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1、微波链路的主要组成部分是终端站和中继站。| Microwave link mainly consists of terminal station and repeater station.SDH数字微波主要应用于通信网络中的骨干传输电路。|SDH digital microwave are mainly used in the transmission backbone circuit of communication network.ZTE MW PR1C环回功能,包括两种模式,本地环回和远端环回。| ZTE MW PR1(toop back function includestwo mod

2、es that are inwardloopback and line loopback.STM-1 的速率是.155.55M.| The rate of STM-1 is 155.55M.微波链路的主要组成部分是终端站和中继站。| Microwave link mainly consists of terminal station and repeater station.SDH数字微波主要应用于通信网络中的骨干传输电路。|SDH digital microwave are mainly used in the transmission backbone circuit of communi

3、cation network.ZTE MW PR1C环回功能,包括两种模式,本地环回和远端环回。| ZTE MW PR1(toop back function includestwo modes that are inwardloopback and line loopback.STM-1 的速率是.155.55M.| The rate of STM-1 is 155.55M.ZXMW-PR1设备允许输入的最大电平是 -20dBm| The maximum input level of ZXMW-PR10 is- 20dBmPDH数字微波主要应用于对网络管理综合能力要求较高的重要通信电路。|

4、PDH digital microwave are mainly used in the crucial communication circuits that has higher requirements on integration ability of network management.1+1的链路要在合成器中加3.5dB的损耗,使用软波导要加至少1dB的损耗;| For 1+1 link, it is necessaryto add 3.5dB loss in combiner. For flexible waveguide, at least1dB loss is needed

5、.微波频率越高,信息容量越大。| The higher microwave frequency, the information capacity is bigger.1+ 1HSB配置下,单端合路器损耗为7dB。| For 1+1 HSBconfiguration,single port combiner loss is7dB.误码仪中的LOS表示信号丢失,LOF表示帧失步或者帧丢失。| LOS in Error Code tester means the loss of signal, and LOF means loss of frame.ZXPR10/1+1 的 IDU 重 3.7kg

6、。| The weight of ZXPR10/1+1 is 3.7kg.ZXPR10的IDU电源接口中,NC端接-48V。| For ZXPR 10 IDU power supply port, the NC end is connected to -48V.中兴微波中的IDU电源位置在MU板子上。| In ZTE microwave equipment, the location of IDU power supply is on MU board.中兴的A1版的ODl是长方体形状。| ZTE A1 version ODU is cuboids shape.中频电缆不可以和 220V电源线

7、缆扎在一起。| IF cable cannot be bundled with 220V power supply wire.天线极化孔对准H,属于垂直极化。| Whenpolarizationhole of antenna aims at H direction, this belongs to vertical polarization.中兴IDU电压范围为-40VDC-50VDC。| ZTE IDU power supply range is -40VDC-50VDC.IDU可以不用接地,因为IDU是装在龙门架上的,机架本身接地。| IDU does not need grounding

8、 because IDU is mounted on 19inch rack and this rack has already been grounded.ZXPR10( 1+1)热备份设备,分离式 ODU的安装是:将两个 ODU安装在合路器上,并将合路器波导口与专 用安装架波导口相连,使用U型抱杆将安装架固定在杆上。天线和安装架的波导口通过一根软波导相连。| For ZXPR10(1+1) hot standby equipment, the installation procedure of divided ODUis: install two ODU oncombiner, and c

9、onnect the waveguide port of combiner with waveguide port of special mountingrack;then, fix mounting rack on pole by using U-shape pole.Antenna is connected with waveguide port of mounting rack by a flexible waveguide.安装过程中,中频电缆应直接与ODU单元直接连接。| During the installation process, IF cable should be conn

10、ected with ODU units directly.设备加电时,将IDU单元开关置于“ OFF”,插上电源线插头。先打开机房内开关电源上空气开关,再将IDU单元开关置于“ ON| When turn on power supply, set IDU switch toOFF and then connect power supply. Next, turnon the circuit breaker of on-off power supply inside shelter first, and then switch IDU toON中兴微波设备IDU面板上ALARM/MAINT旨示

11、灯中,显示黄灯,说明系统存在次要告警.| For ZTE microwave equipment IDU, the indicator light on front panel display yellow that means the system has minor alarm.中兴IDU面板DSC接口连接器型号是 RJ45| The model name of DSC interface connector on ZTE IDU panel is RJ45.驻波比的定义是:行驻波状态时,波腹电压与波节电压之比( VSWR| SWR is defined as: for traveling

12、 standing wave,the voltage ratio between antinode point and node point of wave. (VSWR)ODU的防水工程中,首先要做的是用防水胶泥将接ODI端的中频电缆密封.| In the waterproof project of ODU, the first step is that seal IF cable of ODU end by using waterproof mud.ZXPR10微波在CIT设置中,要想从本端登陆远端设备,本端的电脑IP地址的设置要同 Q Interface 保持 一致。| For ZXPR

13、10 microwave equipment, during the setting process of CIT,if log in remote equipment by log in local, the IP address of local PCshould be set to the same with the address of Q interface.工程安装中,制作完的电缆必须经过万用表测量合格后方可使用。| In the installation procedure, the hand madecable can be used only after measuring

14、correctly by multimeter.不同站点的设备的IP地址可以规划在同一网段(子网)内 。| IP address of equipments in different sites can be planned in the same network segment (subnet).ZTE微波Cold Reboot是冷启动,这种启动方式中业务会中断。| ZTE MW Cold Reboot is a kind of cold start that can interrupt the service.a complete project survey report for cer

15、tain sites勘测的照片要求:要求所拍的照片必须清晰并且根据设计文件中的方位角来进行拍照。其中照片中包含了,铁塔照片、铁塔上将要悬挂新建微波的位置照片,阻挡物照片,机房内部机架照片,机房内原有微波设备 的照片,如果利旧馈线窗则要拍馈线孔的照片。另外也要根据照片的命名规则来进行照片的命名。| The requirements of survey picture are shown as below: pictures must be clear and taken in accordance with the azimuth shown in design files. Among the

16、se pictures, they should include tower picture, location pictureof the new microwave equipment on tower, picture of block stuff,picture of rack inside shelters,picture of the microwave equipment already exist inside shelter.If old feeder window is utilized, then the feeder hole must be taken picture

17、s. Also, these pictures should be named following the name rules.频率越高,需要的菲涅尔半径越小。| The higher operating frequency, the smaller Fresnel radiusis needed.一般来说,平原地带对于微波传输最有利。| Generally speaking, plain is most advantaged landform for microwave transmission.吊装ODl前,应记录收发频率,版本号,序列号,岀厂日期等。| Before mounting

18、ODU, it is necessary to record the transceiver frequency, version, serial number, date and so on.我们用的焊剂应用松香| We should use rosin as a soldering flux.设备在接地连接时一定要用户确认连接点是否正确| When grounding equipment it is necessary to request customer to confirm the grounding point corrected or not.设备连接电源时应注意电源极性和容量|

19、 When connecting the power supply, please pay attention to the polarity and capacity of power supply is correct or not.如检查发现有不合格项,按照安装规范和设计要求进行整改,直至合格为止。| If some items are found not meeting the installation specification and criterion, please correct it until meet the specification室内信号线和控制线在布放前应做好布

20、线表,按布线裁截线料,并在两端做好标记,注明去向,在按布线 表布放| Before doing indoor layout of signal wire and control wire, make a layout diagram. And cut the wire materials to a certain length according to the layout diagram. Then mark two ends of wire and note where are they used., at last, layout all the wires.室内信号线和控制线的规格、路

21、由走向应符合设计要求。| Specification and routing of indoor signal wire and control wire should meet the design requirements.微波IF馈线长度小于60米时,两处接地| Microwave IF feeding cable that has length less than 60m should be grounded at two points.平面波沿传播方向是没有电场和磁场纵向分量的,所以称为横电磁波,记为TEM波有时我们把这种电磁波简称为电波。| Plane wave has no ve

22、rtical vector of electric field and magnetic field, so it is calledTransverse Electromagnetic Wave and recorded as TEM wave. Sometimes we call this kind of electromagnetic wave as electrical wave.极化分集是利用两面天线发射两种极化的同一信号,在接收端采用一个天线分别接收各自的极化信号,后进行合成的通信的方式。| Polarity diversity modeis a kind of communica

23、tion mode that utilizesame signal with two kindsof polarity modes and emitted from two antennas, and then use one antenna at receiving end toreceive each polarized signal and combine them.在电波的传播空间中,在接收点的合成场强,当费涅耳区号趋近于无限多时,就接近于自由空间场强;| In the space where electrical wave transmit, when the number of F

24、resnel zone approach infinite, the combining field intensity at receiving point is equal to the field intensity in free space.在自由空间传播的电磁波不产生反射、折射、吸收和散射等现象,即总能量未被损耗| There is no reflection, refraction absorption and scatter for the electromagnetic wavetransmitted in free space. That is to say, the to

25、tal energy hasn' t been consumed.主瓣宽度是指在主瓣最大值两侧功率密度等于最大值一半的两个方向间的夹角| Central lobe width indicate that an inclosed angel in two directions besides maximumof central lobe and has a power density half of the maximum vale.天线主瓣宽度越小,天线辐射的能量越集中,即定向性能越好。| The smaller of the central lobe width, the energ

26、y emitted from antenna will be higher integrated. That is to say, it has the better directional function.传输容量是用传输速率来表示的。| Transmission capacity is presented by transmission rate.传输质量是用差错率的大小表示的。| Transmission quality is presented by error code rate.自动功率控制可以缩写为AGC| Automatic power control can be abbr

27、eviated as AGC.噪声系数是收信设备重要指标,由多级微波部件组成的收信系统噪声系数主要取决于前面的一两级| Noise figure is an important performance of receiving equipment. For receiving equipment that consists of multilevel microwave parts, noise figure mainly depends on the first and second level.雨衰严重的链路,尽量使用水平极化方式。| For the link had heavy rain

28、 fading, it is better to use horizontal polarization.水面线路反射系数大,容易形成反射性衰落| Fading is more serious when sun is rising or setting.太阳升起与降落时,衰落也较严重| Fading is more serious when sun is rising or setting.K型衰落在线路经过平滑地面时特别严重。| K-type fading is serious especially when it passing by the smooth ground.空间分集采用高低不

29、同的两副天线接收不同的信号。| Space diversity uses two antennas that are in different height to receive different signal.极化分集是利用同一天线发射同极化的同一信号。| Polarization diversity use the same signal transmitted by a same antenna.微波站距离越长,衰落越小。| The longer distance between microwave sites, the fading is smaller.微波站距离越短,衰落越大。|

30、 The smaller distance between microwave sites, the fading is bigger.SDH中E2, K1字节属于 MSOH| For E2 of SDH, K1 byte belongs to MSOH.SDH中 E1,K2 字节属于 RSOH| For E2 of SDH, K2 byte belongs to RSOH.异步复接是各低次群各自使用自己的时钟,先进行码速调整,使各低次群获得异步,再复接。| Asynchronous multiplexing can be explained as each lower order group

31、 use itself clock, and adjusting code rate first in order to make lower order group obtain asynchronization, then multiplexing.同步复接是用一个高稳定的主时钟来控制被复接的几个高次群,使几个高次群数码率统一在主时钟频率 上,可直接复接.| Asynchronous multiplexing is to use a high stable chief clock to control the several multiplied high order groups, to

32、 make these high order groups unified in the chief clock frequency, which can be multiplied directly.采购部门负责外购设备维修前故障判断及规范描述,维修完成后的详细记录。| Purchasing department is in charge of the fault judging before repairing, and the detail record after repairing.提供有疑问的报废设备的维保情况属于营销事业部代表处在返修设备管理方面的责任| Providing ma

33、intenance and warranty information of abandoned equipment is the responsibility of local office of Sales Division.ZXMW-PR1设备中频电缆短路会烧坏保险管。| If IF cable in ZXMW-PR10 equipments is short, it will also cause fuse burning-outZXMW-PR1设备远程登录必须设置无线口IP| If need remote log in ZXMW-PR10 equipment, it must be s

34、et IP address of radio port.岀现频率干扰时,改变调制方式可以减少频率干扰。| When occur frequency interference, changing modulation mode can reduce the frequency interference.频率干扰可通过调节网管带宽减少。| Adjusting the network management bandwidth can reduce frequency interference.ZXMW-PR1可选用的调制方式为 16QAM| ZXMW-PR10 can support 16QAM m

35、odulation mode.ZXMW-PR1设备版本升级不需要更改无线口IP地址。| Version upgrading of ZXMW-PR10 doesn' t need changing the IP address of radio port.设置其他网段的IP地址不会影响登录自研设备网管。| Set IP address of the other segment doesn' t impact logging in self-designed network management.巡检时在网管上看到有一个ODI当前的发射功率显示是:NA其他参数正常,另一个 ODU显

36、示是20dBm,表示ODI损坏。| When found transmitted power of an ODU displayed: NA, but the other parameters are normal.The other ODU transmitted power displayed: 20dBm. This means ODU is damaged.一跳微波几分钟岀现一次闪断,首先怀疑频率干扰。| A hop microwave occurs flash disconnected, so we need to consider about the frequency inter

37、ference.中频接口电缆复用属于MU板功能。| IF cable interface multiplexing belongs to the function of MU board.日常巡检需要检查保护方式。| It is necessary to check the protecting way in daily inspection.开箱验货要记录设备类型。| We must record the equipment type when doing open-box check.ZXMW-PR1设备,IDU版本升级的是MU板备用区| For ZXMW-PR10 equipment,

38、IDU version upgrading is used for spare area of MU board.上行中频信号的频率为350 MHZ,下行中频信号的频率为140 MHZ。| The IF signal of uplink is 350 MH Z, and the IF signal of downlink is 140 MH Z.一跳微波不可以出现两端天线直径不一样的现象。| For one hop microwave, it is impossible for two ends have different antenna diameter.直径0.6米的天线必须安装水平支撑

39、杆。| We must install the horizontal pole for the 0.6m diameter antenna.ZXMW-PR1设备升级后使用新版本不需要断站。| It is unnecessary to cut off station after upgrading ZXMW-PR10 software.不设置IDU IP微波无法传递E1信息。| It is incapable to transmit E1 information without setting IDU IP address.ZXMW-PR1设备IDU频率可以变改。| IDU frequency

40、of ZXMW-PR10 can be changed.ZXMW-PR10 0.6米的天线和1.2米天线接口类型相同,可以代替使用。| ZXMW-PR10.6m antenna and 1.2m antenna have the same interface so that they can be exchanged.微波在水面上传输,传输性能会增强。| When microwave is transmitting on water surface, the transmission capability will be better.测A1 ODU电阻,阻值是一定的。| When testi

41、ng resistance of ODU, the resistance value is definite.设备接收电平到-65也能正常通讯,可免维护。| When equipment receive level is- 65dB, it still can be used normally for communication anddoesn' t need maintenance.中继站中E1线的端子板连接顺序是一一对应的。| I/O board connection of E1of repeater site is corresponding one to one.雨雾对8GH

42、z以下的微波产生的影响很大。| Rain and fog cause the most serious impact on microwave with frequency lower than 8GHz.微波传输中,容易产生衰落的最主要原因是气候原因。| The main cause of fading occurred in microwave transmission process is climate.微波的频率范围是 300MHZ- 300GHZ, 15G的微波的波长是 2mm.| The frequency range of microwave is 300MHZ- 300GHZ

43、. The wavelength of 15GHzmicrowave is 2mm.馈源波导口的宽面(E面)与水平地面平行的为水平极化馈源波导口的窄面(H面)与水平地面平行的为水平极化扎带的朝向可以不一致扎带的间距可以不一致电源线与信号线可以一起捆扎测量设备电阻用GPS仪器测量站点经纬度用万用表导航使用GPS仪器测量电流用电流表测量电缆是否短路万用表应放到电阻档或蜂鸣器位置测量设备的发信功率用功率计来测量站点勘察不需要采集经纬度站点勘察需要采集周围环境情况微波勘测可以决定站点采用哪种铁塔站点勘察不需要GPS仪器已存在站点需要新装微波设备时,站点不需要工勘新建BTS基站时,如果用微波传输,首先应考虑微波是否视通。微波现场勘测,要了解的是站点信息,频率资源,基础设施等。站点信息的经度、纬度是用GPS在站点现场获取的。如果在勘测时所选取的新站点交通不便,供电无法解决,应考虑放弃该站。IP路由器属于二层设备。| IP router belongs the equipment in the second layer.若两台主机间通过路由器相连,其子网可以不同。J| If two hos


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