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1、1Lesson 89 For saleFor sale2本课内容本课内容 单词学习单词学习 课文讲解课文讲解 练习练习 日常用语日常用语 口语练习口语练习 作业作业3单词学习单词学习 believe v. 相信,认为相信,认为 may 可以可以 how long 多长多长 since prep. 自从自从 why adv. 为什么为什么 sell v. 卖,出售卖,出售 because conj. 因为因为 retire v. 退休退休 cost v. 花费花费 pound n. 英镑英镑 worth prep. 值值钱钱 penny n. 便士便士4 believe v. 相信,认为相信,认

2、为 believe sb 相信某人的话相信某人的话 believe in sb. 信任某人信任某人 我不相信你说的话。我不相信你说的话。 I dont believe you. 我们互相信任。我们互相信任。 We believe in each other. 你应该信上帝你应该信上帝 You should believe in God. believe that 我认为他是诚实的我认为他是诚实的 I believe that he is honest. believe it or not(口语口语)5sell v. 卖,出售卖,出售 我把我的车卖给了他。我把我的车卖给了他。 I sold my

3、 car to him. 我把我的车以我把我的车以5000元卖给了他。元卖给了他。 I sold my car to him for 5000 yuan. sale n. 卖,促销卖,促销 for sale 待售待售 on sale 打折打折 salesman 推销员推销员 sales manager 销售经理销售经理6retire v. 退休;离职退休;离职 不久他将退休,结束其航海生涯。不久他将退休,结束其航海生涯。 Hes going to retire soon from the sea. v. 退出;退隐退出;退隐 他周末通常退隐到他那个乡间别墅生活他周末通常退隐到他那个乡间别墅生活

4、 He often retires to his country house at weekends. 女士们离席退出,先生们则继续喝酒聊天。女士们离席退出,先生们则继续喝酒聊天。 The ladies retired, and the gentlemen went on drinking and chatting.7retire V.退休退休 the past form: retired a.退休的My grandpa _ for 25 years.He has been a _worker,the past participle form: haveretired199614years8c

5、ost v. 花费(物体做主语)花费(物体做主语) 这件外套这件外套30美元美元 The coat costs $30. 这个房子多少钱?这个房子多少钱? How much does this house cost? Pay for 我花了我花了30美元买这件外套。美元买这件外套。 I paid $30 for this coat. Spend on 他花很多钱用于买书他花很多钱用于买书 He spends a lot of money on books.9cost v.花费花费the past form: costthe past participle form: ¥400¥ 350How

6、much does this house cost?The house is for sale. It costs _.The shoes are for sale. They cost _.The handbag is for sale. It costs _.Does the house cost _?Do the shoes cost _?Does the handbag cost _?10worth prep. 相当于相当于价值,值价值,值钱钱 这条项链值多少钱?这条项链值多少钱? How much is the necklace worth? every penny of it 确实

7、值得确实值得钱钱 这件外套确实值这些钱。这件外套确实值这些钱。 This coat is worth every penny of it. prep. 具有具有价值;值得价值;值得 be worth doing 值得值得 这本书值得一读这本书值得一读 The book is worth reading. prove ones worth 证明某人的价值证明某人的价值.1168,500prep.值值钱钱Its worth 68,500.ItTheySth be worth + price.12 penny 相当于相当于cent Penny的复数是的复数是pence.131pound= penni

8、es pencepenny1¥9.8491pound100.14for sale n. 待售1.The coat is for sale.2.The handbag is for sale.3.The shoes are for sale.4.The trousers are for sale.15Exercise:1.that,be,worth,pair of shoes, 322That pair of shoes is worth 322.2.these,be,worth,shoes, 322These shoes are worth 322.16Listen and answer:Wh

9、y couldnt Nigel decide?.17Listen and answer Whose house is for sale? Ians. Who wants to have a look at it? Nigel does. How long has Ian lived in the house? Since 1976./For twenty years.18Listen and answer Why does Ian want to sell his house? Because hes just retired and he wants to buy a small house

10、 in the country How much does Ians house cost? It costs 68500 pounds. Why cant Nigel decide at the moment? Because his wife has to see the house.19 NIGEL: Good afternoon. I believe that this house is for sale.IAN: Thats right.be for sale 有待出售 This house is for sale.be on sale 打折 The dresses are on s

11、ale.动词:sell (sold, sold)联想:salesman, sales manager believe + that 从句 I believe that this news is wrong.2. believe + sb. Dont believe him, Jimmy will help us.联想:believe in = trust 信任20 NIGEL: May I have a look at it, please?IAN: Yes, of course. Come in. May I ? 比较正式的提出请求。 May I come in? (first time)较

12、熟悉后就可说:Can I come in?21 NIGEL:How long have you lived here?IAN: Ive live here for twenty years.NIGEL:Twenty year! Thats a long time. 用完成时来表示持续的动作或状态,常和for, since连用。 How long have you studied in New Idea School? Ive studied there for four years. 可延续性动词有:live, be, study, teach, wait22 IAN: Yes, Ive be

13、en here since 1976.NIGEL: Then why do you want to sell it?IAN: Because Ive just retired. I want to buy a small house in the country.23NIGEL:How much does this house cost?IAN: $68,500.NIGEL:Thats a lot of money!IAN: Its worth every penny of it.=“How much is this house?” cost:物作主语 The coat doesnt cost

14、 50 Yuan.2. spend:人作主语 I spent 50 Yuan on this coat.一分钱一分货。第一个“it”指“house”,第二个“it”指“money”。24NIGEL: Well, I like the house. but I cant decide yet. My wife must see it first.IAN: Women always have the last word. decide to do sth. = make a decision to do sth. make up ones mind 下定决心25课文讲解课文讲解 I believe

15、 that this house is for sale. = I think that. / I suppose that. 宾语从句宾语从句 Im afraid that. / I hope that. 我担心我要迟到了。我担心我要迟到了。 Im afraid that I will be late. 我认为到明年的这个时候我会升职的。我认为到明年的这个时候我会升职的。 I think that I will get a promotion at this time of next year. for sale 供出售,有待出售。供出售,有待出售。 on sale 减价出售。减价出售。26

16、 May I have a look at it? have a look at = look at 看一看看一看 我想看一下那张地图。我想看一下那张地图。 I want to have a look at that map. 正式提出请求:正式提出请求:May I.? 我能进来吗?我能进来吗? May I come in? 较为随意的请求方法:较为随意的请求方法:Can I.? Can I come in?27 -How long have you lived here? -Ive lived here for twenty years. 现在完成时,表示从过去开始的动作现在完成时,表示从过

17、去开始的动作或状态一直持续到现在。或状态一直持续到现在。 “for+时间段时间段”是现在完成时的标志性是现在完成时的标志性时间状语。时间状语。 划线部分提问划线部分提问 你在那个学校多久了?你在那个学校多久了? 我在那里学习了我在那里学习了2年了。年了。 -How long have you studied in that school? -Ive studied there for two years.28 How much does this house cost? 询问价格的常用语。询问价格的常用语。 cost的主语是物(花费人多少钱)的主语是物(花费人多少钱) 也可以说也可以说How

18、much is this house? 这些书多少钱?这些书多少钱? How much are these books? How much do these books cost? 你那条裙子多少钱?你那条裙子多少钱? How much is your dress? How much does your dress cost?29 Its worth every penny of it. 前一个前一个it代指代指house,后一个后一个it代指代指money。 I cant decide yet. 这里这里yet也可以用于现在时否定句中,也可以用于现在时否定句中, 表示表示“迄今仍未迄今仍未”

19、。 下定决心下定决心 decide to do sth. make up ones mind determine to do sth. 我决定要去云南旅行。我决定要去云南旅行。30 Women always have the last word. 注意这里的注意这里的word是是“话话”的意思,不的意思,不要写成要写成words。 have the last word = have the final say 最后说了算。最后说了算。 老板总是最后说的算的。老板总是最后说的算的。 Boss always has the last word. 31语法地带32现在完成时( ) for和和sinc

20、e在现在完成时中的运用:在现在完成时中的运用: for表表“经历经历”:for + 一段时间一段时间 since表表“自从自从以来以来” since + 一段时间一段时间 + ago, since + 一个时间点;一个时间点; since + 从句从句He has stayed here for 3 hours. He has stayed here since 3 hours ago.He has stayed here since 3 oclock.1.He has taught English since he came here.33 除了除了for, since以外,常和现在完成时连

21、用的以外,常和现在完成时连用的副词还有副词还有already, yet, ever, never, just, in the past few years, over the last thirty years, so far, up to now, since 1980等。等。 Most college students have learned English for more than six years. Great changes have taken place in China in the past few years. I have never been abroad up

22、to now.句子翻译3435363738二、宾语从句 宾语从句的定义 :置于动词、介词等词性后面起宾语作用的从句叫宾语从句。宾语从句的语序必须是陈述语序。谓语动词、介词、动词不定式,v.-ing形式后面都能带宾语从句。有些形容词(afraid,sure,glad等)之后也可以带宾语从句。39宾语从句中引导词的用法 that引导的宾语从句(在非正式场合that可以省略) 可跟可跟that从句做宾语的动词有:从句做宾语的动词有: say, think, insist, wish, hope, demand, imagine, wonder, know, suppose, see, believe

23、, agree, admit, deny, expect, explain, order, command, feel, dream, suggest, hear, mean, notice, prefer, request, require, propose, declare, report等。40宾语从句中引导词的用法 例句例句:The boy believes that he will travel through space to other planets. 注意事项注意事项:当主句谓语动词是 think, believe, suppose, expect 等词,而宾语从句的意思是否

24、定时,常把否定转移至主句表示。 例句例句:I dont think it is right for him to treat you like that.41宾语从句中引导词的用法 在以下情况中在以下情况中that不能省略不能省略 当句中的动词后接多于两个由that引导的宾语从句时,第一个that可省,但后面的that不可省。例句例句:He said (that) you were too young to understand the matter and that he was asked not to tell you. 42宾语从句中引导词的用法 当主句的谓语动词与that宾语从句之间

25、有插入语时,that一般不可省。例句例句:Just then I noticed, for the first time, that our master was wearing his fine green coat and his black silk cap. 43宾语从句中引导词的用法 当that从句是双宾语中的直接宾语时,that不可省。eg:I cant tell him that his mother died. 44宾语从句中引导词的用法 注意事项注意事项:许多带复合宾语的句子,that引导的宾语从句经常移到句子后部,而用it作形式宾语。 例句例句:I find it nece

26、ssary that we should do the homework on time.45宾语从句的语序宾语从句的语序 宾语从句的语序是陈述句语序即:连接代词/副词+主语+谓语+其他成分。例句如下: I dont know what they are looking for. Could you tell me when the train will leave? Can you imagine what kind of man he is? 46宾语从句的时态宾语从句的时态主句是一般现在时,从句根据实际情况使用任何时态。eg:The headmaster hopes everything

27、 goes well. 主句是过去时态,从句须用过去时态的某种形式。eg:She was sorry that she hadnt finished her work on time. 47宾语从句的特点宾语从句的特点 当宾语从句表示的是一个客观真理或者事实时,即使主句是过去时,从句也用一般现在时态。例句例句:The teacher told his class that light travels faster than sound. 48宾语从句的特点宾语从句的特点 宾语从句可以作及物动词、介词及形容词的宾语。 宾语从句的语序一律用陈述句语序。 连接词that引导宾语从句在句中无词 义,不

28、充当句子成份,多数 情况下可以省略。 .49 They have already arrived at the airport. 2)She has lived in Beijing since 2000.They havent arrived at the airport yet.Have they arrived at the airport yet?Yes, they have.No, they havent.She hasnt lived in Beijing since 2000.Has she lived in Beijing since 2000?Yes, she has.No, she hasnt.503) We have stayed in Shanghai for a long time. We havent stayed in Shanghai for a long ti


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