1、1. 臂神經叢損傷: brachial plexus injury2. 斜頸: torticollis or wry neck3. 肌營養不良症候群 (肌肉失養症 ): muscular dystrophy4. 助行器: walker5. 關節變形: joint deformity6. 粗動作功能分類系統 : Gross Motor Function Classification System ,GMFCS7. 國際功能分類系統 : International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)8. 腦性麻痺 :
2、 cerebral palsy9. 階層理論 : hierarchical model10. 神經發展治療 : neurodevelopmental therapy11. 浮動型肌肉張力 : fluctuating muscle tone12. 試畫出國際功能分類系統 : International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)13. 說寫出下列動作的兒童發展里程可獨坐 5 秒以上,會肚子離地爬,翻身,放手走,單腳站1. 有關脛內側應力症候群之敘述,何者為錯誤?( 1)和 shin splints 之機轉相
3、似(2)通常影響到脛後肌( tibalis posterior m.)(3) 可由功能性之扁平足造成( 4)作外翻肌群阻力測試會造成疼痛2. 扁平足通常與下列那些情況有關?【 1】足後跟外翻 【 2】足後跟內翻 【3】前足部外展(1) 僅【 1】【2】( 2)僅【 1】【3】(3)僅【 2】【3】(4)【1】【2】【3】3. 下列有關gait之敘述,何者錯誤?(1) Heel-strike: hindfoot moves into pronation while the tibialis anterior muscle contracts to bring theforefoot into s
4、upination greater mobility(2) Foot-flat: because the forefoot is fixed to the ground, the peroneus longus muscle contracts, maintaininga pronated twist of the metatarsals(3) Foot flat cause the windlass effect, due to the stretching the plantar aponeurosis(4) Push off: the external rotation of the t
5、ibia is transmitted to the subtalar joint as supination of the hindfoot and contraction of the calf muscle, creating a thrust for push-off4. 有關 ankle-foot 的描述,下列何者不正確?(1) The medial arch maintained statically by the short and long plantar ligaments and dynamically by the anterior and posterior tibia
6、lis muscles(2) Supination of forefoot with the hindfoot fixed lowering arch(3) Heel in a varus position high arch, a supinatedfoot or pes cavus(4) Subtalar neutral position: (1/3) from eversion & (2/3) from inversion of calcaneus(5) When the subtalar joint is held in its neutral position there i
7、s the best ability for the midtarsal joint topronate5. 有關 ankle-foot 的描述,下列何者不正確?(1) External rotation of tibia over the fixed foot supination to the foot, increasing the arch.(2) Femoral antetorsion semiflexed knee increased knee valgus patellar femoral syndrome(3) Calcaneofibular ligament restrict
8、s inversion with the foot in a plantarflexed position.(4) Deltoid ligament restricts foot external rotation and eversion(5) Calcaneocuboid ligament restricts combined supination-adduction of the forefoot6. 有關 Achilles tendinitis 的描述,下列何者正確?(1)疼痛與否與活動量無關(2)通常最痛點在跟骨上之附著點( insertion on calcaneus)(3)被動踝
9、蹠屈(plantaflexion)時最易引發疼痛(4)連續踮腳尖的動作可引發疼痛7. Please arrange the sequence of treating an ankle sprain.a. Isotonic exercises b. Resistance by rubber tubing or weights c. Activity-specific training d. Rest + icee. Toe raises, heel walks and toe walks f. Proprioceptive training g. Isometric exercises(1) a
10、bcdefg (2) dabgecf (3) dgaefbc (4) dgabefc (5) dagbecf8. 有關足底筋膜炎的描述,下列何者正確?1 痛點常在足弓前內側 2 病人常在夜裡痛醒 3 可利用鞋墊來減輕症狀 4 牽張足底筋膜是治療項目 之一( 1) 1234( 2)僅 34( 3)僅 13( 4)僅 249. 有關 ankle-foot 的描述,下列何者不正確?(1) Plantar fasciitis is caused by a high-arched foot: tight plantar fascia lack of pronation increased load in
11、 the plantar fascia(2) Plantar fasciitis is caused by an excessive pronation or prolonged duration of pronation microtears at the plantar fascial origin(3) Pronated foottalar head and navicular drop downward and inward shifting the COG medially1st and 2nd metatarsalgia(4) Achilles tendon stretching
12、tight heel cord patient's problem, ensure that the stretching force is applied to the forefoot(5) Forefoot valgus and a fixed pla ntar-flexed first ray(most com mon in tri nsic deformities) abno rmal sup in ati on of subtalar joint10.有關ankle-foot的描述,下列何者不正確?(1) Claw toes: associated with a pron
13、ated foot and con tracture of the long toe-exte nsors causes exte nsion of the toes in creases the passive tension on the long toe-flexors.(2) Hammer toes: a capsular flexed contracture of PIP joints & hyperextension of MP and DIP joints(3) Morton foot: the sec ond toe is Ion ger tha n the first
14、 produce hypermobility of the first ray,displaceme nt of the sesamoid bones in creased stress on the sec ond metatarsal head(4) A painl ess weak ness of pla ntarflexi on may be due to Sl n erve-root pressure(5) A painful weak nes of great toe exte nsion tenosyno vitis of the exte nsor hallucis Ion g
15、us muscle; APainless weakness of great toe extension L5 nerve root compression.11. 針對一位有腳踝韌帶扭傷病史之病人,下列何種理學檢查結果最不可能發生?(1)前拉測試(anterior drawer tes)有陽性反應(2)單腳站立平衡測試之表現不好(3)距骨talar bone傾斜測試反應是陽性反應(4)屈曲病人腳踝時,病人感到疼痛加劇52針對足部外翻(pronation)問題之平衡板BAPS運動訓練,下列何者是正確的?(1) 強調向心收縮(concen tric con traction),所訓練的肌肉應包括
16、脛後肌、屈趾長肌及屈趾長肌(2) 強調向心收縮,所訓練的肌肉應包括脛前肌、伸趾長肌及伸趾長肌(3) 強調離心收縮(eccentric contractiorj),所訓練的肌肉應包括脛後肌、屈趾長肌及屈趾長肌(4) 強調離心收縮,所訓練的肌肉應包括脛前肌、伸趾長肌及伸趾長肌正中神經支配尺側屈12. 下列關於前臂肌群的敘述,何項錯誤?(1)掌長肌起始於肱骨內上髁(2)屈指淺肌腱在屈肌支持帶深層通過腕部 腕肌(4)屈指深肌可以屈腕及屈指13. 腕隧道症候群(carpal tunnel syndrome主要是壓迫到那條神經所致?(1)橈神經(radial nerve) (2)正中神經(median n
17、erve (3)肌皮神經(musculocutaneus nerve 尺神 經(ulnar n erve)John Chen, a 45 y/o male patient suffered from a motorcycle accident, was sent to our hospital for adva need care on 2/28/2010.In emerge nee room, he was evaluated and R' t proximal tibia fr. and Rstrain were con firmed. He received operati on
18、 with ORIF on fractured R' t tibia, and discharged fi3/4/2010. Now he came to PT dept. for further care. PT evaluation was do ne on 3/12/2010, and PT Tx was started on tie same day for ambulation training with bil. axillary crutches. Precautions with NWB on R and knee brace on were take n whe n
19、ambulat ing with crutches. Mr. Chen resp on ded to PT very well, and discharged from PT dept. on 3/19/2010. After 3 visits of PT tx, he was able to walk at NWB with bil. axillary crutches and knee brace.Questi on:14. ORIF是縮寫,請說明全文:15. MCL是縮寫,請說明全文:16. fr.是縮寫,請說明全文:17. bil.是縮寫,請說明全文:18. NWB是縮寫,請說明全文:
20、19. R'是縮寫,請說明全文:20. L/E是縮寫,請說明全文:21. dept.是縮寫,請說明全文:22. tx.是縮寫,請說明全文:23. emerge nee room是指24. proximal tibia 是指25. discharged from hospital是指26. ambulation training 是扌旨27. Precautions是指28. knee brace是指Mary Wang, a 70 y/o female patient with Knee OA problem, came to our hospital for further evalu
21、ation.In orthopedic dept., Dr. Hong recommended her to receive TKA. Mrs. Wang had L' t TKA on 1/1/2had CPM tx and bedside PT on the second day after operation. She was discharged from hospital when she was able to walk with walker on level surface independently on 1/7/2010. Now she came to our d
22、ept. for pain, ROM limitation, and swelling over L' t knee.Questi on:29. OA是縮寫,請說明全文:30. TKA是縮寫,請說明全文:31. CPM是縮寫,請說明全文:32. walk with walker 是指33. swelling 是指 :1. 與肌肉永久變形較有關的是(A)肌節的長度(B)肌節的數目(C)肌節的大小(D)肌節的彈性。2. 當牽張的速度緩慢時,可以降低肌肉的張力,是藉著高基氏腱體被激發而導致以下何種活動所造成的? (A)刺激丫運動神經元(B)抑制丫運動神經元(C)刺激a運動神經元(D)抑制a運
23、動神經元3. 在應力-應變曲線中,代表組織開始受外力牽張時,膠原纖維被繃緊的區域為(A)衰竭(B)塑性範圍(C)彈性範圍(D)底部4. 較小的外力長時間作用在組織上,將會產生較大的形變;較大的外力,反而所產生的形變較有限,這 是因為軟組織的何種特性? (A)彈性疲乏(B)遲滯(C)應力鬆弛(D)蠕變5. 以下哪一種牽張方法,較能獲得肌肉長度的永久變形?(A)主動抑制(B)徒手被動牽張(C)週期性機械式牽張(D)彈跳式牽張6. 有關牽張運動的施力強度與持續時間,較有效的方式應為(A)高強度、長時間(B)高強度、短時間(C)低強度、長時間(D)低強度、短時間7. 主動抑制的牽張所造成肌肉長度的形變
24、在哪一範圍?(A)底部(B)彈性範圍(C)塑性範圍(D)屈服點8. 下歹哪一種牽張方法因其手法溫和,對於目標肌肉疼痛或組織癒合的初期特別有效? 握持-放鬆(C)彈跳式牽張(D)週期性牽張9. 下列何者並非牽張運動的禁忌症?(A)最近曾骨折(B)關節某部分卡住(C)急性發炎或感染(D)全關節置換手術後10. 當完成牽張技術之後,應在何種姿勢或位置給予冰敷?(A)關節休息位置(B)被牽張肌肉拉長的姿勢(C)被牽張肌肉放鬆的姿勢(D)關節緊縮位置。11. 肌力訓練(strength training)時,10次最大反覆(repetition maximum,RM)約為1次最大反覆 (repetiti
25、on maximum,RM)的多少 % ? (961) A. 10 % B. 25 % C. 50 % D. 75 %12. 訓練病人上下樓梯的功能時,承重腳之最關鍵的肌力訓練內容應包括: (961)(A)交互抑制(B)A.開放動力鏈(open-chain)向心運動(concentrie exercise B.閉鎖動力鏈(closed-chain)離心運動(eccentric exercise C.開放動力鏈向心與離心運動D.閉鎖動力鏈向心與離心運動13.肌力訓練使用向心(concentric)與離心(eccentric)收縮方式的比較,下歹何者正確?A. 向心收縮較易受傷,離心收縮較易產生延
26、遲性肌肉痠痛(B. 離心收C. 向心收delayed-onset muscle soreness縮較易受傷,向心收縮較易產生延遲性肌肉痠痛 收縮較易受傷且易產生延遲性肌肉痠痛D. 離心收縮較易受傷且易產生延遲性肌肉痠痛14. 下列有關阻力運動的敘述,何者為真?A. 向心收縮的阻力運動比離心收縮更容易產生運動後延遲肌肉酸痛( 的現象B. 要增加關節的穩定度,開放鏈運動比閉鎖鏈運動更有效C. 對剛開始接受物理治療,肌力仍很虛弱的病人而言,離心收縮運動比較容易,向心收縮運動比較 困難delayed onset muscle sorenessD. Plyometric 的運動是強調肌力與肌耐力的訓練1
27、5. 下列有關肌力訓練的敘述,何者為非?A. 以等長肌力收縮(isometric contraction)來訓練肌力時,最大用力收縮至少須維持6秒鐘B. 承重運動(weight bearing exercise可增加關節的本體感覺訓練及穩定度C. 在同樣的負荷(load)下,向心收縮徵召(recruit)較多的動作單位(motor unit)D. 在同樣的負荷下,向心收縮運動比離心運動容易發生延遲性運動後肌肉酸痛( DOMS)16. 下列有關肌肉收縮的速度與肌力的關係,何者為是?A.向心收縮速度愈快,肌力愈大B.離心收縮速度愈快,肌力愈小C.等長收縮肌力比快速向心收縮肌力大D.快速離心收縮肌力
28、比慢速向心收縮肌力小題目 A: 請寫出英文全名1. SW2. USD3. HP4. DOMS5. LT6. ICP題目B:請回答下列問題1. 王先生體重80公斤,近日因診斷出C5,6有HIVD,需進行頸椎牽引。請計算王先生第一次牽引之重 量。2. 無老太太因罹患又下肢的靜脈栓塞炎,而導致下肢腫脹。目前經藥物治療已無發炎現象。試問若欲 使用 circulator 進行消腫治療,其壓力及充消氣時間之設定範圍。3. 陳小弟日前因打球造成腕關節的挫傷而導致急性發炎。為降低其疼痛腫脹並促進組織癒合,故使用 超音波進行治療。超音波參數設定為能量輸出:2s;休息為8s,試問其duty cycle為何?。1.
29、檢查第 9對腦神經缺損 最常出現的型態是 (1) 後1/3舌頭味覺異常 (2) 前1/3舌頭味覺異常 (3)懸雍垂 及軟顎不對稱 (4) 前 1/3 舌頭不會動2.檢查第10對腦神經缺損 最常出現的型態是 (1) 後前1/3舌頭味覺異常(2) 前1/3舌頭味覺異常 (3)懸 雍垂及軟顎不對稱 (4) 前 1/3 舌頭不會動3. Peripheral n europathy者其感覺喪失的臨床表徵為 glove or stocki ng distribution diffuse distribution(3) dermatome pattern (4) parallel to nerve dist
30、ribution4. kinesthesia是指 (1) impaired alternating movement (2) involuntary oscillatory movement (3) dyssynergia(4) awareness of movement ability5. Pallesthesia(1) 痛覺缺損 (2) 震動覺缺損 (3) 皮膚感覺異常 (4) 本體覺感覺異常 .6. Analgesia (1) 皮膚感覺異常(2) 痛覺缺損 (3) 震動覺缺損(4) 本體覺感覺異常.7. Paresthesia (1)皮膚感覺異常(2) 痛覺缺損 (3) 震動覺缺損(4) 本體覺感覺異常 .8. Vibration 是屬於 (1) superficial (2) deep (3) combine cortical (4) cognition sensory test9. Tactile 是屬於 (1) superficial (2) deep (3) c
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