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1、-作者xxxx-日期xxxx肺癌相关英文词汇【精品文档】肺癌相关英文词汇小结Chapter 64 Lung Cancer 肺癌【精品文档】1.Lung cancer/Lung carcinomas 肺癌2.solid tumor originating from bronchial epithelial cells来源于支气管内皮细胞的实体肿瘤3.Non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) 非小细胞肺癌4.small cell lung cancer (SCLC)小细胞肺癌5.natural histories 自然病程6.responses to therapy治疗

2、有效7.Lung carcinomas arise from normal bronchial epithelial cells that have acquired multiple genetic lesions and are capable of expressing a variety of phenotypes 肺癌来源于支气管上皮细胞,这些细胞在后天产生了多种基因缺陷,并且表现出多种表型。8.Activation of protooncogenes原癌基因激活9.inhibition or mutation of tumor suppressor genes抑癌基因抑制或突变10

3、.production of autocrine growth factors自分泌产生生长因子11.cellular proliferation细胞增殖12.malignant transformation恶性转化13.overexpression of c-KIT in SCLC小细胞肺癌细胞c-KIT过表达14.epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in NSCLC非小细胞肺癌表皮生长因子受体15.affect disease prognosis影响疾病预后16.Cigarette smoking is responsible for 80% o

4、f lung cancer cases80%的肺癌是由于吸烟导致的 17.exposure to respiratory carcinogens暴露于呼吸道致癌物18.asbestos 石棉苯20.genetic risk factors基因风险因素21.history of other lung diseases 其他肺部疾病病史22.chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD 慢性阻塞性肺病哮喘24.The major cell types are SCLC (15% of all lung cancers), adenocarcinoma (50

5、%), squamous cell carcinoma (<30%), and large cell carcinoma. 肺癌主要的类型包括小细胞肺癌(15%),腺癌(50%),鳞癌(<30%)及大细胞肺癌。25.The last three types are grouped together and referred to as NSCLC. 后三类(腺癌、鳞癌、大细胞癌)统称为非小细胞肺癌26.The most common initial signs and symptoms最常见的早期体征和症状咳嗽呼吸困难29.chest pain 胸痛不适咯血32.exhibit s

6、ystemic symptoms呈现出全身症状厌食34.Disseminated disease转移性疾病35.neurologic deficits from CNS metastases由于神经系统转移造成的神经功能障碍36.bone pain 骨痛37.pathologic fractures secondary to bone 由于骨转移造成的病理性骨折38.liver dysfunction from hepatic involvement肝转移造成的肝功能障碍39.Paraneoplastic syndromes副癌综合征恶液质高钙血症42.syndrome of inapprop

7、riate antidiuretic hormone secretion抗利尿激素不当分泌综合征43.Cushings syndrome.库欣综合征44.underlying malignancy造成一切症状的肿瘤45.Chest radiography胸片(X片)46.endobronchial ultrasound支气管内超声puted tomography (CT) scan计算机断层扫描(CT)48.positron emission tomography (PET) scan正电子发射断层扫描(PET)49.Integrated CT-PET technology appears t

8、o improve diagnostic accuracy in staging NSCLC over CT or PET alone相比于单纯使用CT或PET,将CT和PET技术结合(PET-CT)可提高非小细胞肺癌的分期诊断的准确性50.Pathologic confirmation of lung cancer is established by examination of sputum cytology and/or tumor biopsy by bronchoscopy, mediastinoscopy, percutaneous needle biopsy, or open-l

9、ung biopsy肺癌可以通过以下途径进行病理诊断:痰标本的细胞学检查和/或通过支气管镜、纵膈镜、经皮细针穿刺或开胸肺活检采集的组织标本进行肿瘤活检51.a thorough history 完整的病史52.physical examination 体格检查53.detect signs and symptoms of the primary tumor监测原发肿瘤的症状和体征54.regional spread of the tumor肿瘤的局部转移55.ability to withstand aggressive surgery or chemotherapy耐受积极手术或化疗的能力5

10、6.The World Health Organization世界卫生组织57.a TNM staging classificationTNM分期系统58.primary tumor size and extent (T)原发灶大小及范围59.the regional lymph node involvement (N), 区域淋巴结浸润60.the presence or absence of distant metastases (M)是否存在远处转移61.A simpler system is commonly used to compare treatments通常,应用另一个相对简单

11、的分期系统来确定治疗方案62.Stage I includes tumors confined to the lung without lymphatic spreadI期疾病包括病灶局限于肺部并且没有淋巴结转移63.stage II includes large tumors with ipsilateral peribronchial or hilar lymph node involvementII期疾病包括巨大肿瘤伴随同侧支气管周围或纵膈淋巴结侵犯。64.stage III includes other lymph node and regional involvementIII期疾病

12、包括其他淋巴结及局部侵犯。 65.stage IV includes any tumor with distant metastasesIV期疾病包括任何原发情况并伴随远处转移。66.A two-stage classification is widely used for SCLC小细胞肺癌一般分为两个阶段。67.Limited disease is confined to one hemithorax and can be encompassed by a single radiation port.病情局限于一侧胸腔并且在一个照射野内。68.All other disease is cl

13、assified as extensive其他的情况被归为广泛期69.The stage of NSCLC and the patients comorbidities and performance status determine which treatment modalities will be used. 非小细胞肺癌的分期、病人合并症情况以及身体状况共同决定了治疗的方式70.The intent of treatmentcurative or palliativeinfluences the aggressiveness of therapy治疗的目的不同,根治性或姑息性会影响治疗

14、的强度71.Local disease (stages IA, IB, and IIA) is associated with a favorable prognosis.病灶局限(IA,IB,IIA期)预后较好。72.Surgery is the mainstay of treatment and may be used with radiation and/or adjuvant (postoperative) chemotherapy手术是主要的治疗方法,并且可与放疗和/或辅助化疗联用。73.Patients with locally advanced disease (stages I

15、IB and IIIA) may undergo surgery.局部进展期患者(IIB、IIIA期)也可采用手术治疗74.Adjuvant chemotherapy is the standard of care(对于局部进展期患者),辅助化疗是标准治疗。75.Some centers use neoadjuvant (preoperative) chemoradiation, but this is not considered the standard of care.一些肿瘤治疗中心,(对于局部进展期患者),应用新辅助同步放化疗,但是这并不认为是标准治疗。76.Nonresectabl

16、e locally advanced disease may be treated with both an active cisplatin-based regimen and radiotherapy不可切除局部进展期患者可采取铂类为基础的化疗联合放疗。77.Four to six cycles of doublet chemotherapy with cisplatin or carboplatin plus docetaxel, gemcitabine, paclitaxel, pemetrexed, or vinorelbine are recommended as first-li

17、ne palliative chemotherapy for patients with unresectable stage III or IV disease.不可切除的III期患者或IV期患者,可选择4-6周期双药化疗作为一线姑息化疗方案:选择顺铂或卡铂联合多西他赛、吉西他滨、紫杉醇、培美曲塞或长春瑞滨之一。78.Cisplatin-based doublets improve survival and quality of life in this patient population as compared with best supportive care or single-ag

18、ent chemotherapy对于这类患者(不可切除的III期患者或IV期患者),与最佳支持治疗及单药化疗相比,以铂类为基础的双药方案可以延长患者生存及生活质量79.No combination was found to be superior上述治疗方案中,并无哪种组合证实为最优80.tolerance of expected toxicities may contribute to the decision患者对于预期毒性的耐受情况可能是选择方案的主要参考因素81.Non-platinum-based combination regimens (e.g., gemcitabinepacl

19、itaxel and gemcitabinedocetaxel) are recommended as first-line therapy of advanced NSCLC in patients with a contraindication to a platinum ( cisplatin or carboplatin ) agent对于对铂类(顺铂或卡铂)有禁忌的患者,非铂为基础的化疗方案(例如,吉西他滨+紫杉醇及吉西他滨+多西他赛)是进展期非小细胞肺癌的一线治疗方案82.Bevacizumab,a recombinant, humanized monoclonal antibod

20、y, neutralizes vascular endothelial growth factor. 贝伐珠单抗是一个重组人源化单克隆抗体,可以中和血管内皮生长因子83.Cetuximab,a monoclonal antibody that binds to the extracellular portion of the EGFR receptor西妥昔单抗,是在EGFR受体胞外区结合的单克隆抗体84.The addition of bevacizumab to carboplatinpaclitaxel is recommended in advanced NSCLC of nonsqu

21、amous cell histology in patients with no history of hemoptysis and no CNS metastasis who are not receiving therapeutic anticoagulation进展期非鳞非小细胞肺癌,既往无咯血,且无中枢神经系统转移,目前未接受抗凝治疗的患者,推荐卡铂+多西他赛方案联合贝伐珠单抗85.Palliative radiation therapy姑息性放疗86.disease-related symptoms疾病相关症状87.SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER小细胞肺癌88.The

22、goal of treatment is cure or prolonged survival, which requires aggressive combination chemotherapy(小细胞肺癌)治疗的目的是治愈或延长生存,通常需要较为强劲的联合化疗方案89.There is no clear role for surgery in SCLC小细胞肺癌,手术治疗的地位并不明确90.SCLC is very radiosensitive小细胞肺癌对放疗敏感91.Radiotherapy has been combined with chemotherapy to treat li

23、mited disease SCLC. 放疗通常联合化疗用于治疗局限期小细胞肺癌92.This combined-modality therapy prevents local tumor recurrences but only modestly improves survival over chemotherapy alone.放化疗联合治疗可预防肿瘤局部复发,但与单独化疗相比,仅短暂延长生存期93.is used to prevent and treat brain metastases, a frequent occurrence with SCLC小细胞肺癌常出现脑转移,放疗常用于预

24、防和治疗脑转移rophylactic cranial irradiation预防性脑放疗95.Neurologic and intellectual impairment神经及智力损害96.Radiotherapy followed by combination chemotherapy is recommended for patients with symptomatic brain metastases.对于脑转移且伴随相关症状的患者,建议化疗后进行放疗97.Dexamethasone and anticonvulsants are also administered for sympt

25、om control and seizure prevention, respectively地塞米松和抗惊厥药常分别用于症状控制及预防癫痫98.Chemotherapy with concurrent radiation is recommended for limited and extensive-disease SCLC. 对于局限期及广泛期小细胞肺癌,推荐同步放化疗99.Single-agent chemotherapy is inferior to doublet chemotherapy单药化疗弱于双药化疗100.The most frequently used regimen

26、is cisplatin or carboplatin combined with etoposide.最常应用的方案为顺铂或卡铂联合依托泊苷101.Irinotecan in combination with cisplatin has also been shown to be active伊立替康联合顺铂方案也显示出作用102.Recurrent SCLC is usually less sensitive to chemotherapy小细胞肺癌复发患者通常对化疗相对不敏感103.If recurrence occurs in >3 months, national guidel

27、ines recommend gemcitabine, topotecan, irinotecan, paclitaxel, docetaxel, CAV (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and vincristine), and vinorelbine如果复发在3个月后发生,国家指南推荐以下药物:吉西他滨、托泊替康、伊立替康、紫杉醇、多西他赛、CAV方案(环磷酰胺、多柔比星、长春新碱)及长春瑞滨104.Patients with SCLC that recurs within 3 months of first-line chemotherapy are considered refractory to chemotherapy and unlikely to respond to a second-line regimen小细胞肺癌在一线治疗后3个月内


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