已阅读5页,还剩33页未读 继续免费阅读




1、 阅读理解全攻略阅读理解全攻略While enjoying the music, what have you prepared for the coming class ?Your papers?Your attention?Your confidence?阅读理解全攻略阅读理解全攻略考试大纲考试大纲要求要求要求考生读懂简易的英语文学作品、科普文章、要求考生读懂简易的英语文学作品、科普文章、公告、说明、广告以及书、报、杂志中关于一公告、说明、广告以及书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文章并回答相关问题。考生应般性话题的简短文章并回答相关问题。考生应能:能:、理解主旨要义;、理解主旨要义;、理解

2、文中具体信息;、理解文中具体信息; 、根据上下文推断生词的词义;、根据上下文推断生词的词义;、作出简单判断和理解;、作出简单判断和理解;、理解文章的基本结构;、理解文章的基本结构;、理解作者的意图和态度;、理解作者的意图和态度; 7 7、根据所读,用恰当的词语补全文章提纲、根据所读,用恰当的词语补全文章提纲、 概括关键内容或作要词词语转换。概括关键内容或作要词词语转换。 阅读理解命题分类阅读理解命题分类主旨大意型主旨大意型事实细节型事实细节型词义猜测型词义猜测型推理判断型推理判断型命题类命题类 试试 卷卷 (江苏江苏)推理推理判断判断主旨主旨归纳归纳细节细节理解理解词义词义猜测猜测 2008

3、4 2 8 1 2009 72 5 12010年高考阅读理解推理判断题型中年高考阅读理解推理判断题型中要求考生能把握要求考生能把握文脉逻辑关系文脉逻辑关系句与句与句、段与段之间的逻辑关系。句、段与段之间的逻辑关系。一、主旨大意型一、主旨大意型解题要领解题要领A、干扰项干扰项 可能属文中某个具体事实或细节。可能属文中某个具体事实或细节。B、干扰项干扰项 可能属从文中某些可能属从文中某些 ( (不完全的不完全的) ) 事事 实或细节片面推出的错误结论。实或细节片面推出的错误结论。C、干扰项干扰项 可能属非文章事实的主观臆断。可能属非文章事实的主观臆断。D、正确项正确项 是根据文章意思全面理解而归纳

4、是根据文章意思全面理解而归纳 概括出来的;但不能太笼统、言过概括出来的;但不能太笼统、言过 其实或以偏概全。其实或以偏概全。一、主旨大意型一、主旨大意型实战演练实战演练 1. Tell a story and tell it well, and you may open wide the eyes of a child, open up lines of communication in a business, or even open peoples mind to another culture or race. People regard storytelling not only as

5、 a useful tool in child education, but also as a meaningful activity that helps adults understand themselves as well as those whose culture may be very different from their own. We are all storytellers. We all have a story to tell. We tell everybodys story.一、主旨大意型一、主旨大意型实战演练实战演练Question: Whats the m

6、ain idea of the text? Storytelling can influence the way people think.B. Storytelling is vital to the growth of business.C. Storytelling is the best way to educate children in school.D. Storytelling helps people understand themselves and others.从文中事实片面推出的错误结论从文中事实片面推出的错误结论 X文中的一个具体细节文中的一个具体细节 X非文章事实

7、的主观臆断非文章事实的主观臆断 X实战演练实战演练2. 2009年重庆卷年重庆卷Sir Steven Redgrave, winner of 5 Olympic Gold Medals, once said, “In 1997 I was found to have developed diabetes (糖尿病糖尿病). Believing my career (职业生涯职业生涯) was over, I felt extremely low. Then one of the specialists said there was no reason why I should stop tra

8、ining and competing. That was itthe encouragement I needed. I could still be a winner if I believed in myself. I am not saying that it isnt difficult sometimes. But I wanted to prove to myself that I wasnt finished yet. Nothing is to stand in my way.”实战演练实战演练61. What does Sir Steven Redgrave mainly

9、talk about? A. Difficulties influenced his career. B. Specialists offered him medical advice. C. Training helped him defeat his disease. D. He overcame the shadow of illness to win.本段没有明显的主题句,归纳全段可知正确选项本段没有明显的主题句,归纳全段可知正确选项为为D。选项。选项A是局部信息;选项是局部信息;选项B和和C,文中没有,文中没有信息支持。信息支持。一、主旨大意型一、主旨大意型心得体会心得体会 寻找寻找

10、主题句主题句是解题的关键,主题句通常在文首、文是解题的关键,主题句通常在文首、文末或首尾呼应,有时在句中,也有可能没有主题句,末或首尾呼应,有时在句中,也有可能没有主题句,这时需根据文章所述内容进行归纳。寻找主题句有这时需根据文章所述内容进行归纳。寻找主题句有以下四个小窍门:以下四个小窍门:(1)段落中出现段落中出现转折转折时,该句很可能是主题句。时,该句很可能是主题句。 (2)作者有意识地作者有意识地反复反复重复的观点,通常是主旨;反重复的观点,通常是主旨;反复出现的词语,一般为体现文章主旨的关键词。复出现的词语,一般为体现文章主旨的关键词。(3)首段出现疑问句首段出现疑问句时,对该问题的回

11、答很可能就是时,对该问题的回答很可能就是文章主旨。文章主旨。(4)提出文章主旨时常伴有提出文章主旨时常伴有文字提示文字提示有有therefore, thus, but, however, in fact, in short等。因此,这些词等。因此,这些词后的内容很可能就是文章主旨。后的内容很可能就是文章主旨。二、事实细节型二、事实细节型解题要领解题要领难度难度 该题型难度系数值最低并占阅读题该题型难度系数值最低并占阅读题 (除任务型阅读)总数的(除任务型阅读)总数的50%左右。左右。分析分析 文章中心是文章中心是论点论点,事实细节是,事实细节是论据论据或或 主要理由主要理由;有关细节的问题常对

12、文中;有关细节的问题常对文中 某个词语、某句子、某段落等细节及某个词语、某句子、某段落等细节及 事实进行提问,所提问题一般可事实进行提问,所提问题一般可直接直接 或或间接间接在文章中找到答案。在文章中找到答案。要领要领 忠实于原文上下文及全篇的逻辑关系,忠实于原文上下文及全篇的逻辑关系, 决不能主观臆断。决不能主观臆断。二、事实细节型二、事实细节型常见提问形式常见提问形式1. Which of the following is TRUE ( Not True) according to the information in the passage?2. Which of the followi

13、ng is mentioned in the passage?3. The author mentions all the following except _.4. In the passage, the author states that _.5. 以以when, where, who, what, how, why, how many/much等词引导的疑问句。等词引导的疑问句。 二、事实细节型二、事实细节型实战演练实战演练 One day, I told my mother Id changed my mind. I didnt want to make a success in t

14、he magazine business. “If you think you can change your mind like this,” she replied, “you will become a good-for-nothing.” She insisted that, as soon as school was over, I should start ringing doorbells, selling magazines. Whenever I said no, she would scold me. 二、事实细节型二、事实细节型实战演练实战演练Question: What

15、 did the mother do when the boy wanted to give up? A. She forced him to continue. B. She punished him. C. She gave him some money. D. She changed her plan.She insisted that, as soon as school was over, I should start ringing doorbells, selling magazines. Whenever I said no, she would scold me.二、事实细节

16、型二、事实细节型心得体会心得体会 此题型最普遍的特征是题干中此题型最普遍的特征是题干中的某些词语和表达方式与原文的词的某些词语和表达方式与原文的词语和表达方式相吻合,因此一般采语和表达方式相吻合,因此一般采用用寻读法寻读法,即先读题,然后带着问,即先读题,然后带着问题快速阅读短文,找出与问题有关题快速阅读短文,找出与问题有关的词语或句子,再对相关部分进行的词语或句子,再对相关部分进行分析对比,找出答案。分析对比,找出答案。 三、词义猜测型三、词义猜测型解题要领解题要领 同义法同义法 常在词或短语之间有并列连词常在词或短语之间有并列连词and或或or, 它们连接的两项内容在含义上是接近的它们连接

17、的两项内容在含义上是接近的 或递进的。或递进的。反义法反义法 如如hot and cold, ,give and receive等,或等,或 前句为肯定,后句为否定。词与词之前句为肯定,后句为否定。词与词之 间都起着互为线索的作用。间都起着互为线索的作用。释义法释义法 对文章中的生词用定语(从句)、表语对文章中的生词用定语(从句)、表语 甚至于用逗号、破折号等标点符号引出甚至于用逗号、破折号等标点符号引出 并加以解释说明。并加以解释说明。情景推断法情景推断法 根据上下文情景线索进行猜测。根据上下文情景线索进行猜测。 The following year, he met John Ridgway

18、 and was hired as an instructor at Ridgways School of Adventure in Scotland, where he learned about Ridgways cold-water exploits. Greatly interested, Saunders read allhe could about North Pole explorers and adventures, then decided that this would be his future.同义法实战演练同义法实战演练Question: The underlined

19、 word “exploits” is closest in meaning to _.A. journeys B. researches C. adventures D. operationsAdventureexplorersadventuresMost women in Ghana the educated and illiterate, the urban and rural, the young and old work to earn an income in addition to maintaining their roles as housewives and mothers

20、. Their reputation for economic independence, self-reliance, and hard work is well known and well deserved.反义法实战演练反义法实战演练Question: Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “illiterate” ?A. repeat B. reiterated C. uneducated D. sickthe educatedthe urban and rural,the younga

21、nd oldWhen Andrea Peterson landed her first teaching job, she faced the daunting task of creating a music program with almost no money for equipment or supplies in a climate where standard-based learning was the focus and music just provided a break for students and teachers. 释义法实战演练释义法实战演练Question:

22、 The underlined word “daunting” most probably means _. A. discouraging B. interesting C. creative D. unbearable of creating a music program with almost no money for equipment or supplies in a climate where standard-based learning was the focus and music just provided a break for students and teacher

23、s.One night the wind howled loudly in fromoffshore. He rushed next door to the hired hands sleeping room to wake him up. But the little man rolled over in bed and saidfirmly, “No sir.” Enraged by the response, the man wanted to fire him on the spot.情景推断法实战演练情景推断法实战演练Question: The underlined word “En

24、raged” may probably mean_ .A. to be made angry B. to be made surprised C. to be made depressed D. to be made happy四、推理判断型四、推理判断型解题要领解题要领分析分析 15题中常有题中常有5-65-6题。考查学生由文章的字题。考查学生由文章的字面信息推出未知信息或隐含信息的能力,根据文面信息推出未知信息或隐含信息的能力,根据文章提供的事实和线索,进行逻辑推理,推测作者章提供的事实和线索,进行逻辑推理,推测作者未提到的事实或某事发生的可能性、作者的倾向未提到的事实或某事发生的可能性、

25、作者的倾向或意图、文章的论调或意图、文章的论调 等。等。要领要领 透过现象看本质,判断有据,推论有理,透过现象看本质,判断有据,推论有理, 忠实原文,忠实原文,切忌切忌用自己的观点代替作者的本意;用自己的观点代替作者的本意;全面分析所有相关信息,全面分析所有相关信息,切忌切忌片面思考,得出片面思考,得出片面结论;善于揣摩作者思路,尽可能与作者片面结论;善于揣摩作者思路,尽可能与作者的思路吻合。的思路吻合。 四、推理判断型四、推理判断型常见提问形式常见提问形式1. It can be inferred from the text that _.2. The paragraph following

26、 (before) the passage will most probably be _.3. The writers attitude is _.4. The author implied (suggested) that _.5. We can conclude from the passage that_.6. What is the tone of the author?7. The passage is intended to _. 8. We can learn from the text that _. 四、推理判断型四、推理判断型实战演练实战演练 1. People who

27、have lost the ability to understand or use words due to brain damage are called aphasics. Such patients can be extremely good at something else. From the changing expressions on speakers faces and the tones of their voices, they can tell lies from truths. According to Dr. Sacks, they are more gifted

28、 than normal people. Normal people may get carried away by words. Aphasics seem to understand human expressions better, though they cannot understand words. 四、推理判断型四、推理判断型实战演练实战演练Question: What do we learn from this text? A. What one says reflects how one feels. B. Aphasics have richer feelings than

29、 others. C. Normal people often tell lies in their speeches. D. People poor at one thing can be good at another.实战演练实战演练 2. (江西卷)Just as crying can be healthy, not cryingholding back tears of anger, pain or sufferingcan be bad for physical(身体的) health. Studies have shown that too much control of emo

30、tions can lead to high blood pressure, heart problems and some other illnesses. If you have a health problem, doctors will certainly not ask you to cry. But when you feel like crying, dont fight it. Its a naturaland healthyemotional response(反应). (2分钟) According to the author, which of the following

31、 statements is true? A. Crying is the best way to get help from others. B. Fighting back tears may cause some health problems. C. We will never know our deep feelings unless we cry. D. We must cry if we want to reduce pressure.实战演练实战演练3. “Have you ever been out on a boat and felt it lifted up by a w

32、ave? Or have you jumped in the water and felt the rush of energy as waves came over you?” asked Jamie Taylor of the Wave Energy Group at the University of Edinburgh. “There is certainly a lot of energy in waves.” he said. (1.5分钟)The writer uses the two questions at the beginning of the passage to _.

33、 A. test the readers knowledge about waves B. draw the readers attention to the topic C. show Jamie Taylors importance D. invite the readers to answer them1 1、快速读题,带着问题读文章。、快速读题,带着问题读文章。 有助于有的放矢地去读,并确定正确有助于有的放矢地去读,并确定正确 的答案。的答案。 阅读理解解题策略阅读理解解题策略确定题干中的确定题干中的关键词关键词 反映题干的中心反映题干的中心 信息或能体现题干最大特征的词信息或能体现题

34、干最大特征的词时间、数字、专有名词、实义名词、抽象名时间、数字、专有名词、实义名词、抽象名词、典型的形容词和副词以及主要的动词等。词、典型的形容词和副词以及主要的动词等。2 2、正确运用阅读策略,提高阅读效率。、正确运用阅读策略,提高阅读效率。 包含论点、论据、结论三大要包含论点、论据、结论三大要素,通过解释、举例来阐述观点素,通过解释、举例来阐述观点 阅读理解解题策略阅读理解解题策略运用运用略读略读、扫读扫读、跳读跳读等技巧快速阅读,搜等技巧快速阅读,搜寻关键词、主题句,捕捉时空、顺序、情节、寻关键词、主题句,捕捉时空、顺序、情节、人物、观点,并且理清文章脉络,把握语篇人物、观点,并且理清文

35、章脉络,把握语篇实质和文章传达的信息。实质和文章传达的信息。 记叙文记叙文 以人物为中心,以时间或空间为以人物为中心,以时间或空间为线索,按事件的发生、发展、结局展开故事线索,按事件的发生、发展、结局展开故事 论述文体论述文体3 3、关注语篇的连接词,正确理解篇章结构。、关注语篇的连接词,正确理解篇章结构。 because, although, but, however, anyhow, on the contrary, as a result, in addition, generally speaking, to summarize, thats to say, whats more在上在

36、上下文中起着让步、转折、对比、列举、递进等下文中起着让步、转折、对比、列举、递进等作用,掌握这些词汇对于篇章的理解有很大的作用,掌握这些词汇对于篇章的理解有很大的帮助。帮助。 阅读理解解题策略阅读理解解题策略连接词连接词 语篇的逻辑纽带,在句子、段落语篇的逻辑纽带,在句子、段落之间起着承上启下的作用,使句子、段落和篇之间起着承上启下的作用,使句子、段落和篇章保持逻辑上的关系和语义上的连贯,它直接章保持逻辑上的关系和语义上的连贯,它直接表明了句与句之间的逻辑关系表明了句与句之间的逻辑关系。 4 4、答题时注意正确项和干扰选项的特征,、答题时注意正确项和干扰选项的特征,回原文找答案。回原文找答案。

37、 阅读理解解题策略阅读理解解题策略正确项正确项 正话反说、肯定句变成双重正话反说、肯定句变成双重否定、同义词替换、叙述角度转换而中心否定、同义词替换、叙述角度转换而中心意思不变等。意思不变等。 干扰项干扰项 绝对化绝对化 偷换概念偷换概念 片面化片面化 串段现象串段现象 无中生有无中生有5 5、要十分重视第一印象。、要十分重视第一印象。 第一感觉的正确率在第一感觉的正确率在8080以以 上,不要轻易改动。上,不要轻易改动。 阅读理解解题策略阅读理解解题策略心理学心理学表明表明 考生在接触试题时大脑皮考生在接触试题时大脑皮层处于高度兴奋状态,对新事物的反应灵敏,层处于高度兴奋状态,对新事物的反应

38、灵敏,容易迅速做出决定。容易迅速做出决定。 经验经验表明表明 检查时,不要按照第一次答题的角度去检查时,不要按照第一次答题的角度去考虑,应该从另外一个角度去思考,没有充考虑,应该从另外一个角度去思考,没有充分、足够的理由不要轻易推翻第一次的选择。分、足够的理由不要轻易推翻第一次的选择。 阅读理解解题策略阅读理解解题策略1 1、快速读题,带着问题读文章。、快速读题,带着问题读文章。2 2、正确运用阅读策略,提高阅读效、正确运用阅读策略,提高阅读效 率。率。3 3、关注语篇的连接词,正确理解篇章、关注语篇的连接词,正确理解篇章结构。结构。4 4、答题时注意正确项和干扰选项的特、答题时注意正确项和干

39、扰选项的特征,回原文找答案。征,回原文找答案。5 5、要十分重视第一印象。、要十分重视第一印象。 Lets practice! Ready? Go! 1. When early humans hunted and gathered food, they were not in control of their environment. They could only interact with their surroundings as lower organisms did. When humans learned to make fire, however, they became cap

40、able of altering their environment. To provide themselves with fuel they stripped bark from trees, causing the trees to die. Clearings were burned in forests to increase the growth of grass and to provide a greater grazing area for the wild animals that humans fed upon. This development led to farming and the domestication of animals. Fire also provided the means for cooking plants which had previously been inedible. Only when the process of meeting the basic need for food reached a ce


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