



1、贺拉斯名言英文本文是关于贺拉斯名言英文,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读1、时光转眼即逝。the time which passes in an instant.2、青春时光转眼即逝。youth time which passes in an instant.3、一言既出,无法收回。a word spoken, will not be repaid.4、教育能开拓人的智力。education can develop people's intelligence.5、短短一生何必计划成堆。why should a short span of life plan piles.6、开了好头

2、等于做了一半。opened a good start is half done.7、我们只不过是尘埃和影子。we are just dust and shadows.8、愚蠢常因富贵而得到原谅。the rich often silly forgiven.9、你不可能用干草叉赶走人性。you can not use pitchforks out humanity.10、不劳动者无法从中获得裨益。no workers cannot get benefits.11、抓住那似水流年,抓住,抓住!grasp the timesong, catch!12、时间反复无常,鼓着翅膀飞逝。time volati

3、le, drum flies with wings.13、心灵的痛苦更甚于*的痛楚。the pain of the mind more than the pain of the flesh.14、有一千人,就会有一千种观点。there are one thousand people, there will be one thousand kinds of views.15、把本性用叉叉走,它还是照样回来。the nature with a fork fork, it is still to come back.16、真正的知己看上去比骗子还要冷漠。the real bosom friend l

4、ook indifferent than a liar.17、施展 * 又无理由,只会自食其果。use violence and no reason, it will only take the consequences.18、没有财富,地位和勇敢连海草都不如。no wealth, status and brave as seaweed.19、被败坏的道德践踏了的法律还有何意义?be corrupted moral trampling on the law and he yiyi?20、逆境使天才脱颖而出,顺境会埋没天才。adversity make genius, prosperity wi

5、ll bury a genius.21、财产可能为你服务,但也可能把你奴役。property could be service for you, but it is possible that your slave.22、干起来,要勇敢些,在冒险中增长智慧。dry up, want to be brave, wisdom in the adventure.23、你笑什么?只要改个名字,故事说的正是你。what are you laughing at? as long as change a name, the story said it was you.24、财富就像海水:你喝得越多,你就越感

6、到渴。wealth is like seawater: the more you drink, the more you feel thirsty.25、天才在逆境中才能显出,富裕的环境反而会埋没它。genius can show in adversity, rich environment can bury it instead.26、金钱不是做奴隶就是做主人,二者必一,别无其他。money isn't do is do master slave, either one, nothing else.27、由于热切地想要躲避过错,我们却常常更易陷入荒谬。as eager to avoi

7、d mistake, we are often more absurd.28、时间能使隐匿的东西显露,也能使灿烂夺目的东西黯然无光。time can make things hidden, can also make a dazzling light.29、使一个人因渴望赞扬而诅丧或振奋的那事物是多么微不足道!make a person because of the desire for praise, ye fall or exciting that is how small things!30、说出烙有所处时代印记的语言,这一点历来合法而且永远合法。say flipping a time

8、stamp of language, it has always been lawful and legitimate forever.31、向生活和习俗里去找真正的范本,并且从那里吸收忠于生活的语言。to find the real model into the life and customs, and absorb from there to the language of life.32、我不如起个磨刀石的作用,能使钢刀锋利,虽然它自己切不动什么。acts as a whetstone, than i can make the sharp steel knife, although t

9、hey don't cut yourself.33、一个人只要有耐心进行文化方面的修养,就绝不致于蛮横得不可教化。a person so long as has the patience to cultural accomplishment, no not road to enlightenment.34、 乡巴佬等候着, 要等到河水流干; 而河水却流啊, 流啊, 永远流个没完。hick waiting, wait until the water drain; while the water flow, flow, flow on forever.35、一切事物,无论是神界的或是俗世的

10、美德,名望和荣誉都是“财富”的奴隶。all things, whether celestial or earthly virtues, fame and honor are "slaves of wealth".36、 享尽了生活的福乐, 人就该毅然决然地告别人生, 像一个酒足饭饱的宾 客辞宴离去一样。enjoy the pleasures of life, the person should have to say goodbye to life, like a speech by the guests feast away.37、 时间年复一年地每天都要盗走我们一些东西, 它们最终将我们从我们自 己身上也一起盗走。time year after year stole some of our things every day, they willeventually we stole together from ourselves.38、你自己要先笑,才能引起别人脸上的笑容。同样你自己得哭,才能在别人脸上引起哭的反应。yourself to laugh, to make others smile on his face. also you haveto cry to cry in face cause reactions.39、灵魂如果没有确定的目标,它就


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