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1、精品word学习资料可编辑relationship betwee n gover nment a nd busi ness. the "two sessi ons", general secretary of "pro", "clear" the word succinctly sum marize d the new relationship betwee n gover nment and busi ness, as pure politics, resha ping the political relati onship spe

2、 cified in t he dire ction. distri ct leader s in ha ndl ing politi cal and busi ness relati ons, engage i n trading power for money, a nd finally stumble d, we a le sson, always kee p in mind that "pro", "cle an" practi cing "pr o", "clear". "pro" i

3、s to ope n a sincere e ngagement with private enterpri se to help solve pra ctical difficulties; " clear "is to clarify the division of power, exercise d in a ccor dance wit h, private entre preneurs wit h innocent purity, not abusi ng power for personal gain, not to engage i n trading pow

4、er for money. thir d, in or der to maintai n fairness and justi ce. fairne ss and justice is t he lifeline of the rule of la w , is the best develo pment envir onment. curre ntly, lax law e nforceme nt and t he judicia l sect or in our region also exist to varying degrees, law enforcem nt de partmen

5、ts and individual wi ndow units power for persona l gains a nd br ibe s, thick frie nds, relations, human cases, m oney cases i n whi ch seriously infringe on t he legitimate rights and interests of e nterprise s and pe ople. especially some law e nforceme nt and i nspecti on for pr ofit purpose s,

6、del iberately looking for corporate loophole s, found dire ctly under t he ticket does not give busine ss impr ovement opportunities. we re cruit a compa ny doesn't ea sily, cultivati ng a busine ss more difficult, never for personal gain, systematic hara ssment, card, last che cked to che ck to

7、 get the enterprise col lapse d. to guara ntee the legitimate right s and i nterests. alway s procee d from the overall sit uation of reform and development of servi ces, fully consider the characteri stics of producti on a nd ma nagement in non-public e nterprises and social benefits, a n accurate

8、grasp of legal limits, protect theenthusiasm of entrepre neur s and practiti oners i n innovation and entre prene urship, e nha nci ng expe ctations and confide nce. t o promote stri ct enfor cement. stre ngtheni ng law e nforcement procedures, impr ove law enfor cement performance evaluati on, stre

9、 ngthe ning the supervisi on of law enforceme nt, explorati on a nd pra ctice of risk control mecha nism of law enfor cement to furt her standardiz e the social security, urba n management, r oad traffic admini strative law enforceme nt, effectively free, extensive law -e nforcement a nd lax e nforc

10、ement of law enforceme nt and other issues. o uphol d justi ce. justi ce is t he last line of defense t o safeguard f airne ss a nd justice , to unequivocally supportthe courts and pr ocuratorates indepe ndently exercise level . judici al activities w ere rampant, must not be allowe d to run, favors

11、, money, m ust not be allowed to k nowi ngly violate the miscarriage , violations of the legitimate rights and interestsof the masse s must not be all owed to a buse of powe r, to make forest mass ca n be felt in every judi cial ca ses in e quity a nd justice. four to dee pen grass-r oots gover nanc

12、e a ccording t o lawchain do long, a nd put scale big. to serve the development of enter prise s. duocuo simultane ously improvi ng servi ce efficiency, buil d better publ ic servi ces platform, enha nce w ork efficiency, initiative to help busi nesses solve the proje ct procedures, fina nci ng loa

13、ns, i ssues such a s land-use a ppr oval, reduce operating cost s, busine ss travel light and enha nce the confide nce t o overcome all kinds of difficulties and the foundation, real entrepreneurial passi onplay entrepreneurship, enhance the inter nal vitality and creativity. si xing a n co nstructi

14、on, pr omoting t he rule of law , tries to make the tra nsformation of forest devel opment xi ge neral secretary stre sse d, to reinvig orate nort heast china, optimize d devel opme nt environment is very important. envir onment of rule of law most gather m oss, t he most conducive to development. i

15、mpr oving the leadi ng cadre s ' usi ngthe method of thought a nd the r ule of law admi nistration work, probl em-solving, t he ability to prom ote the development, is the key to promoting the r ule of law. the la w may affect the efficiency of out of the path of deve lopme nt will be more smoot

16、h, w on development gains will be sustaine d, a nd end with greater eff icie ncy. leadi ng cadre s at all levels should take the lea d in re spe ct of law law, a bide by, and a ctively foster socialist cultur e, actively pr omoting t he field of multi -level gover nance accor ding to la w, gui de th

17、e masses a nd consci ously abi de by the law , faili ng to find la w , solve the probl em by law , i n accor dance with t he law prevail. xxx a dministration by law of leading cadres do not exist on the rule of law, la w enforcement, ca sual , and v ow not to investor s, the new scores a nd other tu

18、rm oil. t hese important expositi ons on my distri ct create good development envir onme nt with hig hly targeted and guidance, especia lly the ge neral secretary poi nted out that the cha os in my area also exists to varyi ng degrees, some eve n quite seri ous. lea ding cadres at all level s must i

19、mprove t he dev elopment envir onment of rule of law as a fundame ntal task, adhere to the proble m oriented, solid a nd solve the problems i n the constructi on of rule of law, t o rule the new effect for devel opme nt environme nt improveme nts. to hold "key minority". lea ders of this g

20、roup, althoug h few in numbe r, but the effect is criti cal. if a local leaders take the lead rig ht accordi ng to la w , in a ccordance wit h the la w , the l ocal cppcc fresh, pragmatic a nd efficie nt devel opment e nvironme nt. convers ely, if a local leader s of ignori ng the la w, impunity, no

21、t only the politi cal envir onme nt will be destroye d, will have seri ous im plicati ons for the devel opme nt environment. now, some lea ding cadre s lack of aware ness on t he importa nce of learni ng, that lear n or not doe s not matter. think efficie ncy i s too l ow too much, act a ccordi ng t

22、o the proce dure, than a n executive order getting along with. in dealing with com plex issues, often speak of "settling" and "done" on the issue of ha ndli ng letters and visits, l ike to spend money a nd buy stop and stabl e, but disregard t he law admi nistration, in a ccordan

23、ce with the la w , the r ulechain do l ong, a nd put scale big. t o serve the development of e nterprise s. duocuo simultaneously improvi ng servi ce efficiency, build bett er public service s platform, enhance work efficie ncy, initiative t o hel p busine sse s solve t he project proce dure s, fina

24、ncing l oans, issues such as land-use approval, reduce operating costs,busi ness travel light and enhance the confi dence to over come all ki nds of difficulties a nd the foundation, real e ntrepre neurial passi on play entre prene urship, e nha nce t he inter nal vitality and creativity. si xing an

25、 construction, prom oting the r ule of la w, tries to make the transformation of forest development xi ge neral secretary stressed, t o reinvigorate northea st china, optimized development envir onme nt is very important. environment of rule of law most gather m oss, the most conducive to developmen

26、t. im proving t he leadi ng ca dres ' using the met hod of thought and the r ule of law admi nistration w ork, pr oblem -solving, t he abil ity to promote t he devel opment, is the key to promoti ng the rule of law. the law may affect the efficie ncy of out of the pat h of devel opme nt will be

27、more smooth, w on development gains will be sustai ned, and end with greater efficiency. lea ding ca dres at all level s shoul d take the lea d in respect of law law , abide by, a nd a ctively foster socia list culture, a ctively prom oting the fiel d of multi-leve l governa nce accordi ng to law, g

28、uide the masses and consciously a bide by the la w , failing to find law solve t he problem by la w , in a ccorda nce wit h the law prevail. xxx admi nistration by law of leadi ng ca dres do not exist on t he rule of law, la w enforcement, ca sual , and v ow not to invest ors, the new scores a nd ot

29、her turm oil. t hese important expositi ons on my distri ct create good development envir onme nt with hig hly targeted and gui dance, espe cially the general se cr etary poi nted out that the chaos i n my area also exists t o varying degree s, some even quite seri ous. lea ding cadre s at all level

30、s must impr ove the development envir onm ent of rule of law as a fundame ntal task, a dhere to t he pr oblem ori ented, soli d and solv e the pr oblems i n the construction of rule of la w, to rule t he ne w effect for development envir onme nt improvement s. to hol d "key minority". lea

31、ders of thi s group, althoug h few in number, but t he effect is criti cal. if a local leader s take the lead rig ht accordi ng to law, in accor dance with t he law, the local cppcc fresh, pragmatic and efficient development envir onme nt. conversel y, if a local leader s of ignori ng the la w , imp

32、unity, not only the politi cal envir onme nt will be destroye d, will have seri ous im plicati ons for the devel opment e nvironment. now , some lea ding cadres l ack of aware ness on the importa nce of learning, that learn or not doe s not matter. think efficie ncy is too l ow too m uch, act a ccor

33、 ding to t he pr oce dure, t han a n executive order getting al ong wit h. in deali ng with complex issue s, oft en speak of "settling" and "done" on the issue of ha ndling letters a nd visits, like to spend money a nd buy st op andstable, but disr egard the law a dministration,

34、i n accorda nce with the la w , the rule复习题1一,单项挑选题1. “当公民基本生活遇到风险时从 国家和社会获得帮忙的权益”被称为( b)a. 劳动权b.保证权 c.就业权 d. 生存权2. 劳动法的调整对象是( b)a. 劳动经济关系b.劳动关系 c.劳动合作关系 d.社会保证关系3. 劳动法第 24 条规定:“经劳动合同当事人协商一样,劳动合同可以解除” ;在法律规范的规律结构中,“经劳动合同当事人协商一样”属于( d)a. 处理b.制裁 c. 预设 d.假定4. 从社会保证法角度来讲,我国的城镇居民最低生活保证制度属于(d)a. 社会福利制度b.社

35、会保险制度 c.社会赔偿制度d.社会救助制度5. 假如劳动者在试用期间被证明不符合录用条件,用人单位可以按以下哪种方式解除劳动合同(c)a. 提前 30 日以书面形式通知劳动者本人后解除 b.须与劳动者协商一样后解除c.无须提前通知劳动者,可以即行解除 d.向劳动行政部门报告后解除6. 依据我国劳动法的规定,在以下情形中,用人 单位可以解除劳动合同,但应当提前 30 日以书面形式通知劳动者本人的是( d)a. 劳动者严峻违反用人单位规章制度的 b. 劳动者严峻违反劳动纪律的 c.劳动者严峻失职,营私舞弊,对用人单位利益造成重大损害的d.劳动者不能胜任工作,经过培训或者调整工作岗位,仍不能胜任工

36、作的7. 关于集体协议的效力,以下说法正确选项( c )a. 只对劳动者个人有约束力 b.只对用人单位有约束力 c.对用人单位和全体劳动者都有约束力 d.只对工会或雇员代表有约束力8. 依据我国劳动法规的规定, 集体合同签订后,用人单位应当在多少日内将集体合同一式三份报送劳动保证行政部门审查 .( c)a.5日内b.7日内 c.10日内d.15 日内9. 依据我国最低工资规定的规定,用人单位依法支付给劳动者的工资在剔除法定项目以后,不得低于当地最低工资标准;否就,由劳动保证行政部门责令其限期补发所欠劳动者工资,并可责令其按所欠工资的多少倍支付劳动者赔偿金.( a)a.15 倍b.25 倍c.3

37、10 倍d.510 倍10. 依据我国劳动 法的规定,休息日支配劳动者工作又不能支配补休的,用人单位应当依据以下哪项标准支付给劳动者工资酬劳 .( c)a. 不低于工资 100的工资酬劳 b.不低于工资 150的工资酬劳c.不低于工资 200的工资酬劳 d. 不低于工资 300的工资酬劳11. 以下选项中不属于劳动时间的是( d)a. 劳动者从事生产或工作所需要的进行预备的时间b. 因公外出的时间c.女职工哺乳的时间d.职工午休的时间12. 依据国务院关于建立城镇职工基本医疗保险制度的打算的规定,职工缴纳基本医疗保险费的费率一般为职工本人工资收入的( a)a.2b.3 c.4 d.5 13.

38、依据我国失业保险条例的规定,失业人员失业前所在单位和本人依据规定累计缴费时间满 1 年不足 5 年的,领取失业保险金的期限最长为( c)a.8个月b.10 个月 c.12 个月d.24 个月14. 在社会保证法律制度中,历史最悠久,使用最广泛的法律制度是(a)a. 工伤保险制度b.医疗保险制度 c.养老保险制度d.失业保险制度15. 依据我国社会保证法律法规的相关规定,劳动者个人无须缴纳的费用是(b)a. 养老保险费b. 工伤保险费 c.医疗保险费d.失业保险费l6. 依据我国住房公积金治理条例的规定,职工和单位住房公积金的缴存比例均不得低于职工上一年度月平均工资的(c)a.5b.10c.15d.2017. 在我国,领先建立城镇居民最低生活保证制度的城市是(c)a. 北京b. 上海 c.深圳d.广州18. 以下行为中属于详细行政行为的是( b)a. 说明行政法规b.发放许可证 c.制定行政法规d.行政机关与企业签订买卖合同19. 依据我国劳动法的 规定,当事人对劳动争议仲裁裁决不服的,可以在收到仲裁裁决书之日起多少日内向人民法院提起诉讼 .( c)a.7日内b.10日内c.15日内d.30 日内20. 劳动争议的双方当事人是( b)a. 劳动者和用人单位b.劳动者和劳动治理部门 c.


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