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1、新视野英语一级试题及答案 4questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage or dialog.1.a. she bought new clothes.b. she researched into the company.c. she read books about interviews.d. she discovered a secret.2.a. she didn't know where the company was located.b. she forgot to bring her new clothes with

2、her.c. she tried too hard to impress the interviewer.d. she lost her clothes before the interview.3.a. a t-shirt.b. a nice shirt.c. a suit.d. a dress.5.a. she thought her clothes were ok.b. she lost her good clothes.c. she wanted to impress with herself.d. she intended to start right away. c5.a. she

3、 will wear a suit.b. she will wear jeans.c. she will wear casual clothes.d. she will wear a t-shirt.part 1 understanding long conversations (每小题:1 分;满分:5 分)小题得分对错我的答案客观1.1bb2.1dd3.1也aa4.1/cc5.0im-casubtotal: 4老师评语:click once on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦part 2 understan

4、ding passages(每小题:分)directions: in this section you'll hear a passage or passages. listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage or dialog.1.a. he is a strong man.b. he is a troublemaker.c. he is a talkative man.d. he is

5、 a forgetful man.2.a. two heavy bags.b. a huge backpack.c. a small briefcase.d. two cardboard boxes.3.a. they got off the train.b. they helped him with his luggage.c. they did nothing to help him.d. they all called out to him.4.a. he ran after him.b. he gave him a call.5.c. he got into a fight with

6、him.d. he shouted to him.a. a cell phone.b. a small bag.c. a sincere smile.d. a bad impression.questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage or dialog.6.a. they recognize its importance.b. they love to appear on tv .c. they trust the press media.d. they wish to be well known.7.a. listeners.b.

7、 journalists.c. viewers.d. readers.9.9.10.a. 1 minute.b. 40-50 seconds.c. 5 minutes.d. 20-30 seconds.a. statistics and illustrations.b. illustrations and pictures.c. pictures and anecdotes.d. illustrations and anecdotes.a. stories.b. idioms.c. jargon.d. jokes.questions 11 to 15 are based on the foll

8、owing passage or dialog.11.a. he seldom makes eye contact with you.b. he constantly stares at your face.c. he looks into your eyes all the time.5.d. he looks at you from the corner of his eye.a. give a shifty look.b. indicate his authority.c. stare directly at you.d. look over your shoulde

9、r.a. powerful people avoid eye contact.b. powerful people give more eye contact.c. powerful people make less eye contact.d. powerful people demand eye contact.a. a fixed look at the face of the person you are talking to.b. looking over the shoulder of the person you are talking to.c. eye contact som

10、ewhere in between a shifty look and a stare.d. moving your eyes without fixing on the people you talk to.a. the degree of intimacy.b. the mood of the people involved.c. the surrounding atmosphere.d. the status of the people involved.questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage or dialog.16.

11、a. at a cinema.= b. at a theatre. c尸c. at a nightclub.广d. at a famous restaurant.17.a a. a wonderful dinner.8. a lot of drinks.匚c. an exciting movie.尸d. musical entertainment.18.尸a. he fainted.厂b. he was shocked.c. he refused to pay.1d. he lost his temper.19.a. because the waiter was mad.b. because

12、the waiter was angry with the man.c. because the waiter wanted to keep the man calm.d. because the waiter was asked to do so by the man.20.a. he wanted to check it again.b. he wanted to pay it himself.c. he wanted to give the man a discount.d. he wanted to add the price of ice water.questions 21 to

13、25 are based on the following passage or dialog.21.1a. relaxed.尸b. excited.,c. nervous.d. anxious.22.尸 a. the expectation that you will like or be liked by your internet friend.1 b. the wish that your internet friend should be attractive in appearance.c. the worries that your internet friend may not

14、 have told you the truth.d. the hope that you will be able to recognize each other at once.23.a. talk about them.b. let go of them.c. be afraid of them.d. start with them.24.a. staring at your internet friend.b. shaking hands with your internet friend.c. smiling at your internet friend.d. hugging yo

15、ur internet friend.25.a. your internet friend's physical appearance.b. your internet friend's voice and clothes.c. things you have never talked about before.d. things you are both familiar with.part 2 understanding passages 每小题:1 分;满分:25 分)小题得分对错我的答案客观1.1/bb2.1aa3.11 -cc4.0ix:bd5.1dd6.1/aa7.

16、1/bb8.1/dd9.0ixcd10.1/cc11.1l,aa12.1dd13.1bb14.1cc15.0ix.da16.1/dd17.1/cc18.1/bb19.0ixbc20.0ix-cd21.1cc22.1aa23.1bb24.0ix-cd25.0ix-cdsubtotal: 18老师评语:click once on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦part 3 spot dictation(每小题:分)directions: in this section you will hear a passage

17、or passagesthree times. when the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. when the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the information you have just heard. finally, when the passage is read for the third time,

18、you should check what you have written.questions 1 to 10 are based on the following passage or dialog.words are regarded as so important that it is not so easy to seethe fact that human communicationoften occurswithout words. communication withoutunspokenwords, direct (2) jcommunication, is (3)si mi

19、larto the way animals communicate. let's takea look at the following examples. when someone is angry, hedoesn't have to say, "i'mupset."his(5)acti onsexpresshisfeelings. his face mayturnred. he may bite his(6)lip.he maypace back and forth. anyonesignsface and your (8).you likel

20、y fall or sitwatching him can read the (7)you, too, communicate your feelings by the expressions on yourdepressedsomewhere heavily and walk more slowly when you are (9).when you are happy, your eyes are brightand you hold your head high.consider how many ideas and feelings you can communicate by the

21、 movement of your body and your facial expressions. a shake of the head says yes or no. a smile suggests a friendly and open(10)attitudeand a willingness to communicate.sometimes you "say" a great deal this way without even knowing it.questions 11 to 20 are based on the following passage o

22、r dialog.theseyou can learn how to "read" other people's body language bylearning someofthemost(11) commonmovements.howmanytimes haveyou1thebackof your neck,bittenbody(12)yourfingernails, played withfloor?your hands, or paced theare all common body (13) ' signsofnervousness.(14)con

23、fidence,or a feeling of power,on the otherfingersbehind their back. if a person (16)pullawayhand, can be seen in a person when they lock their (15)together and place them behind their head orfrom you, or keeps their distance, this usually means they areeither shy or nervous. this also (17)apl iesto

24、aperson who won't look you in the eye or who keeps their face down and turned away from you. either what they are saying is alie,or they are nervousand (18)unsureofthemselves. they might even be lying to you. how many timesshakehave you (19)hands with a person?sometimes the other person will hol

25、d your hand strongly and shake it firmly. other times, you feel like you're shakingsomething dead and lifeless.the (20) difference isclearly seen. the strong, firm handshake usually is given by a person who is sure of himself. the lifeless shake is usually the opposite. people who give these typ

26、es of handshakes are possibly nervous, shy, or afraid of interaction with other people.part 3 spot dictation (每小题:1 分;满分:20 分)小题得分对错我的答案客观1.1,occursoccurs2.1unspokenunspoken3.1similarsimilar4.1匕upsetupset5.1/actionsactions6.1/liplip7.1/signssigns8.0x(未答)gestures9. 1/depresseddepressed10.1/attitudeat

27、titude11.1/commoncommon12.0ix.(未答)grabbed13.1/signssigns14.0xconfidenceconfidence15.1/fingersfingers16.0黑pullpulls17.0xapliesapllies18.1unsureunsure19.0xshakeshaken20.0xdifferencediffrencesubtotal: 13老师评语:part 4 cloze (with options)(每小题:分)directions: read the following passage carefully and choose t

28、he best answer from the choices.questions 1 to 20 are based on the following passage.upset -i rang the doorbell, and we waited. i was feeling a little 1.we were late for dinner, and i was a bitembarrassed, not to 2. wife and i had had onwas hot and we werementionthe argument that mythe road to arthu

29、r's home. the weatherboth 3. frustrated 'with thewith ,contact, ishared withhim made me feelashamed and i regretted 6.not doingsomething fasterto free him7.from_this expression. i raised my righttraffic. arthur arrived at the door to greet us 4.warm armenian smile. words did not come out of

30、his mouth, but his look was so inviting that the eye 5.hand to shake his and he extended both of his big hands and wrapped them about mine, giving a powerful 8.squeeze '.i was about to let go 9. when 'hemoved his right hand and put it behind my shoulder, pulled me closer, and planted a kiss

31、on my left cheek. he hadn't cut the hair on his face, so i could feel his whiskers (腮须)on my face. itwas like having my dad kiss me when i was a little boy. i wasn'treally 10.used to this custom, but when he finally letgo, i have to admit that my attitude had changed entirely. i felt relaxed

32、. i had lightened up and thoroughly forgotten about my less than11. j iperfect journey to his home.arthur's wife was standing behind him and i expected him tomake an introduction, but there was no need. 12.instead -,as he began to make a gesture toward her,she grabbed me and pulled me close for

33、a kiss of her own. no whiskers this time. she probably left a bit of her red lipstick ( 口 红) on my face, though. i imagined 13.arriving ,withsuch a red mark on my cheekand the 14.relationi would get from my wife. 15.fortunately,she was there and received a redmark that matched mine.i was completely

34、16.focusedon the kiss when"welcome to my home" 17. burst z_lfrom his wife's lipsgiving me 18.a startle.she said it with a look thatwas even more sincere than the look arthur first greeted us with and i was again moved. i wanted to be able to offer my ownguests such an impression 19. u

35、upon_3welcome, but i 20.consciously 二controlled myself not to express thesefeelings. who would resist such a warm welcome?questions 21 to 40 are based on the following passage.it isn't always about how smart you are or how hard you tried. it isn't even always about how well your speech was w

36、ritten orhow wellyou made your 21. argument、.sometimes it's simply about how tall you are. that's right, how tall you are. researchers had two men of 22.relativelyiequal intelligence (智力),speaking ability,and physical 23. i appealgive the same speech. theypracticed together and tried to pres

37、ent with similar energy, 24.rateof speech, pitch and tone of voice, gestures, andexpressions. both men gave the speech to five different groupsof twenty. both men were5 foot 8 inches tall. the 25.differencewasthat when they made theirpresentation, one man wasprovided a4-inch riser to 26.stand on beh

38、ind the podium(讲台).after theyfinished, the people were askedabout their 27.reaction to their speaker's perspective. seventy-sixpercent of the audience who listened to the man who appeared to be 6 foot tall agreed strongly with his 28.perspective 二while only 13% disagreed. 29.as a resultz,the man

39、 who did not use the riseronly had 57% agree with his argument 30.while24%disagreed. the researchers 31.rewarded -the samesimilarexperiment ten more times with 32.results.whether we know it or not, we” tend33. 1to focuson others' looks andmuchof roductionwe getfrom themis based ontheirp

40、hysical appearance. introductions, jobinterviews,andencounters 35. with 、strangers areall influenced bylooks, and probably 36.too much so.thisis not to say that keeping your appearance neat is not important, but there are things that we cannot control 37.height and how attractive we are to most peop

41、le. itis 38. commonknowledge that, when we are choosingsomeone for public office, the better-looking choice usuallywins. the fact39. what工iwe often base these choices ontheir appearance 40. rather than旧 their views showsjust how much we are persuaded by a person's looks. bad news must be easier

42、to take when it's coming from a pretty face.part 4 cloze (with options)(每小题:1 分;满分:40 分)小题得分对错我的答案客观1.1upsetupset2.1zmentionmention3.1frustratedfrustrated4.1withwith5.1contactcontact6.1not doingnot doing7.11/1fromfrom8.1squeezesqueeze9.1whenwhen10.1used toused to11.1less thanless than12.1instead

43、instead13.1arrivingarriving14.0xrelationreaction15.1fortunatelyfortunately16.1focusedfocused17.1burstburst18.1/a startlea startle19.1uponupon20.1consciouslyconsciously21.1argumentargument22.1relativelyrelatively23.1/appealappeal24.1/raterate25.1/differencedifference26.1/stand onstand on27.1/reaction

44、reaction28.1/perspectiveperspective29.0ixas a resulton the contrary30.1/whilewhile31.0ixrewardedrepeated32.1/similarsimilar33.1/tendtend34.0ixintroductionimpression35.16withwith36.1/too much sotoo much so37.0xforlike38.1/commoncommon39.0ixwhatthat40.1rather thanrather thansubtotal: 34老师评语:part 5 voc

45、abulary and structure(每小题:分)directions: choose the best answer from the four choices marked a, b, c and d.1. when you're in paris you can't help being of the waythe streets are kept clean.aa. effective尸b. relaxedc. consciousd. obvious2. the book offers some advice about how to make a good at

46、 job interviews.a. attitude.0 b. reactionci c. effectd. impression3. he was a good worker who was to his family as wellas to his work.a. consistent尸 b. committedc. contentcd.engaged4. it is very difficult, for the time being, to how much money is needed.a. accountb. signc. ranged. estimate5. the tea

47、cher praised and rewarded the good of his students in class.0 a. statusc-i b. behaviorcc. functiond. sign6. we must our attention on the question of reducing ourcost.a. payb. focus*c. absorb d. promote7. it is said that to the plan so far have been positive.a. reactions8.b. viewsc. ideasd. opinionsh

48、ave you ever noticed that jack always quiet self-worth?a picture ofa. impressesb. focusesc. projectsd. communicates9. she has been known to become upset at theof blood.a. sightb. viewc. showd. range10. the age of the study population will greatly influencethe final result.11.a. barrierb. positionc.

49、distanced. rangefrom a,he could see the tall chimneys of the factory.a. sightb. viewc. distanced. range12. he knew what he had to do, and he got up and did it before he changed his.a. headcbb. mindc. braind. senseof the lake.13. edwina's office faced south and had a(n)a. sightb. lookcompressiond

50、. view14. for most people in china, the bicycle is still their main of transport.a. meansb. impressionc. attractiond. coursehim15. the movement and noise of the machinescompletely.a. reactedb. holdc. noticedd. absorbed16. mary was so in her job that she didn't hear anybody knocking at the door.a. attractedb. excitedc. absorbedd. drawn17. many of the children some difficulty in learning thematerial.a. ranr, b. encounteredc. acquainted广 d. influenced18. his facial told me that he didn't want to discuss


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