七年级英语上册 Module 8 Choosing presents语法篇试题 新版外研版_第1页
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1、module 8 语法篇 _1.熟练掌握频度副词的意思和用法 频度副词频度副词表示某一动作发生的频率或某一状态出现的频率,是副词的一种。常用的频度副词有:always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never。一、表示频度方面的区别always usually often sometimes seldom never1. always是频度最大的词,意为"总是;永远"。 i shall always remember my first day at school.  我将永远记住我上学的第一天。2. usuall

2、y意为"通常",即很少例外,频度仅次于always。 what do you usually have for breakfast? 你通常早餐吃什么?3. often意为"经常",在频度上不如usually那么频繁。 li ping often does his homework in the afternoon. 李平经常在下午做作业。4. sometimes意为"有时候",频度比often小,表示动作偶尔发生,间断较大。 sometimes go to the library. 我有时去图

3、书馆。sometimes i read a book in the evening.  我有时在晚上看书。5. seldom 意为“很少”,表示动作很少发生。i've seldom felt so happy. 我很少感觉如此幸福。6. never意为“从不”,表示动作从来不发生。i never go to school late.  我上学从不迟到。二、频度副词的用法1. 频度副词在句中习惯上位于be动词、助动词之后,行为动词之前。she is often late for school. 她上学经常迟到。he usually goes to bed a

4、t about 12. 他通常(午夜)十二点钟睡觉。when do you usually get up in the morning?  早上你通常什么时候起床?2. sometimes是个特殊的频度副词,既可以放在be动词、助动词之后,行为动词之前,也可以放在句首,还可以放在句尾。i sometimes think that it is a great mistake.  我有时想这是一个大错sometimes i help my mother in the house. 有时候我帮助妈妈做家务。3. often可以放在句中,也可放在句尾,习惯上不放在句首。w

5、e have been there quite often.  我们经常到那儿去。4. always与进行时态连用时,并非表示动作正在进行,而是表明说话者带有赞赏、厌烦或批评等感情色彩,意为“总是做某事”。she is always helpful to others. 她总是乐于助人。(表示赞赏)he is always playing computer games. 他老是玩电子游戏。(表示批评) 5.对频度副词提问一般使用疑问词组how often (多久一次)。she is seldom late for school. (对划线部分提问) how often is she

6、late for school?  1. (浙江温州中考)-do you often go shopping, tina?-no, . i don't like shopping at all.a. alwaysb. usuallyc. neverd. often2.(2014年江西南昌中考)my sister goes to bed early because she needs a lot of sleep every day.a. alwaysb. sometimesc. hardlyd. never3.(2014年四川成都中考)li ke runs in the mo

7、rning, for he wants to be healthy.a. neverb. oftenc. hardly4. my mother always tv.a. likes watchingb. like to watchc. likes to watch d. like watching5.-zhang lili, "the most beautiful teacher", has moved us deeply.-yes, and she is popular with her students.a. sometimesb. neverc. alwaysd. h

8、ardly6.-have you ever been to disneyland?-no, . i hope i can go there next year.a. alwaysb. sometimesc. never d. often解析及答案:1. 可用“找关键词法”解题。由答语中no及后句中的“not.at all(一点儿也不,根本不)”这些关键词语可知,此处应用never(从不),故选c。2. 由从句句意“因为她每天需要大量的睡眠”可推知我妹妹总是早上床睡觉,故选a。3. 推理判断法。由“因为他想保持健康”可知often符合逻辑,故选b。4. 句意:我的母亲总是喜欢看电视。句子的主语是

9、第三人称单数形式,排除选项b和d;like doing sth.表示经常或习惯性的行为,like to do sth. 表示偶尔或具体的行为,而句中的always决定了此处是表示习惯性的行为,排除选项c。故选a。5. 答语承接上句句意,下句意为“是的,并且她总是受到她的学生们的欢迎”,故选c。6. 由答语中的no可知空格处应用表示否定意义的never,故选c。基础演练一、单项选择 1. john is a good student. he   late(迟到) for school. a. never isb. is neverc. are neverd. never are 2.

10、he is very lazy(懒惰的). he   gets up early. a. neverb. oftenc. usuallyd. always 3. we   english in the morning. a. usually readb. read usuallyc. usually readsd. reads usually 4. does he   football matches? a. often seeb. often watchc. read oftend. watch often 5. maths is   too diff

11、icult for me. i can't learn it well. a. neverb. alwaysc. usuallyd. seldom答案:1-5 baabb 二、用方框中所给的副词补全对话daming:where are you going, lingling?lingling:i'm going to the library.daming:do you 1 go to the library at weekends?lingling:no, not often. only 2 .but i hear mo yan has got nobel prize in l

12、iterature. chinese writers 3 get the prize. he's the first one. he's really great!daming:that's right. i 4 want to read his works after i hear the news. let's go together.lingling:ok. let's go. the library 5 open all day to people.答案:1. often2. sometimes3.never4.always5. usually巩

13、固提高三、按要求转换句型1. she often gets letters from my sister. (改为同义句)she often     my sister.2. the boy always has a birthday party. (改为一般疑问句)   the boy always   a birthday party?3. he makes a birthday card. (将never加入到句中) 4. does his grandpa always watch tv? (作出肯定回答)  , he  .5.

14、 my birthday party is on saturday. (对划线部分提问)     your birthday party?答案:1. hears from2. does, have3. he never makes a birthday card.4. yes, does5. when is四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)1. 在美国的生日聚会上你们通常做什么?what   you   at an american birthday party?2. 我总是喜欢肉和鱼。(词数不限)i   meat and fish.3. 托尼从

15、不吃巧克力。(词数不限)tony   chocolate.4. 有时候我们制作生日贺卡。   we   birthday cards.5. 在生日宴会上,我们经常吃面条,我们总是很高兴。(词数不限)at the birthday dinner, we   noodles. and we   very happy.答案:1. do; usually do2. always like3. never eats4. sometimes; make5. often eat; are always一、单项选择1. my favourite clothes

16、   t-shirts. a. isb. bec. ared. am2. my brother usually watches football matches   tv   sunday morning. a. at; onb. on; onc. in; ind. on; in3. hamburgers are not healthy food, so i   eat them. a. alwaysb. usuallyc. oftend. never4. - do you often   your brother?- yes, i get a

17、 letter from him every week. a. hear fromb. talk withc. come fromd. write to5. my friend, jenny, usually   blue shirts. a. put onb. wearc. puts ond. wears6. do you often   magazines at weekends? a. watchb. lookc. seed. read7. her sister spends much time   her study. a. inb. onc. atd.

18、with8. his grandpa likes the film and often   to the cinema. a. gob. goesc. is goingd. to go9. - would you like to come and play with us?-  , but i must look after my little brother. a. i'd likeb. i'd love to c. i'd like to dod. i'd like so10. - do you   have parties?-

19、 yes. every saturday evening. a. alwaysb. neverc. oftend. ever答案:1-5 cbdad6-10 dbbbc二、完形填空 mr. smith gave his wife ten pounds for her birthday. so the day after her birthday mrs smith went shopping. she waited for a bus,got 1 and sat down beside an old lady. after a while she noticed that the ladys

20、handbag was 2 .inside it she saw a wad of notes (一叠钞票).they were just like what her husband 3 her,so she quickly looked into her own bag. they were not there! mrs smith was sure that the old lady had stolen them. she thought she would have 4 the police. but later she changed her idea. she decided to

21、 take the money 5 the ladys handbag and not to say anything about it. she 6 round the bus to make sure nobody was watching,and then she carefully put her hand into the ladys 7 ,took the notes and put them into her own bag. when she got home that evening,she 8 her husband the beautiful hat she had bo

22、ught. “how did you pay for it?”he asked. “with the money you 9 me for my birthday,of course,”she answered. “oh! whats that,then?”he asked 0 he pointed to a wad of notesten pounds on the table.1. a. onb. inc. intod. off2. a. closeb. closedc. opend. opened3. a. gaveb. had givenc. givesd. has given4. a

23、. calledb. callc. to calld. calling5. a. outb. backc. fromd. back from6. a. lookedb. sawc. turnedd. went7. a. basketb.bagc. coatd. pocket8. a. gaveb. showedc. gave tod. showed to9. a. gaveb. showedc. gave tod. showed to10. a. whenb. whilec. asd. after答案:1-5 acbcd6-10 abbac _ _一、阅读理解a my name is emma

24、. i'm an english girl. i'm in beijing with my parents now. my parents work here. today is friday, june 1. it's my birthday. it's children's day, too. it's hot. my father and mother don't go to work this afternoon. they go shopping for my birthday party. in the afternoon i

25、 go to the children's palace(少年宫) with my cousins and my friends. we sing, dance and play games together(一起). i have a birthday party in the evening. i get many presents from my father, my mother, my cousins and my friends. how happy i am! 1. emma comes from  . a. chinab. americac. englandd

26、. france2. - what is the weather like today?- it is  . a. coldb. coolc. warmd. hot3. what do emma's parents do in the afternoon? a. they go to work.b. they go to the park. c. they go shopping.d. they go swimming.4. emma goes to   in the afternoon. a. the parkb. the zoo c. the children&

27、#39;s palaced. the children's cinema5. emma doesn't   today. a. sing or play gamesb. do her homework c. get any presentsd. dance or play gamesb it is the last day of may(5月) today. it is my grandpa's birthday. father, mother and i go to see him. he lives with my uncle in a village(村

28、庄). early in the morning we buy a birthday cake and some fruit, and then we go to his house by bus. my grandpa and uncle are very happy to see us. we give the presents to grandpa and say, "happy birthday to you!" he is very happy. then we sit down to talk. my uncle goes to prepare(准备) lunc

29、h. at 4 o'clock we say goodbye to them and go back home.6. my grandpa's birthday is  . a. yesterdayb. mayc. may 31std. may 1st7. my grandpa lives  . a. with my fatherb. with my uncle c. with my motherd. alone8. what do we buy for grandpa? a. some books. b. a birthday cake. c. prese

30、nts. d. a birthday cake and some fruit.9. we   with grandpa in his house. a. talk and enjoy a nice lunchb. prepare lunch with my uncle c. talk and playd. enjoy the birthday cake10. which sentence(句子) is wrong? a. my uncle prepares lunch. b. we take a bus to see my grandpa. c. my grandpa is very

31、 happy to see us. d. we get back home late(晚地) today.c(重庆市巴蜀中学2014年期末试题) tom likes fish very much. he often buys some fish in the shop and takes it home. but when(当的时候) his wife sees the fish, she says to herself, "good ! i can ask my friends to have lunch, and we can eat the fish. they like fi

32、sh very much, too."      so when tom comes home in the evening, the fish is not there and his wife always says, "oh, your cat eats it " and she gives tom some bread for his supper. tom is very angry. he takes the cat and his wife to the shop near his house and weig

33、hs the cat. then he turns to(转向) his wife and says, "my fish weighs one kilo(公斤). this cat weighs one, too. my fish is here, you see, but then where is my cat?"11. where does tom often buy fish?a. in the shopb. at homec. in a schoold. from his wife12._eat the fish.a. tom   b. tom

34、 and his wifec. the cat  d. tom's wife and her friends13. what does tom have for supper?a. some bread b. the fishc. some rice and the fish                                d. some fruit and chicken14. what do

35、es the underlined word(划线单词) ”weighs” mean(意思是) in chinese?a.批评b. 称重                c. 宰杀                  d. 驱逐15. which of the following is right?a. tom doesnt like fish.     b. toms

36、wife eats the fish with tom at home.    c. tom doesnt have lunch at home.d. tom cant find the cat.dmr. green once worked in a big company. he was quite busy so that he couldnt do any reading. so he gave up his job and opened a bookshop in the center of the town. it wasnt big but

37、all the books were nice and most people liked to buy some there. when the shop was closed, he could read at home. he knew a lot and many learned people were glad to make friends with him.it was sunday and it was cold outside. mr. green was very busy. at nine in the evening all the buyers left but a

38、woman was still there. she was dressed up and seemed to be waiting for somebody there. standing by the shelves, she looked over the books one after another, and made them in a terrible mess. mr green came up to her and asked, “excuse me, madam. what can i do for you?”.“your books are not interesting at all,” said the woman, “i want a delicious one.”“thats easy,” mr. green smiled. he brought out a cookbook and said, “here you are, madam.”16.why did mr. green change his job?a. he didnt like reading.b. he was too busy


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