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1、PC客户端与An droid服务端的Socket同步通信(USB) 收藏需求:1. 一个an droid端的service后台运行的程序,作为socket的服务器端;用于接收Pc clie nt 端发来的命令,来处理数据后,把结果发给PC clie nt2. PC端程序,作为socket的客户端,用于给an droid手机端发操作命令难点分析:1. 手机一定要有adb模式,即插上 USB线时马上提示的对话框选adb。好多对手机的操作都可以用adb直接作。不过,我发现LG GW880就没有,要去下载个2. android 默认手机端的 IP 为 “”3. 要想联通PC与an d

2、roid手机的sokcet,一定要用adb forward来作下端口转发才能连 上 socket.view pla in copy to clipboardpri nt?Run time.getR un time().exec("adb forward tcp:12580 tcp:10086");Thread.sleep(3000);Run time.getR un time().exec("adb forward tcp:12580 tcp:10086");Thread.sleep(3000);4. a ndroid端的service程序In stal

3、l到手机上容易,但是还要有方法来从PC的clie nt端来启动手机上的 service,这个办法可以通过 PC端adb命令来发一个 Broastcast ,手机 端再写个接收 BroastcastReceive来接收这个 Broastcast,在这个 BroastcastReceive来启动 servicepc端命令:view pla in copy to clipboardpri nt?Run time.getR un time().exec("adb shell am broadcast -a NotifyServiceStart");Run time.getR un

4、time().exec("adb shell am broadcast -a NotifyServiceStart");an droid 端的代码:ServiceBroadcastReceiver.javaview pla in copy to clipboardpri nt?package com.otheri.service;import an droid.c onten t.BroadcastReceiver;import an droid.c onten t.C on text;import an droid.c onten t.I ntent;import an

5、droid.util.Log;public class ServiceBroadcastReceiver exte nds BroadcastReceiver private static Stri ng START_ACTION = "NotifyServiceStart"private static Stri ng STOP_ACTION = "NotifyServiceStop"Overridepublic void on Receive(C on text con text, Intent intent) Log.d(androidService

6、.TAG , Thread.currentThread().getName() + ">"+ "ServiceBroadcastReceiver on Receive");String action = inten t.getAct ion();if (START_ACTION.equalslg noreCase(actio n) con text.startService (new Inten t(c on text, an droidService.class);Log.d(androidService.TAG , Thread.current

7、Thread().getName() + ">"+ "ServiceBroadcastReceiver on Receive start en d"); else if (STOP_ACTION.equalslg no reCase(actio n) con text.stopService (new Inten t(c on text, an droidService.class);Log.d(androidService.TAG , Thread.currentThread().getName() + ">"+ &qu

8、ot;ServiceBroadcastReceiver on Receive stop en d");package com.otheri.service;import an droid.c onten t.BroadcastReceiver;import an droid.c onten t.C on text;import an droid.c onten t.I ntent;import an droid.util.Log;public class ServiceBroadcastReceiver exte nds BroadcastReceiver private stati

9、c Stri ng START_ACTION = "NotifyServiceStart"private static Stri ng STOP_ACTION = "NotifyServiceStop"Overridepublic void on Receive(C on text con text, Intent intent) Log.d(androidService.TAG , Thread.currentThread().getName() + ">"+ "ServiceBroadcastReceiver on

10、 Receive");String action = inten t.getAct ion();if (START_ACTION.equalslg noreCase(actio n) con text.startService (new Inten t(c on text, an droidService.class);Log.d(androidService.TAG , Thread.currentThread().getName() + ">"+ "ServiceBroadcastReceiver on Receive start en d&q

11、uot;); else if (STOP_ACTION.equalsIg noreCase(actio n) con text.stopService (new Inten t(c on text, an droidService.class);Log.d(androidService.TAG , Thread.currentThread().getName() + ">"+ "ServiceBroadcastReceiver on Receive stop en d");5. 由于是USB连接,所以socket就可以设计为一但连接就一直联通,即在

12、new socket和开完out,in流后,就用个 while(true)来循环PC端和an droid端的读和写an droid的代码:view pla in copy to clipboardpri nt?public void run() Log.d(androidService.TAG , Thread.currentThread().getName() + ">"+ "a clie nt has conn ected to server!");BufferedOutputStream out;BufferedI nputStream in

13、;try /* PC端发来的数据 msg */Stri ng currCMD =""out = new BufferedOutputStream(clie nt.getOutputStream();in = new BufferedI nputStream(clie nt.getl nputStream();/ testSocket(); 测试 socket 方法an droidService.ioThreadFlag = true;while (an droidService.ioThreadFlag) try if (!clie nt.isCo nn ected() b

14、reak;/*接收PC发来的数据*/Log.v(androidService.TAG , Thread.currentThread().getName()+ "->" + "will read”);/*读操作命令*/currCMD = readCMDFromSocket(i n);Log.v(androidService.TAG , Thread.currentThread().getName()+ "->" + "*currCMD = " + currCMD);/*根据命令分别处理数据*/if (currCMD

15、.equals("1") out.write("OK".getBytes();out.flush(); else if (currCMD.equals("2") out.write("OK".getBytes();out.flush(); else if (currCMD.equals("3") out.write("OK".getBytes();out.flush(); else if (currCMD.equals("4") /*准备接收文件数据*/t

16、ry out.write("service receive OK".getBytes();out.flush(); catch (IOExceptio n e) e.pri ntStackTrace();件数据*/*接收文件数据,4字节文件长度,4字节文件格式,其后是文byte filele ngth = new byte4;byte fileformat = new byte4;byte filebytes = n ull;/*从socket流中读取完整文件数据*/filebytes = receiveFileFromSocket( in, out, filele ngt

17、h,fileformat);/ Log.v(Service139.TAG , "receive data =" + new/ Stri ng(filebytes);try /*生成文件*/File file = FileHelper. newFile("R0013340.JPG");FileHelper.writeFile(file, filebytes, 0,filebytes .len gth); catch (IOExceptio n e) e.pri ntStackTrace(); else if (currCMD.equals("ex

18、it") catch (Exceptio n e) / try / out.write("error".getBytes("utf-8");/ out.flush();/ catch (IOException e1) / e1.pri ntStackTrace();/ Log.e(a ndroidService.TAG, Thread.curre ntThread().getName() + "->" + "read write error111111");out.close();in. close

19、(); catch (Excepti on e) Log.e(androidService.TAG , Thread.currentThread().getName()+ "->" + "read write error222222");e.pri ntStackTrace(); fin ally try if (clie nt != n ull) Log.v(androidService.TAG , Thread.currentThread().getName() + "->" + "clie nt.close

20、()");clie nt.close(); catch (IOExceptio n e) Log.e(androidService.TAG , Thread.currentThread().getName()+ "->" + "read write error333333");e.pri ntStackTrace();public void run() Log.d(androidService.TAG , Thread.currentThread().getName() + ">"+ "a clie n

21、t has conn ected to server!");BufferedOutputStream out;BufferedI nputStream in;try /* PC端发来的数据 msg */Stri ng currCMD =""out = new BufferedOutputStream(clie nt.getOutputStream();in = new BufferedI nputStream(clie nt.getl nputStream();/ testSocket(); 测试 socket 方法an droidService.ioThread

22、Flag = true;while (an droidService.ioThreadFlag) try if (!clie nt.isCo nn ected() break;/*接收PC发来的数据*/Log.v(androidService.TAG , Thread.currentThread().getName()+ "->" + "will read.");/*读操作命令*/currCMD = readCMDFromSocket(i n);Log.v(androidService.TAG , Thread.currentThread().ge

23、tName()+ "->" + "*currCMD = " + currCMD);/*根据命令分别处理数据*/if (currCMD.equals("1") out.write("OK".getBytes();out.flush(); else if (currCMD.equals("2") out.write("OK".getBytes();out.flush(); else if (currCMD.equals("3") out.write(&q

24、uot;OK".getBytes();out.flush(); else if (currCMD.equals("4") /*准备接收文件数据*/try out.write("service receive OK".getBytes();out.flush(); catch (IOExceptio n e) e.pri ntStackTrace();件数据*/*接收文件数据,4字节文件长度,4字节文件格式,其后是文byte filele ngth = new byte4;byte fileformat = new byte4;byte file

25、bytes = n ull;/*从socket流中读取完整文件数据*/filebytes = receiveFileFromSocket(i n, out, filele ngth,fileformat);/ Log.v(Service139.TAG , "receive data =" + new/ Stri ng(filebytes);try /*生成文件*/File file = FileHelper. newFile("R0013340.JPG");FileHelper.writeFile(file, filebytes, 0, filebyte

26、sen gth); catch (IOExceptio n e) e.pri ntStackTrace(); else if (currCMD.equals("exit") catch (Excepti on e) / try / out.write("error".getBytes("utf-8");/ out.flush();/ catch (IOException e1) / e1.pri ntStackTrace();/ Log.e(androidService.TAG , Thread.currentThread().get

27、Name() + "->" + "read write error111111");out.close();in .close(); catch (Excepti on e) Log.e(androidService.TAG , Thread.currentThread().getName()+ "->" + "read write error222222");e.pri ntStackTrace(); fin ally try if (clie nt != n ull) Log.v(androidSe

28、rvice.TAG , Thread.currentThread().getName()+ "->" + "clie nt.close()");clie nt.close(); catch (IOExceptio n e) Log.e(a ndroidService.TAG, Thread.curre ntThread().getName()+ "->" + "read write error333333");e.pri ntStackTrace();6. 如果是在PC端和an droid端的读写操作来

29、 while(true)循环,这样socket流的结尾不好 判断,不能用“1”来判断,因为-1”是只有在socket关闭时才作为判断结尾。7. socket在out.write(bytes);时,要是数据太大时,超过socket的缓存,socket自动分包发送,所以对方就一定要用循环来多次读。最好的办法就是服务器和客户端协议好,比如发文件时,先写过来一个要发送的文件的大小,然后再发送文件;对方用这个大小,来循环读取数据。an droid端接收数据的代码: view pla in copy to clipboardpri nt?*功能:从socket流中读取完整文件数据* InputStream

30、 in : socket 输入流* byte filelength:流的前4个字节存储要转送的文件的字节数.apk)* byte fileformat :流的前5-8字节存储要转送的文件的格式(如public static byte receiveFileFromSocket( In putStream in.Outputstream out, byte filele ngth, byte fileformat) byte filebytes = n ull;文件数据try int filelen = MyUtil.bytesTolnt(filelength);/文件长度从 4 字节 byte

31、转成 IntStri ng strtmp = "read file len gth ok:" + filele n; out.write(strtmp.getBytes("utf-8");out.flush();filebytes = new bytefilele n;int pos = 0;int rcvLe n = 0;while (rcvLe n = in. read(filebytes, pos, filele n - pos) > 0) pos += rcvLe n;Log.v(androidService.TAG , Thread.cu

32、rrentThread().getName() + "->" + "read file OK:file size=" + filebytes.le ngth);out.write("read file ok".getBytes("utf-8");out.flush(); catch (Excepti on e) Log.v(androidService.TAG , Thread.currentThread().getName()+ ">"+ "receiveFileFrom

33、Socket error");e.pri ntStackTrace(); retur n filebytes;*功能:从socket流中读取完整文件数据* InputStream in : socket 输入流* byte filelength:流的前4个字节存储要转送的文件的字节数*.apk)* byte fileformat :流的前5-8字节存储要转送的文件的格式(如*public static byte receiveFileFromSocket(l nputStream in,OutputStream out, byte filele ngth, byte fileform

34、at) byte filebytes = n ull;文件数据try int filelen = MyUtil.bytesTolnt(filelength);/文件长度从 4 字节 byte转成 IntStri ng strtmp = "read file len gth ok:" + filele n;out.write(strtmp.getBytes("utf-8");out.flush();filebytes = new bytefilele n;int pos = 0;int rcvLe n = 0;while (rcvLe n = in. re

35、ad(filebytes, pos, filele n - pos) > 0) pos += rcvLe n;Log.v(androidService.TAG , Thread.currentThread().getName() + "->" + "read file OK:file size=" + filebytes.le ngth);out.write("read file ok".getBytes("utf-8"); out.flush(); catch (Excepti on e) Log.v

36、(androidService.TAG , Thread.currentThread().getName()+ "->" + "receiveFileFromSocket error");e.pri ntStackTrace();retur n filebytes;socket的最重要的机制就是读写采用的是阻塞的方式,如果客户端作为命令发起者,服 务器端作为接收者的话,只有当客户端 client用out.writer()写到输出流里后,即流中有数据 service的read才会执行,不然就会一直停在read()那里等数据。9还要让服务器端可以同时连

37、接多个client,即服务器端用new thread()来作数据读取操作。源码:客户端(pc端):testPcClie nt.javaview pla in copy to clipboardpri nt?import java.io.Bufferedl nputStream;import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;import java.i o.I OExcepti on;import java.i o.ln putStream

38、;import java.i o.ln putStreamReader;import java .n et.I netAddress;import java .n et.Socket;import java. net.U nknownH ostExceptio n;public class testPcClie nt * param args* throws In terruptedExcepti on*/public static void main( Stri ng args) throws In terruptedExceptio n try Run time.getR un time(

39、).exec("adb shell am broadcast -a NotifyServiceStop");Thread.sleep(3000);Run time.getR un time().exec("adb forward tcp:12580 tcp:10086");Thread.sleep(3000);Run time.getR un time().exec("adb shell am broadcast -a NotifyServiceStart");Thread.sleep(3000); catch (IOExceptio

40、n e3) e3.pri ntStackTrace();Socket socket = nu II;try In etAddress serverAddr = n ull; serverAddr = In etAddress.getByName(""); System.out.pri ntl n( "TCP 1111" + "C: Co nn ecti ng."); socket = new Socket(serverAddr, 12580);String str = "hi,wufe nglon g&qu

41、ot;System.out.pri ntl n( "TCP 221122" + "C:RECEIVE");BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(socket .getOutputStream();BufferedI nputStream in = new BufferedI nputStream(socket.getI nputStream();BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new In putStreamReader(System.i n

42、);boolea n flag = true;while (flag) System.out.print("请输入16的数字,退出输入exit:"); Stri ng strWord = br.readL in e(); 从控制台输入 16 if (strWord.equals("1") out.write("1".getBytes();out.flush();System.out.pri ntln ("1 finish sending the data"); Stri ng strFormsocket = rea

43、dFromSocket(i n); System.out.pri ntln ("the data sent by server is:r n"+ strFormsocket);System.out.pri ntln (”= "); else if (strWord.equals("2") out.write("2".getBytes();out.flush();System.out.pri ntln ("2 finish sending the data"); Stri ng strFormsocket

44、= readFromSocket(i n); System.out.pri ntln ("the data sent by server is:r n"+ strFormsocket);System.out.pri ntln (”= "); else if (strWord.equals("3") out.write("3".getBytes();out.flush();System.out.pri ntln ("3 finish sending the data"); Stri ng strFormso

45、cket = readFromSocket(i n); System.out.pri ntln ("the data sent by server is:r n"+ strFormsocket);System.out.pri ntln (”= ="); else if (strWord.equals("4") /*发送命令*/out.write("4".getBytes();out.flush();System.out.println("send file finish sending the CMD :"

46、;);/*服务器反馈:准备接收*/Stri ng strFormsocket = readFromSocket(i n);System.out.println("service ready receice data:UPDA TE_CONTACTS:"+ strFormsocket);byte filebytes = FileHelper.readFileCR0013340.JPG");System.out.pri ntl n("file size=" + filebytes .len gth);/*将整数转成4字节byte数组*/byte f

47、ilele ngth = new byte4;filele ngth = tools.i ntToByte(filebytes.le ngth);/*将.apk字符串转成4字节byte数组*/byte fileformat = nu II; fileformat = ".apk".getBytes();System.out.pri ntln ("fileformat len gth=" + fileformat.le ngth);/*字节流中前4字节为文件长度,4字节文件格式,以后是文件流*/ /*注意如果write里的byte超过socket的缓存,系

48、统自动分包写过 去,所以对方要循环写完*/out.write(filele ngth);out.flush();Stri ng strok1 = readFromSocket(i n);System.out.pri ntl n("service receive filele ngth :" + strok1);/ out.write(fileformat);/ out.flush();/ String strok2 = readFromSocket(i n);/ System.out.pri ntl n("service receive fileformat :&

49、quot; +/ strok2);System.out.pri ntln ("write data to an droid");out.write(filebytes);out.flush();System.out.pri ntln("*");/*服务器反馈:接收成功*/String strread = readFromSocket(i n);System.out.pri ntln (” send data success:" + strread);System.out.printin (”); else if (strWord.equalsI

50、g no reCase("EXIT") out.write("EXIT".getBytes();out.flush();System.out.pri ntln ("EXIT finish sending the data");Stri ng strFormsocket = readFromSocket(i n); System.out.pri ntln ("the data sent by server is:r n" + strFormsocket);flag = false;System.out.pri ntl

51、n("=: ="); catch (UnknownH ostExcepti on e1) System.out.pri ntln ("TCP 331133" + "ERROR:" + e1.toStri ng(); catch (Excepti on e2) System.out.pri ntln( "TCP 441144" + "ERROR:" + e2.toStri ng(); fin ally try if (socket != n ull) socket.close(); System.

52、out.pri ntln ("socket.close()"); catch (IOExceptio n e) System.out.pri ntln( "TCP 5555" + "ERROR:" + e.toStri ng();/*从InputStream流中读数据 */public static String readFromSocket(I nputStream in) int MAX_BUFFER_BYTES = 4000;Stri ng msg =""byte tempbuffer = new byteM

53、AX_BUFFER_BYTES;try int nu mReadedBytes = in. read(tempbuffer, 0, tempbufferen gth); msg = new Strin g(tempbuffer, 0, nu mReadedBytes, "utf-8");tempbuffer = nu II; catch (Excepti on e) e.pri ntStackTrace();/ Log.v(Service139.TAG , "msg=" + msg); return msg;import java.io.Buffered

54、l nputStream;import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;import java.i o.I OExcepti on;import java.i o.ln putStream;import java.i o.ln putStreamReader;import java .n et.I netAddress;import java .n et.Socket;import java. net.U nknownH ostExce

55、ptio n;public class testPcClie nt /* param args* throws In terruptedExcepti on*/public static void main( Stri ng args) throws In terruptedExceptio n try Run time.getR un time().exec("adb shell am broadcast -a NotifyServiceStop");Thread.sleep(3000);Run time.getRu ntime().exec("adb forw

56、ard tcp:12580 tcp:10086"); Thread.sleep(3000);Run time.getR un time().exec("adb shell am broadcast -a NotifyServiceStart"); Thread.sleep(3000); catch (IOException e3) e3.pri ntStackTrace();Socket socket = n ull;try In etAddress serverAddr = n ull;serverAddr = In etAddress.getByName(&q

57、uot;");System.out.pri ntl n( "TCP 1111" + "C: Co nn ecti ng.");socket = new Socket(serverAddr, 12580);String str = "hi,wufe nglon g"System.out.pri ntl n( "TCP 221122" + "C:RECEIVE");BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(so

58、cket .getOutputStream();Bufferedl nputStream in = new BufferedI nputStream(socket.getI nputStream();BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new In putStreamReader( System.i n);boolea n flag = true;while (flag) System.out.print(”请输入16的数字,退出输入exit:");Stri ng strWord = br.readL in e(); 从控制台输入 16if

59、 (strWord.equals("1") out.write("1".getBytes();out.flush();System.out.pri ntln ("1 finish sending the data");Stri ng strFormsocket = readFromSocket(i n);System.out.pri ntln ("the data sent by server is:r n"+ strFormsocket);System.out.println( "="); else if (strWord.equals("2") out.write("2".getBytes();out.flush();System.out.pri ntln ("2 finish sending the data");Stri ng strFormsocket = readFromSocket(i n);System.out.pri ntln ("the


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