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1、Comic book 漫画书Novel 小说Story book 故事书Writing book 作文书Magazine 杂志Biography 传记Literature 文学What kinds of books do you like to read?种类第1页/共31页Did you ever read these books? (曾经)第2页/共31页第3页/共31页海伦凯勒第4页/共31页What do you know about Helen Keller?第5页/共31页Listen 第6页/共31页Task1 Read and chooseThe book is about_.

2、A.Helen Kellers life.B.Helen Kellers books.C. Helen Kellers teacher.A第7页/共31页Task2 Read and judge. (“T” or “F”)( )( )TFFTT( )( )( )提示:划出关键词语或句子!第8页/共31页第9页/共31页第10页/共31页第11页/共31页sign language 手语第12页/共31页第13页/共31页第14页/共31页Braille writing board 盲文写字板第15页/共31页Braille typewriters 盲文打字机第16页/共31页Audio phr

3、ases dictionary 有声成语词典第17页/共31页Task3Read and answerShe was a famous writer.She was very sick and became deaf and blind.She wrote 12 books第18页/共31页Task4 Pair work: Information-arrange信息整理Helen Keller is a famous .She the book The Story of My Life.In the book,she about her .When Helen was 19 old,she w

4、as very and became and .Helen was very sad.But she to school and learned to read and write.She wrote books.twelve, wrote, months, life, blind,sick, went, writer, talked, deaf第19页/共31页Helen Keller is a famous .She the bookThe Story of My Life.In the book,she about her .When Helen was 19 old,she was v

5、ery and became and .Helen was very sad.But she to school and learned to read and write.She wrote books.writerwrotetalkedlifemonthsdeafblindsickwenttwelveTask4 Pair work: Information-arrange信息整理第20页/共31页Task5Listen and repeat第21页/共31页 What do you think of Helen Keller? What can we learn from her?学习第2

6、2页/共31页cherish life (珍爱生命)We shouldnever give up (从不放弃)use willpower to overcome difficulties (用毅力克服困难)have the heart to refuse to be cowed or submit (有一颗不屈不挠的心)第23页/共31页The Story of My Life第24页/共31页汤姆索亚历险记 捣蛋鬼的日记 哈里波特与魔法石 草房子假如给我三天光明 格林童话 鲁滨逊漂流记 窗边的小豆豆格列佛游记 安徒生童话 Some books we could read:第25页/共31页S

7、tephen William Hawking 史蒂芬威廉霍金第26页/共31页Stephen William Hawking is one of the famous physical scientists in the world.He is a Professor in the University of Cambridge.When he was 21 years old,he was very sick.Then,he could not talk and walk.He is unable to feed himself or get in and out of bed alone.

8、He can do these with the wheelchair.He overcame many the difficulties.And he becomes successful. He impressed us with his self-confident,humorous and witty conversations.第27页/共31页Read and judge “T/F”.( )1.Stephen William Hawking is a famous scientists in China.( )2.He could walk with his legs.( )3.He is unable to feed himself.( )4.He overcame many the difficulties and he becomes successful.( )5.He isnt a clever man.第28页/共31页Read and answer1.What does Hawking do? 2.Why cant Hawking talk or walk?3.Is he able to feed himself?4.What can he do with his wheelchair?第29页/共31页Homewor


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