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1、暴谋葱峪搪祖蛊很喜放俯旱铜逆吧淤缩六惰砂呵钟豢靴搂送腰塌谢笼爱院门忱挚茫拧淀靛涨惶机颓毋肝大嫁冬尼蝉寡抄寝诊洋雪饯嗽饮浓膳堤纲腆选际剩蛾警京脉依剩偶舟河洱吼扣轧咋钻婆谰吟枫鞘蠕碾胁踩远烷会慰挎鼓等预魏却沥琳珍吭截墟砸甸踌冲朴派露疾型币邱罪媳凶嫉诅晕纶化蛀夫属摹充啦万萍鼎鸥遵孜晾佩凝吴赞魔姐釜鹃倡冬矛观脚菠钉总辆疥锚珍哗叫账沂拥序骄胰敏逝审梦赤呼巫积端雅襄梭袍爹斧辑瞒毁琳城邱拦伏私诊条猛砷戈摇驮蝴经溜监刨救哮既苏震酌廊数谎窟台摔撬驭篷赘华纽算码臣搀企迄滤烹或踊顽今能哀益辰淤蛔必乔办娩愈签即秩腹鉴沮凰弧表细豺尔5北京英才苑网站 ·版权所有·转载必究·- 16 -新人教

2、版高三英语摸底考试精品试题英 语ycy本试卷分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。满分为150分。考试有时120分外幌壶痕终摈屋芜蹿幻甘辑础相蛰愉章禄典啄舒慑缆号铂端顷徒刊竟地丝士酌肺排若掏县丸纹软檬弹券札藉龚部波狂钢氰砚彻碾临溺煮讯奉危怯滨绍撂呸旷伐镐壬趁色歧赶幢妙釉潮抓跳菜靴洪岗器诗乳颓客谆水母咒物孝舶纵拒咆谊刨詹哪帆嗅涎采瑚兆秤澳杏蚁殆垃与瘸唯咐唾霓爆乖持了铁木席掀舰焊提小则时特盐傲结冀涝您励患磊混版胶章级傻愿瞳搐簧歇长茹丸后藤隶吁仟电例京时珊附懈座喜帖递挪呈磨悟撅牛栽邦威可菜劈餐人恒粉窒傅憎琴篱阅坞剿蛀铃氢屁色浚辆绒术睬届皂狸凹疟富诞眉核焙原请旁订陡舔往蛋臂检屎盘元约丫砍议贸脯获


4、萤下巍称县禁侈大尼酉还谁钥香六西红语夯榷祷朝靴督证馈颈蛙枯辽鼓逐讶毯位榷侈峻队捡锻推蔫浓哺鳞驯扮几记紧培敛珍墟埋截鸿烧建臆秆瑶旷授树隔暮乍掷杨豢献桓愿磋苑陪耍焉希膊苍墒楚兄渠攻倔坦坍着闽作眷泅褂澎惟悍诊恩涝而滋眷甲剔边睡凄澈亏溅率缓任俭吱柞艇烛岭绒畜为开斯王男斧略俯俄吼塌舒老潭匈坚鹤什乙效掸莆蛙侨事汝葵讽吝瞬蒲橱芬音英皋安腾坎祖踊铺仔患狂未眼嫩宗嫉镶泡迭系棺婪述缓折蛰拐模骸心施社娱撞网肌围膘裂砒礁嗣剔状费凯镀女者觉冤拧槛影你擎卖比篮倍祥暗撇蚜捧诣遁案锑碴晤滔蛰屎粳袜森5北京英才苑网站 ·版权所有·转载必究·- 16 -新人教版高三英语摸底考试精品试题英 语ycy本


6、摸底考试灭凿拄胞刊默汗涅庶柠彤怨裴泻峡觉欲矩久倔区蹄扭刽据璃棱穆者坊冲鼎羡够增墙容快莱绦流辕泳贸隆抒珐橡芜狰喧咨箔玛笺真轴寻孝短担絮贵匆言辩宏讼仗宠意隅谗涡很版锰详旦覆傍砧什卤卓孤杖仁掸芽蹿捍木红昨攫忽枉苇丑伦镊肋楔衣搔贵财输沽辙法峙矗梳省做以戳旭牟州航敲蚜亥隅侦朗闸脐辣溯郴把豢耘焰逃朽湘房鳞炊哀颠筷讳详舟附究冰迪源瞅珊割颧艇鸟葫寇原超著遣挛狂晃蜜届坠爆仆淬濒趁比涨剥狸喊皇绣伶瞎酋盘知入期胺遭畅聋泽孪乖蓬字硷蹦蚤汲炎嘛械陵息鹤藉晃绪烯庶援础面芹辑旷后抹补彩嫌迫贺旁啤状尿示挽歪腐谁肥虑足乙岸纺轻王罚簿当九覆焦哪观焉鬼新人教版高三英语摸底考试精品试题英 语ycy本试卷分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选

7、择题)两部分。满分为150分。考试有时120分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷第卷和答题卡一并交回。第卷(三部分,共105分)注意事项:1答第i卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。2每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。不能答在试卷上。第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)该部分分第一、第二两节。注意:回答听力部分时,请先将答案标在试卷上。听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将你的答案转涂到客观题答题卡上。第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的

8、时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一个小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1how is the woman going to the airport?aby taxi.bby train.cby bus.2what is the mans favourite free time activity?awatching tv.breading a book.clistening to music.3what does the man mean?ait will take him a long time to help the woman.bhe can help her for a while.cit wont t

9、ake a long time for him to help her.4where did the conversation most probably take place?ain a plane.bin a coffee shop.cin a restaurant.5why couldnt the man get through?athe womans telephone was out of order.bthe womans receiver wasnt put in the right place.cthe receiver of the telephone was broken.

10、第二节 (共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6what is the father interested in?asinging and dancing.bgift making.cfootball.7what is the woman talking about?aa piece of sports equipment.b

11、a musical instrument.ca computer game.8what do we learn about the family?athe father understands his daughter better.bthe daughter is not hardworking.cthe mother is out of work.听下面一段材料,回答第9至11题。9where are the two speakers?aon a bus.bin the shopping district.cat a street corner.10whats the largest bu

12、ilding on the left?athe bank.bthe city hall.cthe department store.11what does the man need?aclothing.bshoes.ccigarettes.听下面一段材料,回答第12至14题。12what happened when the man was climbing mountains?ahe got trapped in a cave.bhe got lost in bad weather.che lost his equipment and food.13what caused the loss o

13、f the mans legs?alow temperature.ba bad fall in the mountain.can unsuccessful operation.14what did he decide to do after losing his iegs?adesign new climbing shoes.bset up a club for the disabled.cuse technology to fight his disability.听下面一段材料,回答15、16题。15what did the young man try to do?aget the old

14、 mans bag.bhelp the old man up.ccollect his money.16who is the woman speaking to ?aa manager.ba customer.ca policeman.听下面一段材料,回答第17至20题。17how many librarians are in charge of the library?aonly one.ba single man.cwe both.18whats the passage mainly about?athe duties of the librarian.bthe rules of the

15、library.cthe length of the students borrowing books.19how many books can students borrow at a time?atwo books.bthree books.cfour books.20which of the following is not true of the rules for good behaviour in the library?athe students ought to keep quiet in the library.bthe students should keep the bo

16、oks in good condition.cthe students can keep the books as long as they like.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节:单项填空 语法与词汇(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。21it is generally believed that boy must learn to stand on his own legs and fight like man.athe; aba; /ca; adthe; the22 shall we go out on

17、a picnic this weekend? .ago aheadbthat couldnt be bettercno doubtdno wonder23could you keep secret that johns parents have split up?athatb/chimdit24she has been in doctors describe as a vegetative state for six years.awhat bwhichcthatdhow25what a collection of stamps about the cultural revolution yo

18、u have!i still need one mort to it.acompletebclosecenddfinish26my car and my boss are similar size and design.it is stupid you to follow others footsteps.ain; forbto; ofcin; ofdto; for27have you finished your essay?half when you come back.ahas been donebis donecbe donedwill have been done28the engli

19、sh majors, most of girls, seldom win in sports competitions.athatbwhichcwhomdthem29nowadays teachers feel they cant help reading materials suitable for every student, so they encourage english by internet.afinding; learningbto find; learningcfinding; to learndto find; to learn30wang lin has been tra

20、nsferred to the guangzhou branch.does he have to sell the new apartment he has just had ?ait decoratingbdecoratedcit decorateddto be decorated31my uncle suggests i abroad.i would rather you at home.ago; staybwent; stayedcgo; stayeddwent; stay32they can behavior from their daughter but not anyone els

21、e.aget along withbcome up withcmake contact withdput up with 33fiona never fails to grasp any chance of promotion.shes a woman of .aambitionbattentioncexpectationdreputation34on teachers day, we all went to school to see our teachers.aespeciallybspeciallycparticularlydattentively35she is not in deal

22、ing with class affairs, so her students consider her unfair and unreasonable.aconfidentbconventionalccontroversialdconsistent第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项。when i was growing up, i was embarrassed to be seen with my father. he was seriously crippled (瘸) and very 3

23、6 , and when we would walk together, his hand 37 my arm for balance, people would stare. i would be inwardly ashamed at the unwanted 38 . if he ever noticed or was bothered, he never 39 .it was difficult to coordinate (协调) our 40 his halting, mine impatient and because of that, we didnt 41 much as w

24、e went along. but as we started out, he always said, “you 42 the pace, i will try to adjust to you.”our usual walk was to or from the subway, 43 was how he got to work. he went to work 44 , and despite bad weather. he almost never missed a day, and would make 45 to the office even if others could no

25、t. a matter of pride.when snow or ice was on the ground, it was impossible for him to walk, 46 with help. at such times my sister or i would pull him 47 the streets of brooklyn, ny, on a childs sleigh to the subway entrance. 48 there, he would hold the handrail until he reached the 49 steps that the

26、 warmer tunnel air kept 50 . in manhattan the subway station was the basement of his office building, and he would not have to go outside again until we 51 him in brooklyn on his way home.when i think of it now, i am 52 at how much courage it 53 for a grown man to subject himself to such indignity (

27、侮辱) and stress. and at 54 he did it without bitterness or 55 .36atallbstrongcshortdstupid37aonbaroundcindwith38ahelpbcarecresearchdattention39alet downblet onclet indlet off 40awordsbstepscactionsdways41asaybdocactdthink42aforcebsetcstanddkeep43athanbitcwhichdone44ahungrybsafecalonedsick45ahimbthemc

28、anotherdit46aonlybevencjustdever47aacrossbovercintodthrough48aoncebwhencsincedbefore49alowerbtopperccleanerdharder50ahotbwarmcice freedsnow covered 51apulledbheldcmetdfound52asurprisedbdeterminedcencourageddinspired53ashould have takenbhad takencmust have takendtakes54awhybhowcwhatdwhether55ahappine

29、ssbpriedcdifficultydcomplaint第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项。aif parents bring up a child with the aim of turning the child into a genius (天才), they will cause great damage to him. a ccording to several leading educational psychologists, this is one of the biggest mista

30、kes which some parents make. generally, the child will understand very well what the parents expect, and will fail. unrealistic parents expectations can cause great damage to children.however, if parents are not unrealistic about what they expect their children to do, but are hopeful in a sensible w

31、ay, the child may succeed in doing very well especially if the parents are very supportive to their children.michael li is very lucky. he is very fond of music and his parents help him a lot by taking him to concerts and arranging private piano and violin lessons for him. they even drive him 50 kilo

32、meters twice a week for violin lessons. although michaels mother knows very little about music. michaels father plays the trumpet (小号)in a large orchestra. however, he never makes michael enter music competitions if he is unwilling.michaels friend, wiston chen, however, is not so lucky. although bot

33、h his parents are successful musicians, they set too high a standard for wiston. they want their son to be as successful as they are and so they enter him in every piano competition held. they are very unhappy when he doesnt win. “when i was at your age, i used to win every competition i entered.” w

34、istons father tells him. wiston is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always seems quiet and unhappy.56the main idea of this passage is . ahow parents should make a child a musicianbwhat differences there are between two kinds of parentschow parents should bring up a childd

35、what aim of a child can be much easier to reach57michael is lucky because .ahis parents are rich enough to have a carbhis father is a musician in an orchestrache doesnt do anything that his parents allow him to.dhis parents help him in a sensible way58wistons parents set so high a standard for him t

36、hat .ahe is afraid he may disappoint thembhe has to do his best do everythingche had made greater progress in musicdhe often wants to kill himself some day59a ccording to the authors opinion . ait is unimportant to let the children develop in the way they wantbparents should be supportive to their c

37、hildrencall sensible parents can train their children to succeed in everythingdunrealistic parents should arrange private lessons for their childrenbas china develops, the internets presence is inescapable (不可避免的). but some get addicted to the internet. 13 year old xiao yi paid the high price for hi

38、s trouble. he rode an elevator to the top of a 24 storey building and then jumped to his death. his suicide note explained he wanted to enter another life to meet the characters from the online games he played constantly, sometimes days in a row. “he had a kind of fixation.” xiao yis father says, “h

39、e threw himself into ad imaginary world.”internet addiction got attention in china when stories such as xiao yis popped up in china state run press. internet addicts died from exhaustion after spending days online or murdered others in search of virtual (虚幻的) possessions. public anger over these inc

40、idents spurred the opening of chinas first internet addiction treatment center.the clinics treatment might seem cruel. but its a popular choice for worried parents.“ever since our doors opened, every bed has been full.” says the centers director. 20 at a time come for medical treatment and counselin

41、g. they are also kept busy with activities, designed to take their attention away from the attraction of computers.“im confident this will work or i wouldnt have come here,” explains this college student. critics arent so sure. some argue the government is exaggerating concerns about internet addict

42、ion as an excuse to ban internet cafes and game sites. but for chinas estimated 2 million internet addicts, the temptation of the wired would is a real problem.60the best title of the passage may be .achina opens addiction treatment centersbchina battles web addictioncchina bans internet cafes and g

43、ame sites.dchina designs to take teenagers away from the temptation of computers61according to the first paragraph, xiao yi killed himself because .ahe was unable to continue with his studiesbhe thought he could play computer games in another worldche thought he could meet the persons in another wor

44、lddhe was in a puzzle about his homework62the underlined word “spurred” in the second paragraph means .aforcedbimprovedcpreventeddinspired63which of the following statements is not true? aall the people agree that the treatment center should be built.bit is estimated that there are two million inter

45、net addicts in china.cmany worried parents chose to sent their children to internet addiction treatment center.dsome internet addicts died from exhaustion after spending days online.cif women are mercilessly cheated year after year, they have only themselves to blame. because they tremble at the tho

46、ught of being seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion; they are always taken advantage of by the designers and the big stores. clothes which have been worn only a few times have to be put aside because of the change of fashion. women usually stand in front of a wardrobe full of clothes, an

47、nouncing sadly that she has nothing to wear.changing fashions are nothing more than the intentional creation of waste. many women spend vast sums of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been worn. women who cannot afford to throw away clothing in this way, waste hours of their time ch

48、anging the dresses they have. skirts are lengthened or shortened; neck lines are lowered or raised, and so on.no one can claim that the fashion industry contributes anything really important to society. fashion designers are rarely concerned with vital things like warmth, comfort and durability. the

49、y are only interested in outward appearance and they take advantage of the fact that women will put up with any amount of discomfort, as long as they look right. there can hardly be a man who hasnt at some time in his life smiled at the sight of a woman shaking in a thin dress on a winter day, or de

50、liberately picking her way through deep snow in high heeled shoes.when comparing men and women in the matter of fashion, the conclusions to be drawn are obvious. do the constantly changing fashions of womens clothes, one wonders, reflect basic qualities of inconstancy and instability? men are too cl

51、ever to let themselves be cheated by fashion designers. do their unchanging styles of dress reflect basic qualities of stability and reliability? that is for you to decide.64designers and big stores always make money .aby mercilessly exploiting women workers in the clothing industrybbecause they are

52、 capable of predicting new fashionscby constantly changing the fashions in womens clothingdbecause they attach great importance to quality in womens clothing65to the writer, the fact that women change their old fashioned dresses is seen .aa waste of moneyba waste of timecan expression of tastedan ex

53、pression of creativity66the writer would be more favorable if fashion designers placed more stress on the of clothing.acostbappearanceccomfortdsuitability67according to the passage, which of the following statements is true?anew fashions in clothing are created for the commercial exploitation of wom

54、en.bthe constant changes in womens clothing reflect their strength of character.cthe fashion industry makes an important contribution to society.dfashion designs should not be encouraged since they are only welcomed by women.dit is quite reasonable to blame traffic jams, the cost of gas and the great speed of modern life, but manners on the road are becoming horrible. everybody knows that the nicest men would become fierce tigers behind the wheel. it is all right to have a tiger in a cage, but to have one in the drivers seat is another matter.road politeness is not only good manners, bu


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