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1、Prentice Hall, 2003Performance management and appraisal Chapter 9 Prentice Hall, 2003 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.82When you finish studying this chapter, you should be able to:Introduce to appraising performance.Who should do the appraising.Discuss basic appraisal methods.How to Per

2、form an effective appraisal interview.Prentice Hall, 20031.1 ConceptsPerformance appraisallEvaluating an employees current and/or past performance relative to his or her performance standards.lAppraisal involves:Set work standards.Assess employees actual performanceProvide feedback to the employee.

3、1. Introduction Prentice Hall, 2003Effective goal-setting:SMARTPrentice Hall, 20032. Who Should Do the Appraising?2.1 SupervisorsThe supervisor is usually in the best position to observe and evaluate subordinates performance and is also responsible for that persons performance.lSole reliance on supe

4、rvisors ratings is not always advisable.lAn immediate supervisor may be biased for or against the employee .Prentice Hall, 2003 open communicationcohesionsatisfaction2.2 Peer Appraisals a positive impact on improving perception of:Prentice Hall, 20032.3 Rating committee Usually composed of the emplo

5、yees immediate supervisor and three or four other supervisors Benefits:lCan help cancel out problems such as bias on the part of individual raters. provide a way to include the different facets of an employees performance observed by different appraisersPrentice Hall, 20032.4 Self-Ratings Problem wi

6、th self-ratings is that employees usually rate themselves higher than their supervisors or peers would rate them Prentice Hall, 20032.5 Appraisal by Subordinates Upward feedback Can help top managers diagnose management styles, identify potential people problems, and take corrective action with indi

7、vidual managers Prentice Hall, 2003360-Degree Feedback Performance information is collected from supervisors, subordinates, peers, and internal/external customers With multiple ratees and multiple raters, can be paperwork nightmares Prentice Hall, 20033. Basic Appraisal methodsGraphic rating scale A

8、lternation Ranking Method Paired Comparison Method Forced distribution method Critical Incident Method BARS Management by ObjectivesPrentice Hall, 20033.1 Graphic rating scale 图评价尺度法图评价尺度法 Lists a number of traits and a range of performance for each Supervisor rates each subordinate by checking the

9、score that best describes the subordinates performance for each trait Prentice Hall, 2003PerformanceDimensionRATINGDistinguishedExcellentCommendableAdequatePoorknowledge54321communication54321Judgment54321Managerial skill54321Quality54321teamwork54321Interpersonalskill54321initiative54321creativity5

10、4321Problem solving54321Prentice Hall, 20033.2 Alternation Ranking Method交替排序法交替排序法Ranking employees from the best to the worst on a trait Alternates between highest and lowest until all employees to be rated have been addressed Prentice Hall, 2003Prentice Hall, 20033.3 Paired comparison method 配对比较

11、法配对比较法 lRanking employees by making a chart of all possible pairs of the employees for each trait and indicating which is the better employee of the pair.l根据某一种绩效评价要素,画一张表,列根据某一种绩效评价要素,画一张表,列出所有员工配对情况,并标出配对中更好出所有员工配对情况,并标出配对中更好的员工,以此进行排序。的员工,以此进行排序。Prentice Hall, 2003Ranking Employees by the Paired

12、Comparison MethodNote: + means “better than.” means “worse than.” For each chart, add up the number of 1s in each column to get the highest-ranked employee.Prentice Hall, 20033.4 Forced distribution method 强制分布法强制分布法 Similar to grading on a curve 类似于在一条曲线上进行等级类似于在一条曲线上进行等级区分区分. Predetermined percent

13、ages of ratees are placed in various performance categories按照预定的比例将被评价者分布到按照预定的比例将被评价者分布到相应的绩效等级上。相应的绩效等级上。 Example: 15% high performers 20% high-average performers 30% average performers 20% low-average performers 15% low performersPrentice Hall, 20033.5 Critical Incident Method 关键事件法关键事件法 lKeeping

14、 a record of uncommonly good or undesirable examples of an employees working-related behavior and reviewing it with the employee at predetermined times.Prentice Hall, 2003Examples of Critical Incidents for an Assistant Plant ManagerPrentice Hall, 2003Critical Incident Method lAdvantageProvide actual

15、 examples of good and poor performance used to explain the persons rating.Have supervisor think about the workers performance all the time.Provide concrete examples of what the subordinate can do to improve performance.Prentice Hall, 20033.6 Behaviorally anchored rating scale 行为锚定等级评价法行为锚定等级评价法(BARS

16、)lAn appraisal method that uses quantified scale with specific narrative examples of good and poor performance.l由一些特定的关于优良绩效和不良绩效的描述性由一些特定的关于优良绩效和不良绩效的描述性事例组成的一个量化的尺度而进行评价。事例组成的一个量化的尺度而进行评价。Prentice Hall, 2003Preparing for duty43215677. Always early for work, gathers all necessary equipment to go to

17、 work, fully dressed, uses time before roll call to review previous shifts activities and any new bulletins, take notes of previous shifts activity mentioned during roll call.6. Always early for work, gathers all necessary equipment to go to work, fully dressed, checks activity from previous shifts

18、before going to roll call.5. Early for work, has all necessary equipment to go to work, fully dressed.4. On time, has all necessary equipment to go to work, fully dressed.3. not fully dressed for roll call, does not have all necessary equipment 2. Late for roll call, does not check equipment for dam

19、age or needed repairs, unable to go to work from roll call, has to go to locker , vehicle, or home to get necessary equipment .1. Late for roll call, does not check equipment, does not have necessary equipment to go to work.Prentice Hall, 2003BARSAdvantageslA more accurate gaugelClearer standardslFe

20、edbacklConsistencyPrentice Hall, 20033.7 Management by Objectives 目标管理法目标管理法(MBO)Requires the manager to set specific measurable goals with each employee and then periodically discuss progress toward these goals .lThe procedure Set the organizations goals.Set departmental goals.Discuss individual go

21、als.Set individual goals.Performance reviews.Provide feedbacklShortcomingsUnclear, unmeasurable objectivesTime consumingTurn into a tug-of-war.(口舌战)Prentice Hall, 2003 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.926Table 93 Prentice Hall, 2003Exercise In order to improve firms performance, and estab

22、lish its images, a bus company is going to appraise the ticket sellers performance with the following dimensionslEffectively receive the tickets paymentlProvide the service with a smile and civilization wordslPay attention to personal appearancelBe familiar with the stations along the relevant lines

23、.lBe familiar with the distribution of important facilities along the linesPlease develop a Behaviorally anchored rating scale for the ticket sellers so as to select the excellent employees.TipslThe level of performance can be presented by the frequency of each behaviorNever, occasionally, sometimes

24、, often, alwaysPrentice Hall, 2003 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.928 rangedimensionsNeveroccasionallysometimesoftenalwaysImportant Weighting 123451、 Effectively receive the tickets payment50%2、 Provide the service with a smile and civilization words20%3、 Pay attention to personal appea

25、rance10%4、 Be familiar with the stations along the relevant lines10%5、 Be familiar with the distribution of important facilities along the lines10%Sum upPerformance standard :insufficient 13 moderate 34 good 44.5 outstanding 4.55commentsPrentice Hall, 2003Common Appraisal ProblemsUnclear StandardsHa

26、lo EffectBiasLeniency or StrictnessCentral Tendency4. Appraisal ProblemsPrentice Hall, 20034. Appraisal ProblemsUnclear standards 绩效标准不明确绩效标准不明确lAn appraisal that is too open to interpretation.A Graphic Rating Scale with Unclear StandardsNote: For example, what exactly is meant by “good,” “excellent

27、”, and so forth?Prentice Hall, 2003Potential Appraisal ProblemsHalo effect 晕轮效应晕轮效应lOccur when a supervisors rating of a subordinate on one trait biases the rating of that person on other traits.Central tendency 居中趋势居中趋势lA tendency to rate all employees the same way, such as rating them all average.Strictness/leniency 过严或过宽过严或过宽lThe problem that occurs when a supervisor has a tendency to rate all subordinates either high or low.Bias 个人偏见个人偏见lThe tendency to allow individual differen


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