1、marine metal scaffolding course for scaffoldersmarine metal scaffolding course for scaffoldersday 3第三天第三天marine metal scaffolding course for scaffolders3.1 safety rules to be observed in the erecting and dismantling of scaffolds搭建和拆除脚手架时必须遵守的安全规则搭建和拆除脚手架时必须遵守的安全规则a. warning signboard to be prominent
2、ly displayed. 必须有明显的警示牌b. ensure firm ground condition (e.g should not erect on ground affected by tidal changes). 保证地面坚固(不能搭建在受潮汐影响的地面上)c. standard plumb and well supported. 标准的铅垂和好的支撑d. standard spacing not more than 2.5m. 标准间隔不超过2.5me. foot tie-correctly fitted and secured. 底部横撑正确安装并且加固f. ledgers
3、 and transoms to be fitted horizontally and connected to standard with right angle coupler. 横木和横梁必须用直角连接件水平连接在支柱上。marine metal scaffolding course for scaffolders3.1 safety rules to be observed in the erecting and dismantling of scaffolds搭建和拆除脚手架时必须遵守的安全规则搭建和拆除脚手架时必须遵守的安全规则f. longitudinal and transve
4、rse bracing to be connected to standard with swivel couplers. 纵向和横向支撑应该用旋转连接件连接在支柱上。g. tie back to be fitted according to the drawing. 横梁应按照图纸安装。h. each board should have at least three supports unless its thickness or span in enough to prevent any sagging under load. 除非木板跨距和厚度足够,否则为避免木板载重时松垂每个木板至少有
5、3个支撑。i.the board should overhang by between 50mm 150mm. 木板应该悬于50mm-150mm之间。j. where boards need to butt, putlog must be doubled and spaced so that no board overhangs by more than 150mm. 如果板需要对接时,横木必须为双层的且150mm以上没有板悬挂。marine metal scaffolding course for scaffolders3.1 safety rules to be observed in t
6、he erecting and dismantling of scaffolds搭建和拆除脚手架时必须遵守的安全规则搭建和拆除脚手架时必须遵守的安全规则j. the surface of the work platform should be even. all boards should lay closely together along their length. every work platform should have at least 3 planks. 工作平台表面必须平整。所有板必须紧密排在一起,每个 工作平台至少有3个支架。m. planks to be laid clo
7、se together with a gap not more than 30 mm. 支架必须在裂缝附近30mm以内。n. planks must be of correct thickness. 支架必须有一定的厚度。o. gap between shipshides /structure and scaffold should be less than 300mm. 结构和脚手架之间距离少于300mm。p. scaffold ladders should not rise vertically for more than 9m. 脚手架梯子不超过9m。marine metal scaff
8、olding course for scaffolders-工作平台工作平台-立柱立柱-脚手架板脚手架板-趾板趾板-对接对接-横梁横梁-横木横木-横木和横木和900连接件连接件-伸出物厚板不超过板厚伸出物厚板不超过板厚4 倍或是低于倍或是低于50mmmarine metal scaffolding course for scaffoldersscaffold should be plumbed as well as speed level.脚手架必须是垂直的脚手架必须是垂直的900marine metal scaffolding course for scaffolders3.2 causes
9、 and prevention of marine scaffold accedents 脚手架事故的原因和预防脚手架事故的原因和预防a. common accidents 常见事故a. fall down from height 从高处落下 b. hit by falling objects 被落下的物体击中 c. physical injuries during material handling eg. hand or leg injuries 处理材料时的伤害。如手或腿受伤。marine metal scaffolding course for scaffoldersdont ride
10、 on mobile scaffold push only from ground level不要骑在可移动的脚手架上不要骑在可移动的脚手架上marine metal scaffolding course for scaffolders3.2 causes and prevention of marine scaffold accedents 脚手架事故的原因和预防脚手架事故的原因和预防 b. causes 原因a. failed to use personal protective equipment. 个人防护用品使用不当 b. unguarded opening/edges. 未加保护的
11、的开孔和边缘 c. defective materials (eg. damaged timber board/ couplers) 有缺陷的材料(损坏的木板和连接件) d. ladder not properly secured. 梯子不牢固 e. damaged or missing ladder rung. 梯子围栏损坏或丢失。 f. failed to anchor safety harness. 安全带固定点没挂好marine metal scaffolding course for scaffolders3.2 causes and prevention of marine sca
12、ffold accedents 脚手架事故的原因和预防脚手架事故的原因和预防b. causes contd 原因(反面) f. timber board not properly secured. 木板不牢固 g. couplers not properly tighten. 连接件没拧紧 h. unsafe acts. 不安全行为 i. negligence 疏忽行为 j. tripping hazards on working platform. 工作平台上绊倒marine metal scaffolding course for scaffolders3.2 causes and pre
13、vention of marine scaffold accedents 脚手架事故的原因和预防脚手架事故的原因和预防b. causes contd 原因(反面) k. incompetent scaffold erector. 不合格的脚手架工 l. failure of scaffold (damaged by user, unauthorized alteration, weak foundation) 脚手架故障(使用者损坏,未经允许的更改,不牢固的底座) m. fatigue疲劳。 n. wrong procedure or erection/dismantling. 搭建/拆除程序
14、错误 o. working under bad weather.恶劣天气工作marine metal scaffolding course for scaffoldersdont introduce bending stresses to scaffold members. 禁止给脚手架材料应用弯曲应力禁止给脚手架材料应用弯曲应力.marine metal scaffolding course for scaffolders3.2 causes and prevention of marine scaffold accedents 脚手架事故的原因和预防脚手架事故的原因和预防c. preven
15、tion 预防a. use personal protective equipment. 使用个人防护用品 b. erector must be trained. 脚手架工必须经过培训 c. follow safety regulations. 遵守安全规则 d. no horse play. 不能在脚手架上嬉闹 e. use suitable scaffold materials. 使用合格的脚手架材料 f. follow standard procedure for erection /dismantling of scaffold. 搭建/拆除脚手架严格按照程序执行 g. safe ha
16、ndling of scaffold materials. 脚手架材料的可靠处理marine metal scaffolding course for scaffolders3.2 causes and prevention of marine scaffold accedents 脚手架事故的原因和预防脚手架事故的原因和预防c. prevention contd 预防(反面)g. couplers properly tightened. 连接件拧紧h. timber board properly secured. 木板固定牢固i. adequate tie-back and bracing.
17、 适当的横梁和支撑j. no tripping hazards on the joining of timber board. 木板连接处没有绊倒的危险k. good communication. 良好的沟通marine metal scaffolding course for scaffolders3.2 causes and prevention of marine scaffold accedents脚手架事故的原因和预防脚手架事故的原因和预防c. prevention contd 预防(反面)l. knots must not cause tripping hazards. 连接的地方
18、不能引起绊倒m. no unguarded opening. 没有保护的开孔n. physically fit. 身体健康o. do not stand under suspended loads. 不要站在悬空的负载下面p. cut or trim securing pre-heated wires. 切除预加热线marine metal scaffolding course for scaffolders3.3 cause of the collapse of a scaffold脚手架倒塌的原因脚手架倒塌的原因a. substandard materials. 不合格的材料b. unsk
19、illed erector. 不熟练的脚手架工c. weak foundation. 不牢固的底座d. scaffold damaged by user. 脚手架被使用者损坏e. insufficient tie back or bracing. 没有充足的横梁和支撑f. unauthorised removal of scaffold component such as guard rail, bracing, tie back , ledger, etc. 未经允许去除脚手架材料,例如护栏、支撑、横梁、横木marine metal scaffolding course for scaffo
20、lders3.3 cause of the collapse of a scaffold脚手架倒塌的原因脚手架倒塌的原因g. unauthorised modification of scaffold structure. 未经允许对脚手架进行修改结构h. standard not vertical / plumb. 支柱不是垂直的。i.failed to comply standard guideline. 没有遵守标准规定。j. lack of co-ordination during the process of gas cutting resulting the falling of
21、cut off material landing on scaffold. 气割过程中缺少协调-以至于从切割处落下k. dont mix different system in the same scaffold. 同一个脚手架不同系统不要混淆。marine metal scaffolding course for scaffolders3.4 requirement of sound metal scaffolds可靠金属脚手架的要求可靠金属脚手架的要求a. use sound materials. 使用可靠的材料b. scaffold erected by competent erecto
22、r. 由合格的脚手架工进行搭建c. firm base. 牢固的基础d. standard properly spaced (max 2.5m) & plumb. 标准的间距(最大2.5m)和垂直测量e. ledger, transom and putlog properly spaced and secured. 横木、横梁间隔合适且牢固。marine metal scaffolding course for scaffoldersf. platform properly fixed. 平台固定牢固g. toe board properly fixed. 脚踏板牢固h. guard
23、rail correctly spaced and secured. 护栏间隔适中且牢固。i.all joints properly secured. 所有的接头必须牢固j. adequate and effective bracing and tie back. 适当且有效的支撑和横梁。k. no overloading. 不要过载。3.4 requirement of sound metal scaffolds可靠金属脚手架的要求可靠金属脚手架的要求marine metal scaffolding course for scaffolders3.4 requirement of sound
24、 metal scaffolds可靠金属脚手架的要求可靠金属脚手架的要求l. regular inspection 定期检查。m. properly maintenance. 适当保养n. scaffold erected as per drawing. 根据图纸搭建脚手架o. ladder properly fixed. 梯子固定牢靠p. no unguarded opening. 没有未防护的开孔q. use suitable couplers. 使用相配的连接件marine metal scaffolding course for scaffoldersplace scaffold st
25、andards or frames systematically on sole plates.脚手架支柱或结构放在底板上脚手架支柱或结构放在底板上.marine metal scaffolding course for scaffolders3.5 statutory requirements of sound marine metal scaffolding可靠金属脚手架的法定要求可靠金属脚手架的法定要求a. construction and materials. 建造和材料b. scaffold erectors. 脚手架工c. maintenance. 维修保养d. repair of
26、 damaged scaffolds. 损坏脚手架的修补e. scaffold to be free of all substances which endanger safety. 所有危及安全都是被禁止的marine metal scaffolding course for scaffolders3.5 statutory requirements of sound marine metal scaffolding可靠金属脚手架的法定要求可靠金属脚手架的法定要求f. opening only for access. 只有维修开孔g. stairs or ladders. 楼梯或梯子h. s
27、caffolds not to be overloaded. 脚手架不能过载i. standards, ledgers and putlogs. 支柱、横木j. working platforms. 工作平台k. boards, planks and decking. 木板、支架和盖板marine metal scaffolding course for scaffolders3.5 statutory requirements of sound marine metal scaffolding可靠金属脚手架的法定要求可靠金属脚手架的法定要求l. guard rails and toe boa
28、rds. 护栏和脚踏板m. ties. 绑带n. bracing. 支撑o. transoms. 横木p. spigots, joint pins etc. 套管、接头销q. foundations of scaffolds. 脚手架基础r. prevention of sway. 防止摇摆marine metal scaffolding course for scaffolderscase study no.1案例分析案例分析1category 类别类别:falling from height 从高处落下从高处落下 job 工作工作 task 任务任务:erecting of hanging
29、 scaffolds inside tank 舱内搭建悬挂式脚手架舱内搭建悬挂式脚手架:erecting scaffold 搭建脚手架搭建脚手架marine metal scaffolding course for scaffoldersbackground 背景背景l an oil tanker was docked in the shipyard for a conversion project. 一艘油轮在船厂进坞进行改装工程l work to be carried out included the blasting and coating of the tanks. 工作包括舱内打砂和
30、油漆l hanging scaffolds were to be erected to facilitate the blasting and coating work on the under deck of the vessel. 搭建悬挂式脚手架以便于甲板下的打砂油漆l a scaffolding supervisor fell to his death during the erection of the hanging scaffolds inside the vessels tank. 一名脚手架主管在搭建过程中摔落致死marine metal scaffolding course
31、 for scaffoldersdescription of accident 事故描述事故描述l a scaffold supervisor was erecting a hanging scaffold inside the port cargo oil tank of the vessel together with two other scaffold erectors. 一个脚手架主管与两名脚手架工在左舷货油舱内搭建悬挂式脚手架。l the scaffold supervisor positioned himself on a triangular bracket of the 3r
32、d side longitudinal frame to erect the supporting frames of the hanging scaffold. 脚手架主管在3层的三角支架上竖起一个支撑结构。l the scaffold supervisor coupled a 6 meters pipe (transom of the hanging staging) and a 3 metres pipe (ledger of the hanging staging) with a meal coupler. 脚手架主管用一个混合连接件连接一个6米的管(悬挂脚手架的横梁) 和一根3米的管
33、(脚手架上的横木)。marine metal scaffolding course for scaffoldersdescription of accident (cont) 事故描述(反面)事故描述(反面)l he looked down and then saw the scaffold supervisor lying on the 4th longitudinal frame at the tank bottom. 他向下看看到脚手架主管躺在舱底4层纵向结构上。l the scaffold supervisor had fallen about 25 meters to the bot
34、tom of the tank. he died from multiple injuries sustained from the fall. 脚手架主管落到舱底大约25米。他死于创伤过多。l a 9 meters wire rope was passed to the scaffold supervisor be one of the ecaffold srectors for him to tie it to the pipes with a clove hitch knot. 通过脚手架主管的一根9米的绳子是由其中一名脚手架工帮他用一个 丁香结绑在管子上的。l after the sc
35、affold erector had placed the 9 meters wire rope through a scallop opening at the under-deck of the tank, he looked towards where the scaffold supervisor was working and found him missing. 脚手架工将绳子通过舱内甲板下的过焊孔后,他看见脚手架主管正在工 作而且发现他的失手。marine metal scaffolding course for scaffolders-左舷舱第四个间隔左舷舱第四个间隔-第三层纵
36、向结构第三层纵向结构-死者站在这里死者站在这里,在三角支架上工在三角支架上工作作.marine metal scaffolding course for scaffolders6m管管(横梁横梁)连接两管的连接两管的金属连接件金属连接件3m管管(横木横木)这里是丁香结这里是丁香结,用用9m绳子绑的绳子绑的死亡地点死亡地点,舱底舱底4层层纵向结构纵向结构9m绳绳就是就是绑在绑在这根这根管子管子上上.-落下落下25m至舱底后至舱底后,死者落地时的管子的位置死者落地时的管子的位置,在第在第4隔间隔间管子末端置于管子末端置于通向第三间隔通向第三间隔开孔下方的扁开孔下方的扁钢条上钢条上marine me
37、tal scaffolding course for scaffoldersobservations & findings 观察和发现观察和发现l the deceased was wearing his safety belt. 死者佩戴了安全带。l even though the deceased was wearing his safety belt, there was no lifeline or other forms of secured anchorage provided for him to anchor his safety belt. 即使死者佩戴了安全带,但没
38、有安全索或是其他的可以让他的安全带固定的地方。l according to his fellow scaffold erectors, it was the deceaseds duty to ensure that lifelines were provided before work commenced. 通过他手下的脚手架工,死者在开始施工作前应该保证有安全索。l the clove hitch knot tied on the pipe was found to be incomplete. 绑在管子上的丁香结并没有绑好。marine metal scaffolding course
39、for scaffolderscause of accident 事故原因事故原因l the incomplete clove hitch knot tied on the pipes indicates that the victim had probably fallen while he was tying the clove hitch knot on the pipes. 未绑好的丁香结表明死者在悬空时有可能跌落。l no lifeline was provided for the victim to anchor his safety belt, there was no prot
40、ection to prevent this fatal fall. 没有安全索以供死者钩挂他的安全带,且跌落前没有预防措施。marine metal scaffolding course for scaffolderslessons learnt 教训教训l scaffold supervisors and erectors should be educated and constantly reminded on the hazards involved and safe work practices to follow when working at height. 脚手架主管和脚手架工
41、在高空作业时应该接受教育并不断提醒安全规则。l sufficient and secured anchorage for anchoring of double lanyard and shock absorber, by means of lifeline or otherwise, must be provided before the erection or dismantling of hanging scaffolds. 足够的和牢固的钩挂设施及减震器,通过安全索或其他方法实现; 且必须在搭建/拆除悬挂式脚手架前提供。l scaffold supervisors must be re
42、minded to carry out their duties diligently and avoid at-risk behaviour. 脚手架主管在履行他的责任必须得到提醒以避免危险行为。marine metal scaffolding course for scaffolderscase study no.2案例分析案例分析2category 类别类别:falling from height 从高处落下从高处落下 job 工作工作 task 任务任务:erecting of tower scaffolds inside tank 舱内塔式脚手架的搭建舱内塔式脚手架的搭建:erect
43、ing scaffold 搭建脚手架搭建脚手架marine metal scaffolding course for scaffoldersbackground 背景背景l an oil tanker was schedules for a conversion project in the shipyard. 一艘油轮计划在船厂内进行改装。l the conversion project involved modification work on an existing extended spindle at the tank. 改装项目包括对舱内现有的延伸轴进行修改。l a scaffol
44、d erector fell to his death while erecting he tower scaffold from the tank bottom. 一个脚手架工在搭建脚手架时摔到舱底致死。marine metal scaffolding course for scaffolders description of accident 事故描述事故描述l the extended spindle, which was about 23 meters in length, ran vertically along the bulkhead of the tank from the t
45、ank bottom to the main deck. 延伸轴,大约23米长,顺着舱壁方向由舱底伸向主甲板。l a group of scaffold erectors was instructed to erect a tower scaffold at the tank to facilitate the modification work on the spindle. 一组脚手架工被要求搭建一个塔式脚手架以便于进行修改工作。l two scaffold erectors were stationed at the butterworth opening on the main dec
46、k to lower scaffold materials using a long fibre rope. 两个脚手架工在主甲板的临时开孔处用一根长的纤维绳将脚手架材料放下。l another three scaffold erectors were stationed at the bottom of the tank to receive the materials being lowered to them for the erection of scaffolds, as well as to erect the tower scaffolds in the tank. 另外3个脚手
47、架工在舱底接着搭建脚手架需要的材料,同时在舱内进行搭建脚手架。marine metal scaffolding course for scaffoldersdescription of accident (cont) 事故描述(反面)事故描述(反面)l after the first lift level of the scaffold had been erected, scaffold erector a signaled to the scaffold erector b who was stationed on the main deck to hoist down a 4 meter
48、 steel ladder. 当第一层搭起来时,脚手架工a通知主甲板上的脚手架工b放下一个4米的钢制梯子。l scaffold erector a then straddled a vertical standard to receive the ladder from scaffold erector b. 脚手架工a跨坐在一个垂直的支柱上来接脚手架工b放下的梯子。l when the scaffold erector a extended his hand to receive the steel ladder, he lost his balance and fell into the
49、bottom of the tank. 当脚手架工a伸出手接梯子的时候,他失去平衡掉到舱底部。l scaffold erector a suffered a severe cut on his left shoulder when he fell 3 meters into the tank bottom. 脚手架工a掉下3米到舱底时他的左边肩膀受伤。l scaffold erector a eventually succumbed to his injuries due to acute haemorrhage of the torn right brachial artery. 脚手架工最
50、终由于肩部大出血致死。marine metal scaffolding course for scaffoldersview of the erected tower scaffold. the scaffold was only erected to the first-lift level.-塔式脚手架图塔式脚手架图,这个脚手架只搭建了一层这个脚手架只搭建了一层-死者最后站在死者最后站在这里去够梯子这里去够梯子.-延伸轴延伸轴marine metal scaffolding course for scaffoldersthe deceased fell from the scaffold
51、and landed onto the tank bottom.死者从脚手架上死者从脚手架上掉掉 下下,摔到舱底摔到舱底marine metal scaffolding course for scaffoldersobservations & findings 观察和发现观察和发现l there was no tag line attached to the steel ladder. a tag line would have made it easier for the victim to receive the steel ladder. 钢制梯子上没有附绳子。一根绳子就会让死者很
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