1、阅读猜测技巧阅读猜测技巧通过上下文猜测生词意义通过上下文猜测生词意义二二) )、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义 or or有时可作为识别同义词或近义词的信号词有时可作为识别同义词或近义词的信号词 likelike( (被定义为被定义为) ),as asas as( (被称为被称为) ),the same asthe same as( (被称为被称为) ) 等等也可作为识别生词的同义词或近义词的信号词,以这些词也可作为识别生词的同义词或近义词的信号词,以这些词为线索,有时也可推断出生词的词义来。为线索,有时也可推断出生词的词义来。 有时有时标点符号标点符号如逗号、
2、括号、破折号等被用来表示两个相如逗号、括号、破折号等被用来表示两个相邻的词为同义词或近义词,这些标点符号也为读者理解其邻的词为同义词或近义词,这些标点符号也为读者理解其中的生词提供线索。中的生词提供线索。 有时为了避免用词的重复,作者往往使用不同的词来表达有时为了避免用词的重复,作者往往使用不同的词来表达相同的意思。在很多情况下,并没有什么信号词或符号来相同的意思。在很多情况下,并没有什么信号词或符号来帮助识别是否是同义词或近义词,这时读者要善于发现。帮助识别是否是同义词或近义词,这时读者要善于发现。有些同义词或近义词不是紧挨着的,而是在附近的句子里,有些同义词或近义词不是紧挨着的,而是在附近
3、的句子里,甚至在较远的地方,所以遇到生词不要马上停下来,要继甚至在较远的地方,所以遇到生词不要马上停下来,要继续阅读,扩大视域,有时会找出猜词的线索而感到豁然开续阅读,扩大视域,有时会找出猜词的线索而感到豁然开朗。朗。二二) )、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义There are many storybooks written for children that have historical value. Photographs lend authenticityauthenticity, or reality to these books as well as
4、 teach the lesson in an enjoyable manner.在叙述的过程中,作者认为authenticityauthenticity一词可能对读者来说是一个生词,所以紧接着用or or引出了它的同义词reality,此词是一般读者所熟悉的词,因此读者根据已知的同义词reality就可以推断出authenticityauthenticity一词的大概意思来,即“真实性;真实”。译文译文: 有很多为儿童所写的故事书很有历史价值插图不仅赋予这些书以真实性,而且还以一种非常有趣的方式教他们知识。二二) )、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义The ne
5、w tax law supersedessupersedes, or replaces, the law that was in effect last year.此句中,作者考虑到supersedesupersede一词可能是生词,紧接着用or or引出该词的同义词replace,此词是一比较常用的词,读者可以根据replace一词的词义能很容易地推断出supersedesupersede一词的大概意思来,即“取代,更替”。译文译文: 新的税收法律以取代去年生效的那个法律。二二) )、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义Children often try to e
6、mulateemulate or copy the behavior that they see on television.此句中,作者考虑到emulateemulate一词可能是生词,但其后用or or引出了它的同义词,copy的意思为“抄写;仿效”,以copy为线索就不难推测出emulateemulate一词的词义来。译文译文: 小孩经常试着去仿效他们在电视所看到的行为。二二) )、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义Like bright David, Richard may be intelligentintelligent.此句中,以likelike一词为
7、线索,读者就能很快地作出判断:bright和intelligentintelligent这两个词的意思非常接近。 bright一词的意思是“聪明的,伶俐的”,一般来说,聪明伶俐的人都是智力比较好的人,那么intelligentintelligent一词的大概意思就显而易见了。译文译文: 像聪明的大卫一样,理查德可能有很好的智力。二二) )、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义Mother was tall, fat and middle-aged. The principal of the school was an older woman, almost as pl
8、umpplump as mother, and much shorter.此句中,作者把学校的校长和他的母亲相比,有相同之处和不同之处。校长比母亲年纪大,个子矮些,但有一点是相同的,并 用as asas as结构表示出来。从这一对比中,可以看出fat和plumpplump是近义词。fat是一般读者熟悉的词,即“肥胖的”,那么,plumpplump一词的意思就能猜个大概了。译文译文: 母亲是身材高大、肥胖的中年妇女。学校的校长年龄稍大些,几乎跟母亲一样肥胖,不过个子要矮得多。二二) )、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义A sleeping person is unc
9、onsciousunconscious unawareunaware of what is going on around him.此句中,破折号前后两词unconsciousunconscious和unawareunaware互为同义词,知道其中一个词的意思,另一个词的意思也就迎刃而解了。译文译文: 睡着的人是无知觉的不知道周围在发生什么。二二) )、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义Medical scientists and computer scientists have worked together to develop computer program
10、s to identify disease from sign, symptomssymptoms and test result.此句中,逗号前后的sign和symptomssymptoms两词互为近义词,表示“征兆”的意思,与前面的disease联系起来,这些征兆都应该是病症或症状。sign是一比较常用的词,以sign一词为线索,symptomssymptoms一词的词义也就容易理解了。译文译文: 医学科学家和计算机科学家已在一起共同工作以编制一些计算机程序从一些征兆、症状和试验结果来确定疾病。二二) )、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义When it com
11、es to manufactured goods there is actually more diversitydiversity in this country than Europe has ever known. The variety of goods carried by our stores is the first thing that impresses any visitor from abroad.如果只是孤立读前面一句,也许无法猜出diversitydiversity一词的词义,这时不要停止阅读,继续往下看,就会发现variety是diversitydiversity的
12、同义词, variety这个词比较常用,即“多样化;品种”,那么diversitydiversity一词的词义也就容易推断出来了。译文译文: 谈到成品,实际上这个国家的产品种类要比欧洲国家所知道的要多得多。我们商店的商品的多样化给任何一个外国人留下深刻第一印象。Guess the meaning of the italicizeditalicized words in the following sentences, using the context cluesthe context clues.1. In order to discover who had a natural abilit
13、y to learn language, the students were given test to determine their language aptitudeaptitude.2. At first I was doubtful that I could do the job. After some practice, however, I am less dubiousdubious.3. Spring upSpring up means to come up or arise or originate, often through natural process and su
14、ddenly or quickly.4. Mr. Kelada was incredibly cocksurecocksure. It was this excessive selfconfidence that made you want to prove him wrong whenever he gave an opinion.5. The woman found herself in a difficult situation, in fact, her plightplight was so serious that she decided to get help.6. John h
15、as a brother and sister, but his best friend has no siblingsibling.7. Our environment is continuously changing, our values are changing as incessantlyincessantly as our environment.二二) )、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义ExercisesExercises8. Many people suggest restricting the number of places where pe
16、ople could smoke. Such restrictions would not try to eliminate public smoking completely, but only to curbcurb smoking by reducing cigarette consumption.9. Tom enjoys talking, and he is the most loquaciousloquacious of all the boys in the class.10. A prcisprcis, or summary, is actually a restatement
17、 of long reading passage.11. After a brief interrogationinterrogation, the suspect was released on bond. Questioning alone does not establish guilt.12. There was consensusconsensus, or agreement, among the faculty to require one term paper for each course.13. The organisms that survive will be the o
18、nes that overcome their enemies or rivalsrivals.14. We may have special standard or criteriacriteria in mind when we analyze something.二二) )、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义ExercisesExercises15. The integrityintegrity of a thing is its wholeness, completeness or unity in a special sense.16. A man con
19、fronts enemies or opponentsopponents (those opposed to him or in opposition to his view, etc.) when he meets them face to face and is prepared to fight them, argue with them, etc.17. Usually if restaurant food is poorly prepared, I dont criticize the waiter. Instead I reprimandreprimand the manage.1
20、8. We say that a job or a piece of work is done thoroughlythoroughly when it is done completely.19. I question whether his facts are correct and I challengechallenge his reason as well.20. Many famous psychologists are trying to understand the problems modern people suffer from, but these eminentemi
21、nent scholars are confused about what causes them.21. Some people dont like to travel to foreign countries. They prefer the comforts and familiarity of home instead of the strangeness of an alienalien environment.二二) )、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义ExercisesExercises22. In ancient times it was cust
22、omary for people to watch the stars and think about what might exist up there in space. Thousands of years later, scientists continue to speculatespeculate about the nature of the universe.23. The young man was unfriendly, bitter and angry, even though everyone else seemed happy and pleasant. I coul
23、d not imagine why he had so much hostilityhostility towards everyone.24. The rope can at all times pull as heavy a load without a balance as the engine is capable of haulinghauling.25. As Jane looked so immatureimmature, everyone expected her to act childishly.26. Some plants can accumulateaccumulat
24、e and store water in their tissues.27. The experiments verified that in overpopulated communities, mother rats do not behave normally. Their behavior may be considered diseased, pathologicalpathological.二二) )、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义ExercisesExercises28. Organic substances and products decomp
25、osedecompose when they separate into their constituent parts or elements.29. When someone dispersesdisperses people he causes them to go in different directions, or scatters them. When things or people are widely dispersed, they are scattered over a large area.30. ShruggingShrugging, or lifting the
26、shoulders, is a typical French gesture to show that one doesnt know or doesnt care about something.31. Many ships left land and disappeared completely; the US Cyclops, for example, vanishedvanished in 1918.32. A meticulousmeticulous typist, my secretary is very conscientious about correcting even th
27、e smallest error.33. Doctors believe that smoking cigarettes is detrimentaldetrimental to your health. They also regard drinking as harmful.34. When air and water is contaminatedcontaminated to such an extent that it is unfit for human use, we say that it is polluted.二二) )、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义、以同义词、近义词为线
28、索猜测词义ExercisesExercises35. These materials can be used to conductconduct, or lead, electricity from place to place.36. SpectaclesSpectacles or glasses, are used by people who can not see perfectly, or by people who want to protect their eyes from bright light.37. Sally liked to concoctconcoct all so
29、rts of stories, but her mother always knew when she was lying.38. A thing is superiorsuperior when it is better than other things of the same kind.39. A thing is inferiorinferior when it is worse than other things of the same kind.40. When the stone is whirling around your head the string pulling th
30、e stone inward so that it travels in a circle rather than in a straight line. This force keeping the stone moving in the circle is called centripetalcentripetal force.41. Although I did not completely approve of the idea, I sanctionsanction it, for I could not think of a better one.二二) )、以同义词、近义词为线索
31、猜测词义、以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义ExercisesExercises42. The conservation of minerals is important, because supplies of many important minerals are exceedingexceeding (extremely) limited.43. A guarantee is a promise or undertakingundertaking, usually in writing or print and having legal force, that conditions agreed to in a transaction will be fulfilled. For example, a man who
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