



1、夕卜召开一起六年级(上) lVIodule 1<>棉测卷及答皋听力部分(30分二、听录音,给下列囲片排序。(I。分)(s>、听灵盲,扌艮16彳尔所D斤至IJ的内吝彳务下歹UWi百扫E序。(1仃分' )A., this *nyH. clean watetC?. come liereL>. Ictirn EnglishE. sit downC) < > < >C>C X听泉音,在彳尔听到的句子F3J扌舌号,扌丁7 o (1O分)<> 1 . T>on'1 xpeak loticils in the librar

2、y.<)2. T5c quid.<> 3. r>rink clean waiter.()4. Don't use plionc in the class.<> 5. Don't cross the road.(> G. Z< parking.(> 7. Wash our liands before catin.<> 8. Fc carcfliil.笔试耶分(70分)四、扌艮IS:又i吾心砂及 U 学毋写出斗Li司。(1O 分)1 P(野菸2. h厲我的3. 1(渴的4. s(三B月治)5. r<FT5>

3、;五、迭出与咏合单词划 线815分i卖音相冋的选项。(l<> 分)<> 1 . parkA., walk13. R>rkC?. larc<> 2 toiletA xvorkR foreverC' Ixrinjx<> 3. cleanA. needB. deadC. pear(> 4. crossA. porkH. lollG4. |Mirk()5. tootbal!A. zooB. goodC. too选擇题。(w分)()1. It's interestingbasketballA. playingR. plaC*.

4、to pl:i()2 1 didn'tbi iiiMbread.A someB miyC a lot()3. You can*t cross the roadwhen light isA. yullQ、13. yrccnC. red.- Can you fell me rhe va* to the pai kf>A. O<> straight on and son can sec ilTi. Z«» talkiC. Yes. T do.() 5. Let's 11 nd a cass*to finish the job.A. wa>-

5、13. ideaC. answer七、选出与下列J标芦相对应的句子,彳等仔寻写在扌舌寻里。< 10 >A. Eic carciiil. Tiic liht is reel.H. Oo straight on.C." I Im it IcOI >. No nE. Turn right八、刚实对i舌刈断正(r )I <xense me sir I low Iyiel to the cinemai?:L.el me see. I*'irslthe second toad. You shoLildyou 牡slr:ii|xht on J hen you tur

6、n Ivl、onw alk aloiii; the T Tappy RckicI xiboiit teniiiiiiiitcs. IM ext you tm 11 right. You will see tlic ciiicnia l)csii.lc tlic slioppmmxsl IBol>: Thank oti a lot. Can I i ide nix bike to uet there?ii: Mils be not. I .ook! rI'here is u road zi牡八- Voli exm see ""tlon*t ride your b

7、ike here'' on tt.()I .1 iobwants U> go to cinema.()2.Hobgicts to the cinema about ten minutes on foot()3.viiivni4i 13 it) trout o£ the lioppinc nxill()4.Hobshotikl turn l iiht on tlic mccoikI roatl.()5.Hobcan't ride his bike to go to cinema.九、扁(乍纟东习.厶h明手口冋学彳门如子起去交卩游,彳也写了些注烹歩项.诈5补

8、龙尢甦下面的立Iff O 分 >l ips R>r (he ekiss tripWc Jirc oinu to h:ic si class trip on Sin)d;i> . Look at these tips lor i<.I hope s e can hu e ;ilime.D斤尢材*斗x 听忝g ,木艮斑KR所D斤至U旳内吝彳祜下歹U疸i吞扫E序。毎<1、定SHJ®遍。1 . loam English2. iln» >tty3. conic here-4 Mil <loxn5. eleun xuter二、口斤爭音,给下歹U

9、圉启科E序.毎<J、题i卖两遍LI . T3c careful. Tt <langicrous.2. I*lc4isc stniicl upa Plen«c? cion' t tiikc? our pcM <l<-4. Zc smokii)5. L>on"t tnkc photon.三、WT戾甘,在彳莎听至U的旬于R扌舌弓宝扌丁 7。毎<1、砸便两通。1 . L>rink clean x atcr.2. Wash your hands before catnip.3. Zo psirkingi.-41 >011 

10、9;t <iNe phone? hi llie uIiinn.5. Ooii't spesik IoikIIv in the lilwry.、1-5 DACEB二顺序为:43152三、(V ) 1. Doit speak loudly in the libraiy()2. Be quiet.(V ) 3. Drink clean water.(V ) 4. Don't use phone in the class.()5. Don't cross the road(V ) 6. No parking(V ) 7. Wash *our hands before eatina.()8. Be careful.四、1. picnic 2. hungry 3. thirsty 4. sandwiches 5. rain五、1-5CBABB六、15CBCAA七、1-5BCEAI)八、1-5TFFFT九、越:Tips for the class tripWe are going to have a class trip on Sunday.


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