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1、1 / 21哈尔滨热电有限责任公司哈尔滨热电有限责任公司 2300MW供热机组烟气脱硫工程供热机组烟气脱硫工程HARE Power Plant Phase 2 2300MW300MW FGDFGD ProjectProject喷嘴技术协议喷嘴技术协议SPRAY NOZZLETECHNICAL AGREEMENT需方:需方:中机新能源开发有限公司中机新能源开发有限公司Buyer: China Machine New Energy Corporation 供方供方 Seller:BETE FOG NOZZLE,INC.2005 年年 12 月月目目 录录附件 1 技术规范 TECHNICAL SP


3、E.82.1供货范围SCOPE OF SUPPLY AND SERVICE.82.2 备品备件SPARE PARTS.8附件 3 技术资料和交付进度 TECHNCIAL DOCUMENT AND SUBMISSION SCHEDULE.8附件 4 交货进度.9附件 5 监造、工厂检查和性能验收试验 INSPECTION, WORKSHOP TEST AND PERFORMANCE.10附件 6 技术服务和联络 TECHNCIAL SERVICE .10附件 7 清洁、油漆、包装、运输、保管、大(部)件情况.11附件附件 1 技术规范技术规范 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION1 总

4、则总则 GENERAL1.1 本协议的目的在于确定哈尔滨热电有限责任公司 2300MW 供热机组烟气脱硫工程浆液喷嘴的设计参数和将要包含在协议的供货范围。The purpose of this specification is to define the design parameters to be considered and the scope of supply to be included in the HARE power plant 2X300MW unit, FGD plant.1.2 本协议列出了喷嘴的性能和安装特性,但是并没有规定所有的设计和安装细节,也未充分引述有关标准和

5、规范的条文。供方保证提供符合协议要求和现行中国或国际通用标准的高质量产品及其相应服务。The technical agreement specified the SPRAY NOZZLE function and character, but does not stipulate all technical details, nor does it quote the clauses of related standards and codes. The seller shall guarantee to provide high-quality products to conform to

6、the agreement and current general standards of China or world.1.3 供方提供的设备应是全新的和先进的,并经过运行实践已证明是完全成熟可靠的产品,并有类似工程的运行业绩。The sellers product is brand new and advanced, it has proven safety and reliable.1.4 本协议所使用的标准,如遇到与供方所执行的标准不一致时,按较高的标准执行,但不应低于最新中国国家标准。如果本协议与现行使用的有关中国标准以及中国部颁标准有明显抵触的条文,供方及时书面通知需方进行解决。

7、When the standards applied in the specification are not consistent with those followed by the seller, the higher standards shall be implemented, which shall not lower than the latest China national standards. If the used standard has distinct conflicts with Chinese standard, seller should inform buy

8、er by written information.1.5 在签订合同之后,到供方开始制造之日的这段时间内,需方有权提出由于规范、标准和规程发生变化而产生的一些补充修改要求,供方遵守这个要求,具体款项内容由供需双方共同商定。Once the contract signed, the buyer still has the right, before the manufacture commencement, to put forward the requirements for complement and modification resulting from the changed spe

9、cification, standard and procedure. The seller must comply with this request and both parts will negotiate the detailed items.1.6 本协议为订货合同的附件,与合同正文具有同等效力。This agreement shall be the appendix to the Contract and have same legal effect as the contract itself.1.7 在今后合同谈判及合同执行过程中的一切图纸、技术文件、设备信函等必须使用中文,如

10、果供方提供的文件中使用另一种文字,则需有中文译本,在这种情况下,解释以中文为准。本协议以中文为准。All the drawings, technical documents and business letters in contract negotiation and execution must be written in Chinese or English. The assembly manual, Operation manual and Maintenance manual will be in English and Chinese. This technical agreeme

11、nt shall be regard Cinese as prevail.1.8 采用国际单位制。International unit system shall be adopted.2 工厂条件和自然条件工厂条件和自然条件 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND AMBIENT CONDITION本期工程为2300MW机组的石灰石石膏湿法脱硫,采用1炉1塔方案。项目地点为哈尔滨热电有限责任公司。This project is a 2300MW limestone-gypsum FGD project, the proposal is one absorber for one boil

12、er. The jobsite is located at HARE power plant, HEILONGJIANG Province China3 设计条件设计条件 DESIGN CONDITION(此表为单塔数据,共两台吸收塔)(此表为单塔数据,共两台吸收塔)(every absorber,two absorber in all)产品 Service吸收塔喷嘴 Absorber Spray Nozzles流体特性:Fluid Properties:成份Composition见下表中的浆液分析See Attachment 1 Slurry Analysis固体物重量百分比Solids,

13、Wt%20pH5.62Cl 浓度Cl Concentration(ppm)20000在 49时的比重 Gravity1.14运行温度标准/最大 Operating Temperature Normal/Max. 43.8/89.243.8/89.2腐蚀程度Degree of Erosion中度Mild设计基础 Design Basis:每层喷淋层流体流量,m3/hr Flow rate per slurry Spray bank, m3/h58005800每个喷嘴流体流量,m3/hr Fluid Flow Per Nozzle m3/hr5858有流体流量通过喷嘴时的压降Pressure Dr

14、op Across Nozzle with Fluid Flow 85KPa85KPa喷嘴规格:Nozzle Specification:4喷淋层数量 Number of absorber2喷射形式 Spray Pattern旋转实心锥 full-cone whirl Nozzles粒径(Sauter mean diameter)micron2000喷射角度Spray Angle90O喷射方向Nozzle Orientation向下 down喷嘴的数量(一层)100每个喷嘴重量(kg)6.5连接形式Connection Type缠绕连接lamination connection 喷嘴材料Mat

15、erial of gaskets氮粘结碳化硅 SNBSC循环浆液介质特性 Slurry Analyze: 单位UnitUnit设计工况Design ConditionFGD停机FGD off特特 性性浆液固体含量Solid contentwt % 20浆液密度Solid contentkg/m31150浆液温度Slurry TemperatureC50浆液粘度Slurry viscositymPas5-15浆液pH值1) Slurry PH value5.0-6.0Cl- 2)ppm200001) 启动期间 pH值 可能达到 4.5 During startup, the PH value i

16、s probably up to 4.5,all design date is no margin considered.2)对于泵和管道, Cl-含量按40g/l 设计The pump and pipe is designed for 20,000ppm of Cl- content.4 技术要求技术要求TECHNICAL REQUIREMENT41 喷嘴用来产生液滴,液滴大小要求均匀。Nozzles shall be designed to produce required droplet size. The drop size distribution shall be as unifo

17、rm as possible and percent of small droplets shall be as few as possible.42 喷嘴产生的液滴大小要求达到规定的尺寸,以提高浆液循环效率。Nozzles shall be designed to achieve a given droplet size and a given high efficiency at design flow rate.43 喷嘴设计将避免在任何时候堵塞大直径自由通道。Nozzles shall be designed to prevent clogging with big free pass

18、age diameter at any time.44 所有喷嘴应能避免快速磨损、结垢和堵塞,喷嘴材料采用氮粘结碳化硅(SNBSC)制作。Material of nozzle construction shall be designed to prevent wearing and corrosion in the corrosive, hot, abrasive liquids and erosive conditions present in wet limestone scrubbers. The nozzles shall be made of silicon nitride bond

19、ed silicon carbide.45 喷嘴设计确保浆液循环泵停机时,喷嘴内没有浆液停留。Nozzles shall be designed to ensure emptying and draining in such a way that it is impossible for operating slurry to remain in nozzle impossible when recirculation slurry pump is shut down and no slurry fed.46 喷嘴采用缠绕连接到 FRP 管,喷嘴及缠绕件应能在正常的工作环境中长期牢固的工作。N

20、ozzles shall be designed to connect to FRP pipes with laminated connection. Nozzles and connecting pipe can bear live load in actual operating condition firmly and long -timely.47 喷嘴的工作寿命不小于 60,000 小时。The operating life of this series nozzles are more than 60,000 hours.48 陶瓷供应商应有类似的业绩和经验, 卖方选择的陶瓷供货商

21、应获得买方同意。The ceramic subsupplier shall be qualified and experienced. The seller will inform the buyer of the ceramic supplier for approval.49 喷嘴采用真正意义上的实心喷嘴,在喷雾覆盖范围内雾滴分布均匀。5.性能保证值性能保证值 PERFORMANCE GUARANTEES51 卖方保证所供设备满足附件 1 中运行及周围环境的要求。The seller shall guarantee that nozzle supplied will meet the gu

22、arantees across the range of operation and ambient conditions given in Appendix 1.52 卖方保证吸收塔喷嘴的使用寿命为 80000 小时。The seller shall guarantee that service life for Absorber Spray Nozzles is no less than 80000 hours.53 所有设备性能保证期为颁发接受证书后 1 年, 大修年限(按装置最大连续运行时间计)应为 5 年。The seller shall guarantees one year pe

23、rformance running after acceptance certificate is issued. Overhaul alternation(as max time of equipments continuum running) is five years. 54 在设计喷嘴压降时,保证流量偏差为 +5/-5%。Guarantee Flow rate difference +5 / -5% at Design Nozzle Pressure Drop55 保证喷射角度为 90+5,并能提供全覆盖而没有负误差。Guarantee spray coverage as 90+5 o

24、r the spray angle can be changed to provide full coverage with no negative tolerance56 取 3%喷嘴,测量其流量与压降及最小覆盖的关系。At least 10% of all spray nozzles shall be detected , and its detecting report will be needed. 57 需要的粒径2000m,邵特直径(D32) Required droplet size: 2000 Microns, Sauter mean diameter (D32)58 RSF(

25、相关跨度系数):RSF (relative span factor)59 介质密度变化范围10% Slurry density variety range in 10%6 6 设计数据表设计数据表 DESIGN DATA SHEET数据表(用于喷嘴)DATA PAGE (for NOZZLES)对于提供的所有喷嘴,应提供以下的资料: For all nozzles being supplied, the following information shall be provided:A生产厂家 ManufacturerBETE FOG NOZZLE,INC.B型号 Model Number 4

26、TSC479A-90 C喷射形式 Spray Pattern: 旋转实心锥 D端接头 End Connection: 缠绕粘接 E结构材料 Material of Construction: SNBSC F设计流量 Design Flow: 58 m3/h G设计压降 Design Pressure Drop: 85KPa H喷嘴孔直径,mm Orifice Diameter, mm: 100mm I最小自由直径,mm Minimum Free Diameter: 66mm J图纸规定的结构尺寸和材料 见图纸 Drawing Specifying Dimensions and Material

27、s of Construction:K完整的喷射分布表 Complete Spray Distribution Chart :。L雾滴平均直径 (微米) 压降曲线图。Droplet Sauter Mean Diameter (microns) vs. Pressure Drop CurvesL1 对于雾滴尺寸的测量方法应为空间的,直接想象的方法,并满足 ASTM 标准 E799“液滴尺寸分析的标准惯例” 。 The method used for droplet size measurement shall be spatial, direct imaging, and in accordan

28、ce with ASTM Standard E799 Standard Practice for Liquid Drop Size Analysis.以下的信息应包含在每个尺寸范围的每个试验报告中: 数字表示的出现率,百分比出现率, 百分比表面积,百分比体积和累计百分比体积。The following information will be included in each test report for each size range: numerical occurrence, % occurrence, % surface area, % volume and cumulative %

29、volume.标准试验条件如下 Standard test conditions shall be as follows:L11 喷嘴应垂直向下喷。The nozzle shall be spraying vertically downward.L12 所有的试验在 0o、90o、180o和 270o圆柱角时垂直于喷嘴以下 4 英寸处进行。All tests shall be located 4 ft. vertically below nozzle at 0o-inlet, 90o, 180o and 270o cylindrical angels.L13 雾滴测量试验应在由水沉积或 pat

30、ternator 试验中确定的象限最大流量面积内进行。Droplet measurement tests shall be taken in the quadrants maximum flow area as determined by water deposition or patternator tests.L14 每次试验报告应包含相对于喷嘴尖和喷嘴工作压力和流量的试验位置。Each test report shall include the location of the test relative to the nozzle tip and the nozzle operating

31、 pressure and flow rate.L15 对于每次综合试验报告统计的雾滴的最少数目为 5000。The minimum number of droplets counted for each composite test report shall be 5000.L16 对于一个综合试验报告,最大的样本尺寸检查为 005。The maximum sample size check for a composite test report shall be 0.05.L17 有不同光学放大倍数的单个试验不应该组合到综合试验报告中。Single tests having differe

32、nt optical magnifications shall not be combined in a composite test report.定义:DEFINITIONS:单个试验 Single Test 一个喷嘴在单一位置和压力下的表示特性。A characterization of a nozzle at a single location and pressure.综合报告Composite Report 一个喷嘴在多个位置和单一压力下的表示特性。综合报告是有二个或更多单个试验报告组合而成的。A characterization of a nozzle at more than

33、one location at a single pressure. A composite report is produced by combining two or more single test reports.S 样本尺寸检查Sample Size Check 最大雾滴的体积的小部分与样本总体积进行比较。The fraction of volume of the largest droplet compared to the total volume of the sample.M提供流体流量(GPM)喷嘴压降(PSI)曲线图。Provide Fluid Flow (GPM) vs

34、. Nozzle Pressure Drop (PSI) CurveN提供在设计条件下喷嘴喷水的照片。Provide Photo of Nozzle Spraying Water at Design ConditionsO如果材料选用氮化物粘结的碳化硅,应详细说明生产厂家以及生产厂家生产相类似喷嘴的经验情况。If Material is Nitride Bonded Silicon Carbide, Specify Manufacturer, and Manufacturers Experience Producing Similar Nozzles.P流体特性,气体速度,方向等对复盖和雾滴索

35、尔太(Sauter)平均直径的影响。Effect of Fluid Properties, Gas Velocity, Orientation, etc. on Coverage and Droplet Sauter Mean Diameter.Q检验清单。Detection sheet.附件附件 2 供货范围供货范围SCOPE OF SUPPLY AND SERVICE1 一般要求一般要求GENERAL1.1 卖方将提供两套完全功能的吸收塔浆液喷嘴,包括喷嘴主体,衬垫,缠绕连接必需的备品备件和专用工具。设计,制造,仪器检测,包装和运输都应在服务范围之内。此外设备安装,启动和运行以及必要的培训

36、也将被包括在服务范围内。The seller shall provide a complete set of functional absorber slurry spray nozzles, including necessary spare parts. The design, manufacture, testing, packing and shipment of the above-mentioned equipment and materials shall be included. The necessary advisory services on site and quali

37、ty supervision and training as required for construction, startup and operation of the facility shall also be included.1.2 协议所描述的规格和性能要求是最低要求,卖方提供的设备应是完整的,且能安全高效运行。The design of the systems, as described in the specification, is intended to indicate the basic type of facility envisioned. The seller

38、shall design in detail and carry out all the engineering necessity to produce a complete, safe, economical and workable products.2 供货范围供货范围SCOPE OF SUPPLY AND SERVICE2.1 供货范围供货范围SCOPE OF SUPPLY AND SERVICE表 1:供货范围 SCOPE OF SUPPLY AND SERVICE名称Description类型Type数量Quantity制造厂Manufacturer备注Remarks旋转实心锥喷

39、嘴full-cone whirl Nozzles4TSC479A-90400BETE2.2 备品备件备品备件 SPARE PARTS满足颁发接收证书后一年运行需要的备品备件将免费提供。卖方提供一个大修期(5 年运行)所需的备品备件清单供买方参考,但不包含在总价内。The spare parts for one (1) year after acceptance issue of equipment shall be provided free of charge with the equipments. The spare parts to meet overhaul alternation

40、(five-years operation) requirement shall be provided, but non-included in total price.表 2: 颁发接收证书后一年运行需要的备品备件(含在总价中)Table2: List of spare parts for one (1) year after acceptance issue of equipment (shall be included in total price)名称Description类型Type数量Quantity制造厂Manufacturer备注Remarks旋转实心锥喷嘴full-cone

41、 whirl Nozzles4TSC479A-9016BETE附件附件 3 技术资料和交付进度技术资料和交付进度 TECHNCIAL DOCUMENT AND SUBMISSION SCHEDULE1.一般要求一般要求 GENERAL1.1供方提供的资料应使用国家法定单位制即国际单位制(语言为中文),进口部件的外文文件应由供方免费翻译成中文。All the technical documents which the seller submitted must adopt International unit system. (written in Chinese).All the docume

42、nts be free to change into Chinese.1.2对于其它没有列入合同技术资料清单,却是工程所必需文件和资料,一经发现,供方应及时免费提供。Other technical documents which is just needed ,the seller should free provide.1.3对图纸资料,必须同时提供AutoCAD 2000或PDF版本电子版文件。For the Drawing, the electronic version should be AutoCAD 2000 or PDF version1.4 供方提供的技术资料为每台设备16 套

43、, 电子版本 2 套。The final technical documents should be 16 sets in paper version plus 2 sets in electronic version.2. 技术资料内容和交付进度技术资料内容和交付进度 Technical documents and Submission Time2.1 技术协议签订后 7 天内,供方提供技术设计配合资料 The following documents should be submitted with 7 days after the contract signature喷嘴外形图,(包括外型

44、尺寸,设计压头、总重等)。The general drawing (including the dimension of exterior, pressure of design, every nozzle weight and so on)2.2 设备监造检查所需要的技术资料 The technical document on Equipment inspection and checking设备和部件的工厂试验结果报告;Workshop test Report of Equipment and part 加工和安装期间实施的试验资料;Inspection Report during Man

45、ufacturing and Installation 安装和性能试验后试验结果报告和资料;Test Report on performance test2.3 发货装箱资料 Packing List交货清单及装箱清单;Packing List检验记录、试验报告等出厂报告及产品合格证、质保证书;Inspection Report and Product Quality Certificate设备安装、运行、维护、检修说明书,以及组装、拆卸时所需用的技术资料 (包括设备结构特点、安装程序和工艺要求、启动调试要领、运行操作规定和控制数据、定期校验和维护说明等)。Assembly manual, O

46、peration manual and Inspection& Maintenance Manual, which in Chinese and English提供的资料均为最终资料,任何改动需要需方确认,否则改动需承担相应的经济损失(需方有最终解释权) 。附件附件 4 交货进度交货进度 DELIVERY SCHEDULE见商务部分 See Commercial part 附件附件 5 监造、工厂检查和性能验收试验监造、工厂检查和性能验收试验 INSPECTION, WORKSHOP TEST AND PERFORMANCE每个零件都应进行必要的工厂检查,以保证材料性能和结构满足设备的

47、要求。Each component shall be given requisite factory tests as necessary to determine that work and materials are free from defects and to establish that the design and construction meet the requirements.厂内和现场测试 Shop and Site Tests液滴大小分布 Drop size distribution流量参数曲线 Flow performance curve滴径与密度关系曲线 Radi

48、al distance and spray density curve现场测试由需方或其代表进行,但卖方将提供测试指导服务。The test in-situ shall be done by buyer or his representatives, and the seller shall provide test instruction service工厂检查的所有费用包括在合同总价之中。The cost of factory tests is Included in total contract price.开箱检验(见商务部分)验收测试报告将告知买方并经买方确认,报告内容将包括测试安排

49、,使用仪器和测定参数,测试程序,测试数据和数据推断计算Certified test reports shall be prepared and submitted to the Buyer for review. The reports shall include test arrangement, instrumentation and calibration data, test procedure, test data, and data reduction calculations性能测试的结果,应表示成与压力,液滴尺寸和循环量有关的曲线,保证设计值,最大工况值,介质测量温度,介质固体含量也应表示在曲线上。Results of the performance tests shall be summarized in curve formed with suction


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