1、Room to grow 成长的空间Duncan YuDirector of Huma n ResourcesCon ti nue to develop in myIf you have selected如果您选择了 “考虑新的职位”,请描述一下您想从事的职业类型:Executive Assista nt Man agerWhe n do you expect to be ready for a new role?您何时能准备好开始从事新的岗位?1-2 years 匚3 years plus V0-12个月匚1-2年匚3年以上匚IC/ PDP/CHN 2014April 10 th, 2017
2、April 10 th, 20170-12 mon ths 匚Consider new role考虑新的职位 VPositi on: 职位Date:日期'consider new role, ' please describe the type of role you are looking for:My Pers onal Developme nt Pla n 我的个人发展计划Name:姓名Last updated: 最后更新于MY CAREER ASPIRATIONS我的职业理想curre nt role继续在我现有的职位上发展匚? 2013 In terC on ti n
3、en tal Hotels Group.All rights reserved.Proprietary and Con fide ntial.Use of this resource, or any part thereof, is not required by any lice nee agreeme nt, bra nd sta ndards, or otherwise. This resource is an opti onal guide that owners and man agers of fran chised hotels may use at their sole dis
4、creti on, using or adapti ng only those eleme nts, if any, that they deem appropriate for their particular IHG bran ded hotel. No compa ny in IHG, or any employee or age nt thereof, seeks, requires or has any con trol or directi on of any hir ing, compe nsati on, term in ati on or other employme nt-
5、related decisi ons at fran chised hotels.MY PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN我的个人发展计划STEP 1 MY OBJECTIVES第一步我的目标Based on current performance as well as strengths and aspirations, identify development needs. Include skills, knowledge learning and Leadership Competency development.根据当前的绩效、长处和愿望,确定所需发 展的方面:包括技
6、能、知识的学习和领导能 力的发展。Enhance Financial Sense加强财务意识Enhance the financial sense, control the hotel manning and HR operation expenses. 加强财务意识,并严格酒店人员编制及 人力资源部运营费用。Train Champion Change 培养主导变革Leading and inspiring people to make the right change happen so as to achieve the departmental KPO.领导和激励员工进行适当的变革,以达
7、 到部门的主要工作目标。Train and Develop Staff培养并发展员工Conduct the efficient PDP conversation with my team members and help to make their PDP perfect.为我的团队员工开展有效的个人发展计 划会谈,并帮助使他们的个人发展计划 更完善。STEP 2 MY ACTIONS第二步我的行动Identify specific action steps to achieve development objectives. Consider both on and off job acti
8、vities.确定具体的行动步骤来实现发展的目标。请考虑在职和脱 岗的相关活动。STEP 3 MY TIMELINE第三步我的时间计划Specify time frame for completion.详细说明行动完成的时间范围。As per the budget, control the hotel manning and HR operation expenses each month.每月根据预算,控制酒店人员编制及人力资源部运 营费用。Each month 每月Learn the 1 financial lesson in the My Learning-IHG Merlin so a
9、s to improve the financial sense .每月在 My Learning-IHG Merlin上学习1个财务课 程,以提高财务意识。On going持续Each month use P. & L forms sent by FIN Dept. and analysize the HR monthly expenses, and then conduct the action plan.每月根据财务部发岀的损益表,分析人力资源部月 度费用情况,并采取相关的行动计划。Each month 每月Leading the HR team, find out the ne
10、w methods and best practice from the sister hotels and IHG Merlin to complete the tasks.每月带领人力资源部团队,从其它姐妹酒店及IHGMerlin找到新方法及最佳实践,去完成工作任务。On going 持续Encourage staff to use the 1 new method and best practice and complete the tasks efficiently.每月鼓励员工运用1个新方法及最佳实践,高效地 完成工作任务。On going持续Conduct 1 session of the PDP training program for the staff.每月为员工开展1次“个人发展计划”相关培训课 程。On going 持续Review the staff PDP, and communicate with them once each month.每月审阅1次员工的个人发展计划,并与其沟通。On going 持续Conduct the 1 session of the conversation with the staff and as per their KPO, JD
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