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1、The Differences between Chinese and Foreign FuneralThe funeral ceremony is the history of human , funeral customs as human civilization. As old as any kind of culture on how to deal with the problem, there are 3 points ; follow a funeral or religious ceremony; the carefully selected cemetery in memo

2、ry of the dead; but in the specific process. In the implementation, all with the national brand. Chinese and Western culture is the impact of two cultural system of the worlds largest, they have a different understanding and interpretation of death. 隆丧厚葬隆丧厚葬The early burial customs of Chinas generat

3、ion is based on the memory of the deceased and the fear, so as the last stop of the life , nature has a special status.The Shang Dynasty: people worship spirits, use a large number of alieve people and livestock in the funeral, and more and more burial artifact. After the spring and Autumn Period: D

4、uring the Warring States period, the princes of the country at the time of the war frequently, long lost burial situation did not abate.The famous Tomb is Qin shi huangs The Western Han Dynasty : 文帝推行简丧薄葬文帝推行简丧薄葬 ,使得这一时期隆丧厚,使得这一时期隆丧厚葬的风气有所减弱。汉武帝时期,各级官葬的风气有所减弱。汉武帝时期,各级官吏又争相大办丧礼。吏又争相大办丧礼。 Tang, song,

5、Ming and Qing Dynasties : 唐以后,丧礼开始逐步实行制度化。唐以后,丧礼开始逐步实行制度化。 亲人亡故后的丧葬礼仪包括停尸、报丧、亲人亡故后的丧葬礼仪包括停尸、报丧、招魂和送魂、做招魂和送魂、做“七七”、吊唁、入殓、丧、吊唁、入殓、丧服、出丧择日、哭丧和下葬十种仪式。出服、出丧择日、哭丧和下葬十种仪式。出丧时的丧服为白色。丧时的丧服为白色。 Another form of great funeral and burial is taccompany the funeral customs. Foreign Funeral “简丧薄葬简丧薄葬” Western funer

6、al etiquette is basically a religious funeral rituals. After death, first in death or the body found registry for registration, issued by a doctor or medical examiner written proof, and in death before the grass-roots organization of residence registration; then issued a notice to relatives or in th

7、e press announcement. The funeral of the deceased will generally The funeral of the deceased will generally follow, follow, willwill determine the determine the burialburial or cremation. or cremation. Funeral affairs generally by the funeral Funeral affairs generally by the funeral agency or contra

8、ctor specific arrangements, agency or contractor specific arrangements, including the burial or cremation time, place including the burial or cremation time, place and time of the funeral ceremony, and other and time of the funeral ceremony, and other locations. The funeral ceremony with a western l

9、ocations. The funeral ceremony with a western wedding, held in the church. Many specific wedding, held in the church. Many specific procedures are put. The coffin into the church, procedures are put. The coffin into the church, by a priest read the eulogy and pray for the by a priest read the eulogy

10、 and pray for the dead, and then use a velvet pall to cover the dead, and then use a velvet pall to cover the coffin to the cemetery or crematorium. The coffin to the cemetery or crematorium. The funeral and the funeral mass can be done at funeral and the funeral mass can be done at the same time, c

11、an also be separated held by the same time, can also be separated held by the priest or relatives generally agreed, the priest or relatives generally agreed, including prayer words and texts, and including prayer words and texts, and communion, farewell ceremony finally. communion, farewell ceremony

12、 finally. The funeral is mainly influenced by Christianity. Christianity will be the soul of every one of the direct relationship with God, do not allow idolatry, advocating the soul and despise the flesh, so Western funeral custom is very simple. Christian funeral is more prayer for the dead, I wis

13、h the soul to go to heaven. From his pain. Christianity thinks that the human soul after death need quiet, the funeral is therefore very solemn.In front of God ,every soul is equal . Western Western havehave many ethnic many ethnic groups, but in the influence groups, but in the influence of Christi

14、an culture, of Christian culture, funeral customs. The same funeral customs. The same basic traditional funeral basic traditional funeral program uses the form of program uses the form of religion. Before the funeral, religion. Before the funeral, the spirit frame will be the spirit frame will be pl

15、aced in the church by placed in the church by relatives and friends in it. relatives and friends in it. In a church funeral usually In a church funeral usually including prayer, singing including prayer, singing hymns and the pastor of hymns and the pastor of speech, after people to speech, after pe

16、ople to farewell, with coffin to the farewell, with coffin to the cemetery to bury the dead.cemetery to bury the dead.In the whole process of the funeral people just quietly in meditation and prayer beside the coffin, wringing, Hao Tao tears, and always maintained a solemn atmosphere, dont disturb t

17、he souls of the dead quiet. The people attending the funeral, with black clothes and to offer the gladiolus flower to show condolences to the deceased. When buried, with some petals was born, was buried in the tomb of Li Bi cross, put a bunch of flowers, relatives and friends can silently out of the

18、 grave.Westerners also pay homage to the dead customs, on the ninth day of mourning for twentieth days, fortieth days and one year have held offering the ceremony. At that time, relatives and friends can go alone, a bunch of flowers, silently stand on while you can.The use of the coffin is to reach

19、the United States in the 20th century British colonists. Since then, around gradually formed around the church cemetery, people also engraved a portrait of the deceased to better honor the dead on the tombstone.年、月、日,季父愈闻汝丧之七日,乃能衔哀致诚,使建中远具时羞之奠,告汝十二郎之灵:呜呼!吾少孤,及长,不省所怙,惟兄嫂是依。中年,兄殁南方,吾与汝俱幼,从嫂归葬河阳。既又与汝就食




23、丧,则待终丧而取以来;如不能守以终丧,则遂取以来。其馀奴婢,并令守汝丧。吾力能改葬,终葬汝於先人之兆,然後惟其所愿。呜呼!汝病吾不知时,汝殁吾不知日;生不能相养以共居,殁不得抚汝以尽哀;敛不凭其棺,窆不临其穴。吾行负神明,而使汝夭;不孝不慈,而不得与汝相养以生,相守以死。一在天之涯,一在地之角,生而影不与吾形相依,死而魂不与吾梦相接。吾实为之,其又何尤!彼苍者天,曷其有极!自今已往,吾其无意於人世矣!当求数顷之田於伊之上,以待馀年,教吾子与汝子,幸其成;长吾女与汝女,待其嫁,如此而已。呜呼!言有穷而情不可终,汝其知邪!其不知心也邪!呜呼哀哉!尚飨 祭十二郎文Feel good when som

24、ebody Miss you. Feel better when somebody Loves you. But feel best when somebody never forgets you.A friend is sweet when its new.but it is sweeter when its TRUE! But you know what? Its sweetest when its you.Flowers need sunshine, violets need dew, all angels in heaven know I need you. years may fly

25、, tears may dry, but my friendship with you will never die. One day you will ask me: What is more important to you, me or your life? I will say: my life You will walk away from me without knowing that YOU ARE MY LIFE!A friend gives hope when life is low, a friend is a place when you have nowhere to go, a friend


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