1、精品文档在线编辑Articles of associatio n, memora ndum of associati on, by-law均有公司章程的含义,美国与英国和加拿大等国的用法有一定的差异。Articles of association在美国一般指组建公司时有关政府当局提交的公司简章,其内容简单,通常只包括公司名称,公司存在的时间、经营目的、股份数额、股票种类、董事姓名、地址;而在公司被批准成立后,公司内部管理等许多具体事项则由by-laws (或articles of ame ndme nt )予以规定,故 by-laws 在美国即等同公司章程细则或公司内部章程(在英国或加拿大ar
2、ticles of ame ndme nt是指公司体制等更改的规章)。在英国及加拿大,articles of association是指公司章程细则或内部管理章程,而memora ndum of association (或articles of in corporation)则是组建公司时向有关部门提交的公司组织大纲。相比之下,我国的公司组织章程是将公司简章和章程细则(或内部规章)合成一个文件,称为公司章程,因而,在翻译时,中国意义上的“公司章程”实际上等同于articlesof association力口上 by-laws(美式英语)或 memorandum of association力
3、口上 articles of association(英式英语)。(美国)公司章程 Articles of In corporati on and By-Laws1)公司组织大纲ARTICLES OFINCORPORATIONOFXX公司组织大纲First : The name of this corporation is.第一条:本公司名称为 .Second: The purpose of this corporation is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which a corporation may be organi zed
4、un der the Gen eral Corporati on Law of the state other tha n the banking bus in ess, the trust compa ny bus in ess or th e practice of a professi on permitted to be in corporated by the State Corporati ons Code.第二条:本公司的宗旨是从事XX州一般公司法规定的公司能够从事的一切合法行为或活动。XX州公司法典所规定的金融业务、 信托公司业务或专业活动不属于本公司的业务范畴。Third :
5、 The n ame and address in this state of the corporati on' s in itial age nt for service of process is:第三条:本公司发起人的姓名及其在本州送达通知的地址为:Fourth: This corporati on is authorized to issue only one class of shares of stock which shall be desig nated comm on stock. The total n umber of shares it is authoriz
6、ed to issue isshares.第四条:本公司仅有权发行一种股票,该股票为普通股。授权发行股票的总股额为xx股。Fifth: The n ame and addresses of the pers ons who are appo in ted to act as the in itial directors of this corporati on are:第五条:被任命作为本公司第一任董事的人员的姓名和地址如下:NameAddress姓名:地址:Sixth: The liability of the directors of the corporation for monetar
7、y damages shall be eliminated to the fullest extent permissible un der the state law.第六条公司董事对经济损失的责任应根据xx州法律规定的最大限量予以减免。Seventh : The corporati on is authorized to in dem nify the directors and officers of the corporati on to the fullest exte nt permissible un der the state law.第七条本公司有权按照xx州的法律规定的最大
8、限量补偿公司董事和高级职员所受的损失。IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the un dersig ned, bei ng all the pers ons named above as the in itial directors, have executed these Articles of In corporati on.以下署名人(均为以上所列名公司的第一任董事)已在本公司大纲上签名。特此证明。Dated_Signature日期:签字:The un dersig ned, bei ng all the pers ons n amed above as the in itial
9、directors, declare that they are the pers ons whoexecuted the foregoing Articles of Incorporation, which execution is their act and deed.以下签署人(均为以上列名公司的第一任董事)声明,他们都是以上公司组织大纲的签署人,签署此大纲是他们的自愿行为。DatedSignature签字:日期:2)股份公司内部管理章程By-LawsOFxx公司内部管理章程ARTICLE I - OFFICES公司机构Sect ion 1.The registered office o
10、f the corporati on shall be at:第1款本公司注册机构位于:The registered age nt in charge thereof shall be: "Name".负责注册的机构为: (机构名称)Sect ion 2.The corporati on may also have offices at such other places as the Board of Directors may from time to time appo int or the bus in ess of the corporati on may req
11、uire.第2款公司也可在董事会随时指定的或应公司业务要求的其他地点设立机构。ARTICLE II - SEAL第二条 印章Secti on 1.The corporati on seal shall have in scribed there on the n ame of the corporati on, the year of its orga ni zation and the words "Corporate Seal, "State"".公司印章上须刻有公司名称、公司组建时间和“xx州公司印章”的字样。ARTICLE III - STOCK
12、HOLDERS' MEETINGS第三条 股东大会Section 1 Meetings of stockholders shall be held at the registered office of the corporation in this state or at such place, either with in or without this state, as may be selected from time to time by the Board of Directors.第1款股东大会必须在公司董事会随时指定的本州之内的公司注册机构或本州之内或以外的任何此种公
13、司注册机构召幵。Secti on 2.Annual Meeti ngs:The ann ual meet ing of the stockholders shall be heldin each yearif not a legal holiday, and if a legal holiday, then on the next secular day following at the same hour, when they shall elect a Board of Directors and tran sact such other bus in ess as may properl
14、y be brought before the meet in g. If theann ual meeti ng for electi on of directors is not held on the date desig nated therefore, the directors shall cause the m eeti ng to be held as soon thereafter as convenient.第2款 年会:股东于每年非法定假日的x月x日x时举行年会以选举董事会和进行会议其他任何相关议题。如果该日期为法定日期, 会议将在假日后的次日的相同时间举行。如果选举董事
15、的年会没有在指定的日期进行,董事须在此日后方便的时间内尽早召开股东年会。Section 3. Election of Directors:Elections of the directors of the corporation shall be by written ballot.第3款董事选举:公司董事的选举须采取书面投票的方式。Secti on 4.Special Meeti ngs:Special meet ings of the stockholders may be called at any time by the Chairma n, or the Board of Direc
16、tors, or stockholders en titled to cast at least on e-fifth of the votes which all stockholders are entitled to cast at the particular meeting. At any time, upon written request of any person or persons who have duly called a special meet in g, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to fix the date o
17、f the meeti ng, to be held not more tha n sixty days after receipt of the request, and to give due no tice thereof. If the Secretary shall n eglect or refuse to fixthe date of the meeti ng and give no tice thereof, the pers on or pers ons calli ng the meeti ng may do so.第4款临时股东大会:经董事长、董事会或所有的股东在临时股东
18、大会上都有投票权时拥有至少本公司20%勺投票权股东的提请方可召开临时股东大会。一旦董事长、董事会或股东提请书面申请召开临时股东大会,在提出申请60天内公司秘书须确定召开临时股东大会的日 期并负责送达通知。如公司秘书疏忽或拒绝确定大会日期且不尽通知之义务的,则由任何提请召幵临时股东大会的股东或董事等履行此 等职责。Busin ess tran sacted at all special meet ings shall be confined to the objects stated in the call and matters germa ne thereto, uni ess all st
19、ockholders en titled to vote are prese nt and consent.除具有投票权的所有股东都出席会议或经其同意以外,临时股东大会上的议题仅限于申请上的写明的议题而不处理其他议题。Writte n no tice of a special meeti ng of stockholders stati ng the time and place and object thereof, shall be give n to each stockholder entitled to vote thereat at least 30 days before suc
20、h meeting, unless a greater period of notice is required by statute in a particular case.除立法规定特殊情况下需要更长时间的通知期以外,应至少在召幵临时股东大会前30天里向每一位拥有投票权的股东发出书面通知书,此通知书必须写明幵会的时间、地点及宗旨。Secti on 5.Quorum: A majority of the outsta nding shares of the corporati on en titled to vote, represe nted in pers onor by proxy,
21、 shall constitute a quorum at a meeting of stockholders. If less than a majority of the outstanding shares en titled to vote is represe nted at a meet ing, a majority of the shares so represe nted may adjour n the meeti ng from time to time without further no tice.At such adjour ned meet ing at whic
22、h a quorum shall be prese nt or represe nted, anybus in ess may be tran sacted which might have bee n tran sacted at the meeti ng as orig in ally no ticed.The stockholdersprese nt at a duly orga ni zed meeti ng may continue to tran sact bus in ess un til adjour nment, no twithsta nding the withdrawa
23、l of eno ugh stockholders to leave less tha n a quorum.第5款法定人数:拥有半数以上具有表决权的股份的股东亲自出席或由他人代理出席即构成股东大会的法定人数。如出席会议的股东拥 有的具有表决权的股份未过半数,可经拥有半数以上股份且出席会议的股东(亲自出席或由他人代理出席)表决而随时延期会议,不另 行通知。如亲自出席或由他人代理出席延期会议的人数达到法定人数,仍可继续原定通知的会议议程。出席合法召幵且达到法定人数的 大会的股东,在出现与会股东退席而所剩者不足法定人数时仍可继续进行会议议程。Secti on 6.Proxies:Each stoc
24、kholder en titled to vote at a meet ing of stockholders or to express consent or disse nt to corporate acti on in writi ng without a meeti ng may authorize ano ther pers on or pers ons to act for him by proxy, but no such proxy shall be voted or acted upon after three years from its date, unl ess th
25、e proxy provides for a Ion ger period.第6款委托代理:股东大会上任何拥有投票权和对公司的决定具有表决权的股东未出席会议时,可授权一人或多人代理行事。此委托书自签订之日起三年后失效,委托书另有规定期限的除外。A duly executed proxy shall be irrevocable if it states that it is irrevocable and if, and only as long as, it is coupled with an in terest sufficie nt in law to support an irrevocable power.A proxy may be made irrevocable regardless of whether the interest with which
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