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1、状语从句练习题1.I had been looking for the book for two days_ I found it at last.a.until b. when c. before d. while2.He punished his students _ they did anything wrong.a.however b. whenever c. whatever d. whichever3.Those passengers will wait here_ the bus arrives.a.until b. because c. though d. as4.Hardly

2、 had we reached home _ it began to rain.a.before b. than c. as soon as d. when5.No sooner had we arrived at the cinema_ the film began.a.than b. before c. when d. as soon as6.You cant watch TV _ youve finished your homework.a.since b. until c. as d. after7.We had scarcely left our school_ the rain b

3、egan.a.before b. than c. while d. when8.We have never seen her again_ she went to work in another city.a.when b. as c. since d. while9._ the fight stopped, travel across the country has been quite safe.a.Since b. When c. After d. Unless10.They were just about to leave_ the telephone rang.a.before b.

4、 when c. as d. than11. He hurried out of the room_ the meeting was over. a.the moment b. a moment ago c. after a minute d. a minute after 12.-“Did you catch the first bus this morning?” -“No. It had left the stop_ I got there.”a.as soon as b. at the time c. by the time d. during the time 13.I shall

5、start the work _ he comes. I dont know what to do first.a.after b. until c. before d. unless14.The old man prefers to live_ the climate is mild.a.that b. which c. what d. where15. _ it is a holiday today, the children need not go to school.a.As b. When c. For d. As long as16. _ we were staying in Ch

6、ina , we saw many interesting things.a.Since b. While c. After d. During17. I got up early_ I might catch the first bus.a.in order that b. in case c. for fear that d. now that18. _ we had been invited to the party, we wore our best clothes.a.Though b. If c. Even if d. As19. “How soon will you be abl

7、e to finish your homework?” “_”a.After two hours b. In two hours c. Two hours later d. For two hours 20. You may use the book as you like,_ you keep it clean.a.as soon as b. for c. as long as d. as well asB1. _ I like the color of that hat, I dont like its shape.a.That b. While c. So long as d. So2.

8、 If we work with a strong will, we can overcome the difficulty,_ great it is.a.what b. however c. whatever d. how3. I have told the story just_ it happened.a.as b. if c. then d. when4. We found people friendly_ we went.a.to which b. in which c. wherever d. to where5. The day breaks, _ the birds are

9、singing.a.because b. as c. since d. for6. It was 12 _ they finished the work.a.since b. which c. that d. when.7.Why do you want a new job_ youve got such a good one already?a.That b. where c. which d. when8-What was the party like?-Wonderful. It was years _ I had enjoyed myself so much.a. after b. b

10、efore c. when d. since9.I thought her nice and honest _ I met her.a.first time b. for the first time c. the first time d. by the first time10. After the war, a new school building was put up _ there had once been a theatre.a.that b. where c. which d. when11.John may phone tonight. I dont want to go

11、out_ he phones.a.as long as b. in order that c. in case d. so that12. _ , mother will wait for him to have dinner together.a.However late is he b. However he is late c. However is he late d. However late he is13. I think I should prefer to go on Friday,_ its all the same to you.a.unless b. if c. as

12、soon as d. though14. -The experiment is of particular importance. -I see. We will carry on with it _ we can get enough money.a.until b. unless c. whether d. however15. Someone called me up in the middle of the night but they hung up_ I could answer the phone.a.as b. since c. until d. before16.-Its a

13、 long time_ I saw you last. -Yes, and what a pity it is since it will be a long time_ we see each other again!a.before, since b. when, when c. since, before d. when ,then17. He whispered to his wife_ he might wake up the sleeping baby.a.so that b. on condition that c. for fear that d. so long as18.

14、I wont give you any help _ you tell me the truth. Its none of my business.a.unless b. since c. if d. even if19. I was so familiar with him that I recognized his voice_ I picked up the phone.a.immediately b. quickly c. suddenly d. hurriedly20. -Can I join you in the game? -Sorry, not_ you have finish

15、ed your homework.a.if b. since c. unless d. that C1. I thought things would get better, but_ it is they are getting worse.a.before b. because c. as d. after2. Their tent, _ light as a feather, remained firm in the storm last night.a.as if b. even c. though d. if3. -When did he leave the classroom? -

16、 He left _ you turned back to write on the blackboard.a.the minute b. the time c. until d. before4. In France dogs can go_ their owners can because people there love pets very much.a.no matter where b. anywhere c. somewhere d. nowhere5. _ , he does get annoyed with her sometimes.a.Although much he l

17、oves her b. Much although he loves herc. As he loves her much d. Much as he loves her.6.The gas must have been used up, _ the fire went out of itself.a.because b. as c for d. since7. -Dont look down upon Bob. He has his own advantages.- Oh, yes._ others are weak , he is strong.a. If b. When c. Thoug

18、h d. Where8. It seems only seconds_ they came back.a.when b. after c. before d. till9. -Do you think we can get there on time? -Yes,_ the truck doesnt break down.a.even if b. unless c. until d. so long as10We wont give up _ we should fail ten times.a. even if b. since c. whether d. until11. I have k

19、ept that portrait _ I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in London.a. which b. where c. whether d. when12.-Are you sure that you have met him before?-_ I am mistaken.a. If b. Since .c. Unless d. More than13.I dont think I will need any money but I will bring some_.a.

20、 at last b. in case c. once again d. in time14.-Id like to invite you to my new house next weekend.-Thank you, but _ Ill have time I am not sure at the moment.a. when b. as c. in case d. unless15.-Have some Maotai, please. -No, thanks. Its 3 years _ I drank.a. before b. since c. after d. when16. Joh

21、n knocked at the door for nearly five minutes _ his wife opened.a. when b. before c. until d. while17. We hadnt been out for long _ she felt sick.a. as b. when c. while d. after18. His success is _ by talent as by energy.a. not so much b. so not much c. much not so d. so much not19.She had golden ha

22、ir when she was a child, but _ she got older and older, her hair wenta. while b when c after d. as 20. We liked the oil painting better_ we looked at it.a.as b. while c. the moment d. the more答案与解析 1.答c. 这里的before 意为“过了(多久)才-”。本句意为“这本书我找了两天才找到”。其他选项中,a项最具迷惑性, 但此项不对,因为在until/not-until 的句型中,until 前面一般

23、不接表示具体的一段时间状语,而此题中有for two days 的具体时间状语。2.答b. 本句的语意为:无论学生什么时候做错事,他都要惩罚他们。However 后一般跟形容词或副词。whatever 也不对,因为从句中已经有了anything wrong, 如要用whatever, 应说成whatever wrong they did. 如果选用whichever, 就要有一定的范围。如:You can take whichever of them.3.答a. 根据题意只能选a.4.答d. hardly -when 是固定用法,表示“一-就-”5.答a. no sooner-than-是固定

24、用法,表示“一-就-”6.答b. 只有until 才符合题意:你不能看电视直到你做完你的作业。7.答d. scarcely-when-=hardly-when8.答c. 注意本句的时态, 从句中用过去时,主句中用现在完成时, 所以只能选择c. 本句意为“自从她去另一城市工作以来,我们再也没见过她”9.答 a. 解析同上。10.答b. be about to do -when- 是常用固定结构,表示“正要-就在这时-”11.答a. the moment -在此作as soon as 解。12.答c. 从应答语“No”中得到暗示: 当他到达车站时,汽车已开走了。13.答a. 从答语 I dont

25、know what to do first中得到暗示:只有当他来了以后我才可以开始工作。14.答d. where 引导状语从句,表示“在-的地方”15答a. as 在本句中意为“因为“, for 引导的原因状语从句一般不放在句首。16.答b. 四个选项中只有b项while 才可作“当-时候 ”解。17答a. in order that 引导目的状语从句,“为了,以便”;in case “万一” 与题意不符;for fear that “惟恐” 也与句意不符; now that “既然” , 也与句意不符, 而且它引导的从句往往在句首.18.答d. a项(though) 与句意的逻辑不符; 如用

26、b项(if),则原句的主从句时态不符合逻辑;c项(even if)也与句意的逻辑不符; 本句的语意是: 因为我们是被邀请参加晚会的, 所以我们穿上了我们最好的衣服.19.答b. 原句的提问是 “how soon” “再过多久”,往往用于将来时, 所以在答语中表示一段时间后要用 “in +一段时间”20.答c. as long as/so long as/ on condition that-都表示 “只要”能力提高题1. 答b. while 在此表示“尽管,虽然” 相当于although/though. 又如: while(she is ) respected, she is not like

27、d.1.答b. 本题的关键词是横线后的形容词great. however great it is =no matter how great it is. What 和whatever 后都不能直接跟形容词或副词; how 后可以跟形容词或副词, 但为本句的句法所不容。2.答a. as “就像” “就如同” , 后接方式状语从句.其他选项均与原题意不符.3.答c. 本句相当于: No matter where we went, we found people friendly.4.答d. 本题是从结果推断出原因, 不是表示直接的从原因导致结果, 故选 for.5.答d. 本题中的it 指时间.

28、it 指时间外还可指天气, 环境, 距离等. 又如: They live on a busy main road. It must be very noisy.6.答d. when 在本题中的意思是:在-的情况下。本题意为: 在你已经找到了一份好工作的情况下,你为什么还要另找工作呢?7.答d. 答语中的关键词是:great(太棒了); It was years since I had enjoyed myself so much的语意是: 我好几年没这样开心过了。8.答c. the first time 相当于when -for the first time. 选项a 少了定冠词the. 选项

29、b只能作为状语 如:In Oct,1968 I met him for the first time. 选项d (by the time) 虽然后可接从句, 但主句的时态应用过去完成时,而且也与原意不符。本题意为:当我第一次遇见她的时候,我就认为她很好,很老实。9.答b. 本句是where 引导的让步状语从句, 相当于 at the place where-.10.答c. 本题的关键词是may. “John 今天会打电话来。(所以)我今天不想出去万一他打电话来。” 其他选项均与题意不符.11.答d. 本题考查however 引导的让步状语从句. 通常用这样的句型:However +adj/ad

30、v + 从句主语+谓语, + 主句如: However tired he was, he went on working. =No matter how tired he was, he went on working.12.答b. 本题的语意是: 我想我情愿星期五去, 如果对你来说是一样的话.13.答c. Whether we can get enough money = No matter whether we can get enough money or not. “ 无论我们是否能搞到足够的钱,我们都得进行下去.14.答d. “在我接电话之前, 他就把电话挂断了”15.答c. 本题中

31、有两个句型 :Its/has been + 一段时间 +since sb did sth.(自从-以来已经-时间了)It will be +一段时间+before sb do sth.( 再过多久才-)应答语中的第一个since 作 “因为”解.16.答c. for fear that “惟恐;担心”. 本题中的其他选项不符合原意逻辑.17.答d. 本题的提示语是 “ Its none of my business.” “这不关我的事”. 表示无论怎样我都不会帮你的. 所以选择有让步意义的even if 为最佳答案. “即使你告诉了我事情的真相, 我也不会帮你的.”18.答a. immedia

32、tely 是个连词, 相当于 as soon as/ the moment/ directly等.19.答c. 本句的应答语是省略句, 相当于: Sorry, you cant join us in the game unless you have finished your homework.高考冲刺题1.答c. as it is 是个固定短语, “ 根据现在/这时情况看; 就现在这样子” 又如: We were hoping to have a holiday next week- as it is , we may not be able to get away.我们一直盼望下星期放假-

33、 看样子,走不了了.2.答c. 本句为省略句, 补充完整为: Their test, though (it was ) light as a feather, remained firm in the storm last night. 选项a 语法上成立, 但与题意不符; 选项b(even) 不能作为连词使用来引导从句; 选项d(if) 语法上成立, 但与题意不符.3.答a. the moment = as soon as / the moment/ directly 是连词 “一-就.” 选项b 不能作连词引导从句. 如用c项 until ,原句应改为: He didnt leave un

34、til you turned back to write on the blackboard. 选项d 意思根本不对。4.答b. 本题可转换为: In France dogs can go to any place where their owners can (go) because people there love pets very much. 此题中的anywhere = to any place where . 正如 where 引导状语从句时,相当于: to/in the place where- 一样。其他选项中,最具迷惑性的是a 项 no matter where-,此项不能选择,是因为 no matter where-只能引导让步状语从句,但它不具有to/in any place where-之意。5.答d. although 不能用于倒装结构,所以排除b项。a项中的词序不对, 应为although he much loves her ; c 项尽管在语法上正确(因为他很爱她),但是与原句的语意是不符合的。6.答c. 本题是从结果推断出原因, 不是表示直接的从原因导致结果, 故选 for.7.答d. 本题的语意是:别人是弱项的地方,他是强项。8.答c. “It is/will be +一段时间+b


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