1、语法填空语法填空动词主要考点动词主要考点动词动词谓语动词谓语动词非谓语动词非谓语动词词性转换词性转换-ing分词分词不定式不定式-ed分词分词实战练习实战练习v1. A boy as well as two girls _ (catch)my attention. They are riding beside the bus. (2014 全国II)v2. Jonny: Be patient! Tai chi _(call) “shadow boxing” in English. (2014辽宁)catchesis callednIt was raining lightly when I_ (
2、arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn.(2015新课标新课标)nYangshuo _ (be) really beautiful. (2015新新课标课标) nBe patient! Tai Chi _ (call) “shadow boxing”(太极拳)太极拳) in English.(20142014辽宁卷辽宁卷) )高考链接高考链接arrivedisis calledObserving & Discovering1._ (follow)by many fans,the singer walked out of the hall.2._ (fo
3、llow) the famous singer,the crazy fans walked out of the hall.3.The workers _(build) the bridge came from all over the country.4.The novels _(write) by MoYan are popular,attracting more and more readers.5.We hope _(get) there before dark.非谓语动词非谓语动词1._ (follow)by many fans,the singer walked out of th
4、e hall.2._ (follow) the famous singer,the crazy fans walked out of the hall.句子句子1 1的主语的主语singersinger是是followfollow的承受者,用过的承受者,用过去分词,填入去分词,填入FollowedFollowed。句子。句子2 2的主语的主语the the crazy fanscrazy fans是是followfollow的执行者,用现在分词表的执行者,用现在分词表主动,填入主动,填入FollowingFollowing。FollowedFollowing解题技巧二:解题技巧二:若句子中已有
5、谓语动词,所给若句子中已有谓语动词,所给提示动词为提示动词为非谓语动词非谓语动词分词作状语分词作状语时,时,根据分词与句子主语的关系确定分词形式。根据分词与句子主语的关系确定分词形式。主语若是分词动作的执行者,用主语若是分词动作的执行者,用V V-inging形式;形式;主语若是分词动作的承受者,用主语若是分词动作的承受者,用V V-eded形式。形式。walked out ofwalked out of分词作状语分词作状语非谓语动词非谓语动词3.The workers _(build) the bridge came from all over the country.4.The novel
6、s _(write) by Mo Yan are popular,attracting more and more readers.句子句子3 3的主语的主语the workersthe workers是是buildbuild的发出者,的发出者,用现在分词,填入用现在分词,填入buildingbuilding。句子。句子4 4的主语的主语the the novelsnovels是是writewrite的承受者,用过去分词表被动,的承受者,用过去分词表被动,填入填入writtenwritten。buildingwritten解题技巧三:解题技巧三:若句子中已有谓语动词,所给若句子中已有谓语动词,
7、所给提示动词为提示动词为非谓语动词非谓语动词分词作定语分词作定语。 V V-inging形式作定语表示主动或进行;形式作定语表示主动或进行;V V-eded形式形式作定语表示被动或完成。作定语表示被动或完成。分词作定语分词作定语5.We hope _(get) there before dark.解题技巧四:解题技巧四:动词不定式作宾语,需识记只动词不定式作宾语,需识记只接不定式作宾语的接不定式作宾语的动词动词。有。有wantwant,waitwait,offeroffer,longlong,failfail,hopehope,expectexpect,askask,decidedecide,
8、determinedetermine,managemanage,agreeagree,affordafford,arrangearrange,promisepromise,pretendpretend等。等。to get非谓语动词非谓语动词不定式作宾语不定式作宾语1._ (see) nobody at home, he decided to leave them a note.2.The girls came in, _ (follow) their parents.3._(see) from the hill, the city looks like a garden.4._(give) m
9、ore time, I would have worked out the problem.SeeingfollowingSeen随堂检测随堂检测GivenheThe girlsthe cityI5.Last night, there were millions of people _(watch) the opening ceremony live on TV.6. No one knows the girl _ (stand) there.watching standingpeoplethe girlObserving & DiscoveringBut Jane knew from
10、 past experience that her _ (choose) of ties hardly ever pleased her father. 提示词提示词choosechoose是动词,但在宾语从句中是动词,但在宾语从句中作主语,且在形容词性物主代词后,故作主语,且在形容词性物主代词后,故用名词用名词choicechoice。choice解题技巧五:解题技巧五:有时给出的动词既不是有时给出的动词既不是谓语形式也不是非谓语形式谓语形式也不是非谓语形式, ,这时需这时需要进行要进行词类转换词类转换。pleased1. With the rapid economic _(grow) of
11、 our country, we now are eating a lot of food that is high in sugar and fat.(2015(2015广东备考)广东备考)2. there was a lot of information about the citys well-known tourist _ (attract)(2015辽宁备考)辽宁备考)高考链接高考链接growthattractioneconomictourist提示动词前有形容词,形容词一般提示动词前有形容词,形容词一般修饰名词,故需将修饰名词,故需将动词转换为其名动词转换为其名 词形式词形式。语法
12、填空动词提示题解题技巧语法填空动词提示题解题技巧动词动词作谓语动词作谓语动词作非谓语动词作非谓语动词词类转换词类转换考虑动词时态和语态考虑动词时态和语态考虑考虑V-V-inging分词分词,V-,V-eded分分词,不定式三种形式词,不定式三种形式多考查转换为其名词多考查转换为其名词形式形式)beingcaughtbuilt高考真题再现高考真题再现Observing & Discovering1. Do you want to know why we _ (move) last year?2. It was with the help of the local guide that t
13、he mountain climbers _ . ( rescue )movedwere rescued解题技巧一解题技巧一:若句子没有别的谓语动词,:若句子没有别的谓语动词,或者虽然已有谓语动词,但需填的动词或者虽然已有谓语动词,但需填的动词与之是并列关系时,所给动词是与之是并列关系时,所给动词是谓语动谓语动词词,若是谓语就要考虑,若是谓语就要考虑时态和语态时态和语态。作谓语作谓语 表过去的被动表过去的被动作谓语动词作谓语动词 时态用过去时态用过去 When a baby is in danger,its mother will be crazy and worried. This is s
14、omething anyone can relate to,even though we are t a l k i n g a b o u t a m o t h e r e l e p h a n t 1._(separate)from her child. A video 2._ (record) the reunion between the elephant and her 8-month-old baby in Kenya was one of the most impressive scenes. The baby fell inside a man-made hole and
15、was unable to climb out, according to the video 3._(release) by the Amboseli阅读下列短文,用所给动词的适当形式填空。阅读下列短文,用所给动词的适当形式填空。separatedrecordingreleasedmadeto helpto rescueTrust for Elephants. Despite the best efforts 4._(make)by her desperate mother, the baby seemed helpless until a team of workers rushed 5.
16、_(help)They had to drive the overprotective mother away first,so that they could get close enough 6._(rescue)the baby with ropes and a vehicle. to pulltouchingrunning Luckily,the workers managed 7._(pull)the baby to safety. What followed was a 8._(touch)scene. As soon as the baby was freed,it ran away across th
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