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1、两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章1How to Conduct Decent Research WorkFeng Zheng, Ph.D.Materials ChemistryCentral South University两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章2Aims Provide a simple but formal introduction to young researchers the basic strategy employed by peer-reviewed scientists around the world Personal experience home and abro

2、ad Suggestions for future work Editorial work Itches of translation/interpretation两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章3Identify a Project Literature search (up to now) Introduction (why, what, how, what) Why is/are this/these important What has/have been done How did they do What was/were left (for you) and What do you

3、want to do Theoretical work? Experimental work?两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章4Title Proper words for your title 好的开头是成功的一半好的开头是成功的一半 A good beginning is half done. Be caution when using on, investigation, research and study for title两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章5Theory & Experiment Set-up What do you want to do Improve or a

4、gainst existing theory? Provide more data? Propose novel ideas? How to achieve your goals Better or reliable theoretical analysis Better or new experimental results Raw materials Equipments Experiment procedure两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章6Results New theoretical analysis (not ease) For most engineering work we n

5、eed: Chemical composition Structure Mechanical properties Physical properties Etc. In proper order两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章7Analysis or Discussion How to describe your results How to make comparison with literature Why are your work important What are your contribution to science or engineering What are your

6、conclusions两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章8Conclusions What are your conclusions Theoretical analysis Experimental results Work ongoing or suggestions两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章9Abstract What has/have been done Most important results Tune of past was/were, has/have been 两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章10Acknowledgements Financial support Help

7、for discussion and theoretical analysis Help of technicians两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章11Literature Citation History of this work Make yours part of the history Later work has to cite your paper (important) Style according to instruction for authors of chosen journal两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章12Check list Title (eye-catchin

8、g) Authors (team work*) Abstract (concise) Introduction (story-telling) Experimental procedure (book-keeping) Results (book-keeping) Discussion (elegance, cross-reference) Conclusion (solid) Acknowledgements (polite) Literature citation (honest)两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章13Text Layout Keep it consistent through

9、out the manuscript. Double line spacing and 12 font is preferred: make it convenient for reviewers to make annotations. Number the pages. Number the lines if the journal requires to do so.两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章14Length of Full Article“25- 30 pages is the ideal length for a submitted manuscript, including e

10、ssential data only.” Julian Eastoe, Co-editor, Journal of Colloid and Interface ScienceTitle pageAbstract 1 paragraphIntroduction 1.5-2 manuscript pages (double-spaced, 12pt)Methods 2-4 manuscript pagesResults and Discussion 10-12 manuscript pagesConclusions 1-2 manuscript pagesFigures 6-8Tables 1-3

11、References 20-50 itemsLetters or short communications have a stricter limitation of the length. For example, 3000 words with no more than 5 illustrations.两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章15Submission Where to publish your work Impact factor Scientific Community (bulletin, transactions and journals of well-established

12、 international or national society) Electrical submission Cover letter Corresponding author两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章16Communication to Editors Acknowledge editorial work Address exactly the questions raised by reviewers Rebuttal with sound evidences两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章17What Gets You Accepted? Attention to details

13、 Check and double check your work Consider the reviews English must be as good as possible Presentation is important Take your time with revision Acknowledge those who have helped you New, original and previously unpublished Critically evaluate your own manuscript Ethical rules must be obeyed Nigel

14、John Cook, Editor-in-Chief, Ore Geology Reviews两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章18Suggestions for Students Lab records (experiment results) Literature reviewing (introduction & discussion) Talk to supervisor (bring copied articles & data) Discussion with other faculty/fellow students Write down anything of in

15、terest Try to do one paper in one month! This can be done and we have done and can do that in a regular base (once for each student). Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. Albert Einstein两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章19Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) Your manuscript is both good and original

16、, but the part that is good is not original and the part that is original is not good. What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure. Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information on it. Curiosity is one of the permanent and cer

17、tain characteristics of a vigorous mind. Great English author, critic, & lexicographer; wrote Dictionary of the English Language 1747-1755, novel Rasselas 1759, 10-volume Lives of the Poets 1779-1781. Next only to William Shakespeare. 两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章20Good References Chicago Guides to Writing, E

18、diting, and Publishing The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th Edition: CD-ROM for Windows (CD-ROM), June 15, 2007 (Note 1st Edition in 1906) A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 7th Edition: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers, April 15, 2007 The Craft of Research, 2

19、nd edition, March 2003 All by University of Chicago Press 两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章21Itches of Translation/Interpretation Idiom, phrase, proverb, saying, slag etc. 信信-Meaningful, 达达-Loyalty, 雅雅-Elegance 不懂外语的林纾林纾(琴南),巴黎茶花女遗事和撒克逊劫后英雄略译笔流畅,对中国文学界影响很大。 向西方介绍中国文化的林语堂林语堂, 吾国与吾民于1935年在纽约出版和立即成为畅销书, 被赛珍珠认为是“历来有关中国的著

20、作中最忠实、最巨丽、最完备、最重要的成绩” 。两脚踏东西文化两脚踏东西文化, 一心评宇宙文章一心评宇宙文章。 译毛选、诗、词的人中之龙钱钟书钱钟书, 管锥编凭记忆默写征引西方千余学者多种语言著作1780多种。两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章22翻译翻译-编辑之痒与痛编辑之痒与痛 春风得意马蹄疾春风得意马蹄疾 Happy horse runs fast in Spring (?) 师范大学师范大学 Normal university (?) 名利双收名利双收 To have wild dreams of glory (围城英译) To have wild dreams of gaining bot

21、h fame and wealth? 一年之计在于春一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨一日之计在于晨 One hour in the morning is worth two in the evening (?) Early bird catches the worm两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章23Plagiarism and Data Fabrication “Plagiarism is the appropriation of another persons ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate cred

22、it, including those obtained through confidential review of others research proposals and manuscripts.” the Federal Office of Science and Technology Policy, 1999. 剽窃他人和剽窃自己以及数据造假都不行剽窃他人和剽窃自己以及数据造假都不行! Automatic text check system underway两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章24熟能生巧熟能生巧 Every dog has his/her own days (人不可貌相

23、, 人生终有得意时) Loss face (丢脸) Dare to loss (ones) face (不怕丢脸) Practice makes perfect (熟能生巧) Kills two birds with one stone 一箭双雕, 围魏救赵, 名利双收名利双收 Funny little words: at, in, of, on, up, the etc.两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章25班门弄斧班门弄斧-不自量力不自量力 关公面前耍大刀 孔夫子面前卖文章 当自己是个人物 Wave axe in front of Master LuBan (?) Pretend to be

24、James Bond (?) To be someone To teach a fish how to swim谢谢 谢谢 大大 家家 !两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章26Personal ExperienceCu out diffusion in Si wafer (UW)F. Zheng and T.G. Stoebe, Low Temperature Out-Diffusion of Cu from Silicon, Journal of Electrochemical Society 146 (1999) 1238-1240.Nanosized ZnO (CSU)Y. Chen, R.

25、Z. Yu, Q. Shi, J.L. Qin, F. Zheng,Hydrothermal Synthesis of hexagonal ZnO clusters,Materials Letter 61 (2007) 4438-4441. High temperature electrode reactions (CSU)F. Zheng, Y. Chen, High temperature electrode reactions of Sr and Mg doped LaGaO3 perovskite, J Mater Sci., 43(2008)2058-2065. DOI 10.100

26、7/s10853-007-2423-yB-C-Si-Zr ultra high temperature ceramics (CSU)H.M. Chen, F. Zheng, Z.P. Jin, Thermodynamic Assessment of B-Zr and Si-Zr Binary Systems, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, accepted Accepted with no change两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章27Jokes Around 2000, MIT students set-up a computer program to automatically generate several artificial research papers and submitted them to both conference and journal edi


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