1、Hop Frog准者:埃德加爱伦坡我从没听说有谁比国王更热衷于笑 话他似乎就昱为了笑话而活着.能够 讲一个好笑的故事,而且讲得有声有 色,就一定会到他的宠幸.因此十分 碰巧,他的七位大臣全都是因说笑话的 才能而闻名于世的.他们也都像国王一 样,个个都足身材高大、体形肥胖、满 面油光的人物,而且还是无与伦比的说 笑能手.人星因为开玩笑而变胖,还是 因为肥胖本身亜藏着笑话,我无从得 知.但可以肓定的塑,一个会开玩笑的 瘦子庄世间_走星个稀罕物。by Edgar Allan PoeI never ki)ew anyone so keenlv alive to wwa joke as the king
2、 wns. He seemed to live only for joking To tell a good stoiy of tlie joke kind, and to tell it well, was the surest road to his favor. Thus it happened that his seven ministers were all noted for tlieir accomplishments as jokers They all took after the king, :oo, in being large, coi-pulent, oily men
3、, as well as inimitable jokers. WQietlier people grow fat by joking, or uiietlier (here is something in fat itself which predisposes to a joke, I have never been quite able to determine; but certain it is that a lean joker is a rara axis in ten is关于风推或者正如他所谓的"鬼”About the refinements, or, as he
4、called聪明,国王很少在这上面花费功夫.他 持别欣赏笑话的广度(“庸俗”),之所 以能够忍受它的长度,就星因为这个缘 故.过度的文雅反而使他厌倦.他更宴 欢拉伯雷笔下的卡冈都亚”而不喜欢伏 尔泰笔下的苣第格” 总而言之,恶作 剧远比文字玩笑更合他的胃口.在我所叙述的年代,职业小丑在宫 廷中还没有完全过时.欧洲大陆的几个 强匡“仍然保留看他们的“弄臣",他们穿 看五倾六色的衣服,戴看帽子,系看铃 铛.人们期李他们在极短的时间内,随 时准备好巧妙的玩笑,来答谢从御桌上 掉下来的面包渣.them, the <ghost, of wit, the king troubled him
5、self very little He had an especial admiration for breadth in a jest, and would often put up with length, for the sake of it. (Xer-nicetie$ wearied him. He would have preferred Rabelais* eGai-gantxia# to the *Zadig of Vohnire: and, upon the whole, practical jokes suited his taste far better tlian ve
6、rbal ones.At the date of nxy narrative, professing jesters had not altogether gone out of fashion at court. Several of the great continental powers still retain their 'fools: who wore motley, with caps and bells, and who were expected to be always read* with shaip witticisms, at a moment s notic
7、e, in consideration of the crumbs tliat fell fromthe roval table.w我们的国王理所当然保留看他的 弄臣二事实是,他需要一些黒套的东 西一一仅仅呈为了与他七位大臣的智台保 持平術一就更不用提他自己了。尽管如此,他的弄臣或者说是职业 小丑,并不仅仅昱个弄臣.在国王眼 里,他值三倍的价,因为他不仅是个矮 子,还是个跛子.在当时的宫廷里,搂 子和弄臣一样常见.很多君王要是没有 个弄臣和他们一起笑,没有个矮子让他 们取笑,就会觉得难以度日(在官廷的 日子要比在其他地方漫长得多)但 是,正如我已经观奈到的那样在君王Our king, as a
8、 matter of course, retained his wfbol. Tlie fact is, he required soniething in the way of follyif only to counterbalance tlie heavy wisdom of tlie seven wise men who weir liis miinsteis not to luciitiou himself.His tool, or professional jester, was not only a fool, however. His value was trebled in
9、the eyes of the king, by the foot of his being also a dwarf and a cripple. Dwarfs were as common at court, in those dnys, as fools; and many monarchs would have found it dififiailt to get through their days (days are rather longer at court than elsewhere) witliout botli a jester to laugli的小丑中,一百个里有九
10、十九个是胖乎 乎、圆滚滚、笨手笨脚的一因此我们的 国王对于得到了跳蛙(一个小丑的名 字)很是欣喜,因为他一个顶三个。我相信“跳蛙这个名字不是他的教 父母在洗礼仪式上给他取的,而是几位 大臣一致同意赐予他的,因为他无法橡 其他人那样走路。事实上,側雎只能用 一种的步态彳理何因渤和扭 动之间一一这个动作给国王带来了无穷的 乐趣,当然也有安慰.因为国王(尽董 他挺看个肚子,顶看与生俱来的肥硕脑 袋)在整个宫廷都垣称是绝佳的形念。with, and a dwarf to laugh at. But, as I have alreadr observed, your jesters, m ninety-
11、 nine cases out of a hundred, are fat, round, and uiiwieldvso that it was uo small source of self-gratulation with our king that, in HopFrog (tliis was tlie fools name), he possessed a triplicate treasure in one person.I believe the name *Hop-Frog,was not that given to tlie dwarf by his sponsors at
12、baptism, but it was conferred upon liiiib by general consent of die several ininLters, ou account of his inabilin* to walk as other men do. In foct, Hop-Frog could only get along by a sort of intcijectional gait something between a leap and a wngglea movenient that afforded illimitable iuuuseiiient,
13、 and ofcourse consolation, to the king, for (notwnthstaiiding the protuberance of his stomach and a constitutional swelling of the head) the king, by his whole court, was accounted a capital figure然而,尽管跳蛭双腿扭曲,在路上 或者地板上行走需要承受很大的痛苦和 艰辛,但是似乎大自然賦予他的手臂肌 肉惊人的力虽,就是为了弥补他下肢的 缺陷,使他能够表演许多精彩且动作敏 捷的特技.他可以在树上、绳子上
14、,或 者其他一些东西上宰爬.做这样的动作 时,他更像是一只松鼠,或者是一只小 猴子,而不像是只青蛙.But although Hop-Frog, through the distortion of his legs, could move only with great pain and difficulty along a road or floor, the prodigious muscular power which nature seemed to have bestowed upon his arms, by way of compensation for deficiency i
15、n the lower limbs, enabled him to perform many feats of wonderful dexterity, where trees or ropes were in question, or any tiling else to climb. At such exercises lie certainly much more resembled n squirrel, or a small monkey,than a frog.我不能准确地说出跳蛙最初来自于 哪个地方。尽管如此,他应该是来自于 某个野蛮、甚至没有人听说过的地区一一 一个离我们国王的
16、宫廷十分遥远的地 方。跳蛭,和一个比他稍高一点的年轻 姑娘(尽管她身材娇好、比例匀称,而 且还泉个出色的篇右)都是在比邻的省 份他们各自的家乡被一位常胜将军强行 带过来,当作送给国王的.在这些情况下,就不难理解这两个 矮小的俘虔之间的亲密关系了。确实, 他们很快就变成了心腹之交。尽管跳蛙I am not able to say, with precision, from what country Hop-Frog originally came. It was from some barbarous region, however, that no person ever heard ofa
17、vast distance from tlie court of our king. Hop-Frog, and n young girl very little less dwaiiish than himself (although of exquisite proportions, and a marvellous dancer), had been forcibly canned off from their respective homes in adjoining pronnces, and sent as presents to the king, by oue of liis
18、ever-victorious generals.Under these circumstances, it is not to be wondered at that a close intimacy* arose between the two little captives. Indeed, they能耍许多把戏,但要是没能为特里佩塔 效劳的话,就根本不会受欢迎.而她, 因为优雅的举止和美丽的面容(尽管是 个矮子),受到了大众广泛的赞美和宠 爱,因此她拥有很大的影响力.而且只 要她能够做到,无论在任何时候她一走 会利用这种影响力来为M吐谋求利益.在一次盛大的国家性的;舌动场合-一 我忘记
19、是什么了一国王决定举办一场化 装舞会。毎当我们宫廷里有化装舞会或 者诸如此类的活动时,那些人才,包括 跳蛙和特里佩务两个人肯宦会被招去表 演.尤其是跳蛙,在组织盛会、编排新 颍的角色、安日碍会服装方直都很有创soon became sworn friends. Hop-Frog, who, although he made a great deal of sport, was by no means popular, had it not in his power to render Trippettn many services; but she, on account of her gra
20、ce and exquisite beauty (although a dwarf), was universally admired and petted; so she possessed much influence; and nevrer failed to use it, uiienewr she could, for The benefit of Hop-FrogOn some grand state occasionI forgot uiiatthe king detennined to have a masquerade, and whenever a masquerade o
21、r any tiling of tliat kind, occurred at our court, then the talents, both of Hop-Frog and Trippetta were sure to be called into play. Hop-Frog» in especial, was so造力。一个化装算会,似乎耍是没有他 的协助,就什么事也做不成。举行舞会的那晚来临了. 一座金碧 辉煌的大厅已经在特里佩塔的监督之下 布置好了,一切可能给化装舞会増添光 彩的设施都用上了.整个宫廷的人都在 热切地期盼着.至于服装和角色,不难 想象.每个人都已经亭定了
22、主意.一星 期,甚至是一个月以前,很多人就已经 宇定主意了(诵定了要扮演什么角 色).事实上,根本没有人犹豫不决一 除了国王和他的七位大臣.我始终不知 道他们为什么犹豫,除非他们是在开玩 笑.很有可能是因为身体过于肥胖,所inventive in the way of getting up pageants, suggesting novel characters, and arranging costumes, fcr masked balls, that nothing could be done, it seems, without his assistance The night ap
23、pointed for the fete had arrixecL A gorgeous hiill had been fitted up, under Trippctta's eye, vith every kind of device which could possibly give eclat to a masquerade. Tlie whole couil was in a fever of expectation. As for costumes and chai-acters, it might well be supposed that evervbodv had c
24、ome to a decision on such points Many had made up their minds (as to what roles they should assume) a week, or even a month, in advance; and, in fact, there was not a particle of indecision以他们才觉得很难做出决定.无论如 何,时间过得很快,他们用了最后一 招,派人去召唤特里佩塔和跳蛙.anywhereexcept in the case of the king and liis seven minister
25、s. Why tliey hesitated I never could tell, unless they did it by way of a joke More probably, they found it difficult, on account of being so fat, to make up their minds. At all events, time flew; and, as a last resort tliey sent for Trippetta nnd Hop-Fmg.当这两个小伙伴听从国王的召唤到 来时,发现他正和七位内阁大臣坐在酒 席上,但星这位君王却
26、显得心情不太 好。他知道跳蛙不喜欢喝酒,因为酒会 使这个可怜的跛子兴奋得几乎疯狂,疯 狂的感觉可不舒服.但是国王就是喜欢 恶作剧,并以强迫跳蛙喝酒为乐(用国 王如兑是)“作乐”VMien the two little friends obeyed the sununons of the king they found him sitting at his wine u-itli the seven members of his cabinet council; but the monarch appeared to be in a very ill humor. He knew that Ho
27、p-Frog was not fond of wine, for it excited tlie poor cripple almost to madness; and madness is no comfortable feeling But the king loved his practical jokes, and tookpleasui-e in fcrcing Hop-Frog to drink and(as the king crlled it) *to be meny. *“到这儿来,疏蛙,“当这个小丑和 他的伙伴一进房间时,国王说,“为了你 那些不在场朋友的健康干了这杯酒,
28、(这时跳蛭叹了一口气)然后就让我们 来分享一下你独创的点子吧.我们需要 角色一-角色,小子一一一些新颖的一一 不同寻常的角色。我们已经厌倦那些老 一套的戏法了.来吧,喝了!酒能让你 的聪明才智彳寻以发挥“跳娃像平时一样,努力地寻找笑话 来答谢国王,但足却努力过了头.这天 恰好是这位可怜履子的生日,让他为“不 在场的朋友干杯的命令,使他的眼詩里"Come here, Hop-Frog; said he, as the jester and his friend entered tlie room; swallow this bumper to the health of your ab
29、sent friends, (liere Hop-Fixog sighed,) and then let us have the benefit of your invention. Wc want characterscharacters, luiuisometliiug novelout of the way. We are wearied with this everlasting sameness Come, diink? the wine will brigliten your wilsHopFrog eudenvorcd, as usual, to get up a jest in
30、 reply to these advances from the king; but the effort was too much. It happened to * the poor dwarfs birthday,泛起了泪花他谦恭地从那位暴君的手 中接过酒杯,苦涩的泪珠大颗大颗地滴 艇酉杯里.and the coimnaiid to diiiik to his *absent friends* forced the tears to his eves. Manv large, bitter drops fell into the goblet as he took it, humbly
31、, from the liand of the tyrant.“啊!哈!哈! ”当矮子不情愿地喝 光那杯酒后,国王咆哮起来一一看看一 杯好酒的力帀有多大!哎呦,你的眼晡 已经闪闪发亮了!”"All! ha! ha!* roared the latter, as the dwarf reluctaiitlv drained tlie beaker. "See what a glass of good wine can do! Why, your eyes are shining already?"可怜的家伙!他的大眼睹是在闪 烁,而不是发亮。因为酒对他那容易兴 奋的
32、大脑立即起了作用.他紧张不安地 把酒杯放到束子上,用近乎疯狂的目光 环视了一下这群人。他们似乎都被国王 的“欣”逗得哈哈大笑了。Poor fellow! liis large eyes gleauied, rather than shone; for the effect of Hine on his excitable brain was not more powerful than instantaneous. He placed the goblet neivously on tlie table, aud looked rouud upon tlie company with a li
33、alf-insine stare. They all seemed higlily amused at thesuccess of the king s joke.“那么现在来办正经事吧。“一个大 胖子首相说。“对,”国王说,“过来帮帮我们.角 色,我的好伙计,我们迫切地需要角色 一一我们所有人一哈!哈!哈!"国王 有慧把这句话说成一个笑话,他的七位 大臣拋分纷应和嫉了起来。跳蛙也哈哈大笑起来,尽管笑得无 力还有些茫然.“来吧,来吧,”国王不耐烦地说, “你难道就没有什么好血议吗?-"And now to business/ said the prime minister,
34、 a very fat man."Yessaid the King; MCome lend us your assistance. Cliaracters, my fine fellow; we stand in need of charactersall of us ha! lia! lia!* and as this was scriouslv meant for a joke, liis laugli was chorused by tlie ses*en.Hop-Frog also laughed altliough feebly and somewhat vacaiitlv
35、"Come, coined said the king, impatiently, uhave you nothing to suggest?"“我正在努力地想一些新奇的东 西。“矮子心不在焉地回答逍,因为他已 经被醉帘了.T am endeavoring to tliiiik of something novel/ replied the dwarf, abstractedly, for he was quite bewildeird by the wine.”正在穷力! 暴君狂叫道,“你这话 是什么烹思?啊,我明曰了.你还在生 闷气,而且还想再喝点酒.这儿呢,喝 吧!
36、”他又倒了满满的一杯酒,递给了这 个跛子,跛子只是盯看它,大口喘着 气Endeavoring!" cried the tyrant, fiercely; Wmt do you mean by that? Ah, I perceive. You are Sulky, and want more vxine Here, drink tliis!* and he poured out another goblet full and offered it to the cripple, who merely gazed at it, gasping for breath.”喝呀,我说! ”那
37、个魔王大喊道,否则就见鬼去一”“Drink, I say!* shouted the monster,"orbythe fiendsw这个幾子犹豫不决.国王被气得脸色发紫大臣们都在窃笑.持里佩塔脸Tlie dwarf hesitated. Tlie king grew puiple with rage. Tlie courtiers smirked色苍白得像个僵尸,向国王的宝座走 去,地跪在了他的面前.乞求国王寛恕 她的朋友.Tnppetta, pale as a corpse, advanced to the monarchs seat, and, falling on her k
38、nees before him, implored him to spare her fiieiid.聚君盯着她,看了好一会儿,显然 对她大胆的举动感到十分吃惊。他好像 是左全不知所措了,不知道该做什么或 者该说什么了 _不知道该如何恰当地表 达他自己的惯怒了。最后,他一个字也 没说,只是狠狠地将她推开,然后把满 滿的一大杯酒泼到了她的吐The t>Tant regarded her, for some moments, in evident wonder at her audacity. He seemed quite at a loss what to do or sayhow mo
39、st becomingly to express liis iudignation. At last, widiout uttering a syllable, lie pushed her violently from him, and threw the contents of the bniinning goblet in her face.可怜的姑娘吃力地爬起来,甚至不 敢叹气,就又退回到束脚旁.The poor girl got up the best she could, and, not daring even to sigh, resumed her position at t
40、lie foot of tlie table.一时间静寂无声大慨持续了半分 钟之久,其间就连一片叶子或者一根羽 毛掉春下来的声音都能够听得见。这沖 寂静突然被一阳氐沉、但很刺耳、拖沓 的摩嚓声打破,仿佛是从房间的每个角 落一齐传出来的.什么一-什么-你制造这种礙音 干什么? 国王愤怒矮刊以乎已经以本从酒醉中恢复过 来了,他静静地盯看累君的脸,只是突 然目出一句:There was a dead silence for about half a minute, duiing which the falling of a leaf, or of a featlier, might have bee
41、n heard. It was intenupted by a low, but harsh and protracted grating sound which seemed to come at ouce from every comer of tlie room.*V1iatwliatwhat are you making dial noise for?" demanded die king, luriiiiig furiously to tlie dwarf.The latter seemed to have recovered, iu gieat measure, from
42、 liis intoxication, and looking fixedly but quietly into the tyrant's face, merely ejaculated:我我?怎么可能是我呢? “*11? How could it have been me?"这个声音好像是从外而传过来 的,"其中一位大臣说道,“我想是直户 虹的喙呢“没错,君王回答说,听到这个说 法似乎让他放下心来,“但是,我可以用 一个骑士的名嘗发誓,一宦是这个无赖 在咬牙。”随即这个矮子大笑起来(国王是个 不折不扣的玩笑家,以至于不会反对任 何人笑),露出一排大而有力、令人厌
43、恶的牙齿。另外,他还发誓说国王耍他 喝多少酒他就愿意喝多少酒。君王这才 消了气。跳蛙又喝了一大杯,但却没觉 秦到有什么不良的反应,随即神采奕奕 地说起化装舞会的计划0The sound appeared to come from without/ observed one of the courtiers “I fancy it was the pairot at the window, whetting his bill upon his cage-wires:'TTrue/ replied the monarch, as if much relieed by (lie sugges
44、tion; “but, on die houor of a kiiiglit, I could have sworn tlmt it was the gritting of tliis vngnboiuTs teeth/*Hereupon the dwarf laughed (the king was too confinned a joker to object to any one's laughing), and displayed a set of large, powerful, and very repulsive teeth. Moreover, he avowed hi
45、s perfect willingness to svallow as much nine as desired The monarch was pacified; and having drained another bumper with novery perceptible ill effect, Hop-Frog entered at once, and with spint, into die plans for the masquerade我说不出是怎么想到这个主意 的,”他十分平詡地说道,好像他这一辈 子从没碰过酒似的,”但是就在陛下打了 那他娘,把酒泼到她的脸上之后 就 在陛下
46、这样做了之后,还有正当宙外那 只黔呕制造那奇怪的璨音之时,我突然 灵机一动-是我家乡的一种把戏我 们在化装珂会上经常这样玩,但是在这 儿可完全是个新花样。可惜,无论如何 也需耍八个人r而且"I cannot tell what was the association of idea/ observed he, very tranquilly, and as if lie liad never tasted xvine in liis life, "but just after your imyesty, had struck the girl and tlirowu the
47、 uiiie in her Hicejust after your majesty had done this, and while the parrot was making that odd noise outside the window, there came into my mind a capital diversionone of my own countiy frolicsoften enacted among us, at our masquei-ades: but here it will be new altogether. Unfortunately, however,
48、 it requires a company of eight persons and”'我们就是啊! 国王叫道,他为自 己如此敏锐地发现了这个巧合而得意地 笑了起来,正好是八个人我和我的 七位大臣.来吧!怎么个玩法? ”“Here we are广 cried tlie king, laugliiiig at liis acute discoveiy of the coincidence; "eight to a fractionI and my seven niinistere. Come! what is the diversion?*我们把它叫做,“跛子回答道,-A 只
49、戟铁锥的遲遲,如杲扮演得好,一定 非常精彩MVVe call it/* replied the cripple, *theEight Chained Ourang-Outangs, and it really is excellent sport if well enacted/我们就玩这个游戏了. '国王评论 道,随即挺直了身子,垂下眼帝.MVVe will enact it,M remarked the king, drawing himself up, and lowering his eyelids.这个游戏的妙处.跳蛙堆续说,在于甸城女人讯”Fia beauty of the
50、 game/* continued Hop-Erog, "lies in the flight it occasions among the women?-太好了 ! ”君王和他的大臣们异口Capital!* roared in chorus the同声地0値uioucircli and liis niiiiibtiy.蛙!找"我将会把你们打扮成猩遲厂矮子 继续说道,“一切就交给我来办吧.扮 相会和猩遲惊人地相似.参加化装舞会 的所有人都会把你们当作貞的野兽一一当 然了,他们将会十分吃惊、非第害怕“噢,这太持了 ! ”国王惊叹道,“跳'用铁链的目的是通过它剌耳的芦音
51、 来加剧混乱的效果。你们要假装是刚从 看守者那里集体逃出来的。陛下您是无 法想彖所产生的效果的,化装算会上, 在多数旁观者眼中,八只猩猩戴看铁链 野蛮地嚎叫着冲进未,穿梭在一群衣胃T will equip you as ourang-outangs," proceeded :he dwarf; "leave all that to me. The resemblance sliall be so striking, that the company of masqueraders will take you for real beastsand of course, the
52、y will be as much teirified as astonished.*"Oh, this is exquisite! exclaimed the king. "HopFrog! I will make a man of you广"The chains aiv for the puipose of increasing the confusion by their jangling. You are supposed to have escaped, en masse, from your keepers. Your majesty ciurnot
53、conceive the effect produced, at a lnascjuerade, by eight cliainecl ourang-精美、华丽的男男女女中间.这是多么绝妙的对婶!”outangs, imagined to be real ones by most of the company; and mshing m with savage cries, among the crowd of delicately and gorgeously habited men and women. Tlie contrast is inimitable!*“一定会是这样的。”国王说.
54、大臣 们匆忙地站起身来(天色渐渐晚了), 去实刪删网了.Tt must be,* said tlie king: and tlie council arose huiriedlv (as it was growing late), to put in execution the scheme of Hop-Frog 他把国王一伙人打扮成遲連的办法 很简单,但是足以有效地达到他的目的 了。在我讲的故事所发生的年代,我们 所谈论的这种动物在文明世界的田可地 方都十分少见。再加上被矮子所打扮出 来的人和貞正的野善十分相像,搭至是 更加可怕,因此人对会信以为真。His mode of equippin
55、g the party as ouraiig-outangs was very simple, but effective enough for liis puiposes The iuiiiuals iu question had, al tlie epoch of my stoty, very rarely been seen in any part of the civilized world; and as the imitations made by the dwarf were sufficiently beast-like and more tliaii sufficiently
56、 hideous, th&r tru止fulness to nature was thus thought to be secured.国王和他的七位大臣首先被奁上了 紧身的針织衬衣衬裤.然后他们身上浸 满了柏油。进行到这步时,这伙人中有 人提议用羽毛,但却立刻被矮子给否决 了。这八个人很快就被亲眼目睹的事实 说服了,像遲猩这种野曽的毛用亚麻来 代替,效果是显好的.于是又在柏油的 表面粘上了一层疗疗的亚麻.接看,一 条长长的铁链子也准备好了.首先,铁 链绕到園王的緩上系好,接着再绕过另 一个人,也系好;然后依次把所有人都 用相同的办法系起来.当铁链系好之 后,这些人彼此拉开最大的距离站
57、好, 他们形成了一个圆圈.为了使所有的东Tlie kidg and liis ministers were first encased ill l妙Milling stockinet shirts and drawers. They were then saturated with lar. At this stage of the process, some one of the party suggested feathers; but the suggestion was at once oveinilcd by the dwarf, who soon convinced the eig
58、ht, by ocular demonstration, that the hair of such a brute as the ourangoutnng was much more efficiently represented by flax. A thick coating of tlie latter was accordingly plastered upon the coating of tar. A long chain was now procured First, it was passed about the waist of the king, and tied,西看起来更加逼直,跳蛙沿着两条互相 垂直的直径把剩下的铁链穿过圆圈,就 踉现在婆罗洲人捕捉黒猩程或其他猩遲 咖4-样.then “bout another of theand alsotied; tlien about all successively, in tlie same manner. When this chaining arrangement was complete, and the party stood as far apart from each other as possible, they formed a circle;
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