



1、精品文档大学宣传媒体部面试自我介绍-WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改-下面是小编收集整理的范本,欢迎您借鉴参考阅读和下载,侵删。您的努力学习是为了更美好的未来!大学宣传媒体部面试自我介绍篇一Distinguished judges teachers,you are good!I was . of candidates . from .First of all, thank you judge a teacher, gave me an opportunity andplatform to display themselves, to achieve my ideal. I am a cheerf

2、ul,broad-loving girl. ChildhoodI had a desire togrow up, thebroadcastmustdo a good host,as the yearsgo by,to blossom,and I grew up slowly, andthis desireiseven more strongly,as farmers withhoes who likeeven moreof thiswork on the broadcastover the Chiai.12 years in school,I learnthe lesson of the sa

3、me culture,butalso keep the ocean from a wide rangeof knowledge to learn nutrition, to enrich themselves and enhance theirabilities,enhance theirawareness,to bettergrasp theirown future,torealize their ideals. As singer with a marvelous voice to express theirfeelings, just as the dancers dance steps

4、 with a light to explain theirbeliefs,and Iwilluse my voicetopass my love ofbroadcastingovertheChi.I know that success on the road was not always smooth, though fullof thorns, but I will: brave, courage, hold onto your dream and holdstubborntarried,sincere look.I want to giveme a chance,inthehighera

5、nd more sacred halls of knowledge in studies, breaking the cocoon intoa butterfly,butterflyintothedance, infinitelyclose tothebroadcastover share of Guanghuaand glory.As I learned,through my voice,toconveythe enthusiasm of the Central Plains is open for the world to listen tothe voice of the new cen

6、tury and voices!1精品文档大学宣传媒体部面试自我介绍篇二Dear Admissions Committee:I am pleased to havethis opportunity to recommend oneof my capablestudents at the ABC University, Mr. Hung-Doe Doe, to your universitysmaster degree program in computer science for entering class fall 1996.Throughmyextensiveobservationofh

7、iminbothacademicandextracurricularfields,I havecome totheconclusionthatMr.Doepossesses a number of valuable qualifications that will make him anoutstanding member of his graduate class.I have had the pleasure of knowing Mr. Doe when he was under myinstruction in the course of Electrical Engineering

8、during the academicyear of 1993. While attending this requirement course, Mr. Doe has leftme withthe impressionas a brightand hard-workingstudentwho ishighlymotivated in his coursework. His academic integrity can be reflected bythe fact that he ranked in the top 10% in the class. Unlike most of hisp

9、eers, who gained knowledge merely from school lecturing, Mr. Doe hasspent a great amount ofeffortand timeon reading advancedarticles andtextbooks and thereforehas developed a firm grasp of this subject. Iamof the opinion that my class has provided Mr. Doe with a solid basicbackground inelectronicsan

10、d circuitsanalysis,whichis valuabletohisacademic pursuit in computer science.An open-minded individual who never let go any learning opportunityand is always willing to share with people his own opinions and ideas,Mr. Doe, often came to me discussing various questions and problems heencountered duri

11、ng his studies. I was pleased to learn of his stronginterestinelectronicrelatedsubjectsandthe most up-to-dateadvancement inthis field.His diligenceand commitment tocourseworkhaslefta deep impressionon me. Ihave, withoutany doubt,come to considerhimtobe ahighlypromisingstudent.Withtheintelligenceandp

12、ersistence that Mr. Doe has displayed, he will have no difficulty in2精品文档succeedinginanyacademicenvironmentandcontinuetoperformoutstandingly in your graduate school.In general, I consider Mr. Doe a highly promising applicant to themaster degree program in his proposed field.I have the leastreservati

13、ononhispotentialtosucceedinhisfutureeducationalaswellasprofessional pursuits. I give him my highest recommendation.Thank you very much foryour time and consideration.Should you wishto discussanythingpertainingto his application,please do not hesitateto contact me.Best regards大学宣传媒体部面试自我介绍篇三respectyo

14、urcompany leadership:how do you do!iam thegraduatedfromxxuniversitystudentsmajoringincommunication, name called xx.in the fouryears in the university,ilaid a solidprofessionaltheoryfoundation, has the good learning ability, teamwork spirit, practicalstyle. serious study and communication professiona

15、l knowledge theory,readinga lotofrelevantbooks and communication,and theother has madethe english four levels, the computer level certificate.i pay attention to the combination of theory with pract爱上 ice, bein so manytimes during winterand summervacationto participateinsocialpractice,has been used i

16、ntimes ofxx and xx radioand televisionstationspractice, to participate in some news purchasing& cataloguing work,able tolearnin the schoolof journalismtheoriesknowledge flexiblytospecific work, familiar with basic news editing process, basic masterededitingmachine operationmethod fortheleade

17、rand colleagueconsistentaffirmative. usually also taught himselfflash, authorware software andweb pages ofthe basicoperation,familiarwithoffice,wpsofficeautomation software.3精品文档i have a warm friendly, live wave cheerful, has the enterprisingspiritand the team spirit,strongwritingability.personalinterestisextensive, likes all kinds of sports activities, such as table tennis,basketball,badminton,etc.likereading,movies,music,tra


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