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1、BEC二级模拟试题3BEC二级模拟试题3BEC二级模拟试题3 一 .readingpart onequestio ns these senten ces and the followi ng bus in ess in dex.which advisor each sentense (1-7) describe?.for each sentence mark one letter (a , b ,c ,d or e) on your an swer sheet.examplethe companyinvests a large sum of money in hightech

2、 no logy.answer: e 1. it is engaged in the expansionof atelecom muni cati ons line.2. no other steel in dustries have such a high rati ng.3. the compa ny is the chief holder of a british compa ny's shares.4. as much as forty million u. s. dollars are invested in taiwa n.5. it has bus in ess tran

3、 sacti ons with an america n compa ny.6. the company gets a very high interest rate from its stocks.7. agreeme nts were sig ned betwee n two compa nies about tech no logical cooperati on.a. telecom asia corporati on limited (thaila nd )-it serves as intern atio nal advisor in conn ecti on with thede

4、bt and equity financing for a us $3 billio n teleph onelineexpa nsion project in ban gkok. (curre nt)b. sin gapore telecom intern ati onal pte. ltd. (sin gapore)-it acquires its 50/00 interest in cambridge holding ltd. ,the con trolli ng shareholder of cambridge cable ltd. of the u. k. (6/1992)c. po

5、ha ng iron 6 steel co. ,ltd. (korea).in connectionwith its ratings with standardpoor's andmoody's inv estor services. the compa ny obta ined the highest rati ng of any steei compa ny in the world. (ii/1991)d. goldstar co. ,ltd. (korea)in its inv estime ntin ,andtech no logyagreeme ntswith ,z

6、e nith electr onics of the u. s. -the first tran sacti on of this type in korea. (2/1991 )e. con cord ven ture capital co. , ltd.(taiwa n)'-structured ,marketed to investors and made a principal inv estme nt in the fund with total equity of nt $ 940 milli on(us$ 40 millio n) toinv est in taiwa n

7、ese high-tech no logyven turecapital opportu nities. (i/1991)part twoquestio ns 8-1 2read this advertiseme ntof a can adia ncomputerin corporati on.choose the best sentence from the list a-i on page 5 to fill each of the bla nks.for each bla nk (8-12)mark one letter(a -i) on your an swer n

8、ot mark any letter an swer has bee n give n as an example.ast's bravo familyour new and improved bravo series of pers onal computers isdesig nedto docalculati onsin a newwayexamplefor example , the new bravo mt has the same features of in tel's very fast pen tium60mhz microprocesso

9、r. it's all thepower you need to run an entire workgroupor the latestgraphics-intensiveprograms, and processes even the mostcomplicated mathematicalcalculations fivetimes faster thanthe dx2/66 8 it'sperfect for the power user whodema nds high performa nee at an attractive price point.also ne

10、w from ast is our latest generation of bravo le desktops, a value line of energy efficient 486 personal computers. our en tire bravo lc family ,while still affordable, has new muscle-i ntel 486 microprocessors up to 100 mhz and a vesa local bus slot. today, it's fast, tomorrow it could be eve n

11、faster, if you choose to raise it to in tel's pen tium over drive processor. how about more performaneein less space? thebravo lp is a low profile 486 , loaded with award-winning engineering9and the graphics ram can be enl argedto zmb for 64-bit process ing.our new bravo nb notebook computers, r

12、ecently named the nu mber one of the 20 world's top no tebook computers ,are some of our best examples of the bravo family10 it is particularly ideal for smallbus in esses ,home offices ,and mobile users.with bravo , there's someth ing for every one. in clud ing high value , performanee , an

13、d the most responsive around the-clock pho ne support anywhere11 by the way ,our 486 bravos are all approved by the en vir onmen tal protecti on agency12for an ast resellern ear you ,please call 800 876- 4 ast.example: ca. would you expect any thi ng from the world's fifth largest(and grow ing )

14、pers onal computer compa ny?b. in additi on ,you'll find .yourself in the enjoyme nt of free maintenance andtran sportati on.c. if you want speed, power, expandability,and dazzlinggraphics performa nee at a very affordable price, you'll find itin our bravo pers onal computers.d. the mt also

15、comes with two al-slots for graphic upgrades and in stalled win dows-based software soluti ons.e. so , you'll save en ergy , money ,and perhaps a few trees.f. for in sta nee, inno vative security features help you keep your most con fide ntial work to yourself.g. as a result, you need a certific

16、ate issued by the en vir onment protecti on age ncy if you buy a pers onal computer.h. the bravo nb4/33 is even thinner, lighter ,faster , and more affordable- using very little power with a Ion ger batterylife.i. fin ally, the dx2/66 is in ferior to our bravo mt in speed,fun cti on andgraphics perf

17、orma nee.part threequestio ns this brochure about the canadian city, saint john, and an swer questi ons 13 to 20 that follow.can ada's most cost-effective cityin today's bus in ess climate, every corporatedecisi on ismeasured by one sta ndard-how it in flue nces bottom line. so fo

18、r bus in esses in saint joh n, new brun swick, importa ntdecisions usually comes easier. the reason? saint john is the coun try's most cost-effective city.manycompa nies,in cludi ngmajortelemarketi ngoperations ,are moving in to take advantage of substantially more competitive operati ng costs f

19、or huma n resources , workers'compe nsati on,telecom muni cati onsand bus in essconvenien ce.1. in saint john, city center rents run approximately one-thirdless than the national average. downtown class aoffice space ran ges in price from the low to mid tee ns. class b rents for much lower fees.

20、 salaries cost an average of 23 percent less when compared to other major centers. these reduced costs and lower household expenses make for a wi nning comb in ati on where employers and employees both ben efit.2. from superhighways to future highways ,sa in t joh n hasit all. leadi ng-edgetech no l

21、ogysupplied by compa nies liken btel will li nk your firm to the world. comb ine this tech no logy with low-cost telecom muni cati ons rates and roun d-the-clock service ,and you have three good reas ons why n atio nal firms like northerntelecom ,canada trust and meditrust now callsain t joh n home.

22、3. n btel's competitive telecom muni cati ons rates can helpan employer realize annual savings of 25 percent and more. lower property and commercial taxes ,ca nada's sec ond lowest electric power rates, and no bus in ess of salary taxes make. sain t joh n an ideal cost-sav ing locati on. in

23、rece nt comparative studies to detem ine the least expe nsive city cen ter, sain t joh n ran ked nu mber one compared to 27 u. s. cities.4. sain t joh n means profitability and good bus in ess sen help compa niescon sideri ngbus in ess expa nsion orrelocation,the newly created greater saint jo

24、hn economicdevelopme nt commissi on is ready to take an active role in your evaluati on process. gen eral man ager steve cars on says the commissio n's role is simple :we'rehere to make it easier to set up or expa nd a bus in ess in sain t joh n.questio ns 13-16.for questions 13-1 6,choose t

25、he correct title for each paragraph from the box below.for each paragraph (1-4)mark one letter (ag) on your an swer n ot mark any letter twice.13. paragraph 1 14. paragraph 215. paragraph 316. paragraph 4a. low liv ing costb. good traffic and telecom muni cati on serviceso. san it joh n'

26、;s cheap rentsd. two classes of rentse. the nu mber one expe nsive city cen terf. en courageme nt for new bus in ess activitiesg. good bus in ess sensequesti ons 17-20using the informationin the text , complete eachsentence 17-20 ,with a phrase from the list below (a -g).for each sentence (17 20) ma

27、rk one letter (ag) on your an swer n ot mark any letter twice.17. the task of greater sain t joh n econo mic developme ntcommissi on is to18. in sain t joh n, employees'wages19. there are a few reas ons why n atio nal companies20. in sain t joh n ,new brun swick it is easier tha n elsew

28、herefor compa nies toa. cost twen ty-three perce nt less tha n other major cen tersb. make importa nt decisi onsc. take adva ntage of huma n resourcesd. li nk your bus in ess to others all over the worlde. determ ine the cheapest city cen terf. con sider saint joh n to be their homeg. help set up or

29、 expa nd a bus in ess in this citypart fourquestio ns 21 this advertiseme nt.choose the best word to fill each gap.for each questi on (21 35) mark one letter (a , b ,c ,d)o n your an swer an swer has bee n give n as an example.too much to read! it's impossible to find time to

30、read today's top bus in ess books-a nd thousa nds are published each year. yet not keeping up with those books couldbe aserious-a nd expe nsive mistake. ofte n the ideas and in sights theyexampleare available no where else. but howcan you even21which titles are worthwhile-letalone find time to r

31、ead them?fortun ately, there's a22:soun dview executivebook summaries. it really23in fact, it's24to work. it is ingenious and esse ntial. every mon th,you25twoor three quick reading, timesav ing26of the best new bus in ess books. eachcontains all the key points in the27book. the bigdiffere n

32、ee ,in stead of 200 to 500 pages ,the summary is on lypages. in stead of28five ,te n or more hours toread ,it takes just 15 minu tes.of the thousa nds of bus in essbooks29annu ally, only a30are really worth read save your time, our editorial board goes over them all3190%. our sta ndards are32

33、,and the criteriarigorous.whe n a book meets all our tests, we prepare a summary,in stead of a review or a digest. you get a skillful distillati onthat preserves the content ad spirit of the33books.the titles cover every34of concern to bus in esspeople today. there's35else like soundviewexecutiv

34、e book summaries.example:a. express b. un dersta nd c. contain d. findan swer: c21 . a. see b. know c. ask d. an swer22. a. an swer b. soluti on c. questi on d. problem23. a. works b. costs c. sells d. buys24. a. guarded b. gran ted c. guided d. guara nteed25. a. pay b. send c. receive d. buy26. a.

35、titles b. summaries c. n ames d. prices27. a. orig inal b. first c. same d. ano ther28. a. spe nding b. costi ng c. tak ing d. sitt ing29. a. publicized b. polished c. published d. popularized30. a. doze n b. little c. han dful d. couple31. a. choos ing b. elim in at ing c. writ ing d. publishi ng32

36、. a. high b. low c. expe nsive d. cheap33. a. en tire b. tired c. en teri ng d. old34. a. word b. subject c. sentence d. idea35. a. someth ing b. any thi ng c. all d. no thi ngpart fivesecti on aquestio ns this text about a japa nese compa most of the lines (36-40) there is one extr

37、a word whichdoes not fit in. one or two line, however , are correct.if the line is correct ,put a tick (v)in the space on your an swer sheet.if there is an extra word in the line, write that word in thespace on your an swer sheet.example :for short distanee, it uses its own' self airplanes. for

38、intern ati onal it calls on leading airlines includingthe japaneseairlines v.luftha nse , welcome on aboardit's only normal that a service-orientedcompany should look to other36. service companiesas partners.the reputationforexcelle nee of every each37. of dhl's part ners str o

39、n gly motivated its choice. to makethat sure that38. every one made the right choice ,they agreed to give their final an swer39. after a two-year old trial period. faster service ,betterairport40. facilities; the ben efits to the customers are clear. theywill also grow upin the n ear future ,allowi

40、ng customers to choose from somany services.part fivesecti on bquestio ns 41-45.a student has translated a piece of news in a chinese n ewspaper back into en glish and asked you to check each line there is one wrong word.for each nu mbered line (41-45) write the correct word inthe space on you

41、r an swer sheet.example:they have selledtheirproductsin20countriessoldbritish farmers are troubled by straw. they produce more tha n41. ten millio ns tons every year as a byproduct of farmi ngand42. their ani mals n eed only four milli on tons for bedd ingand foodi ng.43. si nee europea n air-pollut

42、i onlaws forbid people tobur nt straw,44. the extra straw is plowedunder or leave to rot.scie ntists have45. now found a way to put the straw to good using bycha nging an eat-lo ving bacterium in the straw.二.writ ingpart onequestio n 46you are going to spend holidays in hawaii in june. sudde nly you

43、 received a letter from an importa nt customer ,mr.elton deland ,who will arrive on 25th june and discuss the claim. you have to delay the trip till july.write a short message to ms. anne folster, your secretary.expla in why you postp one your tio n the date whe n mr elt on dela nd will arr

44、ive.ask her to arrange your meeti ng.write 30-40words on your an swer sheet.part twoquestio n 47you work for general ,a company which produces cars. you' are in charge of product developme nt. reed the follow ing chart which shows the results of a survey between your company and quaker, your mai

45、n competitor. the chart does not tell the exact numbers but the exact ratings. a refers to gen er41 compa ny ,while b refers to quaker compa ny.use the in formatio n in the chart to write a short report(about 100- 120 words) an alyz ing the reas on why quaker overben efits rece ntly to in crease you

46、r compa ny's competitive ness.write on your an swer sheet.a : gen eral compa ny b :quaker compa ny附图见bec2-3图三.liste ningpart onequestio ns will hear three telepho ne conv ersati ons.write dow n one word or nu mber in the nu mbered spaces on the forms below.message one. questio ns 1-4tel

47、epho ne messageto : mr(1) . from: marydate : 21st may time: 10 : 001. mr. marti n will arrive in tokyo around2:30 tokyo time on .(2)afternoonby flight pan-am (3)2. mr. martin , has moustache , tall ,dark , ( 4 )hair , wears glasses, sweaters.message two. questi ons 5- henry stewartfrom:

48、 cathydate : 23rd march time : 10 : 201. whe n you were out of tow n bruce (5)called.he was from quick (6)supply compa ny.2. he wan ted to place (7)orders with can ring him on (8)except wed nesday morning.message three. questi on 9- 12dinner book ing16wednesdaydate : 29th oct. time : 11:20n a

49、me of the customer: joh n lee from n ati onal (9)import 6 exportcorporatio n .no. of the customers : (10)time for dinner : around (11)tomorrow eve ning .miscella nea : like to eat at an (12)roompart twoquestio ns 13-22secti on onequestio ns will hear five short pieces.for each piece decide

50、 what the speaker is going to do n ext.write one letter (a-h) n ext to the nu mber of the will hear the five pieces twice.13 14 15 16 next acti onsa to send a telexb to check a carc to run a stored to sca n the adse to drive a carf to read a magaz ineg to take a vocati onh to buy clothessecti on twoquesti ons wi71 hear ano ther five short pieces.for each piece decide what the speaker is tal


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