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1、Its origin can be traced back to remote antiquity Some people say it is superstition It has experienced many vicissitudes of times but always remains evergreen TodayIts time to know moreAbout itTheoretical SystemYin And Yangthe law of nature Everything in the universe contains yin and yang dynamicbr

2、ighthotfunctionaletc.staticdarkcoldsubstantialetc Yin YangThe Unity of Opposition Between yin and yang The variations of the four seasons the dynamic equilibrium Interdependence between yin and yang without lightwithout shadowWaning and waxing of yin and yang If winter comes, can spring be far behin

3、d? Shelley The Five Element Theorynatural philosophy in ancient ChinaBasic substances to constitute the universe the nature of growing freelythe nature of flaring up the nature of giving birth to all things the nature of purifying and descending the nature of moisteningliver eye east heart lingua so

4、uth spleen mouth middle lung nose west kidney ear north Generation: promote, aid or bring forth another generation generation generation generation generation Restriction : bringing under control or restraint restrictionrestrictionrestrictionrestrictionrestrictiongeneration generation generation gen

5、eration generation restrictionrestrictionrestrictionThe relationships of generation, restriction restrictionrestrictionQithe root of lifeThe fundamental substances constituting the human body and maintaining its life activities Meridians And Collateralsthe pathways to link the whole bodyA theoretical basis of all clinical subjects of TCM Medicament 【plant】 【animal】 【mineral】 The Four Diagnostic MethodsInspection Auscultation and Olfaction Inquiry Pulse-taking and Palpation Medical ClassicMing Dynasty Ben Cao Gang Mu 581-682 AD Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang Han Dyna


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