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1、钻修机试车规程running test regulation of drilling and workover rig(验收调试大纲) (acceptance debugging outline)第一版first publisheddfxk/qd-013编制 edited by:郁少勇 审核 audited by:王书聚批准approved by: 刘辉2007-01-01发布 2007-01-01实施天津市东方先科石油机械有限公司 发布tianjin dong fang xian ke petroleum machinery co., ltd.目 录content1范围1 applicati

2、on range2试验前的准备1 arrangement before testing3试验项目及内容2 testing item and content3.1主机试验项目及内容2 main frame testing item and content3.2外围配套部分试验项目及内容4peripheral equipment testing item and content4试验方法、要求7testing method and requirement4.1主机部分的试验方法、要求7testing method and requirement of main frame parts4.2外围配套

3、部分试验(如有外围配套做此项)18necessary equipment testing (do the test if they have these necessary equipments)5试验仪器、记录要求及性能试验报告29testing equipment, record requirement, and performance testing report5.1试验仪器29testing equipment5.2试验记录要求30testing record requirement5.3性能试验报告要求30performance testing requirement report

4、6检查其它零部件试验及记录或报告30testing record and report of component parts6.1其它零部件试验及记录31component parts testing and record6.2试验记录内容要求31testing record content and requirement6.3性能试验报告内容要求31performance testing requirement report7试验安全要求32safety testing requirement8例行检验和确认检验32routine inspection and validate inspec

5、tion9试验及检验程序33test and check program10试验记录附表34testing record attached list a钻修机试车规程running test regulation of drilling and workover rig1范围 1 application range 本标准规定了石油车装钻机和修井机型式试验、出厂检验、检验产品的装配及产品设计和技术协议等有关的质量要求。this regulation contains the relevant quality requirements of running test, factory inspe

6、ction, assembling inspection, product design and technical agreement.2试验前的准备2 arrangement before testinga)设备检查:对已组装配套完成的产品根据设计图样或协议要求进行各润滑点润滑情况及密封检查,对不符合图纸或协议要求的应进行整改;a) equipment inspection: examining the complete production according to design drawings and technical agreement. inspect the lubricat

7、ed condition of the oil site and capsulation, adjusting and correcting the unsuitable parts.b)安全检查:整机试验前,应对产品、试验场地及试验设备进行安全检查,场地周围不得有高压电缆等障碍物,安全检查合格后方可进行试验;b) safety inspection : safety checking the product、testing ground and testing equipment before total testing. and making sure there isnt any hig

8、h-tension cable or such any obstacle. after the safety inspection is qualified, you can begin your running test.c)安全教育:应对所有参加试验人员进行安全教育,并仔细阅读试验规程,和试验场地管理规定,熟悉安全操作规程。c)safety education: every testing people should take part in safety education. reading the testing regulation 、testing ground managemen

9、t and safety operating regulation carefully.3试验项目及内容3 testing item and content3.1主机试验项目及内容main frame testing item and content3.1.1几何尺寸、质量测量(如有技术要求做此项):3.1.1 geometry dimension, quality measurement (if any technique requires)a)测量主机外形尺寸、质量;a)measure the outside dimension and mass of main frameb)测量整机外形

10、尺寸、质量。b) measure the outside dimension and quality of whole set3.1.2进行钻修机主机的道路行驶试验。3.1.2 taking road performance test for main frame of drilling and workover rig3.1.3空载荷试验:3.1.3 no load testinga)发动机空转试验、测量整机振动和噪声;a)no load testing for driving engine、measure the vibration and noise of whole setb)主机传动

11、系统试验:检查传动系统在各档下的平稳性、各操纵控制机构的灵敏性和可靠性试验;b) main frame transmission system testing: check out the stability in all shifts, take sensitivity and reliability test of all operation controls. c)液压系统试验:密封性,各执行机构和元件动作的可靠性试验;c) hydraulic system testing: take reliability test of every operator and element, che

12、ck out the capsulation as well.d)气路系统试验:密封性,各执行机构和元件动作的可靠性试验;d) pneumatic system testing: take reliability test of every operator and element, check out the capsulation as well.e)刹车毂循环水冷却系统试验;e)brake rim circular water cooling system testing.f)井架起、放、伸、缩试验;f) hoisting ,dropping ,extending ,shrinking

13、test of derrick g)钻台的起升安装试验;g) hoisting and installing test of derrick floorh)绞车运转试验;h) performance test of drawworksi)天车防碰试验;i) crown block saver test j)游车大钩空载下落试验;j) no load dropping test of traveling block k)水龙头旋转试验,液气大钳、钻杆钳对接、运转实验。k) rotating test of swivel , butt joint test of hydraulic wrench

14、and rotary tongs ,performance test3.1.4载荷试验:3.1.4 loading test a)不同大钩载荷下钻井参数仪表是否指示正常;a) normal drilling practice indication of indicator under different hook load b)绞车刹车机构在不同载荷下的刹车性能试验;b) brake performance test of drawworks brake unit under different loadc)不同大钩载荷下绞车的提升能力试验;c) hoisting capacity test

15、of drawworks under different loadd)不同大钩载荷下大钩的工作状况;d) working performance of hook under different loade)井架在不同大钩载荷下的试验;e) derrick test under different loadf)各主要运动部件温升与安全防护性能试验;f) temperature rising and safety performance test of main moving componentg)液压小绞车试验。g) windlass hydraulic pressure test3.1.5水刹

16、车试验或辅助刹车试验。3.1.5hydraulic brake and auxiliary brake test3.1.6转盘连续运转试验。3.1.6 continuous running test of rotary table3.2外围配套部分试验项目及内容peripheral equipment testing item and content3.2 peripheral equipment testing item and content (taking this test when the factory equipped with these equipments )3.2.1几何

17、尺寸、质量测量(如有技术要求做此项):3.2.1 geometry dimension,quality measurement(if any technique requires )用地磅或电子秤称出各外围部件质量,用米尺测量各外围部件的长度、宽度和高度。measure the weight of peripheral equipment with weighbridge or electronic-weighing system, measure the geometry dimension with metric scale, record the length 、width and he

18、ight . 3.2.2电控系统的实验项目及内容:3.2.2 electrical control testing item and contenta)观察各主要运动部件温升与安全防护性。a) inspect temperature rising and safety performance of main moving componentb)各润滑点的润滑情况及密封。b) inspect the lubricated condition of the oil site and capsulation,c)观察发电机的运转速度、电压、频率是否稳定。c) inspect the running

19、speed、voltage and frequency stability of electric generatord)观察节能发电机组的电压、频率是否稳定。d) check out the voltage and frequency stability of energy saving generating sete)观察检查电器接线是否正确可靠,检测线路相互之间、相地之间的绝缘是否符合规定要求。e) testing the reliability of electrical equipment wiring, check out insulation between line and t

20、he earth whether they meet the requirement.f)检测各电机的控制方式是否准确,信号指示和控制对象是否一致。f) testing the control type of electrical machinery whether they are correctly connected. check out signal indicators whether they are accord with controlled objects.g)观察节能发电机的电压、频率是否在正常范围内。g) inspect the voltage and frequency

21、 of energy saving generating set whether they are in the normal range.h)检查干燥机运行是否正常。h) check the drier performance whether it is normal.3.2.3机泵组及固控系统试验项目及内容:3.2.3 pump set and control system testing item and contenta)配套连接件试验。a) necessary junction block testing b)机泵组组装试验。b) pump set assembling testin

22、gc)泥浆罐连接、吸入管汇连接试验。c) pipe manifold joint testing of mud tankd)高压管汇连接试验。d) high-pressure pipe manifold joint testinge)立管组装连接试验。e) standpipe assemble joint testingf)水龙带连接试验。f) drilling hose joint testingg)振动筛、除气器等固控设备的组装试验。g) shale shaker and degasifier equipment assemble testingh)机泵组空转试验。h) pump set

23、motoring testi)机泵组负载试验。i) pump set load testj)固控系统动力设备试验。j) p.e. test of control system 3.2.4井控系统的试验项目及内容:3.2.4 well control system testing item and contenta)防喷器组的安全试验。a) bops safety testb)防喷管汇及防喷管线的连接试验。b) bop pipe manifold and pipeline joint testing.c)井控管汇的组装、连接试验,包括节流管汇、压井管汇和相应的管汇闸阀。c) well contr

24、ol system pipe manifold assemble and joint test ,contain chock manifold、kill manifold and relevant valve manifold.d)防喷设备控制系统的安装与调试。d) bops control system install and debug testing e)井控仪表的安装与调试。e) well control instrument install and debug testing3.2.5井电的试验项目及内容3.2.5 electricity using testing item and

25、 contenta)主机区电器设备用电及控制,如动力机、井架、游动系统、提升系统、钻台、底座、液气路、司钻房、冷却系统、油水罐、钻杆移运盒、消防系统等处电器设备的用电及控制。a) electricity using and control of electrical equipment, such as power machine、derrick 、traveling system 、hoisting system、derrick floor、substructure、hydraulic and pneumatic system、driller cab、water cooling system

26、、oil tank、drill pipe deportion box 、fire fighting system etc.b)机泵组区电器设备用电及控制,如机泵组区照明、喷淋泵电机等。b) electricity using and control of pump set electrical equipment, such as lighting、drench electrical machinery and so on.c)固控系统电器设备用电及控制,如固控区照明、振动筛等动力机的电动机。c) electricity using and control of electrical equi

27、pment control system such as lighting、shale shaker electrical machinery of power machine.d)井控系统电器设备用电及控制。d) electricity using and control of electrical equipment of well control system4试验方法、要求4 testing method and requirement 4.1主机部分的试验方法、要求testing method and requirement of main frame parts 4.1.1几何尺寸

28、、质量测量及整机组装4.1.1 measure the geometry dimension and mass and whole set assemblya)用地磅或电子秤称出主机及各部件质量,用米尺测量各部件及整机的长度、宽度和高度;所测数据填入表7。a) measure the weight of peripheral equipment with weighbridge or electronic-weighing system, measure the geometry dimension with metric scale, record the length 、width and

29、 height .record the data in table 7.b)按图样或协议要求,将钻修机及外围设备组装完整,各控制系统、泥浆泵组、泥浆循环系统、mcc房、水罐值班房、油罐及高架油箱等附件安装到位。b) assemble the drilling rig 、workover and ancillary equipment completely according to the drawing and agreement requirements .install every necessary equipment in position such as control system

30、 、mud pump set、mud circular system、mcc cab 、water tank lab house、plattable oil tank etc.4.1.2空载荷试验4.1.2 no-load testing试验前准备工作4.1.2.1 arrangement before testinga)各润滑点加注润滑油或润滑脂,各油、水箱加足油料、软化淡水,确保整机组装完好后,启动发动机进行空载试验;检查发动机声响、排烟、发热等是否正常。a) apply some grease to every oil site, fill with every oil

31、and water tank, soften fresh water, begin to no load of motor after whole set has completely assembled.check out normal noise 、smoking and radiation.b)主机各传动装置,运转应平稳,不允许有冲击性噪声和不均匀响声,正常情况下噪声不得高于85db(a)。整机震动振幅小于5mm。密封部位不允许渗漏;检查各操作控制机构的灵敏性和可靠性。b)every transmission drive must running stably ,do not allow

32、 any shocking noise or fluctuating noise, the normal noise db doesnt exceed 85db(a).the amplitude of whole set is less than 5mm. dont allow any leakage on seal parts. take sensitivity and reliability test of all operation controls.c)启动液压站,各管路及液压油缸(如液压猫头)等充满液压油,活塞杆全部伸出(此时液压缸应撤离工作位置)憋压,当压力表显示系统压力为14mp

33、a时,保压5min,不允许有压降和渗漏,各执行机构和元件的操作是否可靠,检查于指示名牌标识的一致性。c) startup hydraulic pressure unit, every pipeline and oil cylinder (such as hydraulic pressure cathead) fill with hydraulic oil. piston rod extends completely (oil cylinder must remove from work position at this time) and lays up pressure. keep the

34、pressure 5min when the pressure gauge indicates 14mpa. dont allow any drawdown or leakage. take correct operation of every operator element and check out the accordance of nameplate logotype.d)启动压风机,气路系统在各用元件充气情况下,当气压在0.70.8mpa时,保压5min,压降不得大于0.03mpa。检查各执行元件的操作是否灵敏、可靠,检查与指示名牌标识的一致性。d) startup air com

35、pressor, every unit fills with air ,keep it for 5min when the pressure reaches 0.70.8mpa.and pressure drawdown doesnt exceed 0.03mpa. inspect the sensitivity and reliability of every operation steps. makes sure whether they are accordant with nameplate logotype.e)在冷却水箱内注入2/3容积的淡水,打开阀门,接通水泵电机电路,(或挂合水

36、泵)循环水应能顺利流畅地在刹车毂内流动:循环水循环15分钟,水箱、各阀件、管线及刹车毂循环水道等不允许渗漏。断开水泵电机电路,(或摘开水泵离合)循环水停止。e) fill in 2/3 volume fresh water in water cooling tank. open the valve, put the electrical machinery electric circuit through (or hanger the water pump clutch) ,and make sure that circuit water can move easily and smoothl

37、y in the brake hub. keep for 15min and dont allow any leakage of water tank 、every valve、pipeline 、circuit waterway of brake hub. cut down the electrical machinery electric circuit of water pump (or release the water pump clutch), stopping the circuit water.井架起、放、伸、缩试验4.1.2.2 hoisting, droppi

38、ng ,extending ,shrinking test of derrick4.井架起升4. hoisting of derrick a)井架在起升前,确认在井架上不得有任何异物。井架上的紧固件不得有任何松动。确认完成后方可起升井架。a) make sure there isnt any crud on the derrick before hoisting it. dont allow any loosen of every fastening piece on the derrick. then you can hoist it.b)操作起升液缸换向阀。提升

39、阀手柄加压至2mpa,打开控制起升缸排气开关阀,反复数次,确保油缸中的空气排净,然后关闭开关阀,提起阀手柄,起升缸缓慢伸出。b) operate reversing valve of raising hydraulic cylinder. operate poppet valve handle pressurizing to 2mpa, open the air discharge switching valve, repeat it for many times, make sure cleaning out the air in oil cylinder ,then close switc

40、hing valve, pulling up poppet valve, raising cylinder extending slowly.c)起升缸伸出的顺序是中缸、内缸、活塞杆,否则应立即停止起升、排除故障后方可继续进行。c) raising cylinder extends in order: middle cylinder, inner cylinder and then piston rod, stop raising it when it doesnt follow this order. carry on after troubleshooting.d)待井架下体起升至工作位置

41、时,带紧锁死螺栓。d) lock the bolt tightly after the derrick lower part reaches the work position.e)控制阀手柄置中位。e) control valve ladle puts in neutral shift.伸出上体井架4. extending upper section of derrick a)开启针阀;a)startup needle valveb)操作伸缩缸控制阀,使伸缩缸能够缓慢上升300mm400mm,观察无窜动现象后再继续让其上升;若有窜动现象,则爬上井架从伸缩缸顶部

42、丝堵放气。在上升的过程中,要注意扶正器是否工作正常,当扶正器不能及时打开时,应立即停止伸缩井架;b)operate the control valve of extendible cylinder, make it raise for 300mm400mm,continue raising it after inspecting it of no jumping, otherwise clamber on the derrick and release some gas from extendible cylinder. make sure the normal condition of ce

43、ntering device when raising, you must stop extending derrick at once if centering device cant unfold in time.c)待上节井架伸出至高于承载座位置50mm左右时把阀手柄置中位,待承载块全部伸出,然后打开针阀,上节井架缓慢下放,使承载块全部座在承载座上,关闭针阀;c) when upper derrick extend about 50mm higher then bearing base, pull the handle of operating valve to the neutral

44、position, then open the pin valve, the upper derrick will falling down slowly to make the load-bearing block seats on the bearing seat completely; close the needle valve.d)在伸出井架同时,应注意操作绞车,使游车大钩接近钻台面;d) it should pay attention to release the brake in time when extend the upper derrick to make the hoo

45、k block blocks near to the bottom.e)爬上井架,插上防爆插销及承载机构安全销,接好井架照明系统;e)a person worn the safety-belt climbs on the derrick, thread the safety pin of the load-bearing device, insert the electric circuit anti-explosion bolt and switch on the illumination and signal circuit brake pull-bar to the high-posit

46、ion brake.f)安装二层台栏杆。f) install the handrail of the racking platform4.缩回井架上体41.2.2.3 derrick upper section retractinga)上井架,拆卸二层台栏杆,踏板翻转至非工作状态。a) disassemble railing of racking platform , turnover footboard to un-working condition.b)爬上井架,摘开井架照明电路插销。b) climb on the derrick, take off the plug of

47、illumination electric circuitc)将伸缩缸控制阀手柄从中位抬起,使上节井架伸出50mm100mm,在承载块缩回后,打开针阀,上节井架缓慢缩回,使上节井架安全缩回后,关闭针阀。c) pull the handle operating valve handle of extendible cylinder to the neutral position, make upper derrick raise for 50mm100mm, open needle valve after load-bearing block has retracted, upper derri

48、ck retracts slowly. close needle valve after upper derrick has completely retracted.放倒井架4. derrick loweringa)打开井架锁死螺栓;a) remove the tightening deadlocked bolt b)操纵起升液缸换向阀。提升阀手柄加压至2mpa,打开控制起升缸排气开关阀,反复数次,确保油缸中的空气排净,然后关闭开关阀,压下阀手柄,井架平稳放倒。b) operate raising hydraulic cylinder reversing va

49、lve. operate poppet valve handle pressurizing to 2mpa, open the air discharge switching valve, repeat it for many times, make sure cleaning out the air in oil cylinder ,then close switching valve, pull down valve handle, lowing derrick slowly.c)起升缸缩回的顺序是活塞杆、内缸、中缸,否则应停止缩回、排除故障。c) raising cylinder ret

50、racts in order: piston rod, inner cylinder ,and then middle cylinder, top raising it when it doesnt follow this order. carry on after troubleshooting.d)操作主滚筒使大钩落在大钩托架盒上;d) operate main drum and make hook lowdown on the hook carriage box.e)待井架放倒至在前支架上方约200500mm时,减慢下放速度,使井架头枕缓慢落在前支架上。e)slow down when

51、derrick lowering about 200500mm above front bracket, making derrick saver lowdown on the front bracket.井架起升放到实验不得少于10次4. the mast raising and laying down test should not be less than 10 .井架起升放到实验不得少于10次the mast raising and laying down test should not be less than 10 .钻台起升4.1.2

52、.3 derrick floor lifting a)按照图纸要求,检查各部销轴等部件,对于不同的钻台,采用不同的起升方式;a) inspect all the peg and axle according to drawing. adopt different lifting type for different derrick floor .b)起升时必需按规定吊点吊装,同时安装防喷器移运装置,要求安装正确、可靠;b) hoisting the hoist point according to regulation when lifting, installing bop deportio

53、n equipment correctly and reliably .c)按照图纸装配钻杆滑道,要求各旋转、运动部件灵活、可靠,与钻台接触良好。c) assemble slideway according to drawing, keep moving components agilely and reliably, well contacted with derrick floor.绞车运转试验4.1.2.4 running test of draw works a)传动平稳性:发动机以额定转速运转,分别在各档下驱动滚筒(档除外)。游车大钩做全行程起落3次,滚筒应运转平稳,无

54、异常声响。a) transmission steady: motor runs at rated velocity, and drives drum at every shifts(except shift ).drum must not have any abnormal noise and run steady when it drives hook block up and down 3 times for total path.b)排绳整齐:在上述(1)条件试验中,滚筒上缠绕的钢丝绳应排列整齐,无乱绳、背绳现象。b) wire line arranges in order: accor

55、ding to above testing term (1), wire line must arrange in order on the drum, dont allow any random or lee wire line.天车防碰试验4.1.2.5 crown block anti- collision testing a)在满足h试验条件下,进行天车防碰试验。a) take crown block anti- collision testing under testing h term .b)过圈式天车防碰试验:调整天车防碰肘阀阀柄至安全位置,滚筒分别以低档和高档提升

56、游车大钩,当主滚筒所卷钢丝绳圈数超过规定圈数时,防碰天车装置应在规定位置可靠地使主滚筒制动,且其制动时间不超过1.5s。b) over-ring crown block anti- collision testing: put the crown block anti- collision valve to safe position. drum hoists hook block at lower and higher shift velocity. crown block saver must brake the main drum reliably at certain position

57、 ,and the brake time must keep over 1.5s,when wire line turns have exceed the limit.游车大钩下落试验4.1.2.6 drop test of hook block a)提升游车大钩至最高位置,待游车大钩静止无摆动后,松开滚筒刹车,游车大钩应自由顺利下落。a) lift the hook block to highest position keeping steady and no bobbing, loosen drum brake ,the hook must drop easily and successfully.b)水龙头、水龙带、泥浆立管连接试验,液气大钳、钻杆钳相对、操作试验。各连接出无渗漏,各工作件正常工作。b)


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