外贸英语- 包装与装运(二)_第1页
外贸英语- 包装与装运(二)_第2页
外贸英语- 包装与装运(二)_第3页




1、第十六讲 包装与装运(二)packing and shipment备战词汇:partial 'p()l a. 局部的entirely n'tal adv.全部地responsible r'spnsb()l a. 负责任的,可靠的be responsible for 对负责vessel 'ves()l n. 船,舰combine km'ban v. 联合,使联合delay d'le v. 延期,耽搁overseas v'siz a. 在海外的;adv. 海外domestic d'mestk a. 国内的international n

2、t'næ()n()l a. 国际的container kn'ten a. 集装箱,容器containerization kn,tenr'zen n. 集装箱化route rut n. 路线convenient kn'vinnt a. 方便的method 'med n. 方法means minz n. 手段,方法multi-modal n. 多模式、备战句型:有关运输:how will you ship the order?你们怎么运货?we can send it by air or by sea.我们可以空运或者海运。we usually s

3、end it by sea.我们通常走海运。when is the earliest shipment we can expect?最早何时能装运?by the middle of june, i think.我想得在6月中旬。well make it at the beginning of september.我们能在9月初装运。to make it easier for us to get the goods ready for shipment, we hope that partial shipment is allowed.为便于准备货物装运,我们希望允许分批装运。you had b

4、etter ship the goods entirely.你方最好将货物一次全部装运。you should bear all the costs of transportation of the goods, shouldnt you?货物的一切运输费用应该由你方承担吧?well be responsible for the charges including any customs duties on export, as well as any service charges on exporting goods.我方负担的费用包括出口所需的任何关税费用以及其他办理出口的一切手续费。al

5、l transport charges will be included in the cif price.所有的运输费用都包括在到岸价中。since there is no direct vessel, we have to arrange combined transport by rail and sea.由于没有直达船,我们不得不安排铁路和海洋的联合运输。its easy to cause a delay in shipment or even lose the goods completely when you arrange such a combined transport.安排

6、这种联合运输,很容易造成装运延误甚至丢失全部货物。实战对话:关于装运about shipmenta: good morning, mr. baker. weve gone through the price and other items; shall we go into the subject of transportation?上午好,贝克先生。我们已经谈妥了价格和其他条款,现在能谈谈运输吗?b: right, before going to details, id like to have a general idea about chinas foreign trade transp

7、ortation. what are the usual facilities you offer for the goods transporting overseas?好的。在谈细节之前,我想听一听中国的外贸运输的一般情况。你们通常有哪些海外运输设施呢?a: well, we usually send the goods by sea. it is easier and cheaper. 我们通常以海运运输货物。因为这样比较经济,也更容易。b: i see.哦,明白。a: the china ocean shipping company has opened more than 50 do

8、mestic and international container shipping routes.中国远洋运输总公司已经开通了50多条国内国际集装箱运输线路。b: new methods of loading, such as containers, save not only a lot of wrapping but also the cost of freight.新的装卸方式,比如集装箱,不仅节约了许多包装材料,也节约了运输费用。a: thats true. whats more, its faster, safer and more convenient. the time fo

9、r loading and unloading has been shortened.对。而且,这样更快、更安全、更方便。装卸时间也缩短了。b: i think containerization is one of the best loading methods at present.我认为集装箱运输是目前的最佳运输方式之一。a: besides, other transport means have all been adopted, including international multi-modal transportation.另外,其他运输方式也会被采用,包括国际多式联运。b:

10、great, thank you for all of this.谢谢您给我讲了这么多。包装与装运的相关术语:运输包装 outer packing小包装 small packing 内包装 inner packing中性包装 neutral packing运输包装 transport packing销售包装 selling packing直接包装 immediate packing指示性标志 indicative marks警告性标志 warning marks小心轻放! handle with care!此端向上 this end up易燃品 combustible km'bstb()l易爆品 explosive k'splsv有毒 poison 'pz()n有放射性 radioactiv


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