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1、20XX 年英语口语考试复习资料20XX 年,云南省高考英语口语测试采用全国英语等级考试 (PETS)二级计算机辅 助口语考试试题,下面我们介绍一下 PETS第二级考试计算机辅助口语考试。1)概述PETS第二级考试计算机辅助口语考试时间约为 12 分钟,满分为 5分。口试中计算 机播放的指导语为英语。2)内容与结构口试分为三节,测试考生的英语口语交际能力。考试时间约为 12分钟。 口试采取计算机测试的形式。第一节:考查考生初次见面时向他人提供个人的事实性信息(如姓名、学校、 职业、家庭等)的能力。该节约需 2分钟。第二节:考查考生根据动画内容,询问具体事情,回答有关具体事情的询问的 能力。该节

2、约需 6分钟第三节:就第二节谈论的话题进行继续性问答,考查考察考生回答具体问题; 阐述个人观点的能力。该节约需 4分钟口试结构如下表所示:节时间 (分 钟)形式为考生提供的信 息问题数目答题 时间考查要点分 数第节2屏幕上的口 试教师与考 生对话屏幕上的口试教师提出的问题4个第 1个问题5秒,第 2-4个问题 7 秒·回答问题·提供 个人信息第节6屏幕上的人 物李明与考 生对话动画;情景中的人物李明提出的问题或作出的回答5个×2 每个问题 10秒·询问具体事 情·回答具体事 情的询问5第节4屏幕上的口 试教师与考 生对话屏幕上的口试教 师提出与

3、第二节 谈论话题相关的 问题3个×2 每个问题7或 15秒·考查回答具体问 题·阐述个人观 点的能力3)口试步骤 口试考试前,考生输入准考证号,进入测试系统进行试音。 口试考试后,进入第一节,考生回答屏幕上口试教师提出的有关考生个人情况 的几个问题。该节时间约为 2分钟。第二节包括两段动画,一段动画考生就动画内容提问,李明回答;另一段动画 李明提问,考生回答。该节时间约为 6 分钟。第三节和第二节穿插进行,即考生完成第二节第一段动画的话题后, 口试教师 出现,询问有关这个话题的继续性问题; 考生完成第二节第二段动画的话题后, 口 试教师再询问有关这个话题的继续性问

4、题。该节时间约为 4分钟。 4)PETS2级计算机辅助口语过程模拟(见光盘)(1)考试正式开始,计算机播放动画。办公室门打开,镜头推进,口试教师 坐在桌子后面,微笑道: Hello. Welcome to PETS-2 speaking test. My name is Wang Jing. Nice to meet you.(2)口试教师向考生提问:“What's your name, pleas考e?生听”到“嘟”的一声后 回答(回答问题时间 5秒)。然后口试教师继续提问下列问题(每个问题考生有 7 秒的回答时间):(for students)Where do you study?

5、What subjects do you study?What subject do you like best?(for those who are not student)sWhere do you come from?What do you do?How many people are there in your family?(3)口试教师开始说明第二节第一个题目的指导语。 “You want to do some shopping, but you don 't know where to go. Now you will watch some moving pictures

6、. They show Li Ming going to a newly opened store. After you watch the moving pictures, please ask Li Ming 5 questions about the newly opened store.然后开始播放动”画 ,内 容为:李明走在路上,来到一家新开业的商场门前。商场前摆放着标写有开业大吉字 样彩带的花篮,空中飘着气球,人头攒动。镜头推进商场(商场名称模糊)。李明 在商场门口,看到一张海报。(先呈现整张海报,然后镜头推近,斜体部分模糊)开业酬宾开业时间: 20XX年 12月 1 日营业时间:

7、 早 9:00晚 8:30本月特价商品:服装和鞋子特价门牌号: 西大街 110号(4)考生开始提问问题:(每个问题考生有 10秒的时间) 显示画面 1:商场开业的画面。左下角显示:1. 新开业商场名称? “嘟”李明回答: Huayu Department Store.显示画面 2:整张海报。左下角显示:2. 开业时间?“嘟”李明回答: On December 1, 2008.显示画面 3:整张海报。左下角显示:3. 营业时间?“嘟”李明回答: The business hours are from 9:00 in the morning to 8:30 in the evening. 显示画面

8、 4:整张海报。左下角显示:4. 本月特价商品?“嘟”李明回答: Clothes and shoes are on sale this month.显示画面 5:整张海报。左下角显示:5. 地址?“嘟”李明回答: It 's on No.110 West Street.(5)口试教师出现,结合前面的内容向考生提出 3 个问题。考生在听到“嘟” 的一声后回答。l So, do you often go shopping?(回答问题时间 7秒)l What kind of stores do you like to go to?(回答问题时间 15 秒)l Do you think mos

9、t shop assistants are nice and helpful? Can you give me some examples?(回答问题时间 15秒)(6)口试教师开始说明第二个题目的指导语。 “You are going to havew simming lessons in the summer, and Li Ming wants to know something about it. Now you will watch some moving pictures. In the pictures, you are at the university sports cent

10、re. After you watch the moving pictures, Li Ming will ask you 5 questions about the swimming lesson. Please answer Li Ming's 5 qu然es后tio开ns始. 播放”动 画,内容为:“你”的形象不显示,整个 flash只显示你所看到的事物。镜头显示大学体育中心, 镜头推进到一张海报。镜头定格海报:暑期游泳课 报名啦! 7月15号8月 5日 每周三次 大学体育中心 李老师执教 只需 200元 你将拥有一个快乐而健康的美好暑假!(7)考生开始回答问题:(每个问题考生有

11、 10秒的时间) 显示画面 1:海报。李明提问: “When will the swimming lessons be? ”“嘟” 显示画面 2:海报。 李明提问: “How many lessons are you having per week? ”“嘟” 显示画面 3:海报。 李明提问: “Where do you go for your swimming lessons?”“嘟” 显示画面 4:海报。 李明提问: “Who is the teacher? ”“嘟” 显示画面 5:海报。 李明提问: “How much do you have to pay? ”“嘟”(8)口试教师出现,

12、结合前面的内容向考生提出 3 个问题。考生在听到“嘟” 的一声后回答。l So, what is your favorite sport?(回答问题时间 7 秒)l What do you usually do in your spare time?(回答问题时间 15秒)l What do you think of the importance of doing sports?(回答问题时间 15秒)(9)口试教师宣布考试结束。 “Thank you. Thaits the end of the test. Goodbye. 参考答案:Please Ask Li Ming 5 questio

13、ns:1. What is the name of the newly opened store?2. When did it open?3. What are the business hours?4. What products/ goods are on sale this month?5. Where is the store?Please Answer Li Ming 's questions:1. The lessons will be from July 15th to August 5th.2. Three times a week.3. I will go to th

14、e university sports center.4. Mr. Li.5. 200 yuan.5)口试评分方法与合格标准 (1)评分原则与方法口试结束后,由两位评分教师根据评分标准中列出的三项内容分别分项给分, 然后进行综合处理,给出考生的实际分数。评分教师评分过程中,不对考生的口试情况作任何比照,依照口试各节的全部考查内容对考生进行口语评价,而不依照其中的某一部分独立评分。(2)合格标准PETS第二级口试从以下三个方面评估考生口语能力:语法和词汇应该能够有效的传输信息。考生在遣词组句时,可能时有语法或词汇方面的小 错;偶尔亦可能词不达意。语音、语调语音、,使对方能够听懂所说出的话。因母语

15、口语影响,考生偶尔会给对方造 成理解困难。互动交际应该能够参加简单的口头交际活动,并利用互动策略使该活动不致中途停顿。 考生可能时有犹豫。全国英语口语等级考试应该注意的问题一. 注意语音1. 语音发音要准确,使对方能够听懂所说出的话2. 语调语疑问句调应基本正确一般疑问句要用升调e.g. Do you like English?/Do you like sports?/特殊疑问句要用降调e.g. What is your favourite sports?How much does it cost?选择疑问句中,or前用升调,or后用降调e.g. How do you like traveli

16、ng, by plane/ or by boat?二. 可能用到的词语1. 月份in January in February in March in April in May in June in July in August in September in October in November in Decembere.g. on July 1st, on September 1, on September ,on August 5th, 2010 ,on May 20th,20092星期on Mon day on Tuesday on Wed nesday on Thursdayon F

17、riday on Saturday on Sun day3时刻3: 00 p.m. 3: 30 a.m. 11:50from 8:00 in the morning to 6:00 in the after noonat 9:30 in in the morning next Thursday4.科目名称Art (文科):Chinese maths English politics history geographyScience (理科):Chinese maths English physics chemistry biology5其他词汇I study in No. 1 Middle S

18、chool of Tengchong.oral English = spoken English 侠语口语) subject (科目)supermarket (超市) cash (现金)cheque ( 支票) credit card (信誉卡)letter (书信)e-mail (电子邮件)department store (百货大楼,百货商场)be on sale特价,打折)三可能出现的场景on the beach 在沙滩) at the hospital 牡医院) go to the cinema (去电影院) at school仕学校) a travel plan(ffi行计戈U) h

19、ave a meetingfF会) go to the library and borrow books go to an exhibition (去看展览)四.可能用到的问句go to the supermarket 看医生) go to the post office(去邮局)go to the book store 誉书店) have a birthday party 住日聚会 ) a traffic accident (交通事故 ) have sports运动)任图书馆借书)1. Where do you study?2. What subjects do you study? / H

20、ow many subjects do you study?3. What subject do you like best?4. Do you often go shopping?5. What is the name of the newly opened store?6. When did it open? / When was it open?7. What are the business hours?8. What products/ goods are on sale this month?9. Where is the book store / library?10. How

21、much do you have to pay? ”11 .What is your favorite sport?12. What do you usually do in your spare time?13. What do you think of the importanee of doing sports?14. What kind of stores do you like to go to?15. Do you think most shop assistants are nice and helpful? Can you give me some examples?16. W

22、here do you come from? /Where are you from?17. What do you do?18. How many people are there in your family?19. Do you often go to your school library?20.Is the library open on weekend日新图书馆周末开放吗?Yes. It's ope n from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on weeke nds a nd it ope ns one hour earlier from Mon day

23、to Friday.21 .How many books can one person borrow at a time?每个人一次可以借几本书?A studentcan borrow five and a teachercan borrow ten. And you can keep the books for 15 days at most.22. Whe n does the new library ope n from Mon day to Friday?It ope ns at 8:00 a.m. from Mon day to Friday23. How long can I ke

24、ep the books borrowed from the library?15 days (two weeks).24. Do you like sports ? Why?25. What kind of sports do you like best? / What is your favorite sport?26. Do you like music? What kind of music do you like best?27. Do you know your parents ' birthday? When?28. Do you have a good time whe

25、n you travel during the Spring Festival?29. How do you pay for it?30. What kind of store do you want to go to?31. What is the weight of the parcel?32. Do you like traveling? Why?33. What places have you already been to? When did you go there?34. Which one do you like better, summer vacation or winte

26、r vacation?35. What' s the date today?ththToday is September 11/12 .36. What day is today? (Today is Saturday / Sunday.)37 .How do you usually spend your summer vacation / winter vacation?38 How do you usually spend your weekends?39. What do you do in your spare time?40. Where did you go last su

27、mmer?41 .What' s your name? May I know your name?42. Do you like sports? What game do you like best?43. What do you often do on your birthday?44. Do you know your parents' birthday? When?45. Where do you have lunch, at school or at home? If at school, why?46. Do you like making friends? Why?

28、47. Please tell me something about one of your friends.48. Do you like music? Why?49. .How do you feel when you listen to nice music?50. Do you often borrow books from your school library/51. What kind of books do you like to borrow?52. What do you often do after class every day?53. Will you tell me

29、 something about your hobby?54. Do you like English songs or Chinese songs? Why?55. Do you like to go to school by bus or by bicycle? Why?56. Which do you like better Chinese films or Foreign films? Why?57. What do you usually do on Sun days?58. Which is the most important festival in China?59. Whic

30、h is the most importa nt festival in western court tries?60. How do you usually enjoy yourself during weekends?模拟题一.讲座讲座:学会学习主讲人:Jim Green时间:9月26日(周四)晚6: 30地点:主楼121讲座内容:介绍英语学习的策略1 .What is the lecture called? / What is the title of the lecture?The lecture is on“ Learn hoe to learn” .2. Who is the sp

31、eaker? It is to be given by Jim Green.3. Where is the lecture to be given?It is going to be given in Room 121 Main Building.4. When will the lecture t be given?It is to be given on September 26. It is to begin at 6:30.5. What is the lecture mainly about?The lecture is about the strategies to be appl

32、ied in English learning. 继续性问答:1. Do you often go to lectures? Why?2. What kind of lectures do you often go to?3. What do you think of lectures?请根据下列信息回答问题: 剧名:梦 开演时间:星期一、二、三晚 20:00 时 演出所需时间: 2 小时 30分钟 票价: 8 元 问题,如:·What is the name of the play? ·When will the play start?·How long wil

33、l the play last?·How much is the ticket? ·Who can go to see it?回答问题,如:·The play is called the Dream.·It will start at 20:00 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights. ·It will last for two and a half hours.·Each ticket costs 8 yuan. ·Everyone is welcome to see it.

34、83;继续性问答: 口试教师: 1.Do you often watch play? why?2.Who do you often go to watch a play with? Why?3.Have you watched a play recently? What is it about?4.What is your favourite play? Why?·题目 2: 口试教师:请根据下列信息回答问题: 图书馆 名称:中山图书馆 馆址:中山路 89 号规模:占地 1000 平方米 藏书量:三百万问题,如: ·What is the library called? &

35、#183;Where is it located? ·How large is the library?·How many books are collected in the library? 回答问题,如:4. Have you ever listened to any English lectures? 二庆祝会 时间:8月 29日 地点:学生体育馆内容:歌、舞、乐曲弹唱、相声( comic dialogue)等 参加人员:全校师生1. When is the celebration to be held? The celebration is to be held

36、on August 29.2. Where is the celebration to be held? It will be held in the Students Stadium.3. What are the arrangements at the celebration?At the celebration, people will dance, sing songs and play music. And there will be comic dialogue.4. Who are the people to attend the celebration? All the tea

37、chers and students are welcome.继续性问答 :1. Do you often hold celebrations? Why?2. What do you often celebrate?3. Did you hold or attend celebrations on our sixtieth National Day?英语口语考试模拟题1口试教师用卷 ·考生个人情况介绍 What' s yuor name? Where do you come from? /Are you from.?What subjects do you study?Wha

38、t subjects do you like best? Why?Or What subjects are you good at? Why?Or What subjects is the most difficult? Why? What subjects don 'yotu like? Why? Do you like you school?Why do/don ' t you like it?·题目 1:·It is called the Zhongshan Library.·It is located at 89, Zhongshan Road.·The library occupies 1,000 squaremeters.·There are three million books collected there. 继续性问答口试教师结合前面的内容向考生各提出 2 或 3 个问题。1.Do you often go to the library? Why?2.Who do you usually go to the library with? Why?3. Have you read a novel recently? Can you tell me something


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