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1、1物流客户关系管理的含义客户关系管理(customer relationship management, crm)是一个不断加强与顾客交流,不断了解顾客需求,并不断对产品及服务进行改进和提高以满足顾客的需求的连续的过程。其内含是企业利用信息技(it)术和互联网技术实现对客户的整合营销,是以客户为核心的企业营销的技术实现和管理实现。客户关系管理注重的是与客户的交流,企业的经营是以客户为中心,而不是传统的以产品或以市场为中心。为方便与客户的沟通,客户关系管理可以为客户提供多种交流的渠道。对客户关系管理应用的重视来源于企业对客户长期管理的观念,这种观念认为客户是企业最重要的资产并且企业的信息支持系统

2、必须在给客户以信息自主权的要求下发展。成功的客户自主权将产生竞争优势并提高客户忠诚度最终提高公司的利润率。客户关系管理的方法在注重4p关键要素的同时,反映出在营销体系中各种交叉功能的组合,其重点在于赢得客户。这样,营销重点从客户需求进一步转移到客户保持上并且保证企业把适当的时间、资金和管理资源直接集中在这两个关键任务上。 crm系统的宗旨是:为了满足每个客户的特殊需求,同每个客户建立联系,通过同客户的联系来了解客户的不同需求,并在此基础上进行"一对一"个性化服务。通常crm包括销售管理、市场营销管理、客户服务系统以及呼叫中心等方面。“以客户为中心”,提高客户满意度,培养、维

3、持客户忠诚度,在今天这个电子商务时代显得日益重要。客户关系管理正是改善企业与客户之间关系的新型管理机制,越来越多的企业运用crm来增加收入、优化赢利性、提高客户满意度。(1) 建立统一的信息编码系统;(2) 设计能够良好反映事务特性的数据模型;(3) 划分数据库类型,在分布式数据库管理系统和网络平台基础上,设计全局共享及局部共享数据库,以支持分布式数据处理,实现各分系统之间及其内部各功能模块之间的信息集成;(4) 提供强大的数据库管理系统,并在此基础上敬爱拿过来完善的客户销售数据库、客户市场数据库、客户支持与服务数据库、企业综合信息数据库等。由于crm是以客户为整个管理的中心,不同于其它管理系



6、是指把相关文档和工作规则自动化安排给负责特定业务流程中特定步骤的人。crm解决方案应具有较强的功能,为跨部门工作提供支持,使这些工作能动态的、无缝的集成。2.6与erp功能的集成 如果crm与erp和财务、库存、制造、分销、物流和人力资源等连接起来,使之成为一个客户互动循环,这种集成能使企业在系统间搜集商业情报,而不是低水平的数据同步。3.供应链管理与物流客户关系管理3.1供应链管理(scm)与物流客户关系管理(crm)的关系供应链管理与物流客户关系管理的最大共同点就是十分的重视客户。目前,所有的物流企业都必须在提高客户服务水平的同时努力的降低运营成本,必须有提高市场反应速度的时间给客户以更多


8、一方面通过对企业业务的流程的重组降低企业成本。客户关系管理通过对客户详细资料的深入分析,来提高客户满意度,从而提高企业竞争力的一种方法。帮助企业最大限度地利用以客户为中心的资源,包括人力资源、有形和无形资产,并将这些资源集中应用于现有的客户和潜在的客户身上。3.2面向scm 和crm系统的构建原则(1) 将客户与供应链链接起来首先,这意味着在伙伴之间共享交易数据。以保证较低的库存。其次,可以在供应链中通过正确的数据与位于第一线的员工联系起来。第一线的员工接到订单之后,应该清楚地了解不断更新库存和产品数据,据此就可以为客户提供准确的交付信息。同时,网络使得这些信息在供应链伙伴中的共享成为可能。

9、(2) 支持企业由“科层制”向“流层制”管理模式的转变许多的企业管理人员认为,科层制企业的组织结构和功能设置影响了客户关系建立。这种体制使得组织内服务客户的不同活动被分割开来,难以将客户信息完整地反馈回组织。流层制的管理模式打破了以功能划分的组织边界,使得组织将精力集中于最终结果,围绕客户而不是企业内部组织活动。流层制的管理模式促进了前端活动上游供应链的集成,其中也包括跨组织的活动。因此,流层制的模式可以大大的提高客户支持供应链的能力。(3) 倾听市场的需求信息,及时传达给整条供应链 动态的环境下,通过营销策略和信息技术掌握确切的需求。使企业供应链上的供应活动建立在可靠的基础上。保持需求与供应

10、的平衡。同时,客户关系管理使企业通过新的业务模式,利用最新的新信息技术,扩大企业经营活动范围,及时把握新的市场机会,拥有更多的市场份额。(4) 全面管理企业与客户之间的各种关系企业与客户之间的关系。不公包括单纯的销售过程中的业务关系,如合同签订、订单处理、发货、收款等,而且包括企业营销及售后服务过程中的各种关系,如市场推广过程中与潜在客户关系等。对企业与客户之间的各种关系进行全面管理,将会显著提升企业营销能力、降低营销成本、控制营销过程中可能导致客户抱怨的各种行为。4.数据挖掘在crm的应用数据挖掘可以应用到以客户为中心的企业决策分析和管理的各个不同领域和阶段。4.1识别潜在客户,获取新客户挖



13、以帮助企业找出最合理的销售搭配方案。4.5提高供应链效率供应链效率低的主要原因是供应链中的环节过多,数据挖掘中的关联原则分析可以分析买家和卖家的相关性,以减少供应链的中间环节,提高供应链效率。4.6优化客户服务可以利用数据挖掘技术获得不同类型客户对服务的要求,挖掘出客户的购买趋势以掌握客户的需求,适时的调整产品结构,从而有针对性的提供客户服务。来提高客户群的满意度,达到挽留客户的目的。4.7提供决策支持在大量的客户信息库中,运用数据挖掘技术,使客户数据可视化,直观形象的反应客户的信息,及时全面和动态的反应销售质量,为管理人员提供决策支持提供有效的手段和数据支持。1customer relati

14、onship managementcustomer relationship management (crm) relationship management, however is a constantly strengthen the communication with customers, continuously understand customer needs, and constantly for products and services to meet customer and improve the needs of continuous process. the use

15、 of information technology contains is the enterprise (it) art and the internet technology to achieve customer's integrated marketing, is the enterprise marketing customer is the core of the implementation and management of technology. customer relationship management attention is the communicat

16、ion with customers, enterprise's operation is the customer as the center, instead of the traditional product or take the market as the center. for the convenience of the communication with customers and customer relationship management can provide various communication channels. customer relatio

17、nship management application to the attention of enterprise to customers from the concept, this concept to the management that the customer is the most valuable asset of the enterprise and enterprise information support system must to customer information in the requirements development autonomy. su

18、ccessful customers will create competitive advantages and autonomy to improve customer loyalty finally to improve the company's margins. customer relationship management method in the notice at the same time, 4ps key elements in marketing system reflected in the combination of various crossover

19、functions, the focus is to win customers. so, marketing focus from customer needs further transferred to customers to stay on and ensure enterprise have the right time, capital and management resources directly on the two key tasks.crm system tenet is: in order to meet the special needs of every cus

20、tomer with each customer, to establish contact with customers, through the contact to understand the different needs of customers, and on this basis "one-on-one" personalized service. usually crm including sales management, marketing management, customer service system and call center, etc

21、. "take the customer as the center", improve customer satisfaction, cultivation, maintain customer loyalty, in this day of e-commerce era appear increasingly important. customer relationship management is to improve the relationship between firm and customer new management mechanism, more

22、and more enterprises apply crm to increase their income, optimizing the interests and to enhance customer satisfaction.1. establish unified information coding system; 2. the design can be good reflect the data model and characteristics of affairs 3. partition type of database, in distributed databas

23、e management system and network platform, design based on global sharing and local shared database, to support points 4. cloth type data processing, and realize the subsystem and its internal between the function module information between integration; 5. provide a powerful database management syste

24、m, and based on this beloved bring them here improve customer sales database, customer marketing database, customer support and 6. and service database, enterprise integrated information database, etc. because crm is the center of the whole management clients, different from other management system,

25、 and its database management has its own characteristics. therefore, it is necessary to construct their own crm database. in constructing the crm database, attention shall be paid to crm characteristics, also want to note crm system and enterprise other management system of coordination.according to

26、 the requirement analysis, can draw system flowcharts are as follows:2. market demand analysisthe current crm software is still in the initial stage, function module structure is endless and same, but its basic needs are the same, its main technical requirements should include six aspects: 1 informa

27、tion analysis ability crm has large customers and potential customers information, enterprise should make full use of these information analysis, makes policymakers grasp of the information, thus can more fully timely decision making. good business intelligence is the enterprise half of success. 2 t

28、o customer interaction channels of integrated ability the integration of multi-channel function of crm solutions with parts of integration is equally important. whether the customer is and enterprise connected or contact with sales staff, to customer interaction should is seamless, unified and effic

29、ient. the same channel can also bring internal efficiency. 3 support network application ability in support of both within and outside the enterprise interaction and business processing aspect, web bigger role, this makes the crm internet functions more and more important. such as, the network can p

30、rovide support for e-commerce channel. in order to make customers and enterprise employees convenient application crm, need to offer standardized web browser, allows the user to almost don't need training, it can use the system. in addition, if through the network to provide online feedback word

31、s and can be promptly transmits information to the company's after-sales service department, this would retain customers (especially distance is farther) and make friend. performance four construction centralized information repository ability using the information, real-time centralization of c

32、ustomer information, can make each business departments and function modules of information can unify between. 5 on workflow to integrated ability the workload is to related documents and work rules for specific arrangement gives automation business process of specific steps. crm solutions should ha

33、ve strong function, provide support for inter-departmental working, make these work can dynamic, seamless integration. 6 and erp function integration if crm and erp and financial, inventory, manufacturing, distribution, logistics and human resources, to be connected to a customer interaction cycle,

34、this integration among systems can make the enterprise business intelligence collection, rather than low levels of data synchronization. 3. supply chain management and customer relationship management1, supply chain management (scm) and customer relationship management (crm) relationship supply chai

35、n management and customer relationship management is the biggest have in common is that the customer. at present, the enterprise must be all in improving customer service levels at the same time the lower operating cost, to increase market reaction speed must have the time for customers to more choi

36、ce. the absolute attention to customer needs is the supply chain development principle and target, thus supply chain from the customer, to customer over. start supply chain management thoughts from previous "push type" to take the customer demand as the dynamic "rumsfeld" supply

37、chain management, attaching more importance to the customer. displays in: take the customer demand as major premise, through the supply chain in the enterprise's close cooperation, effective for customers to create more value added; from raw material suppliers, middle of the production process t

38、o sales network coordinate; every link for corporate entity, information and capital management; the two-way flow emphasizing speed and integration, and improve supply chain of various enterprise instant information visibility to improve efficiency. customer relationship management is mainly applied

39、 to enterprise marketing, sales, service and technical support to external resources integration, etc. customer relationship management system enterprise on one hand through provide fast and considerate service to attract and keep more customers; on the other hand through the process of enterprise b

40、usiness restructuring decreases the cost. customer relationship management of customers through the thorough analysis, detailed information to improve customer satisfaction, thus to improve the competitiveness of enterprises a method. help enterprises to maximize customer as the center of being huma

41、n resource, resources, including the tangible and intangible assets, and will these resources concentrated applied to existing customers and potential customers in the body. 2, the scm and crm system construction principles 1. will the customer and supply chain link up. first of all, this means that

42、 in partners to share trading data. to ensure that the lower inventory. secondly, can be in supply chain through the correct data with frontline staff in connected. frontline staff after receiving orders, should clearly understand constantly updated inventory and product data, accordingly can provid

43、e accurate delivery information. meanwhile, the network makes these information in the supply chain partners of sharing becomes possible. 2. support enterprise by "the hierarchical" to "flow layer is made" management mode transformation. many enterprise management personnel to th

44、ink, the hierarchical structure and function of enterprise organization set up affected customer relationship established. this system makes the organization in the different customer service activities are separated, difficult to complete customer information feedback back to organization. the mana

45、gement mode of flow layer with functional division of break the organization boundary, making the group will focus on the final result, focused on customer rather than enterprise internal organization activities. flow layer management mode of the system to promote the integration of the supply chain

46、 upstream front activities, including inter-organization activities. therefore, flow layer system mode can greatly improve the ability of customer support supply chain. 3. listen to the needs of the market information, timely communicated to the whole supply chain. dynamic environment, through the m

47、arketing strategy and information technology master the exact requirements. make the enterprise supply chain activities based on reliable supply basis. keep the balance of demand and supply. meanwhile, customer relations management make enterprise through the new business model, using the latest new

48、 information technology, expand the scope of business activity, timely grasp new market opportunities, have more market share. 4. overall management of the enterprise and customer relationships between. the relationship between firm and customer. sales of injustice, including pure business relations

49、hip, such as in the process of contract signing, order processing, shipment, receipts etc, and including the enterprise marketing and after-sale service process in various relations, such as marketing process and potential customer relations. for enterprise and customer relationships between the com

50、prehensive management, will significantly improve enterprise marketing ability, reduce marketing costs, control the marketing process could lead to all kinds of customers complain that behavior. the application of data mining in crm data mining can be applied to take the customer as the center of th

51、e enterprise decision analysis and management of different areas and stage. 1) to identify potential customers, acquire new customers. mining the customer data, make full use of data technology can search for a potential value for the customer. recognition of the potential of existing customers are

52、mainly analyzed, the customer data to existing customers into different types, different types of customers to provide different customer service and sales plan, and for these provide targeted products and services to meet the demands of customers. based on the classification of existing customer mo

53、re easily make enterprise identify potential customers, and eventually to potential customers turned into enterprise real customers, finally turned into a loyal customers. 2) keep old customers. enterprise business growth not only to get new customers by, more importantly retaining existing customer

54、s. now the cost of acquired new customers in the constant rise, so keep old customer can yet be regarded as an important direction of enterprise development. data mining can identify potential customers and improve market response rates, accomplish are offered. in addition, data mining can help ente

55、rprises to identify have left intend to customer, make enterprise take appropriate measures to keep this batch of customers. 3) found that key customers.according to the "20-80" principle, the enterprise crm a important task is discovery and maintaining important customers. using groups or neural network or decision tree, can identify what f


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