



1、诚信忍耐探索热情SSM 2000 SRP介绍The spreading resistance technique is a method for measuring the electricalproperties of semiconductor materials with very highspatial resolution; it is based on measurements of thecontactresistanceofspeciallypreparedpoint contactson doped silicon samples.The SSM 2000 NANOSRP?

2、Systemis an automated spreading resistance probe designed tocharacterizetheelectricalproperties ofdopedsiliconmaterials.This systemgeneratesprofilesof resistivity,carrierdensity,and electricallyactivedopantdensitymore quickly and more easily than its predecessor, theSSM 150. It is the most advanced

3、SRP test machine inworld.Silan characteristic1、 Can afford the best accuracy result for custom.2、 We have the unique ability to test the Ultrashallow layer. Example we can test implant resistivity profiler on surface. We can guarantee 6nm resolution for test Ultrashallow layer.3、 Can measure the res

4、istivity of patterned samples (dimension of pattern above 80um).扩展电阻率测试是用高分辨率测试半导体材料的电特性。它基于被测样片上接触的探针来测试。 SSM 2000 是一台自动的用扩展电阻的方法来反应参杂硅材料电特性的机器。它能产生整个硅片电阻率的轮廓特性,载流子浓度,参杂浓度。它比国内常用的SSM150 要快速,准确许多。是目前世界最先进的SRP测试设备之一。士兰特点:1、能给用户提供国内最精确的测试结果。2、是国内唯一有能力准确测试浅层结构,如注入表层电阻率的变化特性。能保证6nm 的分辨率准确性。3、能测试图形中样品的扩展

5、电阻率(图形尺寸80um以上)。杭州士兰集成电路有限公司杭州经济技术开发东区10 号路 308 号Hangzhou Silan Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd。308, No. 10 Road, East HETZ, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China 310018FAX:TEL:7813 (邓先生)0571-867140350571-86714088-7814(杨先生)dzt51266042诚信忍耐探索热情SSM495 C-V测试仪The SSM495 is an automatic merc

6、ury probe capacitance-voltage (CV) measuringsystem.The SSM495 has an advanced measurement tool withmany characteristicssuchas good spatial resolution, good sensitivity and non-destructive. The resistivityof all kinds epi samples can be accurately measured using SSM 495. The measurementrange isfrom 0

7、.1to 100 .cm in n-type wafer; from 0.24 to330 .cm in P-typewafers.The SSM495 can also be used to monitor oxide quality (Threshold voltage: Vth;Flat band voltage: Vfb;Oxide capacitance: Cox;Effective oxide charge: Neff ).In addition,itcanoffergoodresolutioninmonitoringtheimplant dose of B, P or As in

8、 thechannel region under the gate.SILAN CharacteristicWecan testmost ofP type EPIwafer which is very hard for manycompanies sometimes.SSM495全自动汞探针CV测试系统是先进的测试工具,具有空间分辨率高、灵敏度好、非破坏性等特点。它能精确地测试各种外延片的电阻率。 N 型硅片的测试范围为:0.1 100 .cm ;P 型硅片的测试范围为:0.24 330 .cm。SSM495亦可用于监测氧化层质量(阀值电压Vth;平带电压 Vfb ;氧化层电容Cox;氧化层电

9、荷数Neff )。此外,对于栅极下面沟道区的B、P、 As 注入剂量, SSM495能提供完美的监测方案。士兰特点:对于 P型外延片电阻率的测试一般公司很难有能力测试, 有的甚至放弃测试 P 型外延片,而我们能测试大部分的 P 型片。杭州士兰集成电路有限公司杭州经济技术开发东区10 号路 308 号Hangzhou Silan Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd。308, No. 10 Road, East HETZ, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China 310018FAX:TEL:7813 (邓先

10、生)0571-867140350571-86714088-7814(杨先生)dzt51266042诚信忍耐探索热情QS FTIR 系列介绍QS FTIR seriesisan advanced FT-IR tooldevelopedby Bio-Radlaboratories,Inc.Ithas strongfunctionswhich are widelyused inanalysisof PSG films,BPSGfilms,silicon nitride films, epi layers and barewafers.The concentrationof B and P in BP

11、SGfilmscanbe measuredusingPCR orPLStechniquescontainedin QS M-408,and itcananalyze Hydrogen in silicon nitride films,oxygen and carbon in silicon, also measureEpitaxial thickness.SILAN Characteristic1、 We own theBio-RadQS seriesFTIRmachines which is the famous FTIR inworld.IncludingseveralQS300,QS40

12、8, QS500 etc. models.2、 We can afford the rapid and accuracyresult by our experience andtheory.QS FTIR 系列是台由Bio-Rad 实验室有限公司制造的FT-IR测试工具。其功能强大,广泛应用于分析PSG薄膜、 BPSG薄膜、 Si3N4 薄膜、外延层和硅片。QS FTIR 提供的 PCR和 PLS技术可用于测试BPSG薄膜中的 B、 P 含量。此外, QS FTIR 还可用于测试 Si3N4 薄膜中的氢含量,硅中的碳、氧含量以及外延层的厚度。士兰特点:1、拥有FTIR 业界标准的BIO-RAD

13、QS系列产品,包括多台QS 300, QS408, QS500等各类型号。2、丰富的理论与实践能力保证了测试的快速,准确性。是国内用FTIR 应用最广泛的公司之一。Opti-Probe介绍杭州士兰集成电路有限公司杭州经济技术开发东区10 号路 308 号Hangzhou Silan Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd。308, No. 10 Road, East HETZ, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China 310018FAX:TEL:7813 (邓先生)0571-867140350571-867

14、14088-7814(杨先生)dzt51266042诚信忍耐探索热情The Opti-Probe is a powerful film thickness measurement tool that can measuremost films and film stacks with high precision and repeatability, such as t, n, and k. It performs this function by integrating three film thickness measurementtechniques: Beam Profile Refl

15、ectometry, Visible Spectrometry, Beam Profile Ellipsometry.On fully equipped systems, the Opti-Probe can utilize all three technologiesto obtainrobust, repeatable measurement results.A thin standard should measure within A thick standard should measure within±1 ? of a wafers known value.±2

16、 ? of awafer s known value.SILAN Characteristic :1.The testing application engineer with perfect experience can provide all kinds of complex test project.2. The advanced equipment performance and top-ranking technology team in China farthest assure the results accurate.OPTI-PROBE设备能够测试各种膜质和膜层的膜厚,折射率

17、, 消光系数,具有很高的精确性和重复性。 OPTI-BPROBE是通过三种目前世界上最先进的膜厚测试技术来保证准确性:BPR(Beam ProfileReflectometry)、 BPE( BeamProfile Ellipsometry)、 VS( Visible Spectrometry)。在整个系统中,OPTI-PROBE可以综合利用上面三种技术获得稳定的测试结果, 对于薄的膜层测试精度±1 ?,对于厚的膜层测试精度± 2 ?士兰特点:1. 具有丰富的经验的测试应用工程师能提供各类复杂测试的解决方案。2. 先进的设备性能以及国内一流的技术团队能最大程度地保证测试结果

18、准确性。ADE 9500 介绍杭州士兰集成电路有限公司杭州经济技术开发东区10 号路 308 号Hangzhou Silan Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd。308, No. 10 Road, East HETZ, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China 310018FAX:TEL:7813 (邓先生)0571-867140350571-86714088-7814(杨先生)dzt51266042诚信忍耐探索热情ADEs UltraGage 9500 has become the industry s

19、tandard for wafer geometry characterization for both device fabs and silicon wafer manufactures. The small footprint, noncontact measurements and automated operation combined with 10 nm resolution position the UltraGage as the ideal process development, analysis and control tool for photolithography

20、, thin film stress, thermal, CMP and backgrind processes.Measurements: Thickness,Flatness(Global&Site),Shape(Bow/Warp) Features:Non-contact measurements,10nm resolution, Patterned or polished wafers, Integral prealignment, Manual or cassette operationAccuracy: Thickness( ±0.5 m),flatness (± 0.15 m),Bow and Warp(± 3.0 m+5% of reading )SI


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