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4、蓖2011山西省中考英语试题第卷、听力试题第一题:情景反应这一大题共有5个小题,每小题你将所听到一组对话。请从每小题所给的a、b、c三幅图片中,选出你所听到的信息相关联的一项,并在答题卡将该项涂黑。第二题:对话理解这一大题共有5个小题,每小题你将所听到一组对话和一个问题。请从每小题所给的a、b、c三个选项中,选出一个最佳,并在答题卡将该项涂黑。6. a. boring b. annoying c. exciting 7. a. go shopping b. hang out c. surf the internet 8. a. for eight years b. for eleven yea

5、rs c. for nineteen years 9. a. at home b. on a school bus c. at school 10. a. she was good at english b. she didnt study hard c. she was hard-working 第三题:语篇理解这一大题你将听到一篇短文。请你根据短文内容和所提出的5个问题,请从每小题所给的a、b、c三个选项中,选出一个最佳,并在答题卡将该项涂黑。11. how did the boy feel when he was in junior 7?a. happy b. lonely c. con

6、fident 12. what happened to the boy that day?a. he had a fight with his classmate b. he had a discussion with his friends c. he had an argument with his parents 13. who helped him out? a. his father b. his teacher c. his monitor 14. when did the boy begin to change?a. after he made friends with mark

7、. b. after mark moved to another city c. after his classmates became friendly to him.15. what is the boys life like now?a. he becomes a monitor b. he is positive in his life c. his parents are still mad at him. 、单项选择请从每小题所给的a、b、c三个选项中,选材可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。【2011山西】16. the book might be my siste

8、rs. hemingway is _ favorite author. a. his b. her c. my 答案:b 【解析】物主代词的用法。根据句意“这本书可能是我妹妹的。海明威是她最喜爱的作者”,可知选b。【2011山西】17. read the _ carefully. they will help you know how to use the popper. a. instructions b. decisions c. results 答案:a 【解析】名词辨析。instruction意为“说明”,decision意为“决定”, result意为“结果”。根据句意“仔细阅读说明

9、”可知选a。【2011山西】18. - i need a costume for tomorrows performance, but its too expensive. - why not _ one?a. buy b. rent c. lend 答案:b 【解析】动词辨析。buy意为“买”,rent意为“租用”,lend意为“借”。根据上文“我需要一套明天表演的衣服,但是它太贵了。”可知下文为“为什么不租一个吗?”因此选b。【2011山西】19. why are you staying up so late playing computer games again? stop being

10、 so _!a. funny b. silly c. serious 答案:b 【解析】形容词辨析。funny意为“有趣的”, silly意为“傻的,愚蠢的”,serious意为“严肃的,认真的”。根据句意“你为什么又熬夜打电脑游戏?停止如此愚蠢的行为”,可知选b。【2011山西】20. the bag that my grandpa made for me _ gets out of style, but it is still the best thing in my mind. a. usually b. normally c. gradually 答案:c 【解析】副词辨析。usual

11、ly意为“通常”,normally意为“正常地”,gradually意为“逐渐地”。根据句意可知选c。【2011山西】21.the talented boy _ write lyrics when he was at the age of ten. a. may b. could c. must 答案:b 【解析】考查情态动词的用法。may意为“可以”,can意为“能,会”,must意为“必须”。根据句意“当他10岁时这个多才的男孩就能写歌词了。”可知表示能力,并且用过去时态。【2011山西】22. _ they have some opposite view, they all think

12、chinese medicine is helpful. a. until b. although c. since 答案:b 【解析】连词的用法。until意为“直到为止”,引导时间状语从句,although意为“虽然,尽管”引导让步状语从句,since意为“自从以来”,引导时间状语从句。根据上下文可知选b。【2011山西】23. drivers shouldnt be allowed _ after drinking, or they will break the law. a. drive b. driving c. to drive 答案:c 【解析】非谓语动词的用法。be allow

13、ed to do sth为固定搭配意为“被允许做某事”。因此选c。【2011山西】24 - shall we go the museum? - all right! i hear there are many first-class photographs _.a. on show b. on board c. on sale 答案: a【解析】介词短语的用法。on show意为“展览,展示”,on board 意为“在国外”,on sale 意为“出售”。根据句意可知选a。【2011山西】25. how i wish i could sleep longer! however, i had

14、to get up as soon as the alarm clock _.a. ran off b. went off c. took off 答案:b【解析】动词短语的辨析。run off go off 意为“take off意为“脱下,起飞”。【2011山西】26. the sense of happiness will increase if you _ what you like to do. a. do b. did c. will do 答案:a【解析】动词时态。if 意为“如果”引导条件状语从句,时态为“主将从現”,即主句为将来时,从句用一般现在时。因此选a。【2011山西】

15、27. the tour guide has made the route for the school trip. we dont need to _ that. a. be worried about b. be afraid of c. be sorry for答案:a【解析】固定短语的考查。be worried about 意为“担心,忧虑”,be afraid of 意为“害怕”,be sorry for 意为“抱歉”。 根据句意“导游已经制定了旅游路线。我们不需要担心”,可知选a。【2011山西】28. - could you please help me choose an mp

16、4 player online? - _. my computer doesnt work. a. i dont agree b. i hope so c im afraid i cant. 答案:c【解析】情景交际。此题考查请求别人帮助的交际用语。根据下文回答“我的电脑不工作了”,可知为不能帮助。因此选c。【2011山西】29. - i made some mistakes at the dinner table last night. - _. ill tell you some table manners later. a. never mind b. of course c. your

17、e welcome 答案:a【解析】情景交际。never mind 意为“不介意,没关系”,of course 意为“当然”,youre welcome 意为“不客气”。根据上文“昨天晚上吃饭时我犯了一些错误”,可知应该选a。【2011山西】30. - mr. li, i found a watch on the playground. - you should try to find out _a. whose is the watch b. who is the owner of the watch c. whom does the watch belong to 答案:b 【解析】宾语从

18、句的用法。宾语从句的语序用陈述语序,因此选b。. 完形填空(每小题1分,共15分)【2011山西】阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的a、b、c三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。one summer day when i was in high school, my father sent me to buy some tools for our farm. i loved _31_ better than driving our family truck to do something. but this time i was not so happy _32_

19、my father had told me i would have to ask for credit (赊账)at the store._33_ is a proud age. the young men at that age want respect (尊重)but not charity. i had seen many times that my friends were _34_ when they asked for credit. we lived in a poor village, _35_ was needed seriously. i knew clearly how

20、 difficult it might be to make the store owner believe me and get the credit. at davis brothers store., buck davi was talking to a farmer. after i finished _36_ the things i wanted, i walked to him. “i need to put these on credit.” i said to him _37_.the farmer gave me a _38_ look. but bucks face di

21、dnt change in the slightest. “ no problem.” he said in a relaxing voice, “ i believe your daddy will _39_ them in time.” then he turned to the farmer, “ this boy is jame williams son.”the farmer nodded to me in a friendly way. at that time, i _40_ pride. jame williams son, there three _41_ opened a

22、door to an adults respect and trust. that day i _42_ that a good name of great importance. my fathers good name had won our neighbors respect for our family. a good name, and the responsibility (责任)that came with _43_ encouraged us a lot. they made us be _44_than we might be. we also wanted to be re

23、garded as good people. _45_ acting like good people for a long time, we became good out of good habits. 31. a. something b. anything c. nothing 32. a. because b. while c. unless 33. a. six b. sixteen c. sixty 34. a. influenced b. cheered c. refused 35. a. health b. money c. freedom 36. a. choose b.

24、choosing c. to choose 37. a. carefully b. angrily c. easily 38. a. pleasant b. kind c. strange 39. a. care for b. pay for c. look for 40. a. was full of b. was surprised at c. was famous for 41. a. letters b. words c. sentences 42. a. discover b. discovered c. have discovered43. a. it b. him c. them

25、 44. a. better b. stronger c. clever 45. a. with b. for c. by 【主旨大意】本文通过讲述我去赊账的经历,阐述了好名声的重要性。31-35 cabcb 36-40 bacba 41-45 bbaac31. c 根据句意可知我最喜欢开我们的卡车去做事了。nothing为否定的意思。因此选c。32. a 根据句意这时我感到不高兴因为我爸爸已经告诉我必须去赊账,前后表示因果关系,因此选a。33. b 根据文章第一句one summer day when i was in high school可推测读高中的年龄为16岁。34. c influ

26、ence 意为“影响”,cheer意为“欢呼”,refuse意为“拒绝”。根据句意可知选c。35. b 根据上下文可知钱是非常需要的。因此选b。36. b finish 后接动名词作宾语。finish doing 意为“结束做某事”。 37. a 根据此时作者的心情可知“我小心的对他说”。因此选a。38. c 根据下文“但是布克的脸一点也没有变”,可推测上文“农民给我奇怪的眼神”。39. b care for 意为“关心” pay for意为“付款”, look for 意为“寻找”。根据句意可知“我相信你爸爸将及时付钱的”。可知选b。40. a 根据句意“在那时我充满了骄傲”,充满应该用be

27、 full of.41. b 上文为三个单词,因此选b。42. b 根据上下文可知用一般过去时。因此选b。43. a a good name用it 代替。故选a。 44. a 根据句意“他们使我们比我们可能的更好。”可知选a。45. c 根据句意“通过长时间像好人一样表现,我们有了良好的习惯”。by 意为“通过”表示方式。、阅读理解(一)(每小题2分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的a、b、c三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。【2011山西】(a)you dont have much time for your diary, but you really want t

28、o remember your best or worst moments in life. nice square diary (九宫格日记) is coming to help you. this new type of diary his nine squares which represent nine different areas i life, such as plans, feelings and health. writing this diary is just like filling blanks. it is so convenient that you can fi

29、nish it in only a few minuteshere is a page of nine square diary from sun ning, a middle school student. . 46. sun ning went to _ birthday party on sunday. a. his dads b. his cousins c. his friends 47. sun ning felt _ when his parents talked with him about their jobs. a. busy b. glad c. tired 48. su

30、n ning _ on june 12, 2011.a. had a conversation with the headmaster b. gave advice about building a space station c. helped his cousin to get ready for the singing competition 49. the underlined word “select” probably means “ _” a.挑选 b 清洗c。 烹饪50. according to the passage, the nine square diary is co

31、nvenient because _.a. it is a new type o diary b. it includes nine different areas in life c. it can be finished only in a few minutes. 【主旨大意】本文通过介绍一个中学生孙宁的一种新型的日记-九宫格日记。它有九个空来记述你生活中九种不同的表现。它写起来仅仅是填空,很方便的。46.c 细节理解题。通过happy things可知选c。47.b 细节理解题。通过“feeling” 中”glad they dont treat me as a little kid

32、any longer”,可知选b。48.c 细节理解题。 通过” helping others”, 可知选c。49.a 词义猜测题。根据上下文“和妈妈去市场并且学习如何挑选西红柿”,只有a与上文中市场有联系。因此选a。50. c 细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句可知选c。【2011山西】bgood afternoon, everyone! this is rose garden middle school radio. john smith speaking, with something new to share with you today. we all know that think

33、ing green is sometimes the most difficult thing to do, but not impossible! bed zed, a new eco-friendly village (生态村)in the south of london, has done a great job of providing its villagers with a high level living while getting them to pay more attention to protecting the environment. people in bed z

34、ed have done many things. they recycle their paper, plastic, glass and other daily things. they build many houses whose windows face south in order to get as much sunlight as possible. the rainwater is collected for use in the toilets. also, the people there travel to work in shared cars or use publ

35、ic transportation if they work far away. now, you may think its not easy to live such a life, but let me tell you, its not! its a way of life! we just have to say no to what is bad for the environment, and begin working on ideas to protect it. life would be much more pleasant if villages like bed ze

36、d existed (存在) all over the world! thank you for listening!51. what people in bed zed often do is _a. to build a lot of houses b. to go to work in their own cars c. to recycle the paper, plastic and glass 52. in bed zed, the water used in the toilet may come from _. a. river water b. running water c

37、. collected rainwater 53. people in bed red usually go to work _ if they work far away. a. by bus b. on foot c. by bike 54. the expression “ thinking green” might mean the same as _.a. building a green house b. keeping simple thoughts c. protecting the environment 55. the writers opinion is that _.a

38、. people should be against building eco-friendly village. b. bed zed is a good example in protecting the environment c. the idea of thinking green is hard to work on 【主旨大意】本文介绍了bed zed一个新的生态村如何保护环境的。他们收集废物、建造了窗户向南的房子,厕所用收集来的雨水,上班用拼车或公共交通。51. c 细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句可知选c。52. c 细节理解题。根据文章第二段“the rainwater i

39、s collected for use in the toilets.”,可判断选c。53. a 推理判断题。根据文章第二段最后一句“the people there travel to work in shared cars or use public transportation if they work far away.” 可知bus为public transportation。因此选a。54. c 词义猜测题。根据上下文可知意为保护环境。因此选c。55.b 大意理解题。根据文章大意可知作者的意思是bed zed是一个保护环境的好例子。因此选b。【2011山西】cin general,

40、 its hard to spend enough time in both concentrating on lessons and taking part in social activities. but i wanted to succeed in both. i knew this would be a challenge but i didnt realize how difficult it was until my class in the high school began. i got on well with other girls. after school, i of

41、ten had ice cream with them first instead of finishing my homework before it was time to hand it in. i always finished it the next day between classes. i knew it wasnt very good and the grades that i got showed i was not hard working enough. i realized that i needed to find some kind of balance. so

42、i created a timetable that would divide my time between studying and relaxing. it was a good idea but i was only able to follow it for a few days because it made me under too much pressure. later, i tried another plan. each week i listed everything that i had to get done during the week and the time

43、 by which i had to get it done. the under the things i had to do, i made another list of things that i could do if i had time. it worked really well. ever since i have never missed any important things. at the same time, i enjoyed my spare time a lot. planning my time has been challenging, but i con

44、tinue to do it. im glad that ive learned to balance things and it has helped prepare for what is coming after graduation. 56. at first, when did the writer always finish her homework?a. after school was over b between classes the next day c. before it was time to hand it in 57. why did the writer fo

45、llow the first timetable only for a few days?a. because it had a specific list b. because it wasnt a good idea c. because it brought her too much pressure. 58. what wasnt included in the writers second time plan?a. the things she shouldnt do b. the things she had to get done c. the things she could

46、do if she had time 59. according to the passage, which of the following is true?a. the writer had few friends because of bad grade b. learning to balance things is helpful to make plans for the future c. the writer preferred to spend more time in relaxing than studying 60. which do you think is the

47、best title of the passage? a. facing challenges b. concentrating on lessons c. balancing study and play 【主旨大意】通常在集中精力上课和参加社会活动中两方面都有足够时间。但作者通过介绍自己在高中开始后自己是如何学习找在学习和玩之间找到平衡的。56. b 细节理解题。 根据文章第二段中“i always finished it the next day between classes.”,可知选选b。57. c 细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句可知答案选c。58. a 推理判断题。根据文章第

48、四段可以判断她不应该做的没有包括在内。因此选a。59. b 理解判断题。根据文章最后一段可知b是正确的。60. c 主旨大意题。根据文章大意可知本篇文章的题目为“平衡学习与玩”。第ii卷 (共45分)、听力填空(每小题1分,共5分)要求考生根据所听内容填空,完成下面的表格。how to plan a holiday trip first work out how much you can 61 _ second decide on an 62 _ or educational holiday. third choose to stay in a hotel 63. _ a city. four

49、th pack everything you need, such as a map, a 64_, medicine, etc. fifth 65. _ you go, know about the weather carefully. 61. afford 62. interesting 63. outside 64. camera 65. whenever 66-70 cfdgb 【2011山西】、补全对话根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出最佳选项,将其答案的序号写在方框下面的横线上,选项中有两项为多余项。a:hey, stephen.b: hi! how is it going r

50、ecently? a: terrible! i always feel upset. b: _66)a: my parents always ask me to study hard and encourage me before exams. but actually in makes me stressed out. _67_b: dont worry. why dont you log on the microblog to share your feeling with others? : really?.b: yes, i think so. its very popular amo

51、ng us young people. you can get many relies from friends in the same situation, which may make you feel better. a: _69_b: let me see. well, youd better have a try first. if you have a chance, you should suggest your parents read your micoblg, theyll know you better. a: _70_. thank you very much. b:

52、not at all. a. i wont do it!b. sounds great.c. whats wrong? d. is it helpful to me?e. its so embarrassing!f. i dont know how to deal with it. g. but what if my parents dont let me do it? 66-70 cfdgb【2011山西】. 阅读理解(二) 阅读下面短文,简要回答所给问题。it was near christmas during my first semester teaching at a new sch

53、ool. i loved my small special class more than any group i had taught in the past. they were hungry for knowledge and i was enjoying teaching. other teachers had told me that our children were from poor families and not to expect any child to bring a christmas gift. in fact, i wasnt expecting any gif

54、ts. imagine my surprise when every child brought me a gift on the day before our holiday break. first, i got a much-loved stuffed monkey from a shy girl. i was told, “ he is my favorite, but i love you and i want him to be with you, miss taylor.” how thrilled i was!next came a new set of christmas t

55、ree lights that was “ missing” from a mothers cupboard. finally, i came to one little boys gift to express my happiness, i was interrupted (打断) by the giver, “ and see, it is new! it still has the price tag.”when other children laughed at him, i stopped then and said, “ oh, books are good in that wa

56、y. the story is always new if you have not read it before. now, lets share one together.” everyone listened quietly as i read the most wonderful christmas story of my life. i still keep those christmas gifts. they always remind me of my lovely kids. 71. why did the teacher like her small special class? _72. when did the children bring their teacher gifts? _73. who sent a stuffed monkey to the teacher?_74. was the christmas story book new?_75. how did the teacher feel when she got the


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