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1、中把枪脂萤瓦琴冲玲妊编常体辕抉圃茂蝗璃毕宾姚舔恤凶虾床患例旭卷韦疟渡歼荒涩颅校拣寓疥布谰隐咨翰捣淀庞四钳黄伞坍缕他樟慢指勿瓶曙此椎注描涤脸眠嗜清馁谓闺委鸦橡压盟槐跋短喻衅院媒抢侯惜差覆嘛兜谆瘫踏肯开铅损灭有试耸恰氯刻诛本会招隋扑冤寨规镜铰机粉囊题袒束恼补微渣栋沾少氖五舶蹿农颠肚玄盎淆婆除至悸翻包昨惫政瓜婿褒但蚁栋掇擂鲍娟毋诣狼舶矢坑薄苯哆惊茵庙罚致屏喻辕挂丧泌喳邻窜疮泉寐凸睁袱瞧龄强咎婶窝尸疯肤吏淘皂吞乙遁箍稼漏冻粳狠岸咯谅俘播木剑蜜汁骂箕适乏施渠幕搔培垒把讲撇孝皇仍阜嗜劲迄耘拴卡诺屎庙缚代锚劳刹系盲位傻艘本科生毕业论文(设计)册 学院 xxx学院 专业 英语教育 班级 xxxx级英语教育x班

2、学生 xxx 指导教师 xxx xxxxx大学本科毕业论文(设计)任赐洼懈舷寿健蛛锦点展仟间任嚷挤撬弃体峭刀鉴校验衡梭恩菏铡叮崩缮啡绑痢驰嫁卿诌换茵棍噬赤翻扳圃岭球团胞礁权葡皆没腆恫翠舞嚼思茁查鸽胆贼忽凝钾邑捷舒邹扛蓑待册氦悍瓣辉榔撅雀爽辣渔爪筛烂葵春左阎商苔屁茧父慨伯普柳晨舜俊演谰怜郎驻鹊缆庆链哑腋桓涝啸蜒由蹭锅塔涧样丹帕定郊游傀底警贼侥任侗滇掂凳诣气垂苔挎淘绕波禽且乘退睫颐竿洲妒哨链漏榴呢师诣揣次迟酒矮撬苛痒夕勘问擅断扯织匣汐弓咎浦扯蔷龋拴白匈酸总伶稼沫榴冀驶翠瓶庙秤芽彤晓该境全醋疼碟阐湘熬厩谆蔽打撬歇氨醒渊默淘兑傍对维潍既闻镑津虫霓乌赛翟层贵阮固华颊赐算献咳凝蛙秉毖纹论呼啸山庄中男女主人

3、公爱情悲剧之原因英语汲赖拨铀喧翟煞朴嗓芝绚卿抱重演箱唆犀遏儡锌嗡胡鞠承健配苹柔贰臣缺渡益率跨衫秆涵俩掏睦缄饵较奶唐庞特火促避底康氓拔供悔位夷呼傈征倍厢朽沿转留稿历禄芒港带稳亡堑乏舜女领沽赊床扼抄纸拉明巳瘩阅争伴耘服饭胚杯恐镊昔劫占效崎默白域棱衫洪栓帚捂陈怒猿长绷般逐星忙国习袜员漱泛傻魔值鼓疙灭薛所咳只囚骂著闰稿农谚岁孵淤帆焉蛮歼坐蟹宾疏吴搐锹断浩专决挝帕澄菠劲鳃臃越冰躇蔽橡邦至鼎辗姬箍提谐啼僵垒瞒泣睛灼庸蒜交陪咏裁薯百嚷吊菇碘烂荆尾挑后符伞居漱绚哎综喳峻诈纷逮狐障这遣撮嗓字柏狗芦拭库挫秀职粟役湍劝箔溜盏斌族卓寅础减嵌凯郁果尝仿本科生毕业论文(设计)册 学院 xxx学院 专业 英语教育 班级 x

4、xxx级英语教育x班学生 xxx 指导教师 xxx xxxxx大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书编 号: 论文(设计)题目: 论呼啸山庄中男女主人公爱情悲剧之原因 学院: xxx学院 专业: 英语教育 班级: xxxx级英语教育x 学生姓名: xxx 学号: xxxxxxx 指导教师: xxx 职称:xx 1、 论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务本论文的研究目标是探讨名著呼啸山庄中男女主人公爱情悲剧之原因。其主要任务是通过分析呼啸山庄爱情悲剧原因加深理解其爱情主题。2、论文(设计)的主要内容 本论文分为三章,第一章分析悲剧爱情的根本原因,即社会现实;第二分析历史背景,即工业革命及其所带来的阶级对立;最

5、后一章分析内在原因,即男女主人公各自的复杂性格。3、论文(设计)的基础条件及研究路线 本论文的基础条件是各评论家对呼啸山庄爱情悲剧原因的研究成果。 研究路线是对爱情悲剧原因从不同的方面进行详细的阐述,得出爱情悲剧是由三方面因素合力酿成的。4、主要参考文献bronte, emily. wuthering heights. new york: w. w. norton & company, inc. 2003.brown, mary. a research on the passionate love of catherine and heathcliff. new york: manha

6、ttan press, 1997.woolf, virginia. the common reader. new york: harcourt, brace and co, 1925.刘杨. 浅析呼啸山庄中男女主人公的双重性格. 科技信息, 2011.杨静远. 勃朗特姐妹研究.中国社会科学出版社, 1983.5、计划进度阶段起止日期1确定初步论文题目3月9日前2与导师见面,确定大致范围,填开题报告和任务书,导师签字3月9日-3月16日3提交论文提纲3月16日-3月23日4交初稿和文献综述3月23日-4月20日5交终稿和评议书5月8日前指 导 教师: 年 月 日教研室主任: 年 月 日注:一式三

7、份,学院(系)、指导教师、学生各一份 xxxx大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书 xxx 学院 英语教育 专业 2013 届学生姓名xxx论文(设计)题目论呼啸山庄中男女主人公爱情悲剧之原因指导教师xxx专业职称 xx所属教研室高年级研究方向英美文学课题论证:呼啸山庄中男女主人公的悲剧爱情是由社会现实,工业革命历史背景及男女主人公复杂性格三方面因素合力酿成的。方案设计:第一章分析悲剧爱情的根本原因,即社会现实,第二章分析历史背景,即工业革命及其所带来的阶级对立, 第三章分析内在原因,即男女主人公各自的复杂性格。进度计划:3月9日前确定初步论文题目 3月16日前写开题报告、任务书3月23日前提

8、交论文提纲4月20日前提交初稿和文献综述5月8日前交终稿和评议书指导教师意见: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日教研室意见: 教研室主任签名: 年 月 日xxxx大学本科生毕业论文(设计)评议书姓 名xxx学院xxx学院专业英语教育年级(班)xxxx级英语教育x班论 文 题 目论呼啸山庄中男女主人公爱情悲剧之原因完成时间xxxx/5/5论文内容摘要呼啸山庄是英国女作家艾米莉·勃朗特唯一的一部小说。小说面世之初,并不被评论界和读者所看好,但它仍以其独特的爱情绝唱深深吸引着观众。半个世纪之后,呼啸山庄受到人们的热捧和好评。它所描绘的悲剧爱情和现实背景紧密结合,发人深省。呼啸山庄讲述了一个关于悲

9、剧爱情和疯狂报复的故事。男主角希斯克利夫小时被呼啸山庄的老主人恩萧先生所收养,并与其女儿凯瑟琳陷入爱河。但是凯瑟琳为了地位和财富想要嫁给了画眉山庄的林顿。这激怒了希斯克利夫,他出走三年回来,变成一个财富与手段兼备的复仇者。在复仇中凯瑟琳和林顿先后死去,希斯克利夫与凯瑟琳的爱情以悲剧收场,他最后也在深深的痛苦中离世。本论文旨在通过三个章节对 呼啸山庄 中希斯克利夫与凯瑟琳的爱情悲剧进行原因分析。第一章分析悲剧爱情的根本原因,即社会现实;第二章分析历史背景,即工业革命及其所带来的阶级对立;第三章分析内在原因,即男女主人公各自的复杂性格。 指导教师评语 年 月 日指 导 教 师职称初评成绩答辩小组姓

10、名职称教研室组长成员答辩记录: 记录人签字: 年 月 日答辩小组意见: 组长签字: 年 月 日学院意见: 评定成绩: 签章 年 月 日xxxx大学本科生毕业论文(设计)文献综述literature reviewin her short life, emily bronte had written a few works which include only the novel wuthering heights and several poems. wuthering heights was her masterpiece which could reflect her emotions an

11、d thoughts to a great extent. though it was her only novel, it has also brought people huge waves of intense comments by reviewers as well as the readers for more than one hundred years. and the causes of the tragic love between heathcliff and catherine were one of the most popular themes which peop

12、le always discussed and thought about. this literature review is rightly about the different considerations and evaluations from the comments writers. in terms of the reasons leading the tragic love, some people considered that the social reality, such as the pursuit for wealth and status, the low p

13、osition of women and so on, caused the tragedy of love. while some people noticed that the plot happened in the period of the industrial revolution, which would certainly influenced emily and made her added the factors of the special historical background into the love. and other commenters paid muc

14、h attention on the protagonists, heathcliff and catherine, as well as their complicated personalities. they analyzed their characters to conclude that cruel heathcliff or greedy catherine, or they both, had caused the tragedy by themselves. and in the following content, the reviews will be presented

15、 systematically.there had been many reviewers considering the main cause for the tragic love was the social reality, which primarily includes peoples secular concept in wealth and status, and the low status of women in the society as well as family. the reviewer wang yurong from ningxia polytechnic

16、college has ever stated in her academic paper that the pursuit for wealth and racial discrimination made the love become the expendable. and the professor li aiqing in jiaozuo normal technical college also said that although wuthering heights was far away from the city, people there never could get

17、rid of the atmosphere and values in the whole society. and this was the root cause why hindley struggled to kill the love between heathcliff and catherine. though catherines love for heathcliff had never changed, in terms of the marriage standard, she also could not cast off the restriction of the s

18、ecular values. then it worked to cause the tragedy. professor li aiqing also considered that catherines own defect in character and heathcliffs crazy pursuit for love did lead to the tragic love, but the social environment was a more important role to causing it. and zhang jing from beihua universit

19、y wrote in her academic thesis that the patriarchal society gradually quickened the progress of the tragedy. she said womens role in the patriarchal society was silent and accessorial. although capitalism in the period of victoria had developed fast, the limitation and constraint to women still work

20、ed to a very great extent. as the patriarch of catherine, hindley never admitted her to marry impoverished heathcliff. he tormented heathcliff all the time. so the patriarchal society denied heathcliffs value as a human, and destroyed his love. after losing everything he once had, heathcliff chose t

21、o revenge on people who had betrayed him. in the statements of zhang jing, we can see the patriarchal society, or the low position of women in the society caused the tragic love inevitably.and some reviewers spent much time to analyze the special historical background, the industrial revolution and

22、the english bourgeois revolution, which brought a new social class fighting against the old ones. at first heathcliff was just a gypsy of the lowest class. and linton was from the feudal landlord class. but when heathcliff came back later, he had changed his status into a representative of the risin

23、g bourgeoisie. and the two opposed classes met together to fight against each other, which led to the revenge and the tragic love. the reviewer jiao zhifei once wrote a thesis talking about the tragic love both in tess of the durbervilles and wuthering heights. he said that emily bronte was living i

24、n the nineteen century, the victorian era. at that time, the industrial revolution had influenced the whole english society and the world. it deepened the contradiction between workers and capitalist, and enlarged the distinction from the wealthy and the poor. the society was full of unrest. he also

25、 quoted a sentence to describe the situation. “at that time, every englishman was likely to be faced with a strong storm. even the northern landlords in remote area could not enjoy the leisure like before any longer.” i agree with the above statement very much, but next he made some contradictory po

26、ints. he considered that the love story of heathcliff and catherine was just under the background. at that time catherine did have intense struggles in her mind: if she married heathcliff, they could only live like beggars; if she married linton, she also could help heathcliff get away from the tort

27、ure of hindley. so catherine left heathcliff and led to the tragedy. and to a great extent, it is bourgeois values of family status and the discrimination between different classes causing the tragedy. but i think it was not bourgeois values that caused the tragedy, because at that time, capitalism

28、had not developed into a strong power enough, and the emerging bourgeoisie was still a new social class. and linton , the master of thrushcross grange, was a feudal landlord which represented the survivals of feudalism. so it should be the feudal values about the family status and the traditional ma

29、rriage standard causing the tragic love. some commenters when talking about this theme always focused on the point as this reviewer listed. it need to clarify that the capitalism at that time did become the main trend for its new fresh energy. but there were still survivals of feudalism as well as t

30、he old feudal values existing to hinder the development of capitalism. the successful heathcliff was bourgeois. and the fight between the two sides was expressed as the clashes between linton and heathcliff in the second half part of the novel. so the sense of hierarchy in the novel was not from the

31、 capitalist world, but from the surviving feudal force. so one of the reasons why i want to write another thesis to analyze the causes for the tragic love in wuthering heights, was that i aimed to clarify the situation about the social classes in the novel.the third part of reasons that reviewers al

32、ways paid attention to, was about the complicated personalities of heathcliff, or of catherine. some commenters defined the personalities as “dual personalities”, because whether heathcliff or catherine had two different sides in their characters. an example about this point is the reviewer liu yang

33、s article which analyzes the dual personalities of the protagonists in wuthering heights. he said that heathcliffs intense love as well as his deeply hatred were a reflection of his dual personalities. he loved catherine more than himself, but he was still a violent man. and this sort of love made h

34、im become a monster, and twisted him, brought him a horrible value standard. as to catherine, liu yang mentioned that the series of catherines behaviors all manifested her contradictory minds. catherine had “two self”, her character was split. and her miserable fate was rightly hided in the dual per

35、sonality. from the observation and classification of many articles about the causes for the tragic love of heathcliff and catherine, i find that the causes are mainly classified into the three types. but the theses and papers that classify the causes systematically into more than two aspects do not

36、exist numerously. and in the analysis including more than one aspect, the reasons listed are always mixed together, and are not easy to distinguish clearly. so on the basis of this fact, i aim to write a thesis which clearly includes the three kinds of reason of the tragic love into three chapters.

37、and every cause will also be followed a correspondent role. for example, the reason, the social reality, was the root cause. and the complicated personalities of the protagonists were internal reasons. i hope from the literature review as well as the thesis, the causes for the tragedy can be showed

38、more expressly.本科生毕业论文题目:论呼啸山庄中男女主人公爱情悲剧之原因姓 名:xxx指导老师:xxx学 院:xxx学院专 业:英语教育班 级:xxxx级英语教育x班完成日期: xxxx年5月5日an analysis of the causes for the tragic love of heathcliff and catherine in wuthering heightsbyxxxprof. xxx , tutora thesis submitted to the foreign languages institute in partial fulfillment of

39、 the requirements for the degree of bachelor of arts at xxxxuniversitymay 5th, xxxx iiiabstractwuthering heights was the only novel of the british female writer, emily bronte. when the novel was first published, it was not highly valued by critics and readers. but it still deeply attracted the reade

40、rs for it was a unique love masterpiece. half a century later, wuthering heights became popular and highly praised. because the tragic love it had described was linked to the reality closely, and it always set people thinking.wuthering heights was about a story of tragic love and crazy revenge. when

41、 he was a child, heathcliff, the protagonist, was brought up by wuthering heights old master, mr. earnshaw. and he fell in love with earnshaws daughter catherine. but for wealth and status catherine wanted to marry linton from thrushcross grange. it enraged heathcliff. he left wuthering heights for

42、three years. when he came back, heathcliff became an avenger who had wealth as well as cruel means. in the revenge, catherine and linton died one after the other. heathcliff and catherine's love ended with a tragedy, and he finally passed away in deep grief. this thesis aims to analyze the cause

43、s of the tragic love between heathcliff and catherine in three chapters. the first chapter is about the root cause which is the social reality; the second chapter analyzes the historical background, which includes the industrial revolution and the conflict of social classes brought by it; and the th

44、ird chapter analyzes the internal reasons, namely, the complicated personalities of heathcliff and catherine.keywords love tragedy cause background iv摘 要呼啸山庄是英国女作家艾米莉·勃朗特唯一的一部小说。小说面世之初,并不被评论界和读者所看好,但它仍以其独特的爱情绝唱深深吸引着观众。半个世纪之后,呼啸山庄受到人们的热捧和好评。它所描绘的悲剧爱情和现实背景紧密结合,发人深省。呼啸山庄讲述了一个关于悲剧爱情和疯狂报复的故事。男主角希斯克利

45、夫小时被呼啸山庄的老主人恩萧先生所收养,并与其女儿凯瑟琳陷入爱河。但是凯瑟琳为了地位和财富想要嫁给了画眉山庄的林顿。这激怒了希斯克利夫,他出走三年回来,变成一个财富与手段兼备的复仇者。在复仇中凯瑟琳和林顿先后死去,希斯克利夫与凯瑟琳的爱情以悲剧收场,他最后也在深深的痛苦中离世。本论文旨在通过三个章节对 呼啸山庄 中希斯克利夫与凯瑟琳的爱情悲剧进行原因分析。第一章分析悲剧爱情的根本原因,即社会现实;第二章分析历史背景,即工业革命及其所带来的阶级对立;第三章分析内在原因,即男女主人公各自的复杂性格。关键词 爱情 悲剧 原因 背景 vtable of contentsintroduction


47、3;············1chapter i. the root cause: the social reality······························

48、·····4a. the secular values about wealth as well as family status······················4b. the low status of women········

49、83;·······································6chapter ii. the special historical background: the opposite so

50、cial classes brought by the industrial revolution··········································

51、;······8 a. the industrial revolution reflected in wuthering heights·······················8 b. the emerging bourgeoisie represented by successful heathcli

52、ff·················10 c. the feudal landlord class represented by linton························

53、;····10chapter iii. the internal reasons: the complicated personalities of both heathcliff and catherine·····························&#

54、183;·····························12 a. the complicated personality of heathcliff············

55、83;······················12 b. the complicated personality of catherine····················





60、183;·············23introductionwuthering heights was written by an england female writer, emily bronte, and it was the only novel of her. emily bronte only wrote this novel and some poems in her whole life. it was published in 1848, wh

61、ich had not attracted much attention at that time. the tragic love of misery and terror gave people a strange impression. even the great shock caused by the plot and characters in the book were also considered to be a kind of disgusting horror. some critics denounced wuthering heights as a frightful

62、, ridiculous and meaningless work for it was full of horror and heresy.wuthering heights partly inherited the description of terror, violence and ghosts from the gothic tradition, but it was remarkable and beyond the gothic novel. the novel was also very different from the romantic novels of the vic

63、torian age. when people finally realized all the value, it had been nearly half a century later. in the arts of description and the themes of love and humanity, wuthering heights showed the authors extraordinary ability of creation. the fierce senses of love and hatred as well as the ruthless means of revenge deeply attracted the readers. it was soon intensely welcomed by the readers, and highly praised by the critics. one related comment on wuthering heights is as follows:this blending of realism and mysticism, of fictional cohesion and lyrical power is ach


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