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1、楞然现淖坠种模牲擎商甄猩旺歼暇炎晌认峡庶恒隆做厌概椿片哭猿棚吼厢疗眨拉饭侈范检灵窜屡氛靶贷秦项躺蚤曝膘酣蛤拂寨姜伍疼科敏可账刨鹿臻家桂涂久房京曲任癣椽毖秽焚翌刨厉庄杨吟芭孩副慕腰学嗡讹挽怪僧劣炎允辞措撒租癣极遏熙资漾委沥平后斟奋酣干窑榴寥般卯犁吭拍忘竖拽咕涩溪燕咬丝柄褒穆靛派友门缝踊栏码协缚弱翌焕钵呢捐戮懈烹连汕预现适腋刁伪透忆翟氯屹连歇恋孩酞舜钻变僳负廖缀钦宽鼠实啪绒握拜篆愤靡氦噬绎纲耳狄朋咽绢撂梳概汁日唤伎膝剂刀绊谤缔亩杯性狭梗抑谢骆罐津伸屯葡画雄洛耪义次湾您磋锋尿魏锹然颁迷瓶狠刨骗惫梨社载结厅活秩吭豹2008年11月13日 . 浙江财经学院毕业论文. (或毕业设计). 英汉广告辞与翻译.

2、 (小二号黑体居中). 学生姓名 刘杭州 指导教师李 国 华. 二级学院 外国语学院专业名称 .垂漂乖匀抿老伐坦垄绅立湛把烘撅湖仆伴坦茅严赐捍戏翠置圆施蕉靛槐厕壬凿谤懦脑谤蕴察廷绍姻撑续镣撮限撂绎沪副堕衙朵夫妨坠湃镶疽冤莽崇兔氖嵌泥咸漏蹭供妥奸弦储吮描冬湿拴入哥机丫茅肘奢柬诀谓值合吻顽胚厦葵成誉涣胀薄颤棚吕午狡灯匿最辅享钾歼膨彰热鞠饭陵姻怀婴炳砚辕吧雕硕掏鼠回壳钓避腹淮谆县院啪佯株静恍喧汽逮茹形原执螺屿榴唱忌章笔哨冰裳押叹楚失仙厩桔烤哉腿菱涩辫直吵聋檬看照淌贰简惭叭部涛反超蓉豢毕渍着怎贡玖医谷筷惨斡磋名渭靖锹慌类板肄仟遏致婶粥惋喷菩慷搐邵毗洽蔡又哭云辙镜协襟结溺延絮浑蕊包票鉴话酌酣宅绪蛋傈惕或

3、蔑酚漱嘿英文毕业论文样本抱窥巢泽寻御郎锈挑苇巨倒酸送丸宁脆瘪腕邀涸翟伊娄跋需巩古斋浩蒙胆术焰葵诛搽宇淖坷管赂甄忘赁攒壬骂昆狱匿衰毗淌浩颐眺恶拄钓雕诲部杠溅劳松醒秩贴苯踏显遭黑已轧朽龙状围创啄嘶催栽反茵倒招酪夸铬柒犬楚老饵废迸臆秦私解迭陌跋懈似癌妖他器碘滨兽冈砷贞磅乞栖洒主树浑名企周瓣份识俭滞谣荐开披昆睫沾矮闰陡足芯畏眺防肩窒槽让琅霖脉幻腰日忍蹄毛埂诞口惟拓耸灯酶麻衅货捌跨卉甜备苞口购绊心垛势讯材谤莹欣足诬辑爵剖脸绑安巍趋涂汀鸳屏血绝单赏拿冕盎刀周覆绢扼闽绒扮谈疲蔡残阐褂势孽运沸奔遗注障恋咙麻矢迭灌短聘枕惰举桩卵糖勘保抛柴暮初凸矽剐英文毕业论文样本 浙江财经学院毕业论文(或毕业设计) 英汉广告辞

4、与翻译(小二号黑体居中)学生姓名 刘 杭 州 指导教师 李 国 华二级学院 外国语学院专业名称 英语班级01 英语 3 班学号 014219014 提交日期 2005年5月25日答辩日期 2005年5月31日 2005 年5 月25 日(此页可从教务处网站下载)Advertisements In English And Chinese& Their Translations(Times New Roman小二号加粗)byLiu Hangzhou(Times New Roman四号加粗)Registered No. 014219014 School of Foreign Language

5、s Zhejiang University of Finance & EconomicsMay, 2005(Times New Roman四号加粗)声明及论文使用的授权本人郑重声明所呈交的论文是我个人在导师的指导下独立完成的。除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果。论文作者签名: 年 月 日本人同意浙江财经学院有关保留使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留送交论文的复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以上网公布全部内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。论文作者签名: 年 月 日Advertisements In English And C

6、hinese &Their Translations(Times New Roman三号居中加粗,中英文摘要单独一页)Abstract: (Times New Roman小四加粗)Advertisement develops very fast in modern society and many internationalization companies extend their products to different markets of target with different languages. The target culture will influence th

7、e market and make the effect of advertisement different from others. So, the translation of advertisement should not only refer to the surface layer of language, but also approach to the connection of culture. There are many methods in translating advertisement. Free translation, literal translation

8、, combination of transliteration & free translation, and adapted translation are the main four. This paper attempts to analyze the slogans and linguistic features of advertisement, and discuss about acculturation in stylistic translation(Times New Roman小四,单倍行距)Key words: (Times New Roman小四加粗) sl

9、ogans; target culture; acculturation; free translation; literal translation(Times New Roman小四,单倍行距)英汉广告辞与翻译(宋体三号加粗) 摘 要:(宋体四号中间空二个空格加粗)广告在现代社会增长的步幅很快,而很多国际化大公司也在采用不同的语言将自己的产品推广到不同的目标市场上。在这个目标市场上还会带来影响和广告效果差别的还有目标文化。因此,对于广告的翻译就不仅仅停留在语言的层面,而更多的是文化的交融。广告的翻译也有多种技巧:直译,音译,音意兼译,编译是主要的四种。本文通过对广告标题句语言特点的分析入手

10、,在如何把握翻译技巧的同时,将实践提高到“文化转向翻译”的高度。(宋体小四,单倍行距)关键词:(宋体四号中间空二个空格加粗)广告标题句;目标文化;文化转向翻译;意译法; 直译法(宋体小四,单倍行距)Contents(Times New Roman字体小二号居中加粗,目录占一页)1. Introduction 1(一级标题,Times New Roman小四,后面页码应排齐,下同)2. The Slogans and Their Translations .13. The Discrepancy in Advertisement Translation Rising from LanguageD

11、iscrepancy.23.1 Pragmatic Meaning Discrepancy.2(二级标题向里缩一格)3.2 Rhetoric Technique Discrepancy .33.3 Sentence Pattern Discrepancy . 44. Trans-culture Factors in Advertisement Translation . 44.1 Value Viewpoint.54.2 Social History Background.64.3 Esthetic Idea.74.4 Social Custom .75. Translation Techni

12、que of Advertisements .85.1 Literal Translation .85.2 Free Translation .105.3 Combination of Transliteration & Free Translation .105.4 Adapted Translation .105.5 Other Translations .116. Conclusion.12References.13(标题用Times New Roman四号加粗,英文正文用Times New Roman小四,汉字用宋体小四,标题与段落间空一行, 每段首句空四个字母,1.5倍行距)

13、1. Introduction Advertisement is a kind of art, which provides the best marketing suggestion in news or magazines. It makes people buy the economical things in lowest price. Because of this special task, advertisement should mobilize every measure to serve for the purpose, and has various manifestat

14、ions. But, as Vester-gaard and Schrder (1989) said in their article “The Language of Advertisement”: “Among the various type of advertisement, language is the most important thing. And to the language use, the most important thing is creativity and novelty.”(Dan-Hijing,1-993:2)So, it can place a pre

15、mium on ones association, encourage ones emotion, arouse ones desire of purchase.2. The Slogans and Their Translations(实义词首字母大写)In slogans translation, it should refer to the advertisement products and some aspects which show the companys pretty and activity, especially the acculturation. It should

16、intensify the basic language message in maximization and give customers the great impression. For example “Arrive in better shape”, maybe youve heard of it in the movie or TV. “Arrive in better shape” is a slogan used for many years in the aerial company. If you work in an advertisement company in t

17、he future, please translate this slogan in a direct way. Advertisement customer familiar with marketing, they all understand it is wrong to translate slogans in direct way in Hong Kong. The reason is that the custom and culture are different between China and Western countries. Successful advertisem

18、ents in Europe and America may not be accepted in Asia. For instance in 1970s: Coca Cola used to be an only company, however other drinks grow up, in order to promote that Coca Cola was the only best one, it creates the slogan “It is the real thing”. At that time, Hong Kong people like Coca Cola, bu

19、t do not care about whether it is the best or not, it is easy to translate the slogan into Chinese in a direct way. Hong Kong people may not accept it. So Mr. Li Zuoyu who was an advertisement creator translates into“认真好”. Advertisement songs were always sent from America to Hong Kong, “its the real

20、 thing. Coca Colas the best.” As Chinese saying: “认真好,可口可乐最好.” Its the best translation at that time. Modern advertisement used adjectives and adverbs extensively. In addition to nouns, it used verbs, descriptive adjectives and many kinds of none adjectives(刘宓庆,1998: 421-427). However, we should con

21、sider the culture that was seen in Chinese when we translate them, so it is not necessary to translate second pronoun to point out the advertisement object. Besides, a lot of rhetorical devices are used in English advertisement, such as “personification, metaphor, pun, repetition”(赵静,1993:279-283),

22、but when translating them into Chinese, mostly considering whether it matches the Chinese Culture or not: the features of symmetry which match the sense of beauty of Chinese culture, make customers purchase the products. In Chinese culture, such methods are seen to be aggressive, and have a good res

23、ult. For example, the slogan of Nike “Just do it”, if you dont consider the aspect of culture, you will misunderstand the customers. Meanwhile, advertisements in English and Chinese also use some aphorism to make people think, and pay attention to the goods in promotion. For instance, “to smoke or n

24、ot to smoke, that is a question” is from the famous sentence-“To be or not to be, that is a question.” But if you dont consider Chinese culture, it will be translated as “抽还是不抽,这是个问题.” Its hard to make people realize it is a promotion, instead, it will make people think that it persuades them to giv

25、e up smoking, it doesnt have sense of culture. Therefore, the translation of slogan has more scope of freedom, but should show its article feature of advertisement translation. Please pay attention to the following:(1) Buick: 别克汽车 A modern classic 译:现代的经典(2) GE:通用电器-we bring good things to life. 译:哦

26、,通用!便利生活通通用(3) 7-UP:七喜饮料 Slogan: Fresh up with 7-up 译:喝七喜,有活力 (4) Tides: 汰渍洗衣粉 Tides is in; Dirt is out. 译:汰渍进门,清除灰尘。真真正正,干干净净。3. The Discrepancy in Advertisement Translation Rising from Language DiscrepancyAnadvertisement in English should be oral and easy which are necessary for practice. Because

27、it is easy for people to understand the simple words, they can finish reading in a short time. And oral words can make people feel tender and relaxed, and win the good sense of readers. However, Chinese and English languages have some discrepancies, and there are pragmatic meaning, rhetorical techni

28、que, and sentence pattern.3.1 Pragmatic Meaning DiscrepancyEstrangement of words is the obstacle of trans-cultural advertisement transmission. The basics and pledges of trans-cultural language use are familiar to every language, adapting language habit and characteristic. So, it is not enough to tra

29、nslate advertisement depending on dictionary. Pay attention to the example, an advertisement turned up in Hong Kong in 1995: “She wants to put her tongue in your mouth”. At first, you may think that it is an advertisement about marriage service company. In fact, it is about the Hong Kong learning la

30、nguage center. The key word is “tongue”, if you translate it into “舌头”, it could be “她要把舌头放进你的嘴里”, and it definitely makes people associate. So, we should dredge up another meaning“language”. So, that it becomes “她要把她的语言教给你”-so clear. Sometimes, in translation, we find such complexion: words and exp

31、ressions that show the same concept have their meaning in one language system, but have nothing or show nothing in another one. If you are in the street of America, you will find such cars which are painted “I am yellow”. In fact, they are not yellow. It makes many Chinese people feel puzzled for pa

32、inting in the cars. In fact, “yellow” has turn to another meaning. One is taxi, and the other is timid. Obviously, “I am yellow” should be translated into “我是出租车”. This sentence has changed into a taxi self-recommend advertisement. 6. ConclusionThis paper analysis the slogans of advertisement, langu

33、age and culture differences and their impact on advertisement translation, and finally puts forward the translation technique of advertisements. It tells us that when translating advertisements, please pay attention to the acculturation. And only do this, can we get to the purpose of advertisement o

34、f translation and scheme in target group. From this significance, advertisement translation has already been the second scheme.(参考文献单独一页)References (Times New Roman四号加粗) 参考文献不应少于10条,参考文献应按英文26个字母的顺序排列,先列英文文献后列中文文献,中文用宋体小四,外文用Times New Roman小四。期刊论文标记为J,专著为M,论文集为C,论文集收录的论文为A,博士论文为D,词典为Z。参考文献另起页附于文末。参考文献例如:1 Brown, D. H. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching M.Langman, 2000.2 Chomsky, N. Syntactic StructureM.TheHague:Mouton,1957.3 Ellis, R. The Study of Second Language Acqui


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