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1、造纸机纸机通风系统造纸通风抄纸培训PPT造纸机纸机通风系统造纸通风抄纸培训PPT美卓纸机通风系统培训讲义(上)通风设备OptiFormerllP 风HiCleaner and BlowCleaner 空气设备Opti Press 通风运行系统,吹风箱PressRunHiRun 4000/2000SymRun PlusUnoRunTwinRu nDoctorVe ntilatorVacRoll exhaust air(风辘排风)密闭气罩3B罩内通风和袋区通风热回收和密闭通风系统碎浆机排湿风机TurnDry (热风箱)B红外干燥纸边回收#OptiFormer and OptiPress venti

2、lation equipment网压部通风OptiFormer and OptiPress 通风湿部通风的作用尽量保持湿部设备的清洁:-改善运行环境条件-减少断纸-减少对设备的损伤-减少停机清洗时间防止湿气,液滴和其它水粒子散步到厂房中改善厂房的工作条件,减小湿度,防止建筑物和设备结构的损伤 改善纸页的湿度和温度防止纤维被甩到纸机周围的环境 防止冬季在网部天花板结冰OptiFormer ventilation 网部9OptiPr9DSR Water separatorAir flow in11DSA Droplet separator 雾气分离器#HiCleaner and BlowClean

3、er ventilation equipmentHiCleanerFor efficient inner fabric conditioning13#BlowCleanerlTotz>Ljoo <A?.S%-.,外网15J rt卜Runnability systemPressRun blow boxes HiRun2000/4000 blow boxes SymRun Plus blow boxesUnoRun blow boxesTwinRun pocket ventilation box DoctorVentilator pocket ventilator VacRoll ex

4、haust air equipment17Blow box operating principles and conditions吹风箱的操作规程和条件eeSheetFabric or feltFabric or feltOperates by blowing Use of ejection and coanda effectNo mechanical contactUnderpressurized area19o stabilizerWith stabilizerbetween the aper and the abric causes detachmentAir boundary laye

5、r carried by the fabricSheet tends to foil the dryer cylinder Air flows through the fabricCentrifugal forces acting on the sheet21#Blow box操作条件I 为了保证吹风箱正常工作I安装于毯或者毛毯的透气度从吹风箱吹出的空气量是合适的 喷嘴必须是保持清洁的吹风箱的正常运行还依靠于 烘缸表面温度 纸页水分曲线23#吹风箱位置对其所产生的作用有着 非常大的影响The position of blow boxes both in the machine directio

6、n and cross direction is very important 吹风箱与十毯位置与产生负压的关 系如图所示。The position of blow boxes in relation to fabric is given to the installation drawings.吹风箱、干毯位置与纸页的关系SHELL23AIR FLOW, %#25PressRun (twoTotal pressureStatic pressureAir flowon flange, Paon flange, Pam3/h/m320030001400270025002x 12003200300

7、01400arts'PressRun (oneUnoRun1600SvmRun Plus1200700014001000670010007001250UnoRun Ventilator700-1200500-1000400-800TwinR un170015001250-1400Uniflow800600750Uniflow B800600750HiRun 2000, 4000 (su#PressRun blow boxPressRun27PressRun blow box 压榨吹风箱保持纸页在从压榨部向烘干部传递过程中与干网紧密结口E由吹风箱向外吹风,在吹风箱与毛布或干网之间形成负压

8、区域。在负压作用下,防I上了纸页在压榨部,干部出现掉边现象。 毛布和干网均不和吹风箱接触。吹风箱的空气流采用的现场取风,经山风筒吹向吹风箱后在散失在 周围环境中。压榨吹风箱所用的的风是需要蒸汽加热的29PressRun blow box#HiRun 2000/4000 blow boxes烘干部31Centrifugal forceL闷"RBHMHM#PaperHiRun space: hiqh vacuum zone Pocket space: normal vacuum zoneVacuum in VacRolln 4000 blow boxp-run siaeNip plate

9、s2. Down-run nozzleAX JI3. Suction zoneif4. CD vacuum dividerA1.Suction ductown-run side = MiKun sideFlexible HiRun components:Clearanee adjustment for the vacuum dividerLoadinq hose of the vacuum dividernd sealing with edge nozzlesAir amount adjustment of the uprun side nozzleCD nozzle on the uprun

10、 sideRail for cleaninq the VacRoll#35#Flexible HiRun cc4. Nip plate2. Downrun noz:p-run side3. CD labyrinth sNip platesClearance adjust the labyrinth seaEnd sealing with edge nozzlesAir amount adjustment of the up-run side nozzleCD nozzle on the uprun side Rail for cleaninq the VacRollStandard insta

11、llation distances of flexible HiRun compone nts5 mm between nip plate and fabric 8±1 mm between box and fabric3 mm between vacuum divider and fabric5 mm between vacuum divider and fabric39#Pressurized locking hose of the vacuum dividerUnpressurized locking hose of the vacuum divider#INLET PRESS

12、URE6 bar为解决密封设计的加载锁定软管PRESSURE REDUCERr:;OUTLET PRESSURE;0,5 barOUTSIDE OF THE HOODTO THE NEXT HIRUN BLOW BOXD ITBALL VALVE WITH DRAIN HOLE IN CLOSE POSITIONBALL VALVE WITH DRAIN HOLE IN CLOSE POSITION密封块的调整单元41更换干网之前的检查I卸载软管的压力清洗吹风箱,特别是负压区域。检查吹风箱的功能是否完好。(包括密封板,引纸风板,吸盘, 真空分配器)密封板与干网的距离至少要在15mm。保持烘缸表

13、面清洁度。例如烘缸表而的结垢必须在停机期间清 理掉。43更换干网#Thin band更换干网注意事项通常干网是沿着运行方向换上去的在更换干网之前-淀要确保HiRun的所有组件要远离烘缸Ifil15mm以上。 在换干网过程中,当干网通过吹风箱时定要加倍小心。在新干网与旧十网连接处,连接带必须是顺从纸机方向,不能有大的结或 者褶皱。在系连接带时,尽量不要用原有的干网接头,经过老化不是很牢固,因此 需要新开孔。在更换完干网后检查After changing the fabric真空分配器密封条的检查。吹风箱的柔性密封是否在最佳位置。丁网在吹风箱的弯曲程度。干网必须保持不能和真空吹风箱有任何接触。Cl

14、eaning of the blow boxes on the outside 吹风箱外部的清洗I 用压缩空气吹扫吹风箱(稳定器)上的纸片,纸毛和灰尘。如果有必要在采用高压喷头清洗前先对吹风箱和支架进行清洗。 高真空区域和真空分配器要仔细清洗并且要彻底。在清洗过程中要保持吹风箱风机是开启的,防止清洗下来的杂 物命进吹风箱内。使用专用的高压清洗装置从清洗孔对吹风箱吹风口狭缝进行清 洗。Cleaning of the blow boxes 吹风箱(稳定器)清洗45清洗吹风箱47Cleaning nozzlePlugged hole for1. Nip plate unfasten screws (

15、2 pcs M10) remove the plate#2 End plate-unfasten screws (2 pcs M6) remove the plate3 PTFE-strip (teflon) draw the old strip out Push the new strip from the tending side and pull it by a thread from the drive side in place (Drill a 5 mm hole in the strip on the drive side edge for pulling the new str

16、ip)4. Adjustment of distance of the labyrinth seal Adjust the labyrinth seal at the distance according to the installation and start-up minutes 吹风箱的检修维护周期Basic ServiceInspectio1 yearIn spectionCleaning Service49VENTILATION EQUIPMENTFOR A PAPER MACHINE美卓纸机通风系统培训讲义(下)SymRun Plus blow boxes干部稳定器功能#SymR

17、un Plus blow box纸页稳定器SymRun Plus blow box7VacRoll washout doorFelxible blowing nozzle slots53End nozzle slotSingleForce tail threading plate55#SvmRun Plus control damper closedVacRoll control damoer closedKnock-down blow57Plugged washing holes of nozzle slots# Plugged water outlet 厂 behind the washo

18、ut doorUnoRun blow boxes干部UnoRun blow box59UnoRun blow box UnoRun吹风箱#TwinRun blow boxes后烘TwinRun blow boxes 后烘#TwinRn blow box63TwinRun blow boxes有两个作用:- 是保证运行效率,二是配合袋区通风。上要由两个UnoRun喷嘴改善运行效率将引纸过程中塞纸的* >1能件降至最小, 向上吹风的喷嘴是可调的为了确保烘干部的通风平衡TwinRun blow box配备了通风喷嘴。TwinRun blow box出现问题时应该检查如果运行出现问题,请检查:T

19、winRun风机是否运行。风机节流器是否正常工作。每个风管的调节阀门是否在正确位置稳定器喷嘴是否清洁、干网的透气度是否能达到标准 网是彳、是足够的洁净。稳定器位于纸机横向和纵向的位置是否严格按照安装图纸安装的。65DoctorVentilator刮刀吹风Combined Doctor and Pocket Ventilator 刮刀与袋区通风6617 metsDoctorVentilator67VacRoll exhaust air风辐VacRoll exhaust air 风辐69TTTClosed hood密闭气罩Closed hood密闭气罩#Closed hood and baseme

20、nt hood 密闭气罩和一楼密封罩准确的调整烘干部通风对纸机的益处能维持一个好的水分曲线 一个优化的能量处理密闭气罩防上热量和潮湿的空气散失到整个厂房内0 减少有害的噪音减少热辐射减少由于温差引起的空气流动Exhaust Air = Supply air + Leagage air(Hood constant)75调整通风系统的平衡#Supply air rate too low Correct supply air rate Supplv air rate too highUNDERPRESSUREt H ”OVER-.PRESSUREExhausair77Heat recovery sy

21、stem热回收系统Customer deliveryHeat Recovery System 热回收系统用回收的热量减少能量消耗。整个过程是密闭的,是水蒸气回到系统循环使用。排风中的水雾会被冷凝回收 将对外界的水负载要求降至最低 热回收系统起到除湿器的作川77#TurnDry air dryer一热风干燥箱Air dryers-热风干燥在热风干燥箱内,纸页被从纸的两侧吹出的热风干燥。热风的加热依靠是天然气。无接触式干燥的效果取决于-个好的吹风曲线。干燥的空气通过喷嘴吹到纸页表面。空气通过位于两个喷嘴之间的吸气箱吸收回系统再次循环利用。 烘箱的下半部分通过液压缸动作,主要是为了便于引纸和清理。在

22、 断纸时烘箱会自动打开。79TurnDry 一空气转向器TurnDry空气转向器ITurnDry是与热风箱集成在一起的一个纸页转向装置。 保证纸页在一定的角度和干度下转过转向器。 热风干燥的组成:一对热风箱 循环风系统 排气装置81Contactless turning of webAuto clearanee control#Lower heat and humidity load to machine hallDrying capacityspace saving83#9 hI Exhaust air fanCirculation air fanDamper for short circu

23、lationBalancing dampersCirculation air fan85#Make-up air ductTurnFloat fan0Exhaust air fan#Combustion air fanGas burner in the ductBy-pass duct for short circulationTurnDry, tending side 操作侧视图#、Blowinq air to the top box nozzlesSuction air from the top box suction areBlowing air to the bottom box nozzlesSuction air from the bottom box suction area87Blowing airthe air turn nozzlesTurnDry nozzles and suction areas 热风箱的喷嘴和吸区之间的吸区89Gas burners一天然气燃烧炉Gas burner unit天然气燃烧单元91Control Panel控制台ss3#Burner


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