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1、William WordsworthThe Lake Poets a group of English poets who all lived in the Lake District of England at the turn of the nineteenth century . Main figures :William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge(柯勒律治), and Robert Southey The Brief Introduction of Wordsworth William Wordsworth(1770-1850) Bache

2、lor of Arts . Graduated from St. Johns College , Cambridge . a major English Romantic poet . launch the Romantic Age in English literature with the 1798 joint publication Lyrical Ballads . Influenced by Rousseau and the Great French Revolution (liberty, democracy) Against the darkness of the social

3、reality and advocate beauty of nature. The Complex of Utopia of British Romanticism 英国浪漫主义乌托邦情结 1843 “Poet Laureate” Died by re-aggravating a case of pleurisy(胸膜炎 ) on 23,April 1850 Buried at St. Oswalds church Wordsworths Childhood Wordsworth was born in 1770 at Cockermouth, in the north of the lak

4、e country, the second child of a fairly prosperous attorney-at-law and of Anne Cookson. At age of 8, mother died .He was reproached and insulted by his grandparents , then came his fathers death, when the boy was thirteen . His Wanderings From Hawkshead, Wordsworth went to Cambridge in October, 1787

5、 and remained there at St. Johns college for four years Bad performance in university. None was to his taste. The army, the church, the law, tutorial work, were all contemplated and discarded in turn. He showed no strong bent except for wandering and writing poetry. 1790 , he started for the Alps th

6、en to London , Switzerland and Italy 1791 He went to FranceWordsworths Marriage In France , he cohabited with a French girl and had a daughter . Later he quit the relationship because of his uncles objection . 1802, he had married a Westmorland girl, Mary Hutchinson, in whom he found one of the grea

7、test blessings of his life . Five children were born between 1803 and 1810, two of whom were to die almost simultaneously in 1812 . Death had already struck Wordsworth a blow that went near his heart .Wordsworths works The first poetry anthology : 黄昏信步黄昏信步The Lyrical Ballads (1789) (The proclamation

8、 of English Romanticism)英国浪漫主义的宣言英国浪漫主义的宣言 Lucy Poems (1799) The Solitary Reaper 孤独的刈麦者孤独的刈麦者(1805)The Prelude 序曲序曲(1798-1839)(14 books)Excursion漫游漫游(reminding us of the debates between God and Satan at one time set forth in churches for the edification of the people )Ode : Intimations of Immortalit

9、y 不朽颂不朽颂(1807)His sonnets (later years) :The River Duddon (1820), and Ecclesiastical Sonnets (1822). Wordsworths writing style Theme : mountains , rivers ,flowers ,birds, children , peasants , reminiscences of his own childhood and youth , rural life and characters belong to lower classes , harmony

10、between humanity and nature. Poetic principle: all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling. Poetry takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility. Simple and pure ,vivid and authentic language ,excluding rhetoric(华丽的词藻). Conveying dissatisfactions with social reality un

11、der capitalism by advocating “back to nature ,back to patriarchal society”(父系社会) .Wordsworths influence His poetic theory shakes the reign of English classical poetry . To initiate a new poetic form in literature . Chinese pastoral poetry 华兹华斯“人情的幽音悲调”成了日本作家国木田独步少年的悲哀的创作源泉 Wordsworth is a wandering

12、cloud(一朵流云) , a solitary reaper(一个孤独的刈麦者)。 Lyrical Ballads First published in 1798 Generally considered to have marked the beginning of the English Romantic movement in literature .Main features: 1. simplicity of much of the language; 2. sympathy with the poor; 3.fusion(融合) of natural decription wit

13、h expressions of inward states of mind.The Background The poem was inspired by an April 15 ,1802 event in which Wordsworth and his sister ,Dorothy(多萝西),came across a “long belt” of daffodils. The poem was written in 1804 and his inspiration for the poem came from an account written by Dorothy.I Wand

14、ered Lonely as a CloudI wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high oer vales and hills, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Alon

15、g the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. 我独游于天际,如一朵流云我独游于天际,如一朵流云 凌空于谷峰,飘然然悠闲。凌空于谷峰,飘然然悠闲。 忽地,我看见了一群,忽地,我看见了一群,一簇簇金黄色的水仙;一簇簇金黄色的水仙; 看看在树之荫,湖之缘,在树之荫,湖之缘, 在微风中,她们舞姿翩翩。在微风中,她们舞姿翩翩。她们似银河星钻,连延不断,她们似银河星钻,连延不断, 碧银银,闪闪发光,碧银银,闪闪发光, 沿着湖湾的水缘线,沿着湖湾的水缘线, 伸向无穷

16、无尽的远方:伸向无穷无尽的远方: 一瞥去便是一万朵,一瞥去便是一万朵, 轻舞中花首频颠簸。轻舞中花首频颠簸。 The waves beside them danced; but they Outdid the sparkling waves in glee; A poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund company; I gazed-and gazed- but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought: For oft, when on my couch I lie In va

17、cant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils. 波光里的涟漪也舞弄清影,却波光里的涟漪也舞弄清影,却 怎比得水仙的欢快;怎比得水仙的欢快; 伴有这等喜悦,伴有这等喜悦, 诗人如何不快!诗人如何不快! 我我久久凝视久久凝视但毫无答复,但毫无答复, 可知这景致给予我多少财富:可知这景致给予我多少财富: 每当我久卧不眠,每当我久卧不眠

18、, 心绪空荡,或忧思难抱,心绪空荡,或忧思难抱, 她们便闪现在心田,她们便闪现在心田, 正如寂寥中的光照;正如寂寥中的光照; 于是我的心儿满溢着欢畅,于是我的心儿满溢着欢畅, 同这群水仙起舞歌唱!同这群水仙起舞歌唱! Rhyme-scheme: ababcc ( every stanza)Meter: iambic tetrameter He also achieves musical quality by the management of alliteration, assonance, and consonance ,etc. Besides, he employs figurative(比喻的) language to evoke not only the visual


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