20。表示“列”的词为column。stuff vt. 塞满;填塞e.g. The little boy stands there,

20、 stuffing his mouth with popcorn. 这个小男孩站在那里,嘴里塞满了爆米花。 The fat mans wallet is stuffed with money. 这个胖男人的钱包里塞满了钱。stuffed a. 填充的e.g. He sent some stuffed animals to his son. 他送给儿子一些毛绒玩具。My mom gave me some stuffed animals. 我妈妈给了我一些毛绒玩具。 stuffed birds 鸟类标本4. Each bird had a sack covering its body, and o

21、nly the legs were shown. 每只鸟儿都用袋子遮住身体,只露出 腿。sack n. 麻布袋e.g. This sack of potatoes weighs a hundred jin at most. 这袋土豆至多也就一百斤。 He lifted a sack of wheat to see how heavy it was. 他举起一袋麦子,想估测它有多重。5. The professor announced that the students were to identify each bird by looking at its legs. 教授宣布,每个学 生必须

22、通过观察鸟腿来识别每只鸟。announce vt. 宣布e.g. Would you announce the guests as they come in? 客人来时你通报一声好吗? We dashed off a letter to announce the news. 我们匆忙写了一封信宣布这消息。identify vt. 认出,识别e.g. Could you identify your sunshade among a hundred others? 你能从100把遮阳伞中认出自己的那一把吗? Would you be able to identify the man who rob

23、bed you? 你能认出那个抢你东西的人吗?BackNext6. He had stayed up all night studying for this test and now he had to identify birds by their LEGS? 为了这次考试,他熬夜学习,现在他却不得不看着这些鸟腿来识别鸟类吗?stay up all night 通宵未睡e.g. I will make this radio work even if I have to stay up all night. 即使通宵不睡,我也要把这台收音机修好。stay up late 熬夜;睡得很晚 sta

24、y up 熬夜不睡e.g. Do you stay up late on Chinese New Years Eve? 你们除夕守夜吗?7. The more he thought about the situation, the angrier he got. 他越想这事就越生气。“the+比较级,the+比较级”句型主从句的时态常用一般现在时或一般过去时。e.g. The higher you climb, the farther you will see. 你爬得越高,就看得越远。The sooner, the better. 越快越好。8. Finally he reached his

25、 boiling point. 最后他愤怒至极。boiling point沸点e.g. Racial tension has reached a boiling point. 种族间的紧张形势已是一触即发。Matters have reached the boiling point. 事情已到了决定性的时刻。The match has reached the boiling point. 比赛已进入高潮。9. He went up to the professors desk, crumpled up his exam paper, and threw it onto the desk. 他走

26、到教授的桌前,把自己的试卷揉得皱巴巴的并扔到桌子上。crumple vt. 弄皱e.g. She crumpled the paper in her hand. 她把手中的纸揉成了一团。Dont crumple my clothes! 别把我的衣服弄皱了!BackNext10. “How could anyone tell the difference between these birds by looking at their legs? This exam is the biggest rip-off Ive ever seen!” “哪有人能仅仅通过看鸟腿就分辨出这些鸟?这次考试是我见

27、过的最大骗局!”tell the difference between and 分辨出和的不同之处e.g. Can you tell the difference between American education and Chinese education? 你能说出美国教育和中国教育的区别吗?rip-off n. 诈骗e.g. The service charge is a rip-off, but Im willing to pay if Im guaranteed a seat. 这项服务费是宰人的,但要是能确保我有座位我也愿意付钱。This 100-dollar-jacket is

28、 such a rip-off. 这件100元的夹克根本不值这个价,太贵了!11. Joe turned and stormed toward the exit. 乔转身向门口冲去。storm vi. 气冲冲地走;横冲直撞;狂怒咆哮e.g. After a bit of an argument, he stormed out. 一场小争执之后,他就气冲冲地走了。He stormed out of the room in a rage. 他怒气冲冲地跑出房间。12. The professor was a bit shocked, and it took him a moment to reco

29、ver himself. 这位教授有点震惊,片刻之后才恢复镇静。shocked a. 震惊的;震撼的e.g. This was a nasty attack and the woman is still very shocked. 这是一次严重的袭击,这位女士依旧惊魂未定。We were all shocked by the disaster. 这场灾难使我们所有人都大为震惊。recover oneself 恢复镇定e.g. She fought to recover herself. 她竭力使自己恢复镇定。BackNext13. Then, just as Joe was about to

30、walk out the door 然后,正当乔要走出房门的时候be about to 即将;刚要;正打算辨析be to do,be going to do,和be about to do的区别。(1)be to do表示事先商定、安排或准备要做的事情。e.g. The students are to meet at the school gate tomorrow. 明天学生们将在学校大门口集中。(2)be going to do表示将要发生的事情或打算最近要进行的动作。e.g. It is going to rain soon. 快要下雨了。(3)be about to do 表示即将发生

31、的动作,在时间上指最近的将来。e.g. We are about to start. 我们就要出发了。The new school year is about to begin. 新学年开学在即。在含有be about to do的句子中,不能再加时间状语。e.g. Wrong: The medical team is about to start immediately.Right: The medical team is about to start. 医疗队马上就要出发。14. Joe turned around, pulled up his pant legs and shouted,

32、 “You tell me, Professor! You tell me!” 乔转过身,拉起他的裤腿,喊道,“你告诉我,教授!你告诉我!”pull up 拉起e.g. That is simple. I can pull up my shirt. 这很简单,我可以拉起我的衬衫。 Please pull up a chair and join the conversation. 请拉把椅子过来一起聊聊天。BackNext谁的腿?谁的腿?乔是一名大学生,正在修读一门鸟类学课程。这学期大考的前一晚,乔整个晚上都在复习。他几乎背下了整本教科书,还反复熟读课堂笔记。乔已经准备好了。考试这天早上,乔坐在


34、TranslationBackNextBackNextInfo BoxGetting off to a Good StartStarting off on the right foot can lead to a positive professional relationship. One way to start off on the right foot is to know what your professors will expect from you. Each faculty member will be different but some common things you

35、r professors will expect from you include:1. Reading the syllabus.2. Going to class regularly and being on time.3. Being an active learner.4. Reading the assigned materials before class. 5. Asking your professor if you have questions. 6. Turning in assignments on time. 7. Being respectful during cla

36、ss. 8. Going up to the professor after class, briefly introducing yourself and asking a quick question related to the class lecture or discussion. 9. Volunteering to help out (e.g., handing out papers, assisting with course evaluations). 10. Participating in class discussions but not dominating the

37、conversation.3. Listening: My DormListen to the conversation. Choose the best answer to each question. 1. Adam shares a room with _ other guys. A. 2 C. 4 D. 52. The room is _. B. dark C. dirty D. messy3. Which floor does Adam live on? A. The 2nd.B. The 3rd. C. The 4th. 4. There is a great view from

38、his _. A. kitchenB. bathroom D. windowB. 3A. clear and bright D. The 5th.C. balconyBackNextVocabulary New WordsNew WordsPhrases and Expressionsget along with和相处give sb. a hand帮某人忙BackNextdorm / n. 寝室roommate / n. 室友friendly / a. 友好的;亲密的view / n. 景色balcony /

39、n. 阳台stair / n. 楼梯workout / n. 锻炼TapescriptAdam: Daniel, would you like to have a look at my dorm?Daniel: Of course, Id like to.Adam: It is a small room, just for 4 people.Daniel: What is in it?Adam: It only has 4 beds and 4 writing desks, but it is clear and bright.Daniel: Do y

40、ou get along with your roommates?Adam: Of course. They are very friendly.Daniel: Which floor are you on?Adam: We are on the 5th floor, and theres a very nice view from the balcony.Daniel: Oh, you can climb the stairs as a workout.Adam: Yes, thats a good idea.Daniel: Wow, your roommates are cleaning

41、the room.Adam: Lets give them a hand.BackNextNotes 1. Daniel, would you like to have a look at my dorm? 丹尼尔,想不想去看看我的寝室?Would you like.? 是用来礼貌地询问对方的意愿,是否“想要”或委婉地提出请求、建议或者陈述个人的想法。第一人称也可以用should like。should / would like与动词want同义,但语气比want更委婉,更礼貌。在结构上有: (1)后接名词或代词。e.g. Would you like some bread? 你想要面包吗?

42、Would you like something to drink/eat? 你想要喝点/吃点什么吗? (2)后接不定式,表示想要做某事。e.g. Would you like to go with me? 你想和我一起去吗?2. Do you get along with your roommates? 你和室友相处得好吗?get along with 和相处e.g. Do you get along with your coworkers? 你和同事相处得好吗?3. They are very friendly. 他们都很友好。*friendly a. 友好的;融洽的 ad. 友善地;温和

43、地e.g. Im friendly with his mother. 我和他的母亲很要好。Godfrey had been friendly to me. 戈弗雷曾经对我很友好。4. Lets give them a hand. 我们去帮他们吧。give sb. a hand 帮助某人e.g. Hes always willing to give a hand to anyone who asks. 任何人有求于他,他总是乐于帮助。BackNext我的宿舍亚当: 丹尼尔,想不想去看看我的宿舍?丹尼尔:当然,我很想去。亚当: 那是个小房间,只住了四个人。丹尼尔:里面有什么?亚当: 只有四张床和四

44、张书桌,但是很整洁、明亮。丹尼尔:你和室友们相处得好吗?亚当: 当然。他们都很友好。丹尼尔:你们住几楼?亚当: 我们住五楼,所以从阳台上可以看到美景。丹尼尔:哦,你可以爬楼锻炼身体了。亚当: 是啊,这是个好主意。丹尼尔:哇,你室友正在打扫房间。亚当: 我们去帮他们吧。TranslationBackNextBackNextInfo BoxWant to brighten up your boring dorm room without spending lots of money? Here are some good decorating ideas:Postcard murals (壁饰):

45、 Postcards are cheap, colorful, and fun. Collect postcards from places youve been to.Wall decorations: Affix some simple suction cup (吸盘) decorations.Curtains: Replace dorm curtains with some colorful ones.Plants: Its probably a good idea to live with low-maintenance varieties.Lamps: Fluorescent (荧光

46、的;反光的) dorm lights are bad both for your eyes and the soul. Lamp light will make your room much more like a home. Bookends (书挡): Youre definitely going to need some books, right? So why not add some color to the room with cool bookends? Maps: Wall maps are colorful, and scholarly in kind of a hip wa

47、y. Globes are a nice touch as well.4. Listening: In the LibraryA. Listen to the conversation between May and the librarian, and fill in the blanks. BackNextMay: This is my admission card, and these are the books.Librarian: OK, a moment, please.May: By the way, can I (1) _ a book?Librarian: Which one

48、?May: Sense and Sensibility, the English (2) _.Librarian: Yes, of course.May: Can I just do it here?Librarian: Sorry. No. You should go to the other (3) _.May: OK, thanks.Librarian: Sorry, this biography is (4) _. You have to pay (5) _ for it.May: I was thinking of buying this from the bookstore whe

49、n I got it from the library Anyway, how much do I have to pay?Librarian: 3 yuan, please.May: Here you are. Thanks.Librarian: Youre welcome. See you next time.May: See you!renewversioncounteroverdueextraB. Listen to the conversation again and choose the best answer to each question. 1. What card shou

50、ld May show to the librarian? A. ID card.B. TF card.C. Student card.2. Which book is overdue? B. A geography book.C. Sense and Sensibility.D. Pride and Prejudice.3. What is Mays problem? B. She refuses to pay extra for a book.C. She cant renew books from the library.D. She finished the books before

51、they were due.4. What does May decide to do after learning that she has to pay extra? A. Never borrow books from the library.C. Borrow books from the bookstore. D. Buy the same book from the bookstore.5. How much did May pay? A. 1 Yuan. B. 2 Yuan. D. 4 Yuan.D. Admission card.A. The biography.A. She

52、has to pay extra for a book.B. Pay the extra fee.C. 3 Yuan.BackNextVocabulary New WordsNew WordsBackNextadmission / n. 许可,承认renew / vt. 重新version / n. 版本counter /()/ n. 柜台biography / n. 传记overdue / a. 期待已久的,迟到的extra / a. 额外的TranslationBackNext 在图书馆在图书

53、馆阿美: 这是我的借书卡,这些是书。图书员:好的,请等一下。阿美: 顺便问一下,我能续借吗?图书员:续借哪一本呢?阿美: 英文版的理智与情感。图书员:可以,当然可以。阿美: 那我可以就在这儿续借吗?图书员:对不起,不行。你要到那边的柜台去续借。阿美: 好的,谢谢。图书员:不好意思,这本自传已经超过了期限。你得付超期的钱。阿美: 从图书馆借回来的时候我就考虑去买一本不管怎么样,我该付多少钱?图书员:3块钱。阿美: 给你。谢谢。图书员:不用谢。下次见。阿美: 再见!5. Your Schedule In order to determine how much of your time is giv

54、en to a single goal in an individual day, youll need to keep a daily log to analyze how much time you spend on your main activities. BackNextBackNext Heres my daily routine from Monday to Sunday. I usually get up at 7:00 every morning, and then I brush my teeth and comb my hair. After that I pack my

55、 bag for the classes and leave the dormitory. I never miss breakfast, so I either eat at school canteen or on the way to the classroom. After classes, I go to lunch with my friends and return to the dormitory to have a rest. In the afternoon, I usually go to school library to study. In the evening,

56、I chat with my roommates or play computer games to relax. I usually go to bed around 10:00. 6. WritingE-mailing Professors A. Read a sample. BackNextBackNextB. Write a short e-mail to a professor asking to set up an appointment for a missed pop quiz. Refer to the tips on this worksheet.To: Aprofuniv

57、From: ASubject: A pop quizCc: Attached:_ Prof C. Mcgill, Last week, I missed your lecture and I heard from my classmates that (1) _ (我错过了一个随堂测验). (2) _ (我能重新参加测验吗?) Did I miss anything else important that day? I am really enjoying your class. I would much appreciate it

58、 (3) _ (如果您能给我几分钟时间来做这个测验).Thank you for your valuable time.Sincerely, Bob SmithBoston UniversityI missed a pop quiz Can I retake the quiz? if you spare me a few minutes some time to do the quiz 7. Micro-Class: A Survey on Differences Between High School and CollegeForm a group of 3 or 4 students. I

59、nterview classmates about the differences between high school and college. Then present your findings in the forms of video, PPT, or WeChat. BackNextDifferences between high school and college 8. WeChat: Keep Your English Up-to-date Google these up-to-date Chinese expressions to find out their Engli

60、sh equivalents. Then post them on WeChat and forward your findings to at least five people. 校花:_校草:_学霸:_学渣:_书呆子:_BackNextcampus queen/campus belleschool hunk/campus beausuper scholar/high achieverunderachieverbookwormLesson 2 MOOCs 慕课慕课Starter: Time ManagementReading: Can MOOCs Take the Place of Col


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