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1、南京市2017年初中毕业生学业考试注意事项:1.本试卷共8页。全卷满分90分。考试时间为 90分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在 答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效。2请认真核对监考教师在答题卡上所粘贴条形码的姓名、考试证号是否与本人相符合.再将自己的姓名、考试证号用0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡及本试卷上。3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答非选择题必须用0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效。选择题(共40分)I F-1'Mon. TUeS- Wed. ThUrS.Mrr

2、inMng JagIgliHg swimming JInglbukttbukebeBFri, Sat,SUnjsS'lrtSfwimingb!cbotertTIS n ewspaper!D. has一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分.满分15分)1. Here is NanCy ' S PIan for One Week during her SUmmer holiday. What kind of plan is this?A. A Party pla n.B. A trip pla n.C. An exercise pla nD. An eati ng pla n2. L

3、ook! Therea photo of our En glish teacher in todayA. isB. areC. have3. OVer 10, 000 runners joined a half and a mini marath OnS in Xia nli n, NanjingMay 7, 2017.A. inB. onC. atD. by4. I go SWimming every day.Wow! That ' S a good. It keeps you healthy.A. marchB. taskC. habitD. dream5. EXCUSe me,

4、but C an you tell me Where the n earest bank is?JUStgoing for two more blocks and you' ll See it.A. keepB. to keepC. keep ingD. keeps6. Did Alice tell youto get to the StatiO n?Yes, She Said We would meet there at ten.A. howB. WhatC. Whe nD. Where7. Who threw the empty bottles On the floor?I don

5、 ' t know. They ' re not. ASk Max, please.A. IB. meC. myD. mine8. Lindaand Kitty will go to Gree nery Theme Park byn ext SUn day.A. theyB. themC. theirD. themselves9. Millie,do you take the COUrSe in DIY?EVery SatUrday after noon.A. how IongB. how farC. how much10. Would you like some gree n

6、 tea?No, tha nks. Idrink gree n tea. It hurts my stomach.A. almostB. seldomC. On IyD. how OftenD. still11. When did the CIaSSroom have a power cut?ThiS morni ng, while Wea PhySiCS less on.A. have had12. GiVe me a Cha nce,B. Were havi ngC. are hav ingI' Il prove it to you.A. andB. till13. We Can

7、' t enter the room. I CanC. though 't find my key.IS it POSSibIe that youit at home?A. leftB. fixedC. man agedD. will haveD. whileD. desig ned14. HoW should you add the COrreCt PUnCtUation marks to the following sentence?A. Amy Sa id "If it rains tomorrow, WeB. Amy Said " if it rai

8、ns tomorrow, WeC. Amy said, if it rai ns tomorrow, WeD. Amy said, " If it rains tomorrow, We15. Hello, Hele n! Can I See Mr Smith?. I ' ll tell him you are here.A. NeVer mindB. It SoUndS like funll Stay at home.'ll Stay at home. ”'ll Stay at home.'ll Stay at home. ”C. JUSt a min

9、uteD. Sorry to hear that、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。You and your family are pla nning a PiCniC for tomorrow. BUt you Want to 16 the Weather forecast (预报)first to See Whether there will be rain Or not. Your father turns on the televisi On and the family

10、liste ns to theI 7 make the Weather report."It will be PartIy Cloudy tomorrow morning, 18 CIeari ng by early after noon. The high tomorrow will be 85.”AS there will be no rain, the whole family feels 19. WithOUt the WeatherforeCast, you would not know this, and you would just have to take your

11、Cha nces. BUt now,you Can pla n your PiC nic20 worry ing Whether it will rain Or not.The man you Can tha nk for this is Clevela nd Abbe. He is known as the father of the Weather bureau. He WaS the first PerS On to PUbIiSh21 Weather forecasts in the Un ited States.Abbe began his daily Weather bulleti

12、ns ( 简报)in 1869. They Were based On Weather 22 he drew from telegraphed reports of Weather Conditions. BeCaUSe of their accuracy (准确),the reports Were 23.Congress (国会)became 24 in Abbe' Weather reports. They made Abbe a meteorologi St (someOne who StUdieS Weather ConditiOns), and he 25 issuing (

13、发布)forecasts three times a day. He WaS the first OffiCiaI forecaster of the U.S. Weather Service. BeCaUSe he often forecast PrObabIe storms, Abbe earned the nickn ame of" Old Probabilities. ”16. A. PrOdUCeB. SPreadC. CheCkD.orga nize17. A. firema nB. POStma nC. fisherma nD.Weatherma n18. A. soB

14、. butC. afterD.because19. A. h appyB. WOrriedC. StreSSedD.CUriOUS20. A. aboutB. WithOUtC. aga instD.from21. A. OnlineB. pollutedC. dailyD.in door22. A. mapsB. Stati OnSC.SPaCeD.Cen tres23. A. Stra ngeB. popularC. terribleD.USeIeSS24. A. SUCCeSSfUIB. SimiIarC. boredD.in terested25. A. avoidedB.beganC

15、. min dedD.risked三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下列材料,从材料后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。126. The n Ote told Greg his mother WaS.A. not at homeB. in the garde nC. WaSh ing the dogD. making after noon tea27. What did Greg have to do in his room?A. WaSh his Uni form.B. Feed the pets.C. HaVe a rest

16、.D. Make it tidy.28. What did Greg ' S mother ask him to do first?A. Go outside.B. BrUSh the cat.C. HaVe after noon tea.D. Change his clothes. AlumBJUSt like a Car engine needs petrol(汽油),your body needs fuel(燃料;养料).It needs food!The things you eat and drink are tur ned into en ergy.You n eed en

17、 ergy for everythi ng play ing, walk ing, running, thi nking even sleep ing.Feeling hungry may mean you are running low On energy. If it is not mealtime, you may n eed a Sn ack to re-fuel.BUt What sort of Sn ack should you eat? ThiS is like choos ing the right fuel for a car.Some cars, SUCh as raci

18、ng cars, n eed the best fuel to go fast and keep their engines running smoothl y.So, if you Want to be at your most lively, choose the best fuel. ThiS mea ns eat ing healthy Sn acks. There is nobetter Way to keep your engine running smoothly!HeaIthy Sn acksUn healthy Sn acksEat these ofte n.Eat thes

19、e Only SOmetimes.NutsSeedsChipsLolliesDried fruitFresh VegetabIeSSoft drinksChocolate bars Fresh fruitBiscuits29. What does "It ” mean in the Underlined SenteTesds food!"”“A. Fuel.B. Petrol.C. Your body.30. When you are running IoW Onen ergy, you may feel.A. smoothB. hungryC. livelyD. A Ca

20、r engine.D. en ergetic31. The Writer thinks it is better toA. eat ChiPS and biscuitsC. eat SeedS tha n VegetabIeSB. eat healthy Snacks at mealti mesD. eat healthy Sn acks betWee n mealsHere is an experime nt (实验)to See how ants can Orga nize Some CleVer teamwork.I. FirSt you need SjomC ants. Y(Xl ms

21、.y have W Wait Un Iil the 5uieic Io find IilCnl n PfithS 4und yu home.2. When y<n hnvc found an Snt PlrI BL thin slice Of fruit i froL Or it, 1( Inay t some Oflt Or cflcry bits HWJyI1. CIleCk thw fruit afk an hour. HBVC Olhcr anh beat auracted Io iP lfs6, What are they dotf4. WhCn there are lo<

22、;s Of an(9t InOVC Ihe fhi( t a new POSiltOnT H little io Ihe side. WiTIC CIO te nnl3 do?What' S going on?You Can See One of the best examples of inSeCt teamwork by WatChing ants. If One ant finds food, it leads OtherS there to eat it too. They follow each other by making Iong trails. The ants go

23、 back and forth collecting food, to take back to their nest ( 穴).When you move the fruit, the ants will still find it. But, inStead of making a new direct route (路线)to the food, they will follow each other through their old trail route.32. What will happen if one ant finds food?A. The ant will eat a

24、ll th e food.B. The ant will WatCh other ants.C. The ant will lead OtherS to the food.D. The ant will Wait Un til OtherS come.33. If the fruit is moved to a new POSiti on, the ants will.A. rail to find itB. give UP look ing for itC. make a new direct route to itD. get to it through the old trail rou

25、te34. WhiCh is the COrreCt order to do this experime nt?a. Move the fruit to a new POSiti on.b. Find an ant.c. CheCk the fruit an hour later.d. PUt a thin slice of fruit i n front of the ant.A. a-b-c-dB. b-d-c-aC. d-b-c-aD. c-a-d-b35. What Can We lear n from this experime nt?A. The experime nt is do

26、ne SUCCeSSfully in the lab.B. AntS do the experime nt to show their team spirit.C. CarefUI WatChing does little help in this experiment.D. We Canfind out some facts by doing small experiments.D(an extract from Probuditi!)Calvin Waited OUtSide TrUdy' S bedroom. Then it happesedeam, a Very loud sc

27、ream.Calvin ran to his room and dived into bed.He heard Mama Coming down the hall.“ Did you do this? ” his mother asked. Calvin Iooked out from Under the covers. HiS mot stood over him, holdi ng a rubber spider.Do what? ” he asked.You PUt that thi ng in my bed,Don' t think that just because itTr

28、Udy told him, StePPirbeh)UIItlfMIama.S your birthday you Can get away With SOmeth ing like this,(责骂).“ YoU do Want your PreSent, don' t you? ” That WiPed the smile Off CalVin' S face.“ COUrSe I do, ” he said.“ Then you apologize 道歉).”Calvin dropped his head.“ Sorry Trudy, ” 嘟囔muttered (“ Her

29、e, Mama said. “ Happybirthday. Af the breakfast table She handed Calvin an envelope. InSide Were tickets to the mati nee show of Lomax the Magni fice nt, the world-famous magicia n and hyp notist. “ You' Ve got twotickets there, ” Mama said, “ and I know someOne who' d really love to go alon

30、g.” She SmiIed at TrUC“ You don ' t mean here, do you? ” Calvin asked, eyeing his little sister.“ Well, that would be really nice. BUt those tickets are yours. If you Want to ask somebody ” Calvin didn' tWait for his mother to fini sh. He rushed out of the house to cell Rodn ey, his pal n ex

31、t door, that the two of them Were going to See Lomax the Magnificent.36. Who SCreamed at the begi nning?A. Calvin.B. Calvin ' S sister.C. Calvin ' S friend. D. Calvin' S mother.37. Calvi n apologized to TrUdy.C. happilyD. excitedlyC. in Side the theatreD. OUtSide his houseB. find out Wha

32、t his friend thoughtD. WatCh the show WithOUt his SiSterB. MOther ' S TiCketSD. Rodney ' S PreSentA. Un willi nglyB. truly38. Calvi n received his PreSe nt.A. in the kitche nB. in his bed39. Calvin' S moteasMy Wanted Calvin toA. ask his friend to the showC. do What She thought WaS right4

33、0. What is the best title for this passage?A. TrUdy ' S SPiderC. Calvin' S Birthday非选择题(共50分)四、填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)A)请根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为41-45的相应横线上。41. What do I n eed to make a tha nk-you card?You need some (纸),glue and a Pair of scissors.42. TheSe kinds of plants (生长)i

34、n the nOrthern Part of our country.43. So far, our football team has Won every match this year. That makes US feel (自豪的).44. LiU Hao is the Chief (工程师)of the high-speed railway ConneCting MoonIight ToWn to Nanjing.45. More than SiX (百)teams took Part in 2017 Nanjing Primary and SeCOndary school robo

35、tCOmPetitiO n in May.B)请根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为46-50的相应横线上。46. Wild an imals WhiCh are now in dan ger n eed our (protect).47. ThiS machine can (translate) SimPIe messages into 24 different Ianguages.48. My daughter is much (tall) now. The jeans She wore last year are already too short.4

36、9. LibrarieS or reading CornerS (build) in hope Primary schools along the Way of Long MarCh in a fewyears.50. About 1,200 (guest) who Were born in Jiangsu attended the first Jiangsu Development SUmmit inNanjing.C)请根据对话内容,从下列方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,使对话内容完整正确,并将答案填写 在答题卡标号为 51 55的相应横线上。know have a Iook at att

37、ractivethe nanything SPeCial(Li HUa and Peter are Chatti ng in the StUde ntsoom.) dining rLi Hua:Here ' S todayJiriling EVening .Peter:Can I51it?Li Hua:Sure, go ahead.Peter:I Want to know What'S On this Weeke nd. Let me See now.Li Hua:IS there52on?Peter:ChiIdren will have close Contacts With

38、 ShadOW plays in Confucius TemPIe thisSatUrdaymorning. Do you53anything about it?Li Hua:They will invite NanjingShadOW play masters to PerfOrm (表演)the traditiOnal plays forChiIdre n.They ' re Said to be 54.What time will the ShadOW plays start?Peter:At nine. Will you be free?Li Hua:Yes, I '

39、Il be free. I'd like to go.Peter:Let ' S go together 55.I ' Il meet you in Confucius TemPIe at eight thirty.Li Hua:Good! See you the n. Bye!五、阅读填空(共20小题:每小题1分,满分20分)A)请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中第56-65小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单!词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。请将答案填写在答题卡标号为56-65的相应横线上。Many CoUntries all over the world

40、have NatiOnal Parks. There are about 7, 000 NatiOnal ParkS around the world. Most of them PrOteCt n atural Sett ings as well as the pla nts and ani mals that live there, but a few are in tow ns and cities.Are there Natio nal ParkS in En gla nd?There are nine NatiOnal ParkS in England. The first thre

41、e Were the Peak District, the Lake DiStriCt and Dartmoor, WhiCh Were all named as NatiOnal ParkS in 1951. OtherS followed afterwards, SUCh as the North York Moo rs in 1952, the NeW FOreSt in 2005 and the South Dow ns in 2010.Are NatiOnal ParkS in England the Same as those in other CoUntries?Many Nat

42、i Onal ParkS around the world cover huge areas of Iand Where n Obody lives, but in En gla nd most of the CoUn tryside With in them is USefUI for farming and other activities. AS a result, Nati Onal ParkS in En gla nd in clude PIaCeS Where people live and work, as well as wild and beautiful areas Whe

43、re there is little Sig n Or huma n life.Why do ViSitOrS go to the National Parks?There are plenty of activities to do in all of the NatiOnal ParkS in England. ViSitOrS Can walk or cycle, following marked route, and many of the ParkS organize activities for families.Are there any problems in the Nati

44、Onal Parks?There are about 110 millio n ViSitOrS to the ParkS every year, bringing many ben efits to the areas but Creat ing problems too. Many popular tow ns and villages Can be SWamPed ( 充斥)by visitors. ThiS results in OVerCrOWded Car ParkS and roads ChOked (堵塞)With traffic. Life Can be difficult

45、for people who live there, as more and more gift shops and CafeS are ope ned in Stead of those everyday shops; in popular areas, house PriCeS Can become too high for local people making it hard for them to Stay in the area.Ano ther major problem is litter. I n the ParkS it is a PartiCUIar (特另 U的)dan

46、 ger to ani mals. Broke n glass Canalso CaUSe fires by focus ing the rays of the sun. When these Start in wild places, they are much harder to Con trol and Can damage (毁坏)large areas Very quickly.HoW Can people help?All NatiOnal ParkS in England promote ( 倡导)the CoUntryside Code, WhiCh tells people

47、how to take Care of their environmen t. If these rules are followed , the Nati Onal ParkS will be PrOteCted and Con ti nue to give PIeaSUre tomany people for a Iong time.Nati Onal ParkS in En gla nd56 Most Nati Onal ParkS around the world are to PrOteCt n ature.Developme nt Nine ParkS Were named as

48、NatiOnal ParkS in England in different57 .58 Many NatiOnal ParkS around, the world are huge in area but 59 any people. Most of the CoUntryside in NatiOnal ParkS in England is USed for farming and other aCtivities.ReaSOnS ViSitOrS Can walk or cycle, followi ng marked routes, and families are60With or

49、ga ni Zed activities.Problems Too many ViSitOrS Can CaUSe heavy 61. The disappeara nce of everyday shops makes 62 difficult. Local people Can hardly63 to buy houses in popular areas. Litter is64 to ani mals. FireS CaUSed by broke n glass Can damage large areas Veryquickly.Way out People should 65 th

50、e rules of the CoUn tryside Code.B)请根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为66-75的相应位置上。“ KidS Can make a differenee.” Craig KieIbUrger said. When Craig WaS 12, he S 66 a group that has helped kids all over the world.How did Craig get started? In the SeVenth grade he learned SOmething that made him a 67_.

51、A 6-year-old boy in PakiStan WaS Sent to work in a faCtory. The boy Could not go to SChool. He Could not even play. He had no freedom (自由)at all.Craig C 68 that With his OWn life. LaWS in his CoUntry Said that kids must go to SChool.E 69 WaS free to all kids. BUt in some CoUntries SChool WaS not fre

52、e. ChiIdren from poor families Went to work in Stead of to SChool.Craig Wanted to help those who did n' t hav4he Same a 70 as he and his friends. AS a result, Craig and some friends Started Free The ChiIdre n.Craig and his friends deCided that Free The ChiIdre n should r 71 money to build SChool

53、s. Craig hoped that learning would help kids in POVerty ( 贫困)live b 72.Today, Craig ' S Charity hasrethan One million members in 45 CoUntries. It is S73 going strong. Themoney they have raised has done many good things. It has helped build more than 500 SChools around the world. It also PayS for

54、 health Care in P 74 Com mun ities.Craig has had a lot of SUCCeSs. However, he still remembers his UnPIeaSant Start in the SeVenth grade."We Were IaUghed at by other kids, who Said you C 75 Change things, ” he says. Still, Cradjdn ' t give up. Now he WantS more kids to he lp. Go to free the

55、 ChiI. Bring it to your teaChers, ” e says. “ AS you gain more Confidence, friends will join you. It just gets easie r. ”66.S67.a68.C69.E70.a71.r72.b73.S74.P75.C六、书面表达(满分15分)请根据杂志KIDVOICE 的内容,以“Kids and Learning ”为题,用英语写一篇短文,发表你的看法。KlDS HA VE AN OPlNloN TOO!Hi! I ' m SigmUnd Fend, the editor (编辑)Of a new magazine KIDVOICE.注意:1.对所有要点逐一陈述,适当发挥。2词数80左右,文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。3.文中不得提及有关考生个


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