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1、first aid李仕才一、阅读理解。many people have bought insurance,either life or property(财产),commercial or compulsory.yet some people know little about it and some even misunderstand its nature and function.insurance is the sharing of risks.nearly everyone is exposed to a risk of some sort.the house owner,for e

2、xample,knows that his property can be damaged by fire;the shipowner knows that his ships may be lost at sea;the breadwinner knows that he may die at an early age and leave his family poorer.on the other hand,not every house is damaged by fire nor every ship is lost at sea.if these persons each put a

3、 small amount of money into a pool,there will be enough to meet the needs of the few who do suffer losses.in other words,the losses of the few are met from the contributions of the many.this is the basis of insurance.those who pay the contribution are known as the insured and those who manage the_po

4、ol_of_contributions_as insurers.the legal basis of all insurance is the policy.this is a printed form of contract on a piece of paper in best quality.it states that every year the insured shall pay an amount of money,which is called the premium;in return,the insurer will pay an amount of money or co

5、mpensation for losses if the risk or event insured against actually happens.the premium for insurance naturally depends upon how likely the risk is to happen,as suggested by past experience.if companies fix their premiums too high,there will be more competition in their area of insurance and they ma

6、y lose business.on the other hand,if they make the premium too low,they will lose money and may even have to drop out of business.so the ordinary forces of supply and demand keep premiums at a level satisfactory to both the insurer and the insured.1the underlined phrase in para.2 most probably means

7、 _.amoney paid by the insurersbeach premiumcmoney paid by all those insureddthe cost of administering insurance2insurance premiums do not become too high because _.anot many people insure themselvesbpremiums depend on the risk of lossescinsurers have to be more competitivedinsurance companies can ne

8、ver lose money3according to the passage,insurance business gains profit because _.amore and more people buy insurancebthe firms have sound managementcthe premium is increased year by yeardonly a few of those insured suffer losses4the purpose of the passage is to _.aexplain an insurance policybintrod

9、uce insurance businesscpersuade people to be insureddwarn people of possible losses【解题导语】本文主要对保险进行了简要介绍。【段意梳理】第一段:许多人买保险,但一些人对其知之甚少并有误解。第二段:介绍保险的本质。第三段:保险的合法形式保单。第四段:确定保险费的依据。【难句分析】the premium for insurance naturally depends upon how likely the risk is to happen,as suggested by past experience.分析:本句

10、是一个复合句。how引导宾语从句,as引导了一个省略了主语和部分谓语的状语从句,补充完整应该是:as it is suggested by past experience。译文:保险费(的确定)自然取决于风险发生的可能性,正如过去的经验所显示的那样。1c考查词义猜测。根据第二段的“if these persons each put a small amount of money into a pool,there will be enough to meet the needs of the few who do suffer losses”可推知,the pool of contributi

11、ons表示投保人所投的钱。a项错在paid,根据第二段的“who manage the pool of contributions as insurers”可知,这部分钱是由承保人来经营管理的;b项错在每一笔保险费,与语境pool不符;d项表示管理保险的成本,文章中并没有提到,故排除。2c考查细节理解。根据最后一段的“if companies fix their premiums too high,there will be more competition in their area of insurance and they may lose business”可知,保险公司也有竞争,因此

12、保险费不能定得太高,否则就没有竞争力,也就意味着可能会失去业务,故选c。3d考查推理判断。根据第二段的“on the other hand,not every house is damaged by fire nor every ship is lost at sea”“enough to meet the needs of the few who do suffer losses”和“the losses of the few”可推知,保险公司获利是因为只有少部分投保人遭受意外风险。a项表示越来越多的人买保险,文章只提到许多人买保险,并没有提到投保人增加的趋势;b项表示公司的经营很好,文章中

13、并没有提到;c项错在保险费逐年增加,文章中并没有提到,故排除。4b考查写作意图。文章第一段点题,再结合全文的整体内容可推知,本文主要介绍的是保险业务,故选b。a项错在介绍保单,只在第三段提及;c项错在劝说人们购买保险,本文作者对保险进行了客观的介绍,并没有劝说之意;d项只是本文中所提到的一点,并不是本文的写作目的,故排除。二、语法填空。i was driving home late at night _1_ my car lost momentum (冲力) and got slower and slower. nothing i did seemed to make any _2_ (dif

14、ferent). “it can't be the fuel,” i thought. the petrol gauge (汽油量表) was showing i had plenty _3_ (leave). then my car died completely after i _4_ (manage) to roll to the side of the road. it was an extremely dark, lonely country road. neither a single person _5_ any traffic was in sight at all.

15、i felt like an idiot. i should not have left without charging my cell phone.the battery was dead and i was alone without any way _6_ (contact) my family. time dripped slowly like a leaking tap.“god, help me!” i begged anxiously. “is there someone who will be kind enough to stop and help me out?”_7_

16、, there was no sign of anyone. i was starting to panic, _8_ (feel) completely abandoned.suddenly i saw a faint light _9_ the distance. i waved my white scarf as hard as possible. it was a huge lorry. the driver stopped and kindly drove me to the nearest hotel, _10_ i had a rest, and then i called my

17、 family and explained what had happened. how lucky i was! when he stopped for me, i felt as if i had just found a million dollars.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ 篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者晚上在驾车回家的路上车子出了故障,被困在乡村马路上,最终在好心人的帮助下成功脱困的故事。1when考查连词。“be doing sth. when . ”为固定句型,意为“正在做某事,这时突然”。故填when。2dif

18、ference考查词性转换。make any difference为固定搭配,意为“有任何作用,有任何影响”。故填difference。3left考查非谓语动词。动词leave与plenty(指代汽油)之间存在逻辑上的被动关系,故用leave的过去分词left作后置定语,意为“剩下的,剩余的”。故填left。4managed考查动词的时态。纵观全文可知,整篇文章的时态以过去时为主,故此处也应用一般过去时,描述过去发生的事。故填managed。5nor考查固定搭配。neither . nor . 为固定搭配,意为“既不也不”。故填nor。6to contact考查非谓语动词。the way to

19、 do sth.为固定搭配,意为“做某事的方法”。故填to contact。7however考查副词。根据语境可知,作者期待有人会停下来帮忙,然而,作者却看不到一个人影。空格处表示转折,且其后有逗号,故填however。注意首字母大写。8feeling考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,主语i和动词feel之间为主动关系,故用feel的现在分词形式作伴随状语。故填feeling。9in考查介词。in the distance为固定短语,意为“在远处”,故填in。10where考查定语从句的引导词。分析句子结构可知,空格处引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词hotel,在从句中作状语,表地点。故填wher

20、e。三、完形填空。i spent last summer volunteering at a hospital.it was a gift to _1_ so many amazing people and i'd like to share one of these moments.one day,i was called to a room where a(n) _2_ woman was staying.usually i helped with _3_ who were ready to leave.instead,she _4_ to go to the gift shop.

21、i got a _5_,helped her into it,and headed down to the entrance.when we got there,it wasn't open yet.after a 30­minute _6_,we entered the gift shop.as i pushed her around,i could see the _7_ in her face as she looked at everything,happy to be out of her room.she _8_ some window decorations,a

22、nd then saw chocolates.she asked me to push her in that _9_,and then i helped her _10_ all the different chocolate arrangements. _11_ she decided on three different boxes.she told me to write the numbers 1,2,and 3 on the boxes.she _12_ that the nurses were taking such good care of her,so she _13_ ch

23、ocolates for each of the three shifts of nurses.as we gave the current shift of nurses their box of chocolates,they _14_ offered some to me before taking some themselves.there were _15_ all around.witnessing the old lady's _16_ and getting the opportunity to spend time with someone who got so mu

24、ch joy from life were a _17_ in itself.i have so many more stories,and each person made an impact on my life.i've _18_ that health has a way of bringing people together._19_ is a blessing,and being in a place where health is so _20_ and appreciated is unlike anything else.1a.introduce bmeetcattr

25、act ddescribe2a.elderly bstrangecimportant dfamous3a.nurses bkidscpatients dparents4a.pretended bwantedcfailed dpromised5a.car bshopping cartcwheelchair dbike6a.ride bwalkcdrive dwait7a.relief banxietycjoy dpuzzle8a.chose bmadecused dreceived9a.manner bcasecdirection dpoint10a.prepare for bmake upcf

26、igure out dlook through11a.suddenly beventuallycfortunately dactually12a.explained bdeclaredcexpected dimagined13a.exchanged bdesignedctasted dbought14a.in fact bat a losscin turn dat ease15a.whispers bsmilescshouts dcheers16a.kindness bchoicecdecision dloneliness17a.lesson bchancecgift dfact18a.con

27、cluded bimaginedcpredicted dlearned19a.health bluckcvirtue dpraise20a.tested bvaluedcmaintained dpromoted【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者在医院做义工的经历,老人的善良和快乐让作者领悟到健康是福的道理。1b上文提到作者在医院做义工,下文又提到分享故事,由此可知,此处指“见到”许多了不起的人。故选b项。2a从下文16空前的“old lady's”可知,此处指“上了年纪的”。故选a项。3c从语境可知,此处指作者作为医院的义工,通常帮助那些准备离开的“病人”。故选c项。4b上文

28、提到作者通常帮助那些准备离开的病人。结合instead“反而”可知,此处老人并不是准备离开,而是想去礼品店。故选b项。5c从下文7空前的“as i pushed her around”可知,此处指“轮椅”。故选c项。6d前一句提到“当我们到达礼品店时,商店还没有开门”,可以推断此处指30分钟的“等待”。故选d项。7c从空后的“happy to be out of her room”可知,此处指“高兴”。故选c项。8a上文提到“she looked at everything”,接下来应是“选择”。故选a项。9c结合语境可知,此处指老人要求作者推着她朝巧克力的方向走去。故选c项。10d根据空后的

29、“all the different chocolate arrangements”可以推出,此处指作者帮老人“浏览”了所有不同的巧克力的布置。故选d项。11b在作者帮老人浏览完后,“最终”老人做出了决定。故选b项。12a上文提到老人购买了三种不同盒子的巧克力并让作者在上面写上数字。接下来是老人向作者解释为何这样做。故选a项。13d老人解释说护士们如此精心地照顾她,所以她为轮班的护士“买”了巧克力。故选d项。14c当作者他们给当前值班护士巧克力时,值班护士转而给了作者一些。故选c项。15b从下文17空前的“who got so much joy from life”可知,此处指“微笑”。故选b

30、项。16a结合上文老人的行为不难看出,老人是一个善良的人。故选a项。17c此处指作者的感慨:能和从生活中得到如此多快乐的人在一起本身就是一个“礼物”,和上文第一段的“it was a gift to.people”相呼应。故选c项。18d此处指作者从做义工的经历中“学习”到,健康常常把人们聚集在一起。故选d项。19a上文中作者提到健康,接下来说,“健康”是福,符合语境。故选a项。20b此处指待在健康被如此“重视”的地方和其他事情不同,空处与空后的“appreciated”并列。故选b项。四、短文改错。with the development of the internet, many peop

31、le are used to shopping online. it had become a fashion in our daily life. some of we students also show great interest in it.shopping online has many advantages. just by a click of the mouse, you can buy how you're interested in with going outdoors. you can avoid get tired and being trapped in

32、the crowded people and heavy traffic and save time. when shopping online, you can choose from many variety of goods, whose prices are generally lower.every coin has two sides. its disadvantages are obvious, too. on the one hand, it's very easy for you to buy goods differently from the pictures y

33、ou see on the internet. on the other hand, shopping online cause people to buy goods that are not badly needed. that's waste of money. these are all things we should remember them while shopping online.答案:with the development of the internet, many people are used to shopping online. it become a fashion in our daily life. some of student


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