1、锅炉整体启动锅炉冷态启动 CFB锅炉的冷态启动操作 Operations of cold start of CFBB锅炉参数锅炉参数Two. Boiler parameter额定蒸发量Rated evaporation 75t/h额定蒸汽压力Rated steam pressure 5.3MPa额定蒸汽温度Rated steam temperature 485给水温度Feed water temperature 150排烟温度Smoke-exhausted temperature 150锅炉设计效率 Boiler designed efficiency 88.2%排污率Sewage rate
2、2% 1. 开车前的准备工作 prepared works before start 1.1煤仓上满煤,上煤前关闭煤仓下部的闸板 Full fill the silo with coal, shut the bottom flashboard before filling 1.2给锅炉上水,通常上到-100毫米 Feed water for the boiler, usually to the level of -100mm 1.3上床料,上10 mm筛下的底料,上到静止的料层450-550mm Feed material which under the screen of 10 mm mes
3、h on bed, to the quiet thickness of 450-550mm 1.4 点火4小时前,投上电除尘瓷瓶电加热装置 Put on the electrical heater of the wire connecting poles of ESP 4hours before ignition 1.5 检查所有风机和冷渣器冷却水,确保水量水压正常流量 Check the cooling water for all kinds of fans and bottom ash coolers, to ensure the pressure and flow amount are
4、normal 1.6通知电气值班人员,给所有的辅机送电 Inform the electrical watchers of supplying power to all the auxiliary equipment 1.7通知热控值班人员,投有所有热控仪表 Inform the I&C watchers to put all the I&C devices into use 1.8 检查并关闭所有风机进出口挡板 调节门 Check and close the inlet and outlet damper of fans, 1.9 启动点火油泵备用,将油泵出口油压调整到1.5
5、-2.0MPa之间 Start up igniting oil pump and regulate the exit pressure between 1.5-2.0MPa for stand by. 2. 开车 start up 2.1 按程序启动引风机,然后启动送风机 Start up the ID fan, FA fan in sequence. 2.2 逐渐增加一次风量,打开燃烧室人孔,用肉眼观察床料的流化情况,当所有床料完全流化时停止加风,记下当时风量作为本次点火 的最小流化风量。 Increase the amount of primary air gradually, open
6、the manhole of the dense region, observe the fluidizing status by naked eye, stop increasing the air when all the materials on bed are fluidized, and record the air flow as the critical fluidizing air flow. 2.3 关闭人孔,增大一次风量,让床料彻底强烈流化,突然停掉一次风,打开人孔观察床面是否平整,床面平整表明布风均匀,如果哪里床料有堆积,一定要清理床料检查风帽。 Close the ma
7、nhole, increase the air flow again to make the materials fluidizing violently, then, stop the PA fan suddenly, open the manhole to check whether has an uniform surface of the deposited materials, a uniform surface reveals a good air distribution. Material where has a pile must be cleaned and nozzles
8、 should be checked 2.4重新启动一次风机,增加一风量略大于临界流化风量 Start up the PA fan and increase the air flow a little more then the critical fluidizing air flow. 2.5 启动反料风机,增加风量到冷态试验时确定的风量 Start up the boost fan and increase the air flow to the amount that confirmed in the cold state test 2.6 送入床下油枪和电子点火器,点燃油枪,然后退出点
9、火器 Push in the oil gun and the electronic spark producer which under the bed, ignite the oil gun and then pull out the spark producer 2.7通过控制风量一油量来控制热风温度和床温上升速度,通常热风温度不超850过较安全,床温升温速度控制在每分钟3-5 Control the hot air temperature and the increasing speed of the temperature on bed through controlling the
10、air flow and the amount of oil, usually, it is safe for the hot air temperature no more than 850, the speed is 3-5/m. 2.8 点火初期,可以通过调节油枪前头手动阀开度的大小来控制床温的上升速度,当床温升速减缓,或停止上升时,可以全开手动阀并且提高油压来提高床温 In the early stage of starting, can control the rising speed of bed temperature through adjusting the manual v
11、alve before the oil gun, when the bed temperature rises slowly or stop rising, can through increasing the oil pressure and open the valve fully to increase the bed temperature.2.10当床温高于煤的着火点以后,启动给煤分布风机,启动给煤机,打开煤仓下闸板When the bed temperature higher than the burning point of coal, start up the coal dis
12、tributing air fan, start up the coal feeder, open the bottom flash-gate under the coal silo.2.11加煤初期,先投用一台或两台给煤机,通常加5%给煤量,加5分钟后停止给煤,观察床温的变化趋势, 如果床温下降,表明不但是煤没有燃烧,并且加煤量过多对床料起到了冷却作。Put one or two sets of coal feeders in use in the initial time, usually put on 5% of the full speed and stop it 5 minutes
13、later, see the trend of bed temperature change, dropping reveals not only that the coal not burnt but also that the amount of coal too much and make a cooling function on the bed material. 如果加煤后床温上升,表明煤进入炉内后已开始燃烧,如果温长减缓或停止,说明加入的煤已燃尽,应立即投入给煤机。加煤过程中,给煤机应间断加煤,并且几台给煤机切换投用。If the bed temperature increase
14、s after feeding, reveals the combustion of coal, when the rising speed slow or ceased, it means that the coal fed in initially burned out, feeders should put on immediately. In the process of feeding, feeders should be put in use periodically and on shift. 2.12当床温超过750以后,根据床温的上升速度适当降低油压,关小油枪前手动阀门开度
15、When the bed temperature over 750, decrease the oil pressure and the opening of the manual valve before oil gun slightly, according to the rising speed of bed temperature. 2.13 当床温超过800以后,停掉油枪,同时适当增加给煤量,调整风量,将床温控制在900附近 When the bed temperature over 800, stop the oil gun, at the same time increase t
16、he amount of coal properly, adjust the air flow to control the bed temperature near 900. 2.14当床温稳定以后,停掉油泵,将油枪吹扫后退出 When get a stable trend of the bed temperature, stop the oil pump, blow out the oil gun and pull it out. 2.15 增加风量和煤量,提高锅炉负荷,调节风煤配比,提高燃烧效率,实现经济运行 Increase the air flow and the amount of
17、 coal to raise the load of boiler, adjust the ratio of them to get a sufficient and economical combustion. 3. 点火过程中汽水系统的操作 The operations of steam-water system during the process of igniting 3.1在点火过程中,应该间断上水保持水位正常,当上水的时候应关闭在循环阀,停止上水时打开再循环阀 During the igniting, you should feed water discontinuously t
18、o ensure a ordinary water level, when feeding water, the valve on re-circulating pipe should be closed and after feeding water, it should be open. 3.2 在点火过程中,高低过和减温器上的疏水应该打开 During the igniting, drainage valves on low temperature super-heater, high temperature super-heater, temperature reducer shoul
19、d be opened 3.3点火过程中,应加强排污来改善水循环 During the igniting, you should discharge the waste water periodically, to improve the natural circulation. 3.4 当汽温、汽压达到正常值时,可以并汽,关闭所有疏水,投入连排 When the temperature and pressure reach the ordinary value, you can combine the steam to the mother pipe, close all the drain
20、age valves and put the continuous discharge waste water valves in use. 4. 冷渣器的操作 The operations of ash cooler 1点火过程中,当加煤以后,料层差压会增加,这时应该增加一次风量来保证料层流化正常,否则,就应该启动冷渣器,通过排渣保持料层稳定 During the process of igniting, when you feed cola, the material differential pressure will increase, so you should increase t
21、he amount primary air flow to keep a good fluidization, otherwise, you should put the ash cooler in use to keep the material differential pressure constantly 2 打开冷渣器循环水阀,投用冷却水 Open the valves on circulating water pipes, put the cooling water of the ash cooler in use. 3 启动冷渣器,给定一个合适的转速 Start up the a
22、sh cooler, give a speed appropriately 电除尘器的操作 The operations of ESP 1当停掉油枪30分钟以后,可以投入电除尘的电场 After the oil gun has been stopped, At least 30 minutes later you can put on electrical field of the ESP 2 停止电加热,切到自动加热位置 Stop the electrical heater, change to automatism 3 打开灰仓下部手动(气动或电动)阀 Open the manual (
23、pneumatic or motor driven)valve under the ash silo 6. 点火过程中的结焦问题点火过程中的结焦问题 The problem of slaging during the process of ignition 6.1 结焦时的现象 The phenomena when slaging 当结焦发生时,床温比正常情况增长迅速,通常每分钟上升2050,有时接近每分钟100,在一些严重的结焦过程中,从煤的着火点到结焦只有几分钟时间 When slaging, the bed temperature will increase faster than or
24、dinary, usually 2050/min, sometimes near 100/min, in some serious process of slaging, from the burning point to the melting point only consumes several minutes. 烟气含氧量迅速降低,有接近到零 The proportion of oxygen decrease fast, sometimes near zero. 炉膛负压大幅度波动 The furnace pressure fluctuates in a large range 汽压、
25、汽温、水位快速升高 The steam pressure, steam temperature water level increases fast 6.2 结焦原因 The causations of slaging 在低温结段加煤太多,不时没有燃烧,当床温超过煤的着火点后造成爆燃 Feed too much coal at a low temperature, and can not be burned at that time, when the bed temperature over the burning point, caused bursting combustion 一次风量
26、太小,低于临界流化风量,煤颗粒沉积在床面上燃烧并粘结到了一起 The primary air flow less than the critical fluidization air flow, coal deposits on the bed, burn and adhere together 个别风帽小孔堵塞,造成局部流化不良 Some nozzles of the air cap blocked, caused partial unfluidization6.3 预防结焦的措施 The methods of prevent slaging在上底料之前检查所有风帽小孔,确保每一个风帽畅通C
27、heck every nozzle to ensure all the air cap ventilating well before feeding material on bed点火之前做临界流化风量试验,点火过程中一次风量不能低于该风量take out a critical fluidizing air flow test before igniting, the primary air flow kept no less than it during the igniting process.控制加煤量,整个点火过程中加煤总量不能超过床料量的20%,以少量多次加煤较好Control t
28、he amount of coal, the total amount of sponge coke would not over 20% of the material on bed during the igniting, it would be better to feed the sponge coke in a small amount and in many times当床温接近正常后及时停掉并撤出油枪,如果忙乱中忘掉这一环节可能倒至结焦Stop and pull out the oil gun when the bed temperature approach the ordin
29、ary value, it would caused serious result if you forget this step第 二 节 流化床锅炉的压火操作Section 2 The Operations of Banking Fire 1. 压火的概念 the notion of banking fire CFB锅炉有一个特点,在它的密相区,有大量的床料,当把送风和给煤突然停下后,物料沉积在床面上并保持较高温度,于是床内有较大的热容,如果锅炉密封良好,床温可以保持较长时间,通常能保持在着火点以上46个小时,如果密相区和风室内没有受热面,床温可以保持810个小,这个过程叫做压火。 CFB
30、-boiler has a characteristic, that in its dense region, has a large amount of material, when the air and fuel supply shut down suddenly, particles deposit on the bed with high temperature, so they have a big capacity of thermal energy, if boiler has a good sealing, the temperature can last a long ti
31、me usually 46 hours, kept above the burning point of fuel. It may be 810 hours if there is not heating surface in dense region and in air chamber, this process is known as banking fire. 2.压火的操作步骤 The steps of banking fire 2.1 降低锅炉负荷到最低负荷 Decline the load of boiler to the minimum load 2.2 调整风煤配比,使床温略
32、高于正常运行床温,一般控制在950980 Regulate the ratio of air and coal, to control the bed temperature higher slightly than the normal value, usually controled in the range of 950980 2.3停止冷渣器运行 Stop the slag cooler 2.4停掉给煤机,当床温有下降趋势时停掉所有风机 Stop the coal feeder suddently,stop all the fans when the see a droping tre
33、n of bed temperature 2.5关严所有风机进出口挡板,和所有进入炉膛的风口,防止有风漏入炉膛 Close the all the dampers at the outlet and inlet of fans, close the the entrence of air which can connect to furnace to prevent air leaking 2.6关闭定排、连排阀门 Close the continuous and periodical discharge waste water valves 2.7少量开启低过进口疏水阀 Open a lit
34、tle of the drain valve of inlet header of superheater3.压火过程的注意事项 Attentions during the process of banking fire3.1 压火过程中要保持水位正常The water level should be keeped an normal value during the process of banking fire3.2压火前一般保持较高料层压差,以增大炉内热容,延长压火时间To keep a higher bed material thickness, which can increase
35、the thermal capacity ,so as the extend the time of banking fire3.3压火过程中尽量不开对空排汽,如果压火后压力上升超过正常运行压力,可小量开排汽,压力下降后再关闭,以减少热损失。It is better to shou out the discharge steam valve, if the pressure rises after the boiler is banked, can open the steam discharge valve a little and close it when the pressure dr
36、oped, thus can reduce the thermal losing to extend the time3.4压火后床温一般会缓慢下降,如果出现床温上升现象,应查明原因及时出理。Commonly , the bed temperature will fall gradually, if it rise, check the matter and tackle it immediately 第 三 节 流化床锅炉的扬火操作 Section 3 The Operations of Releasing Fire 扬火的概念 The notion of releasing fire 重新
37、启动一台处于压火状态的流化床锅炉的过程叫作扬火,如果床温远高于煤的着火温度,不需投入油枪,只需在启动风机后迅速加煤,这个扬火过程叫热启动。 When restart a boiler which on the state of banking fire, maybe, we can call this process releasing fire. If the temperature is more higher than the burning point, it do not need put in the oil gun, you can feed fuel immediately w
38、hen fans started up, this process called hot start. 如果床温略高或低于煤的着火温度,启动风机后需投入油枪助燃,为全扬火过程叫做温态启动。所以热态启动和温态启动在操作上的唯一区别就是看不投油枪。 If the temperature a little above or lower than the burning point, when starting up the fans need put in the oil gun to increase the temperature, this process called warm start.
39、 So the only difference on operation between the hot and warm start is that whether need the oil gun to support the combustion. 2. 扬火操作的步骤 The operating procedure of releasing fire 2.1 启动点火油泵,调整油压到1.52.0Mpa Start up the oil pump, adjust the outlet pressure between 1.52.0Mpa 2.2启动引风机,一次风机,增加一次风量略大于临界
40、流化风量,在增加风量的过程中打开油枪电磁阀,提前全开手动阀 Start up the ID fan, PA fan in sequence, increase the primary air flow a little more than the critical fluidizing air flow, in this process open the electromagnetic valve, full open the manual valve before the oil gun early 2.3 启动返料风机 Start up the boost fan 2.4启动播煤机机,启动
41、给煤机备用 Start up the coal distributing air fan, start up the coal feeder for stand-by 2.5 在扬火初期,通常床温会快速下降,几分钟后下降速度会减缓或走稳,现在如果床温高于煤的着火温度,投入给煤机,如果床温低于煤的着火温度,就要着晚点加煤,余下的操作步骤和正常冷态点火相同。 At the beginning time of starting, usually, the bed temperature will drop sharply, several minutes later will slow down o
42、r go even, now if the temperature above the burning point of coal, put on the coke feeder, if the temperature lower than the burning point, just wait for it, the residual steps is the same as the cold start. 第 四 节 流化床锅炉的正常停炉 Section 4 Normal shutting-down of CFBB0.前言preface锅炉停炉之前,应先降至最低负荷,正常停炉一般有两个方
43、案可供选择,一是锅炉停运时间较长,这时应先停主燃料,允许引、送风机继续运行,至到锅炉却到可以检修为至,但炉内灭火后应以小风量运行风机,降温应缓慢。第二种是不彻底冷却,使炉内还持一定温度,使耐火层的温度不完全冷却,能够满足检修要求就行,可以缩短下次启动时间。但对于正常停炉,如果不是检修需要,炉内温度降的越慢越好,以降低快速降温对受热面和耐火材料产生的应力。下面讲解一次正常停炉的过程 Before shutting down the boiler, the load should be reduced to the lowest. Usually there are two options to
44、shut down the boiler. One is to stop main fuels first when the stopping time is long. Induced draft fan and forced draft fan proceed operating until they are cooled and suitable for maintenance. After the extinguished, fan with low quantity of air should be used and temperature drop should be slow.
45、The other is non complete cooling which is to maintain a certain temperature in furnace and make the non complete cooling of refractory layer to meet the maintenance requirement. The next start-up time can be reduced, but for the normal shutting down, the temperature in furnace should be reduced as
46、slowly as possible to prevent stress of heating surface and refractory from speedy temperature drop if its not required by maintenance. Then follows is the process of normal shutting down. 1停炉前的准备工作 Preparation before shutting down 1.1停炉前做一次全面检查,把发现的缺限认真记录,以便停炉处理 1.1 A through check should be done b
47、efore shutting down and defects should be written down carefully for handling after shut down the boiler 1.2降低负荷到最低稳燃负荷 1.2 Decrease the load to the lowest steady combustion load 1.3对受受面和烟道进行吹灰(如果设计有)消除可燃物 1.3 Blow heating surfaces and flue ( if designed) to eliminate combustible matters 1.4检查减温水系统,
48、低负荷不需要减温水,可将将减温水系统切除 1.4 Check desuperheating water system, which is unnecessary for low load. Desuperheating water system can be cut off. 1.5 检查对照汽包水位,并维持正常水位 1.5 Check water level of steam drun and maintain the normal water level. 2正常停炉步骤 The normal shutting down procedures 2.1将负荷降至最低负荷,维持运行一段时间,一
49、般不少于30分钟,以降低炉内耐火材料温度 2.1 Reduce the load to the lowest and maintains operation for period of time which is normally longer than 30 minutes to drop temperature of refractory in furnace. 2.2将锅炉主控制回路切换到手动位置 2.2 Switch the main control loop of boiler to manual position 2.3停掉石灰石给料系统 2.3 Stop limestone fe
50、eding system 2.4关闭煤仓出口闸阀,排空给煤机内全煤燃料,然后停掉给煤机 2.4 Close coal silo outlet flashboard, empty the whole fuels in coal feeder, then shut down the coal feeder. 2.5当床温低于600时停掉二次风机 2.5 Stop the secondary fan when bed temperature is lower than 600 2.6停掉连排和加药系统 2.6 Stop continuous blowing down and dosing syste
51、ms 2.7打开返料器去尾部烟道放灰阀,放掉返料器内的积灰 2.7 Open discharge valve from material returning device to backflue, release the deposited dust in material circulation system 2.8关小一次风机挡板,减小一次风量,降低床温下降速度 2.8 decrease the opening of the primary fan damper to decrease air flow and the dropping speed of bed temperature 2
52、.9当床温低于300时,停掉一次风机、返料风机、播煤风机和引风机 2.9 Stop the primary fan, boost fan, fuel spreading fan and induced draft fan. 2.10打开所有风机挡板,使其自然通风降温 2.10 Open all of the fan dampers to ensure the natural ventilation and temperature drop. 2.11关闭冷渣器下渣阀,待冷渣器走空后停止冷渣器运行,待冷渣器机体温度下降后可以停冷却水 2.11 Close tapping valve of sla
53、g cooler, stop the operation of slag cooler after emptying the slags inside, stop cooling water when temperature of slag-cooler drops 2.12停掉输渣系统 2.12 Stop slag transportation system 2.13打开过热器和减温器疏水,少量开对空排汽降低锅炉压力 2.13 Open superheater and desuperhater drainage valves, open outlet steam valve a little
54、 to decrease boiler pressure 2.14停炉8个小时以后可以打开燃烧室人孔加强通风冷却 2.14 Manhole in combustion chamber can be opened 8 hours after shutting down to enhance ventilation and cooling 2.15如果因检修需要,停炉18个小时后可以启动风机通风冷却,并把床料放掉,加快降温 2.15 If required by maintennce, fan can be started up for ventilation and cooling 18 hou
55、rs after shutting down and discharge the bed material out, speed up temperature drop 2.16如果因检修需要,停炉24小时后,或水温低于80时可以将炉水放掉 2.16 Drain the boiler water if required by maintennce,24 hours after shuttig down or water temperature is lower than 80 2.17待除尘器灰斗内的灰排空后,停掉输灰系统。 2.17 Stop ash conveying system aft
56、er the ash in hopper is completely expelled out 第 五 节 流化床锅炉的紧急停炉 Section 5 Emergent shutting down of CFBB 任一紧急状况引起MFT发生时,将停止向炉内输送一切燃料,所有风机停运,石灰石系统停止,点火器断电,冷渣器停止,电除尘停电,一切可能含有点火源的部件全部停止运行。MFT(main fuel trip)方式是不允许炉内有危险的燃料积累存在,停止向炉内投放一切燃料。一般其它设备都停后,引、送风机有一个延时,以排出炉内的可燃性气体。 In any case that MFT happens,
57、all fuels feed into furnace should be stopped, all fans, limestone systems, slag coolers stopped, electricity for spark producer and ESP cut off. All parts that contain iginitin sources should be stopped. MFT way is that any dangerous fuel accumulation in furnace is not allowed. All fuels should be
58、stopped sending into furnace. After shutting down other sets, there is a delayed time for forced draft fan and induced draft fan to expel the combustible gases in furnace. 1. 强制性自动主燃料跳闸的情况强制性自动主燃料跳闸的情况 1. Forced automatic main fuel trip 1.1丧失所有引风机,或者丧失所有送风机 1.1, Lose all induced draft fan or forced
59、draft fan. 1.2炉膛压力大于设定的最大允许压力 1.2 Pressure in furnace is higher than the largest allowable setted pressure 1.3床温或炉膛出口温度高于最高允许温度 1.3 Bed temperature or furnace output temperature is higher than the highest allowable setted pressure 1.4床温低于燃料允许投入温度,且启动燃烧器的火焰检测没有被确认 1.4 Bed temperature is lower than fu
60、el feeding temperature, the automatic combustor was not confirmed by flame inspector2. 需要紧急停炉,但不是自动主燃料切除的情况需要紧急停炉,但不是自动主燃料切除的情况2. Emergent shutting down is needed, but its not the case of automatic main fuel trip.2.1丧失所有给水泵,或给水母管压力低于设定最低允许值2.1 Lose all feed-water pumps or pressure of feed water mother pipe
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